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Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

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Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I check for updates everyday so I want to thank you for your hard work and amazing game. You are sitting on a winner so congratulations :D

Can't wait for the Feb update so please continue with everything and hope it all goes for the best my friend :D
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

If the demo is any indication, this will be one of the greats.

I love your host character even though her name is tough for me right this second.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I put three bucks forward for ya after that im broke :D
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Short-ish version: Well, I got to say I'm exceedingly impressed with the game. It plays extremely well, and the aesthetics are pretty nice. The stage music (outside of fights) is extremely lovely and the rest is good. The scene animation is godlike and I adore how you still get the scene even if you resist. Dialog is off putting. Overall amazed, actually subscribed to the Patreon despite my dislike for the format.

Long version: It's so nice to see an h-game that plays this well. I especially like how you can use different fighting approaches (while it wasn't as optimal as the Flaming Deathcopters of Absolute Doom, maxing out the beam of light attack and cast speed is actually both fun and effective when having 8 beams of light out at once for example). I like angels and the colorful approach. The music is great. I like how you can get a scene during battles, instead of pushing the "losing on purpose".

Stupidly enough, what impressed me most about the h-scene is Siggy's eyes and expressions. I was trying to resist, the little monster icon thing went by her face, and her eyes shifted to throw the player an absolutely perfect "Are you actually going to do something" look? Followed by a "are you happy with yourself?" look after I lost, enough to actually make me feel bad about it even though I did try my hardest to get her out of it. The animations themselves are probably the best I've ever seen overall. I didn't particularly like the clickfest for the Resist part, but I read in previous comments that's getting changed anyway so I won't harp on it.

On the more negative side, the constant dialog about "my incredibly large manhood" and "how much Malakai wants me" is... unsettling is the best term for it I guess. I want to play as Siggy to help her on her quest, not as an "offscreen massively endowed and handsome male". I understand who the main audience is and how the game was designed with this in mind so I know I'll have to live with it, but I can't help but at least comment about how I feel that this is alienating to part of your potential audience. Considering just how amazing everything else I can overlook that though (proven by the fact I did join the Patreon after all). At least there's an handful of funny moments that come from it (like the whole "Remember to think of me... Well, think of Siggy too, but less").

I'm amazed that this is made with flash: I always associated (wrongly obviously) Flash games with small, simple games where even right-click can't be used.

TL;DR: Game good, take my money.
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Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I agree that this game is really well done and the animations are very good.

The only problem that i have is that even if i try to resist i fail since the "siggy" bar fills slowly and the other one fills tremendously fast, but still very enjoyable

On the more negative side, the constant dialog about "my incredibly large manhood" and "how much Malakai wants me" is... unsettling is the best term for it I guess. I want to play as Siggy to help her on her quest, not as an "offscreen massively endowed and handsome male". I understand who the main audience is and how the game was designed with this in mind so I know I'll have to live with it, but I can't help but at least comment about how I feel that this is alienating to part of your potential audience.

Yeah i had the same sensation, still i think they made that since is just a demo, maybe in the final game the dialogues would be less weird to read and just funny or serious, who knows
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Just waiting for another update to prove that the creator is actually this awesome before I throw in my 100$ pledge..
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Don't want to be that guy but wasn't the update suppose to come early february? Also great work with the game dude
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

This is kinda what I feared..
I didn't want to back unless I knew things were going forward, and I feel like this is too ambitious of a project because it's too amazing.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

He posted in the comment section of the previous update, apparently due to him moving recently or something like that he hasn't been able to update his Patreon, but it seemed like the next version was near completion. Guy's not MIA, they've just been busy is all.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I love this game, and want to support this developer, but that's not an excuse.

You're being paid to make the game. Real life happens, people move, ect.

Yeah that happens in the real world too, with a real nine to five office job, or seven to eleven fast food job.

Didn't mean to rant.

I love this game and this art.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I have personal contact with the guy; he's been moving into a new house, as well as recovering from an extremely bad case of gastrointestinal problems (we're talking bodily destruction bad, not your run of the mill taco bell bad).

Guy is a hard as hell worker, I promise he's not screwing around or anything like that, and he'll be right back on giving updates ASAP.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

I have personal contact with the guy; he's been moving into a new house, as well as recovering from an extremely bad case of gastrointestinal problems (we're talking bodily destruction bad, not your run of the mill taco bell bad).

Guy is a hard as hell worker, I promise he's not screwing around or anything like that, and he'll be right back on giving updates ASAP.

Can confirm, he's worth the wait
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Is anything happening with this game? It's been over 4 months since new content...and the author hasn't posted for over a month now on patreon
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

He posted about 2 weeks ago, and has been actively responding to comments on Patreon. Most recent response was 4 days ago, saying that he's pushing his ass everyday to get the next demo out this month.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

He posted about 2 weeks ago, and has been actively responding to comments on Patreon. Most recent response was 4 days ago, saying that he's pushing his ass everyday to get the next demo out this month.

^ this, I talk to him every day, he's working his ass off.
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Of course he is working his ass off, i don't think anyone is saying otherwise i mean after all there is no denying that he makes 8k per month with this(correct me if i am wrong :) ) . But 4 months are 4 months, ok he had real life issues and then what ? Couple of bugs he can't fix ? Come on let's talk about it i mean to me it is just another case of an awesome game that will proly take years to finish or before it is finished it will proly end up abandoned due to him losing passion or interest in what he is doing or things like that. Happens to almost every good game i know that is still in developement, it might not be the case with this but one thing is for sure, i was gonna support him but i'll hold my money for now and i will just wait and see how things will go with this game.
(i hope i wrote everything clear since english is not my first language :) )
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Of course he is working his ass off, i don't think anyone is saying otherwise i mean after all there is no denying that he makes 8k per month with this(correct me if i am wrong :) ) . But 4 months are 4 months, ok he had real life issues and then what ? Couple of bugs he can't fix ? Come on let's talk about it i mean to me it is just another case of an awesome game that will proly take years to finish or before it is finished it will proly end up abandoned due to him losing passion or interest in what he is doing or things like that. Happens to almost every good game i know that is still in developement, it might not be the case with this but one thing is for sure, i was gonna support him but i'll hold my money for now and i will just wait and see how things will go with this game.
(i hope i wrote everything clear since english is not my first language :) )

I think that is a healthy attitude, and I doubt he would begrudge you for doing that. You should only contribute to Patreon if you are comfortable doing so. That is the beauty of the system, you can contribute what you want. If you don't like the idea of funding development, most of these games are going to be released free, and those that aren't, you can buy upon completion. It is a win-win.

I'm in the same boat as you, I love what I've seen, but I'll wait until I feel comfortable pledging. I pretty much do the same for every new developer. There is just so much that goes into game development, that for many of these first time attempts, I want to see concrete progress before I commit to any form of monthly pledging. Still, this is one of the top 3 games I'm waiting for. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see the next release!
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Of course he is working his ass off, i don't think anyone is saying otherwise i mean after all there is no denying that he makes 8k per month with this(correct me if i am wrong :) ) . But 4 months are 4 months, ok he had real life issues and then what ? Couple of bugs he can't fix ? Come on let's talk about it i mean to me it is just another case of an awesome game that will proly take years to finish or before it is finished it will proly end up abandoned due to him losing passion or interest in what he is doing or things like that. Happens to almost every good game i know that is still in developement, it might not be the case with this but one thing is for sure, i was gonna support him but i'll hold my money for now and i will just wait and see how things will go with this game.
(i hope i wrote everything clear since english is not my first language :) )
well have you donated to his Patreon? just a little clarification there?
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Come on let's talk about it i mean to me it is just another case of an awesome game that will proly take years to finish or before it is finished it will proly end up abandoned due to him losing passion or interest in what he is doing

I pretty much do the same for every new developer.

Just to be clear, if you guys checked out his personal blog and stuff, ViperV has completed and shipped 20+ games already, with 7 of them being one-man projects, and has been making games for well over a decade, so this isn't his first time around; I don't think there's anything to worry about when it comes to him burning out or giving up. :p
Re: Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

Just to be clear, if you guys checked out his personal blog and stuff, ViperV has completed and shipped 20+ games already, with 7 of them being one-man projects, and has been making games for well over a decade, so this isn't his first time around; I don't think there's anything to worry about when it comes to him burning out or giving up. :p

I was not aware of that, my apologies. With the number of new developers appearing (which I believe is a great thing!), I had just assumed he was new as well. You know what they say about assumptions...

Anyways, that's awesome. I'll peruse his other stuff when I have time. It does inspire confidence that he knows what it'll take to get this done.
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