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[DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

When the game was released I had collected all of the CG's, but then I decided to go to sleep and then next morning someone else beat me to it :(

The PR's are pretty crazy though. I pretty much just rely on them for all the harder dungeons...it's sad.
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Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Anya Dungeon, why are you lagging like crazy and won't let me login? D:
*sweat drops* Way to beat Asagi and Aigis on 2nd day of release.
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

You do realize R chance is 75% right? You are considered unlucky only if you get 3x Rs from the 3 easily gotten free tickets. (Which has a 42% chance of occuring)
yep. 3 straight Rs from 3 first tickets for me.
How lucky. This game will be pretty challenging
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

4 Rs from 5 tickets so far. Well not that I can complain :).
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

4 Rs from 5 tickets so far. Well not that I can complain
You don't have the right to complain. (Since your first was a PR)

Pro failing is getting all R's with free tickets so far.
I am getting there, with first of my ticket being SR.

Wiki has been added to first page. Pretty fast this time around~
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Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Kalebon will be the name I will be using in game as usual for me :p
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Friend list updated:

Skill has been translated on the first post, please refer to the same gallery as translated interface. (Starting from #11)

Updated introduction.
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess


Why all of us got the same PR :confused: May be she is the easiest to get from 3 XD.

Anyone pass 5 vivi? subdue sub quest in 15-ap water dungeon? Never found another after the one from main quest.

dunno if we have to do that quest to unlock other quests.
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

That quest wasn't do-able before the patch yesterday. Now you can complete it, or it shows as completed if you run that dungeon enough times.
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess


Haha, got that one as well as a UR.

I don't know if she's easy to get, but a 2% chance, and in the damned Aigis I have never drawn a Black unit...
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Btw on the guide screens i see flash player. HOW???
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Btw on the guide screens i see flash player
Because I use flash player to play it like KanColle.
You need to refer to KanColle wiki to figure out how that works, and never share your API link
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

i always wondered if its possible to text hook a browser game like this, though chrome opens up too many other sub processes for me to try

also do you have a specific page for telling how to do the flash thing? i tried looking but i'm not sure if i'm looking at the right place or even the right wiki
and i wonder if there's a way to text hook the game if you use a standalone flash player

ign: xRein
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Same concept as playing the game without vpn, except for this game it's open social owner id.

No idea in terms of text-hook, I don't use it.
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

I only managed to draw R's :(

Btw do they have the full maps for each dungeon on the wiki?
PR's only have so much MP and while it's great that they can one-shot everything for me so far in higher-level dungeons, I can't fight too many battles lol
Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess

Same concept as playing the game without vpn, except for this game it's open social owner id.

No idea in terms of text-hook, I don't use it.

tyvm for helping, also i was able to text hook the flash player using ITH, so your help right now just became a god send XD (though what is hooked is really messy)

all these dmm games i played before but lost interest, wonder how much text hooking so i know 50% of what's happening would've helped (well couldnt be helped in lord of valk though, after just getting 3 good cards nothing else to do)
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Re: [DMM] Maze Exploration - Dragon Princess


How to complete this quest ?

I fused girl many time while this quest is activate but could not complete it.