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Dragon Maidens and Demon Schlongs II - Return of Pudding (Mindflayer/Pervy)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Ending bit:
Evangeline was practically in heaven with her orc mistress. It was the best she could ever have had. Every day she got to taste her new orcish mistress's cock, and every day she eagerly, happily even, did so. She was even more happy when the orc mistress brought in more orc guards for her to suck off. She also made sure that her orc mistress filled her womb up every day until she was nice and round with child.

After she'd gotten used to being the personal sex slave to her orc mistress, Evangeline found herself sleeping in the same bed as her, not minding it one bit, and even enjoying the closeness. After a few months passed by, Eva even got to meet back up with her half-elf friend that showed her the joys of sucking dicks, and how to do it properly. She smiled and gave her a hug, but she was even more happy to be used by not just her orc mistress, but by All the orc guards in there.

With any luck the half elf would stay preoccupied, but... that smell was really good to be quite honest. It was pretty darn intense. Now that she spotted that orc guard moving past, Evangeline was about to step out when she felt herself embraced from behind. Gasping softly, Evangeline glanced over her shoulder to see the half-elf that'd been masturbating before, now insistently probing at her with that dildo.

"W-What? I um... y-yeah I am. I was just um, taking a look around the place. I'm pretty new here and all. S-So I just wanted to see what the rooms down here were like. See I'm up on the second floor myself. Because the rooms down here they said didn't have big enough beds for me, o-or something like that. So I was just curious to see if they were just telling me that to keep me from wanting a bed down here is all. A-Anyway, please don't let me interrupt you. I'm heading back to my room on the second floor now to get to training, so when they come in here, please... let them know I headed back up there, okay. I'll leave your door cracked just enough for them to see it. If you promise to tell them, I promise I'll give you a big kiss. Okay?" Evangeline told the half-elf, gently pulling away from her and smiling at her.

If the half-elf agreed and promised to relay her message, then Evangeline would smile again and give her a gentle hug, and kiss her quickly on the lips before turning and darting out the door, pulling it almost shut, but leaving it cracked enough to be suspicious so the orc guard would check it on her way back. She'd quickly move down the stairs to investigate the bottom floor.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Uhmm ok.. sure..." The throughoutly smooched half-elf girl enthused, not letting herself be stopped from sneaking a grope-in on Eva whilest hugged.

Then, swiftly dipping past the guard, Evangeline rushed downstairs to the bottom floor, where she find herself in a corridor much like the one she'd come from, barred windows, a hallway, no apparent exit door in sight..
And she also found herself almost running into a distantly smiling tiefling girl, a swirly little goat-like tail, spikey horns.. and a rather tight and, more noticeably, half see-through patient uniform that prominently displayed her dark-nipples through her dress. Down the hallway was another girl, in a similiar uniform, this one seemed elfish, guessing by her ears and thin frame, her breasts more petite.. and, in the corner, slightly rocking back and forth was a third girl, this one having a subtle hint of scales on her skin.. it was almost as if this place was.. collecting exotic girls.. slaves, as Eva now knew.

But before she could move much further the distractingly dressed tiefling girl approached her, pulling forth a noteblock. "Aha.. a new patient. I am Dr. Silverstein, what's your name and what brings you here?"
She asked, before swiftly adding.
"Crazy, like the rest of them I dare say? Don't worry, we'll fix you right up." She nodded.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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Eva blushed at the grope she got from the half-elf, before she headed out. She was glad she was barefooted right now, because it made her steps much quieter, so easier to sneak past the orc guard. Down the steps, she looked around quickly and kept moving forward, finding only more barred windows, and no doors that would lead outside from what she could tell.

"D-Dammit... come on. Please I need to get out of here," Eva mumbled softly to herself as she rushed along.

"Whoa! E-Excuse me," Eva squeaked as she almost plowed right into the tiefling girl, swiftly moving to the side and starting to keep going until the tiefling approached her.

"Wait, you're a doctor? But... you're dressed like a patient though," Eva asked the tiefling, gulping softly as she looked at the other girl, that one being an elf.

She felt uneasy with these two. Were they doctors? Nurses? Or were they patients that were a bit touched in the head perhaps? She didn't know, and could only speculate, but based on their clothing... they were slaves like she was meant to be. "I uh... I was brought here after I was attacked the other day in my carriage, in town," Eva told Dr. Silverstein cautiously, maintaining a wary look at the nearby elf just in case.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"You are excused." The tiefling-doctor enthused, before tilting her head. "For what though?"

"Oh this outfit?.. yeah.. the madness is really bad.. some of the staff thought I was a patient and made me wear this. Ignore it." She nodded, subtly addressing the tight, far too see through patient gown.
"Attacked hmn.. I see. This place is both a hospital and a mental asylum, you see, hence the barred windows and all. Either way, you seem to be affected by the madness as well, yes yes.. Do you feel a bit worried right now? Nervous? Uneasy? A little bit horny? all symptoms, yes yes. Luckily for you, it is treatable, but first we ought to do a test."
The Tiefling nodded, taking Eva's arm, trying to lead her away!

"Luckily I've discovered a revolutionary healing method. That's why they keep me on staff, rather than try and make me one of the slaves. Great progress, great progress."
The doctor nodded, seeming to try and pull her over towards a side-room.. that seemed more like a random janitorial closet than an examination or treatment room though..

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"For almost, y-you know, running into you like that," Evangeline replied, growing even more cautious about this woman when she explained why she was in a patient's outfit.

That pretty much answered Eva's unasked question about whether or not she had been forced into here, at least she felt that it answered said unasked question anyway. "N-No, I'm not affected by the madness. I'm not really worried or nervous. Uneasy a bit at the sudden questions. But none of the rest really," Eva told doctor Silverstein, but she followed her into the side room, more to get out of the main hall than anything.

"What is this... healing method? And shouldn't we be in an actual examination room?" Eva asked curiously, maintaining her cautiousness for the time being just in case.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Hmnn alright alright.. so you are a properly healthy slut, ready to go out into the world and serve your owner?" The Tiefling inquired, tap-tapping her chin with an encouraging smile. "Glad to hear you are all cured, so many new faces here are so.. confused."

The tiefling pondered, before deciding to pat-pat Eva's side. "But still! Some more healing can't hurt. That's how healing works, of course. Once I'm through with you, you will be extra-healthy! Double healthy. OHhohohoho.. It'll be awesome!" She grinned, before looking around in the maintenance closet, pushing a broom aside and sighing.

"The Janitor is such a dumb slut.. she needs more of my healing, yes yes.. she keeps putting all this nonsense into my examination rooms.. but don't you worry, just sit down over here.." She presented a.. large bucket, turned over to make a makeshift chair. "And relax. We'll do a harmless little treatment method.. just let me draw a little.." She grinned,.. before pricking herself with a small surgical looking knife.. and beginning to smear some strange doodle on the ground.
"Don't worry. I'm a professional."

Well, this self-proclaimed doctor was clearly mad. Then again, perhaps appeasing her and learning a way out from her was safer than leaving her now, risk her alerting -actual- hospital staff.. what should Eva do?

[Get out now!]

[Try to reason with the tiefling 'Doctor'] (Bad end path first!)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"I... y-yeah, yeah I am," Evangeline replied, catching herself before she said something to make the "doctor" here anymore suspicious than she already was.

"Well the other doctors here already gave me plenty of medicine, so I... don't think I really need much more healing. S-Surely," Evangeline told the tiefling woman when she looked around the closet.

"Maybe if your "office" wasn't in a janitor's closet, it wouldn't be so... cluttered with the janitor's things," Eva suggested, but she didn't really say anything more, especially when the tiefling "doctor" pricked herself with the little scalpel it looked like and started smearing her blood on the floor of the place.

Evangeline could only suspect that whatever "doctor" Silverstein was doing, it had to be magical in nature, blood magic from the looks of it. Though she knew not all blood magic was bad. But whatever this tiefling woman was doing, it couldn't be good, surely. She didn't really think running would work, because that might only anger her and have her shouting after Eva. So, Evangeline decided to try and reason with "doctor" Silvertein.

"D-Doctor Silverstein, what are you doing? You've hurt yourself. How can you help me if you're hurting yourself? Doesn't that make sense?" Evangeline asked the tiefling "doctor" with a worried.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Oh nonono, my healing is special, don't you worry.... and this is not a janitors closet.. the janitor is just a little crazy too.. but don't worry, we'll get her treated, just like you..." She muttered whilest Eva noticed that strange symbol the crazed patient had drawn actually began to glow ever so slightly, whilest the doctor continued making a small circle around her.... that had to be a trick of the light or something, right?

"Oh nono, this is my special hell-treatment you see." The tiefling smirked.
"My colleagues here told me I was crazy and all that, but I just.. you know.. instinctively know how to do these thing. It's in my blood!" She grinned, her tail swishing behind her, as a distinct scent of fire and brimstone began filling the closet.. and then, some hot, strong, hars hands grabbed Eva from behind.

"Look at that, the thin-blood found another slut for me to fuck." A coarse, rough voice whispered in Eva's ear.

"This fucked up little place is a treasure trove of enslavemable sluts, you know.." The voice continued, smirking, whilest Eva found herself pushed forwards, onto all fours, strong, red hands, even stronger than her, forcing her to bend over.. "Trust me, if the little cold owner of this place found you worse things than me fucking out your soul would happen to you... well maybe not that much worse." The voice mused.. whilest Eva felt something large and hot suddenly press up against the opening of her slit, rubbing along down there with delight.. "Oh you got me one with a nice dick? Amazing.. perhaps I'll keep her, turn her into a lesser demonslut under my command?" The voice considered, whilest the doctor grinned sheepishly and began taking notes, voyeuring on her... treatment.

Eva was pretty sure that this treatment was not part of normal medical procedure..

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Eva had to admit, she was quite spooked by the way "doctor" Silverstein was talking. It was frightening actually. She was right too about the circle being magic in nature, as she noticed the glowing. "H-Hell treatment? What do you mean?" Evangeline asked with an even more worried look on her face.

It didn't take long for her worry to grow into full blown fear, as she felt the hands grab her from behind, even as the odd smell filled the room. It didn't take her long to be pushed onto her hands and knees, with her ass sticking up and looking rather enticing to whoever, or whatever was behind her. "W-What? No I... don't want to... l-lose my soul... please... I... o-oh fuck..." Evangeline squeaked at the mention of her soul being fucked out of her, though as she felt the phallic object pressing up against her tight and rather wet folds, her frightened squeak turned into a cute soft moan.

"H-Hah... please let me... g-go. I need to... e-escape..." Evangeline moaned out to the tiefling "doctor" and whatever she'd summoned, though the way she was wriggling about, made it clear that she was far too aroused to really resist, thanks to how lewd this place was.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Ohoho once I've given you the fuck of your life you wont miss your soul anymore." The dangerous sounding voice behing Eva determined, giving the dragon-elf a good slap on her bottom.

And the, with a slow, sensual thrust something thick and phallic, with an almost equine-like flat head sunk into Eva's pussy, whilest the tiefling doctor grinned. "Oh don't worry, I can escape anytime.. as can you. Mistress can take us along.. I just stay here to collect some more yummy souls for her." The tiefling enthused,, while Eva felt the thick, hot, demonic shaft invade her deeply.

"Why don't you go ahead slave, stroker her cock, the more we pleasure her, the easier it is to fuck out her soul and claim her as one of my pleasure toys." The demoness behind Eva encouraged and Evangeline heard the distinctive clacking of goat-like feet.. whilest the patient-uniform clad tiefling reached out, gripping and sensually, but roughly tugging along on her cock, almost in rythm with the demons rough fucking on her. "In a hot minute your body will feel so good you'll -want- to cum your soul out for me." The summoned demoness smirked, pushing Eva down into a more fuckable position.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"N-No... please... I n-need my soul..." Eva moaned, her big bubbly butt jiggling at the spank she received.

Feeling that rather large... cock she had to assume, pushing into her, Evangeline shuddered deliciously. Her lewd moans filled the room as that horse like penis plundered her pussy, and she was unable to really put up too much resistance against it. Her pussy was squeezing tightly around that equine length, milking every inch of it as it pushed in, and even harder when it pulled out to thrust again. It was almost as if her womanly slit instinctively ached for it to slam back inside, and didn't want it to leave.

"A-Anymore and I'll... g-go crazy... f-feels too good..." Eva moaned to the pair as she bit her bottom lip, her cock twitching in the tiefling's hand eagerly, happy to feel the hands stroking her, despite how roughly the tugging was.

It wouldn't take long for her pre to begin dribbling from her tip, which only lubed the tiefling's hands up to allow for easier stroking. The demoness had Eva pretty much right where she wanted her, and Eva felt herself pushed down with her ass high in the air soon after the tiefling began stroking her. Her breasts pressed against the cold floor, and the rhythmic pounding against her ass rocked her body just enough to rub her pert nipples across that cold hard floor, which only heightened the pleasure that much more for her. Eva tried to squeeze her pussy tighter to prevent the demoness from thrusting, but she was just so wet with arousal that all it would likely do was pleasure the demoness even more.

"H-Hah I... I'm gonna... c-cum... s-so hard..." Eva moaned softly as her toes curled and her fingers clenched at the floor, her climax fast approaching.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"You don't need your soul as a horny demonslut." The voice behind her laughed, whilest the tiefling woman infront of her grinned and brushed a hand through her hair soothingly. "Let's see what you say -after- you are properly fucked, yes?" She purred.

And she wasn't wrong about Evangeline changing her mind, perhaps, as that massive horse-shaft kept invading her with deep, delicious thrusts. "That's the whole idea, slut! Go crazy with pleasure!" The demon voice enthused, shaft pulsing, and spreading her insides, the thick, throbby head spreading her out bare before it with every thrust, nudging up and knocking at her womb.
"Cum out your soul!" The demonic voice demanded, before offering... "And I'll fuck you even better.. for eternity."

Encouraged by that, the tiefling girl get gripping and squeezing Eva's shaft, not relenting in her rougher assault.. almost as if she wanted Eva to enjoy that too.. "Look, you are getting into it.. that's great, just wait for it, slut!" She giggled, whilest the demoness let loose a roaring moan.. "Yeeess.. stroke that slut into orgasm while I work the spell.."
With that declaration, Eva felt a hand drawing something upon her back... but concentrating was nigh impossible, with the lustful, deep thrusts of the demoncock keeping her in place, pushing her down if she tried to struggle.. what she did feel was that her lust and orgasm build up much more powerful than it should.. so hot and wonderful.. she felt if she would cum now, it'd truly drive her crazy.. or drive her into something else.

"Come on.. do it already.. give in to your perversion, with haah.. how tight that slick slit is gripping me you surely love it.. you were born to be a lesser succubus under me you pervert!" The demon laughed, before panting, thrusting in deep, that powerful cock twitching and pushing into Eva's depths.. "What.. do you need to be.. haaah.. seeded to cum.. guess I'll oblige you.." The demoness promised, precum dripping from her shaft and adding to Eva's wetness, flowing down with gravity, it naturally invaded her womb all on its own.. as the demon-shaft pulsed in approaching climax, and the tiefling girl leaned down to give Eva's shaft a seductive lick. Could she really stop cumming now, with the wonderful load of Demon-seed ready to explode into her as a reward?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"N-No no... I... f-fuck... I... y-yes... s-so good... t-too good... c-can't... s-stop shaking... m-my ass..." Evangeline moaned out, barely able to even register the finger drawing something on her back.

She was desperately trying to bring herself to break free. Yet it just felt so good to be filled up by that huge demonic dick that all she could really manage was moan, shudder, and clench her pussy around that big horse like shaft. The more the demoness and tiefling urge her to cum, the more her body wanted to just let loose. The demoness's laugh, the power of her cock, the sheer presence behind her. It was too much for Eva to bear any longer.

The moment she felt the demonic precum dribbling from the demoness's tip inside of her, Evangeline's body finally gave out at the same time the tiefling leaned down and licked up along the underside of her throbbing pulsing cock. With an intense arching of her back, and with incredible relief, Eva's balls shuddered before they unloaded rope after rope of her hot thick royal semen all over the tiefling girl's face. Her pussy ached, craved the demoness's sperm to fill it up, to invade her womb, inseminate all of her eggs that it could claim.

As she came, Evangeline's body went limp everywhere save her cock, which remained as hard as steel, ready for more. "C-Cum inside me please... I... I need to feel it so bad," Eva moaned out at the demoness finally as her willpower broke, and she gave in to the desire of the damned in a manner of speaking.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Yess.. don't stop cumming, horny slut!" The demon and demonblood both encouraged her, as the heat build within Evangelines body.. to eventually exceed sensible levels.

A heat, accompanied by an overwhelming heat, a distant, perverted pleasure, like fire burning her with lust, not painful, not pleasurable, but something in between, as Eva's skin darkeneed, little horns growing from her forehead.. she was lost, she knew it and yet, when a slender, cow-bushed tail puffed up from her backside, it could only wag in happy, eager excitement, like a good demon-puppy.

"Aaah yes.. and with this seeding, I shall claim you as mine!" The demoness proclaimed, whilest the tiefling eeped under Eva, clearly suprised by the sheer quantity of the pleasure she managed to coax out, getting coated below Eva.. even as Eva felt herself ovewhelmed by the tide of fertile breeding-juice pumped too invade and claim her deepest parts.. even while a pleasurable tingle upon her mons indicated the forming of an unholy mark to claim her soul forever. But who cared about those things, if she could have more fucking from her new demonic master, an impossible to pronounce with human tongues name appearing in her mind with the clarity of lustful submission to a greater... well hung demon-owner.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"N-Nyooooo..." Eva groaned out as she kept cumming, and cumming, her semen spilling all over the tiefling girl's face, chest, and hands.

Evangeline felt her essence, her very soul being tainted as the pleasure coursed through her veins more and more. It was incredible, to say the least, the pleasure that is. Feeling the horns growing on her head, the tail sprouting from just above her rear end, which even began wagging happily from how good she felt. It was just too much for the poor draconic elf to endure.

"H-Hah... s-so hot... so good... m-more... please. I... I need m-more. My womb... it's on fire. P-Please quench the thirst in my womb, with your seed, mistress..." Evangeline panted in between her moans as her new demonic mistress's cum shot into her on and on, swelling the tall girl's belly out from the sheer amount of it, and leaving her already looking well good and pregnant. "G-Give it to me mistress... please don't make me wait. I need your cock... p-please split me open with it," Eva moaned pitifully to her demon mistress, shaking her ass back and forth enticingly, trying to coax the demoness into fucking her again so she could feel another massive load of cum entering her, even while she splattered her own semen all over the tiefling girl's face.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Eva's demonic mistress grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head back and smirking down at her.. a tall, red-skinned, incredibly well endowed demon-woman, her body a mixture of human, goat like and almost reptilian features as she grinned down, her cock twitching and pumping into Eva still...

"I shall.. but only if you say that you relinquish your soul to become my demonic servant.. a no brainer isn't it.. a simple deal.. give up your soul and I'll give you more cock and cum, my little whore!" The demoness grinned, a long, prehensile tongue slithering out, coiling around Eva's neck half domineering, half playful whilest that equine shaft kept plundering her pussy with strong, deep thrusts, making her already full belly rock with demonic warmth.. for some reason the pleasure within Eva's body never fully subsided now, it only kept building back up to greater heights of perverted lust...

The tiefling below Eva meanwhile gasped and panted.. although she didn't seem to mind her fate this much, actually, eagerly licking up and slurping the hot, sticky seed from the now demonized dragon-elf.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
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Mar 31, 2012
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"Y-Yes, a-anything to feel that g-glorious cock inside me some more. P-Please... d-do me. I'll be your little whore if you'll just f-fuck me already..." Eva whined, shaking her ass at the demonic woman even as she took in her features.

That tongue sliding across her neck was enough to make her shudder in ecstasy even as the demon woman kept thrusting into her. The large cock split her open perfectly, just like the tall now corrupted draconic elf desired, filling her completely, like no other cock had ever, or could do. It was as if her pussy had molded itself into the shape of that length to better hold it. "I... w-want more... t-taint me more, mistress," Eva groaned softly, reaching down to the tiefling and grabbing a handful of hair, and pulling her over a little roughly, and forcing her mouth onto Eva's cock to suck it. "And you s-suck my dick while our mistress f-fucks me senseless. Drink every drop," Eva told the tiefling in a somewhat more commanding and domineering tone, as she took on a couple of other characteristics of her mistress besides the corrupted demonic look.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"No slut." The demon declared, with a hearty spank of Eva's rump. "I need you to say it. Say you'll give me your soul, you horny piece of ass!" She growled, demandingly, intentionally slowing down a fair bit to keep Eva whining and squirming.

"I will taint you you little slut, oh yes.. once you learn to request properly.." She grinned down, and added another spank.. although the next thrust was quite a lot harder.. "now that's the proper spirit, yes. Use my little servant for your pleasure.. do anything for your pleasure. Anything and everything is about more lust and fucking for us pleasure-demons!" She declared, whilest the tiefling gasped.. but quickly began licking, suckling and bopping up and down along the length of Eva's cum-stained shaft. "You'll be a full succubus in my servitude in no time.. use them.. enjoy them.. you can even keep the slightly shy act, turns some folksk on like nothing else.." She grinned, and gave another deep, rewarding thrust, whilest her demonic corruption made sure to rewire Eva to crave nothing but pleasure, fantasize about nothing but fucking all the time.. with her horse-cocked demon mistress, for example.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"Y-Yes mistress I... I give you my soul. P-Please just f-fuck me a-already," Eva whined as her ass jiggled from the spank.

"I want to f-fuck so much. The lust... it's burning inside me so hotly. I c-can't stop. C-Come on you little slut, suck me off," Evangeline moaned, glancing down at the tiefling girl and forcing her cock down the tiefling's throat as she held her firmly in place and started bouncing between the two. "I'll m-make them all want to fuck me, yes... that sounds great. I can f-fuck everyone. S-So good..." Eva sighed, her mind clearly wandering to how many dicks she'd get to feel inside of her, and how many pussies she'd get to plunder.

"I want to feel you mistress. I give you my heart and soul both. T-Teach me how to feel incredible all the time," Eva told the demoness, looking back at her with a lustful fire in her eyes that could easily be seen as pure desire, even while she was forcing the tiefling girl's head to bob up and down her length with one hand.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Don't stop! Let the lusts rule you from now on.. make her suck you. Yes.. and.. very well, my demon-slut!" Eva's mistress declared, that tongue around her neck slithering up.. and into Eva's mouth.. and deeper into her.. strangely, it didn't hinder her speech, as she felt it wiggle into her.. push deep.. just as deep as that cock, it felt like.. before it withdrew, with Evangeline feeling some sort of a suction..

And then,.. she felt a weight fall off of her.. inhibitions.. morals.. what where those even, what did she need them for? Behind her, her mistress gulped something down and let loose a lustful moan, but the demon-dragon was too busy being fucked wonderfully to care. Having her cock sucked was too nice to care.
Mistress thrust into her sluts pussy, who in turn pumped into the tieflings mouth, grinning down at her corrupted slave and declaring. "Yes.. good girl. Just fuck them all. Let all of them fuck you.. that's how we'll have fun for eternity.. haamnn.." She moaned out, goat-like hoves stomping on the ground as she pushed deep into the newly born demonslut, Eva's belly impossibly expanding (for a non-demon anyway) with wonderful, unholy seed.
The pentagram around her lit up, her surroundings beginning to fade as a fiery, yet fleshy landscape began appearing.. and the tiefling stayed around just long enough to be filled up with cum as well.. but she was not concerned she was being dragged into a pervert hell, oh no.
Finally she could have as much fun as she wanted, fuck as much as she wanted, forever.