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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Is there any way to increase inventory space for cards outside of buying DMM points?
And are Tamaki,Shadmalice,Shapphires,Ultimaya,Ceasar and Lucy Far(the normal one) worth keeping?

My current team is 2 Elfellas 2 Akenos 1 Yoshitune 1 Cleopatra and 1 Oda Nobunaga, should i change anything about it?
Realizer's(?) (The green haired woman) stage is really hard with the red knights blocking elfellas arrows.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, the swimsuit Lucy has big boobs, that itself is a lot better than the original xD. Gameplay wise, she has about the same move and attack speed as the normal one I think but hits harder and more HP. Also, I'm not sure as google translations aren't clear but I think when upgraded she is inmune to knockback or something like that. And, it seems to me that for a SR card she has a short cooldown. I got the 3 girls and then I just farmed exp on Lucy stage, sadly I didn't get another :rolleyes:

From the new event, hotness-wise I want the Frankengirl (don't remember her name now), then the cat girl and I've not much interest on Carmilla. Gameplay-wise, the cat girl seems to be a support type because she doesn't seem to do anything when I get closer, so I don't know, so does Carmilla, though I thought I saw her do something once so maybe she's medium range. Frankengirl it's melee, has high knockback and I think she hits multiple enemies, so she also seems to be useful. I'll check the wiki later.

In the normal scenarios I'm currently at Mai's scenario and I can't get past her first stage o_O. I always have problems with the futuristic minions type, the melee blonde has lot of knockback, and the shooters are extremely annoying. I tried a full flght deck and I still got creamed by the melee minions...any recommendations? :(

The sniper military girl attack can't be blocked by those knights, if you want to use long range support. I find that it's just better to go full melee. Last time I had to fight those I used Marte for cannon fodder, yoshitsune, nobunaga, ranmaru, cleo and the nurse. I think I used Monster Hunter K too, love that knockback and range.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

odd that they are having Halloween 2 months early but oh well.

anyway i don't think it is a cat girl but rather a fox girl miko with only one tail.
as for her ability she can boost attack, defense, or speed. i know this because i happened to nab her after emptying my stamina bar 3 times on her stage.

i don't have the frakengirl yet but from what i seen she is a AOE melee fighter that causes slow on hit as well. on another note i was rather disturbed with her initial win rape scene. the tentacle rips out her neck bolt and then screws her in the hole left while she bleeds green.

i have no clue what the vampire does so i am saving her for last.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I just checked the wiki and the first girl is actually a wolf.

This is what I understood:

Okami Otoko

She's support, her skill is "Paper Fortune", her buff it's random and it can be a negative buff. I think they say that her buffs are stronger to make up for it. Still, in my opinion, would only use her with the other one that cures abnormal status and even so, I think I will stick with Cleopatra or the nurse...

Carmilla Lee

She has warp (evolved version I think), it says her attack is a wave but she doesn't have the AOE skill so I'm not sure, also it says her attack power isn't too high but she gets a buff when killing units.

Franken Thunder Giler

She resists knockback, does knockbacks and has AOE. Evolved she gets another skill that when low HP her attack greatly increases.

So, yes, I still think Franken girl looks like better one and yes, I wasn't too thrilled about the neck rape thing, I don't know if it's worse to think that green stuff was blood or goo (which was what I thought). Hopefully in the full scene they don't focus too much on that.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I personally like Okami Otoko's buffs. She seems to use a positive buff 80% of the time, and should she use a negative one (speed down or attack down), I can use the first skill to push back the front line and make her change the buff. "All stats up" looks really powerful, but it doesn't last long because you just plow through the front line.

Also, she doesn't use the Attack Up buff with its 10x too loud sound effect as often.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, I still haven't got any of the new cards, been busy with other games events that ended first so I just burned my ST when I could and that's it. Now I'm getting my ass in gear and trying hard for Thunder Giller, saw yours and it looks good as I thought. Also, just evolved Swimsuit Lucy...what a disappointing scene...but, funny enough, evolved swimsuit Lucy is actually the answer to my problem with the bazooka fucking minions that have AoE, so I will try again Mai...o Maya...forgot her name...scenario after the event again. :D
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Unevolved Lucy also reflects bullets. What she gains from an evolution is an attack, so she doesn't just stand there doing nothing in projectile-less maps. Or at least I don't remember Lucy ever attacking...

For Maya I brought Jeanne d'Arc because Lucy stands slightly behind your front line and won't be able to reflect everything. I also took a bunch of ranged attackers to deal with the melees.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

how they are doing in the new raid boss event?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

I used Jeanne the first time I tried and still got creamed, her cooldown and speed are kind of slow when the fight is too far away. This time I used Jeanne and Swimsuit Lucy, Ultimea who I just got and her AOE shoot attack is incredibly useful here, and a bunch of other shooter units, won easily. Whenever Jeanne got pushed back Lucy returned all shots and I had enough time to keep at least two Jeannes in the front. Awesome.

I haven't tried the new event because I'm trying to get as much as possible from the Tentacle Kingdom current event that ends in two days, but I did login to see what was it about and...I don't know how to play it. Do I have to play the regular scenarios and I have a random chance to encounter the raid boss? Because on top of the 3 current scenarios I'm at there's some sort of banner that says "event something", I did play a couple of stages and got nothing, so I'm not sure. First raid event I play in Tentacle Tactics...

Also, I saw that at the special scenarios you can play both the ones from the swimsuit event and the last horror event, I guess those who didn't get the cards still have a chance.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

o hai
started playing this game about a week ago..
I got a few quick questions :

1. best way to deal with the SR spam the bosses do on later stages?.. (like srsly 17-6 with the missile invalid+range attack+fly one and 18-6 with the range attack+counter one.. sry for not knowing the names exactly)

2. also what would be an easy to obtain wall char? Some tanky melee I could use as fodder.. I've been using (4x)Shadmalice + (2x)Jean d'arc with not too much success as most range attack spam stages just destroy them at some point.. (also got a few Yoshitsune's.. but they are still low lvl so I got no idea how good they gonna be yet)

3. is there a chance of the SR units dropping their cards in matches? (the non-boss ones like the ones mentioned in my first question)

thy in advance for the answers and sry for the wall of text...

ign: Ruinie (for those who would want to add)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Hey, I'll add you next time I play.

I wouldn't think myself an expert of the game but here are my 2 cents:

1. Can't help at all here, haven't gotten that far yet, with the last two events I just spent all my St playing the last character sixth stage because the exp is always awesome and a lot easier.

2. Haven't tested Shadmalice, Jeanne is very good against shooters but if the shooter has AoE you are better off not using any other melee unit unless it is ranged inmune too (like Swimsuit Lucy, she deflects any ranged attack). Problem is, Jeanne's cooldown and speed aren't too great so it could get hard keeping one or two alive in the front line when the battle is far away from you. Yoshitsune is awesome imho, she's fast, hits hard and has a chance of avoiding any attack, but since it's not 100% I wouldn't use her with Jeanne in an AoE shooter situation neither. In normal situations I just use a stream of max leveled Marte as meat shield/cannon fodder while setting up stronger units: she's fast, attacks fast, very short cooldown and very cheap. Usually I have at least a unit with melee AoE, I started the game with Mahqe...or something like that, but even though her attack power is awesome, she's just too slow at moving and attacking, so I like Ranmaru better (I think it's her name). She attacks faster and if you have a Nobunaga in your party her stats get a boost. I like using Monster Hunter K too, she has high knockback chance, attacks behind your melee fighters but still doesn't count as ranged so it's perfect for the shielded knights, and probably any ranged immune enemy. I always use Cleopatra or the nurse, I kind of like the nurse better, my troops last a lot longer, but she tends to get too close to the fight so it's not good when there is AoE. The sniper girl I think it's a must have, has a loooong range attack, and I'm not sure right now but I think it can't be blocked. Also she likes to hit units behind the enemy front line. Anyway...it really depends on the battle. There are lots of units with cool skills. An evolved Sarutobi has Covert skill, can't be hit while moving. There is a girl with thunder ponytails that also hits from behind your front line and has warp when evolved, so she gets in the fight as soon as summoned.

3. My guess is yes, but you can always look at the wiki in the first post, google translated is easy enough to read, and look for the cards, if it can be dropped they tell you on which stages can be dropped.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What I like to do on tough stages is to wait until the enemy units get close before summoning anything. With the built up energy you'll probably be able to summon 6-7 units at once while the enemy units come one by one. The tentacle dude's attack also helps a bit. With the front line right in your face, units you summon can attack almost immediately. Eventually, your front line should grow strong enough to just plow slowly through the rest of the level. You run the risk of dying quickly if overwhelmed, but then you might be too weak anyway,

Also, brother summons happen more often when enemies are near you, so you could try a hard map and hope somebody comes to kill everything for you.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Shadmalice is like a faster Monster Hunter K, she hits harder from the same range with a slightly faster attack speed and faster movement speed,she lacks the increased knockback and multi-hit but makes up for it with her damage.. so yeah she usually stays behind Jeanne.

But Jeanne can't do much against the range attack SR-s.. they just kill her too fast.

Sadly I doubt marte would do any good.. she gets ohko'd here.. against the zooka(18-6) units she wouldn't get me any time, and on 17-6 most units in the enemy are missile invalid.. hell even Jeanne is getting 2hko'd by Realizer(17-6)(missile invalid-fly-range attack) and Space Police Giruban(18-6)(range attack-counter)...

Currently I usually end up in stalemates in both until I start to spam gungnir in the faces of the SRs or I get some backup from my friend list in those fights /lol

Also my event SR(Carmilla) that I managed to nab somehow isn't really helping..
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

What I like to do on tough stages is to wait until the enemy units get close before summoning anything. With the built up energy you'll probably be able to summon 6-7 units at once while the enemy units come one by one. The tentacle dude's attack also helps a bit. With the front line right in your face, units you summon can attack almost immediately. Eventually, your front line should grow strong enough to just plow slowly through the rest of the level. You run the risk of dying quickly if overwhelmed, but then you might be too weak anyway,

Also, brother summons happen more often when enemies are near you, so you could try a hard map and hope somebody comes to kill everything for you.

Yep, that's something I started doing since Maya stages, it also helps a lot the skill that raises your troops parameter for a while. Usually I wait until I get full energy then I cast the first one, while it wears out I will most likely get the second energy sphere so I can cast it inmediately again. If the fight is hard that's usually the time when I break out and make it directly to the boss/crystal.

Shadmalice is like a faster Monster Hunter K, she hits harder from the same range with a slightly faster attack speed and faster movement speed,she lacks the increased knockback and multi-hit but makes up for it with her damage.. so yeah she usually stays behind Jeanne.

But Jeanne can't do much against the range attack SR-s.. they just kill her too fast.

Sadly I doubt marte would do any good.. she gets ohko'd here.. against the zooka(18-6) units she wouldn't get me any time, and on 17-6 most units in the enemy are missile invalid.. hell even Jeanne is getting 2hko'd by Realizer(17-6)(missile invalid-fly-range attack) and Space Police Giruban(18-6)(range attack-counter)...

Currently I usually end up in stalemates in both until I start to spam gungnir in the faces of the SRs or I get some backup from my friend list in those fights /lol

Also my event SR(Carmilla) that I managed to nab somehow isn't really helping..

I imagined as much from what I saw of Shadmalice when I fought someone that used her, but a big reason I use Monster Hunter K is the knockback, that's why I haven't still tried her.

I think it's weird Jeanne gets so easily killed there, if everything is ranged she should only be vulnerable while attacking. It sounds like maybe Swimsuit Lucy would be useful there, as far as I know she should return every single ranged attack thrown at her, don't know if you managed to get one in the swimsuit event. Or if there aren't AoE ranged attacks there, a flying team, they don't always evade but if there isn't AoE, a hit shouldn't be that troublesome. Carmilla didn't look that good to me, the warp ability was the only thing I thought was good but the thunder ponytail girl is probably more useful. I would say Franken Giller, but she's slow, with that many ranged attack she won't probably even make it to attack. Evolved Sarutobi sounds useful there. Maybe she will get killed relatively fast when she gets to the enemy, but she will get to the enemy and at least attack twice before dying...

EDIT: I checked the wiki and it turns out I'm actually just starting the 17 stage so I checked some more, nope, you can't get Realizer nor Giruban card as a drop, but you can get the bosses cards which are SR too. I'll post here if I manage to find a way to beat them relatively easy.

Just finished 17-6, and honestly, I think most likely you need to level up your units, probably upgrade your tentacle monster too. I made a speedy team for the raid boss and I just used it to fight through stage 17, because I'm lazy and didn't want to be switching teams. The team: Swimsuit Nobunaga, Marte, Ranmaru, Go Red, Sarutobi, Yoshitsune, Biker N°1. Swimsuit Nobunaga was mostly there so Ranmaru gets the boost, the shield knights usually just blocks her attacks and being just evolved she's kind of costly and low level. Biker n°1 (don't remember the full name) is too low level so I just used when I had a meaty front line, Saturobi I just evolved so she was low level too, only used her when I needed to make some bulk fast. My main force was spam Marte and Ranmaru, throw a Go Red and Yoshitsune when I could. Marte is evolved and max level, Ranmaru is evolved and around level 28, Go Red evolved level 20 something, Yoshitsune evolved level 39. Also, the lower obedience level was 5, the main girls were 7-8, Marte is maxed too. (She costs 21 points and has a 3 or 4 second cooldown). My units got killed a lot, but looking at the amount of money I made in that stage (20k), my team did a lot of killing too, and since all of them are fast and mostly cheap, I never ran out of troops at the front line. It did went into some sort of stalemate in the middle of the map at some point in the beginning, but as soon as I got full energy, I could spam the boost parameters skill and it was over for them.

Next stage I will try the same team I used with Maya, since she uses the same minions. Probably the most annoying one will be Giruban.
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well yeah Jeanne is tanky against missile users, while shes not attacking.. mybad should have used different wording (range attack =/= missile)
both Realizer and Giruban are like "lol I hit everything in my range" (like Mahqe), except their damage is ridiculous (realizer outranges my Shadmalices while being missile invalid like Jeanne, and giruban has counter that makes her retaliate all day, again in aoe with stupidly high dmg).

What I like to do on tough stages is to wait until the enemy units get close before summoning anything.
^and yeah, I've been doing this since the beginning but thanks anyways ^^ (played a similar game before)

Gonna try the ParaUP thingy.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Generally, having multiple copies of the same card is nice to have since they lower the cost and cool down. Having multiple copies of Jeanne and Elfella will make a lot of stages quite easy. I also strongly recommend trying to farm for the SR Nobunaga (15-6) in Normal Mode Campaign, she will make nearly all battles very easy including encounters with Realizers. Having low cost low, cool down cards for fodders to protect your main hitters is a nice strategy too for starting out.

I think there's a list somewhere in the first page on cards that are pretty good and easy to get.

Lastly, feel free to add me. My IGN is Oclette. :)
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Well, I just played 18-1 and 18-2, my team seems to work just fine. I realize she doesn't summon Giruban yet, but my guess is she counters just melee attacks, and Jeanne is the only melee fighter I'm using and she's a slow attacker. My team: Swimsuit Lucy (it's just so funny how she destroys them returning the bazooka minions fire xD), Jeanne, Ultimiya, both N Magical girls (they get a parameters boost), Invadia and Cleopatra. The shooters pretty much destroy everything before the melee minions can kill Jeanne too fast and when I get enought points I send Lucy who really mess them up if Jeanne gets pushed back. If you don't have that Lucy, you could always farm 17-6 for the boss, I think Hajune is immune to ranged attacks too.

I won't be playing 18-6 while the raid event is on because I don't want to play harder stages to get the raid boss fights. I will be farming 17-6 for Hajune. Btw, I played it again and it can get tricky, had to deal with 3 Realizers among a bunch of shield knights, got a long fight. I think the key to 17-6 is using pure front melee, knockbacks, and AoE, don't bother with Jeanne here. When the biker girl and Sarutobi get stronger I guess I will have an easier time. If you get the Nobunaga ozms03 mentions, do get a Ranmaru too. At obedience 9 and evolved she costs 45 and has a 5 second cooldown. She attacks fast enough, AoE and the boost she gets from Nobunaga is quite noticeable, so I think for a meat shield unit she's very useful. (And having Nobunaga is already a good thing).

Btw...could someone explain how exactly the event works? I mean, I know how to fight with the raid boss, etc, but how do I get the new cards (Himiko, Jagyu and Ultimiya...some number xD) They don't seem to be a drop, so do I get them after getting certain amount of points or it's just a ranking reward (in which case I'm most likely screwed)?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

what the hell is up with this ParaUP ? srsly.. its like calling in the bear cavalry..
Some ridiculous steamrolling happened after I used it..
ooookay I guess my problems just flew out the window..
(*sound of glass breaking* ..oops forgot to open the window..)

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

what the hell is up with this ParaUP ? srsly.. its like calling in the bear cavalry..
Some ridiculous steamrolling happened after I used it..
ooookay I guess my problems just flew out the window..
(*sound of glass breaking* ..oops forgot to open the window..)


Congrats for get a Un=Known :)
Already I lost count of how long I'm trying to get her. XD
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Congrats for get a Un=Known :)
Already I lost count of how long I'm trying to get her. XD

On the other hand my problem with the walls is just getting bigger.. (rolled away over 9000 rp and I ended up with 3 vipers..)
So now its a triangle between the Malices-Yoshitsunes-Vipers...
..and im getting a pack of Sasukes from 15-6..

I got a reeeeally stupid question (been lurking the wiki).. what does "enhanced version" mean ?
(example Carmilla has Warp skill in her enhanced version, how is this supposed to work ?)
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