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[DMM] X-Overd

Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Wind element wouldn't be much of a problem, lots of Rati friends, and water units still work. If its thunder, however, RIP my Riri and Karue and I have only one helper with very underlevelled wind unit.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

And of course Second Trial is thunder element.
At least there's Echidna event dungeon + Echidna appearance rates 2x + new limited Echidna Queen GK. Echidna Nest dungeon also has limited chance of dropping Lapis (R) job.

There's 5 crystals + Sefira (R) for 100 DMM points deal, bought it myself because why not.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

thats nice of them to drop lapis in the dungeon since shes a wind element healer not that I need her anymore since I got 2 SR lapis with my first roll also gave me 2 SSR of that water office lady with the spear my 2nd roll was this

pretty happy about the sefira now Im gonna save my last 60 crystals in hopes of them releasing that pirate looking chick from the promotion video
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

not that I need her anymore since I got 2 SR lapis with my first roll
Umm, you know that maxing out one job is giving permanent bonus to unit not matter whether said job is active, right?
In particular, at R (of, if available, UC) 50 character gets second accessory slot released, so its important to LB and maxlevel cheapest rarity job for unit you plan to use.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

OK i hate my roll... Did 15 roll (75 diamond)
and all i got is 3 copy of the same unit SSR aka no new unit at all.
Additionaly those 3 unit is the 1 i didn't use (ninja, green girl with slingshotgun, blue girl with spear)

So i tried fighting the thunder boss before they took it off... it was fun or mroe like way too overkill -.-
1st turn - tank paralyst
2nd turn - tank nuked 900 dmg
3rd turn - AoE 2-3k dmg (yay all death except the man)
4th turn - poison the assist
5th turn - self heal 50 ? wth
6th turn - single hit kill my last unit and fail !!

Strategy to kill 2nd boss (thunder)
Get Kupika with lvl 54 skill for 1st move --> sleep = cancel boss atk
Get the gardener to restore her MP back up, done
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

2nd limited boss thunder - Challenge cleared

The Weapon in question
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Does anyone know the recommend char.lv. of Kupika to fight the thunder boss?? My own Kupika is still under level so I have to relied on friends but I found that some of lv.30-40 (job 54+) Kupika happen to be slower than the Boss. So I want to be sure to pick the right Kupika to fight him or I'm gonna waste my force again. :confused:
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Maxed one:


@Zelretchs Speed does not increase from level ups. Use boots accessory instead. Only job level matters to unlock Kupika's Eiya-, unless you severely lack damage and a stronger Kupika to contribute.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Maxed one:


@Zelretchs Speed does not increase from level ups. Use boots accessory instead. Only job level matters to unlock Kupika's Eiya-, unless you severely lack damage and a stronger Kupika to contribute.
Just got my Kupika job to 54 but her char.lv. is only 30ish. She is really slower than the thunder boss. I think boots is a must in this case. The problem is I don't have any boots and my Kupika R is stuck at 46. Single accessory slot is quite hard to fully utilize her because if I put boots on her she will have too little of mana. I think it's better to continue to rely on my friend's Kupika until mine got a 2nd acc.slot. :)
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Don't know if today is my unlucky day or the game is trolling me but my Kupika has missed at the thunder boss AOE turn 4 times in a row. 100 force has been wasted. :mad:
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Just started this a few days ago after neglecting it after pre-reg.

Friend Code: 15800593
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Seems like we are finally getting proper event at Feb 25.
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

whats the event on 25Feb ?
i been having hard time doing the daily boss, since its all luck >.>
At least i got 2 thunder bow so far wish for 1 more for perfect SR

So far collection 6x perfect Durandal / 3x perfect thunder rod
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

any of you still playing this could add me Id is 12575001 though I admit I may give this game my minimal attention while playing other games If I see any events with time limits I will at least try to put in some time like I am now for this egg harvest. Just might be helpful if I had some people to kill these bosses Im spawning periodically
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Still playing here but my friendlist full sorry >.<
my friend all active is hard to kick someone none of them log off longer than 1day...

Current tackling the difficulty of daily boss dungeon (50stam cost / can enter 2x /day)
And luck just happen to be on my side... got 3x SR darkness bow (enuff to make 1 perfect bow)
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

>.> hate that second daily boss..... i fail almost half the time, anyways ran out of cookies so my drop yield is basically halved anyways....anyone know where to get the drop ingredient to make cookies??
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

Today's maintenance details:
1. Dungeons with limited number of clears per day now show how many times they were cleared today.
2. Crystal gacha now awards geods, 5 crystals = 50 geods.
3. Element affinity diagram is displayed during helper selection (so you know what enemy type is there before you choose helper)
4. Event "Phantom Sakura Festival" started:
- Limited Event Gacha: you can get event-limited jobs for various characters, these jobs will not be available after event ends.
- Event dungeon which drops "drops of phantom sakura". These Drops may be exchanged to items and event-limited jobs in event exchange center. Its possible, altho it says its hard, to get max limit break for event jobs by just accumulating enough Drops.
- Event-specific set of gate keepers with different element affinities.

P.S. rough calculation shows that if one doesn't waste any stamina, he could max out 1 SR event job from natural regen + 1 time of every other job.
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Re: [DMM] X-Overd

so is there no reason to roll the event gacha then we can just obtain all the characters from the event and max them out using crystals for regen?
Re: [DMM] X-Overd

so is there no reason to roll the event gacha then we can just obtain all the characters from the event and max them out using crystals for regen?
Its probably more efficient to roll event gacha than do refills. For 5 crystals, you are guaranteed to get 1 event job, while, say, Ratisha costs 10000 drops per job past first two. Even at 50 drops per run of 24 force map, you'd need to have 960 force to get 10000 drops with just 5 crystals spent.
Best strategy would be to buy out R and all low cost SR/SSR jobs with Drops, and then buy out remainder via gacha.