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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah. My thoughts on Fritillaria's skill are that I would just rather have something like Cattleya's skill. I understand that her ratio is probably highest for an entire enemy attack skill, but her stats aren't exactly the highest and she has to build up to a +30% attack buff? Pretty lame. She's at least got the best uniform of all the knights, I think (it's totally the hat... and the thigh highs.... and the boots.... and the gloves... and the dress... and the cape).
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

At least her second passive is a +15% party attack buff, so if you get lucky and the 4 girls before her proc their skills, she's at a +23% attack buff? That's close to Cattleya's +27% with some fortuitous RNG, lol. A lot of passives seem to have been designed under the assumption fights would last us more than 2 turns on average.

At least it's more useful than +% damage to raid bosses, though... Talk about a completely wasted passive slot. Maybe if bosses in maps counted as raid bosses for the sake of the passive...
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So, I found this wikia on FKG and was wondering if some other people would like to help adding information to it.

I added a few things here and there, but I don't see how it will ever be useful without a bit of help.

Here's a sample character page, that I drafted up using some templates someone else had been playing around with way before me. Of course, they aren't 100% what they were anymore, but I think the result is quite good.

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Has anyone see For me i dont realy believe it but im tempting to try it :eek:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Has anyone see For me i dont realy believe it but im tempting to try it :eek:

Well, at 0.5% chance of pulling a rainbow, I guess you should only expect 1 every 200 character pulls as your pulls approach infinity. I don't know how it would all actually play out for their system though, since computers don't have true randomness. This guy definitely hit some gold in his digging, though.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So, I found this wikia on FKG and was wondering if some other people would like to help adding information to it.

I added a few things here and there, but I don't see how it will ever be useful without a bit of help.

I believe a few people over on the Himeuta forums were talking about adding info to this particular wikia as well a week or so ago. Formatting for wikis is probably the most annoying part, personally. I might put some time in with some details if I get in the mood, but no promises.

Has anyone see For me i dont realy believe it but im tempting to try it :eek:

Just check out the simulated FKG gacha roller here: . Try your luck there with a few thousand free clicks and see how much you still feel like going for a big gamble. ;)

I think 12 rolls in a row with them all <5* is my record for bad luck so far... Really hoping I don't see that in my actual rolls, I think I'd die a little inside.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well i actualy talking about the video description, 3 rainbow in a row well that's kinda makes me believe that this method work. But idk ima try it soon as i get 50 medal, well i do love gambling but in gambling like blackjack and stuff there are thing that manipulated the system like counting and stuff. And thanks for the gacha simulator tho
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well server up and the new system is combine accesory to lvl them up...
While i'm not exactly sure how it, so far from what i notice is just lving accesory by feeding it more accesory.

Appearently feeding the same type accesory will give more exp / if atk accesory with another atk accesory it also give more exp (atk bracelet with earing)
Using higher + with lower + doesn't seem to effect the exp difference.

I tried making 1 silver bracelet +10 to max lvl 40 the atk become 1507...
After done testing i believe the 1st priorty accesory to lvl is the gold necklace
as for me i think i will spread lving all accesory to lvl 15 or 20 the 1 with +10

PS: you can use the old accesory seed as fodder exp
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I tried making 1 silver bracelet

This is the ring! *facepalm* RING! You continue to confuse people.
There is only ONE bracelet - blue. And there is only ONE RING - silver!
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

This is the ring! *facepalm* RING! You continue to confuse people.
There is only ONE bracelet - blue. And there is only ONE RING - silver!

okok my bad >.<
it looks like bracelet cuz its so big :p

then to correct myself i made a +10 silver bra...cer.... ops i mean ring to max lvl 40 and the atk become 1507
The golden necklase from the hard daily boss fight alcso increase alot of stat specialy both atk and def... but the coloured ring with special effect can't be upgraded.
As for character specific earing from quest the stat up from it kind of abit low, but either way i believe this equip will stick to ur char forever as the picture in front seem there going to be golden version soon ?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

This Halloween update, I'm in love with the girls <3
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I was bored and checked all gacha tabs, saw that Bunny Girl, said, fuck it, rolled and got her. The dream.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Saw the new halloween girls and figured I wanted to try to get one of them.

I was so happy to find my first rainbow girl. :D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Saw the new halloween girls and figured I wanted to try to get one of them.

I was so happy to find my first rainbow girl. :D

Congratulations! Pepo's animations are all super cute and her skills/stats are pretty good to boot. Without a doubt, she is the highlight of this event. :)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Gratz on the rainbow...
I also roll for this gacha girl and got the witch 1...

At least there 5 star in it after 5x 11 roll in row never got 5* >.<
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

After all the hard work put into my Cactus. she finally reach her max stat after feeding all the 3 different ampule. I guess none of the other chara can beat her 3000 def now.

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

After all the hard work put into my Cactus. she finally reach her max stat after feeding all the 3 different ampule. I guess none of the other chara can beat her 3000 def now.


haha. I was reading your post casually and then got to "3000 def" and said it louder and exasperated. It felt scripted.

Here's a "highest attack" comparison. er... I think she has the highest attack anyway.


This Halloween update, I'm in love with the girls <3

I agree with this.

Pepo's animations are all super cute and her skills/stats are pretty good to boot. Without a doubt, she is the highlight of this event. :)

and this...

Saw the new halloween girls and figured I wanted to try to get one of them.

I was so happy to find my first rainbow girl. :D

and holy hell grats. she is super cute.

Gratz on the rainbow...
I also roll for this gacha girl and got the witch 1...

At least there 5 star in it after 5x 11 roll in row never got 5* >.<

Ah. I got the witch as well, and wanted either of the other girls more than her. But I suppose I should be grateful I got any of them at all... oh well.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

No such luck in getting 5* or 6* girls for me still since a month ago. Could do 6 rolls and got 2 silver and 4 bronze girls... ah well, one day a second 6* will come~ One day........ ;_;
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Here's a "highest attack" comparison. er... I think she has the highest attack anyway.


Ah. I got the witch as well, and wanted either of the other girls more than her. But I suppose I should be grateful I got any of them at all... oh well.

can actually get higher base attack, a whole whopping 72 higher. As for the highest base attack after counting personal buffs... Maple edges out Black Baccara by like 5 attack (~8777 to ~8772). Dogwood hits a whopping ~9553 Attack after 3 solar drive uses with her passive...

This is the first gacha event in a while where I haven't felt compelled to do a batch roll... I think that's largely because the preview of upcoming characters from the stream had some pretty good-lookin' Christmas-themed girls I'm more interested in.

I'm wondering how much longer they're going to keep slot unlocks gated behind finding the same character... Upgraded equipment lets event girls catch up to even 6*'s in terms of overall power by virtue of having 3 extra slots to equip it in. My Hypericum's at +2600 Attack and +1100 Defence from equipment and she doesn't even have her quest earrings yet, but those'll be released soon.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

can actually get higher base attack, a whole whopping 72 higher. As for the highest base attack after counting personal buffs... Maple edges out Black Baccara by like 5 attack (~8777 to ~8772). Dogwood hits a whopping ~9553 Attack after 3 solar drive uses with her passive...

This is the first gacha event in a while where I haven't felt compelled to do a batch roll... I think that's largely because the preview of upcoming characters from the stream had some pretty good-lookin' Christmas-themed girls I'm more interested in.

I'm wondering how much longer they're going to keep slot unlocks gated behind finding the same character... Upgraded equipment lets event girls catch up to even 6*'s in terms of overall power by virtue of having 3 extra slots to equip it in. My Hypericum's at +2600 Attack and +1100 Defence from equipment and she doesn't even have her quest earrings yet, but those'll be released soon.

uwaa... well... uh... anyway... Hypericum seems to be popular as a strong Flower Knight, no?

If someone could help with the details of the "Haunted Pumpkin" stuff you get from this event... I mean, the ring that is in the shop currently.... do the other pieces appear when you buy a piece? or is it a set date thing? Basically I would like to roll the 50 gacha again, so I'd like to not use any stones on the event, if I can help it.