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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Maybe check if "m" == "\m" in Ruby? (Is it "/m" or "\m" you are comparing? You use both in your post: one in the code example and one later on...

I haven't used Ruby at all, but I know that there are usually multiple ways to compare items in programming language, and they don't always give the same result. Maybe you need to use "===" instead of "=="? I also see mention of "equal?" and "eql?" options for Ruby mentioned online. Maybe one of these will work the way you want it too...

I've searched the entire script.rxdata, and it doesn't have anything of the sort "m" == "\m". Also searched "\m", and the only "\m" I found not commented out was in Window_BattleLog. It's some business with c or text, which is used in c == "\m".

The fact that Strange's suggestion with commenting out the "return" worked to prevent the "m" from disappearing from the text has at least hinted that the problem isn't in Window_BattleLog. I'm guessing some slicing business over in メッセージ表示フルグレードアップX or Window_Message. I'll do another sweep once my head's cooled off (warm day in SF).

p.s. as for the "/m" business, I'm guessing you took that from the c = text.slice!(/./m). Here's some context (you can Ctrl+F for it, it's around halfway if you're scrolling):
  def refresh
    text = $game_temp.battle_log_text
    #p $game_temp.battle_log_text
      # ログ矯正
      if ["\q\q","\q\w\q","\q\m\q","\q\y\q"].include?($game_temp.battle_back_log)
        $game_temp.battle_back_log += "CLEAR"
      elsif $game_temp.battle_back_log == "\n"
        $game_temp.battle_back_log = ""
    # マニュアルモードは末尾に\qをつける
    if $game_system.system_read_mode == 0
      text += "CHECK"
      if text.match("\w\qCHECK")

    # ログ矯正
    if ["\n","\q"].include?(text)
      $game_temp.battle_log_text = ""
    # キープ中なら最後に取得した座標を読み込み
    if @keep_flag == true
      x = @last_x
      y = @last_y
      @keep_flag = false
      # キープしてない時は座標をクリア
      x = y = 0
      # バックログに改行指定を追加
      $game_temp.battle_back_log += "\n"

    # 制御文字処理
      last_text = text.clone
      text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { $game_variables[$1.to_i] }
    end until text == last_text
    text.gsub!(/\\[Nn]\[([0-9]+)\]/) do
      $game_actors[$1.to_i] != nil ? $game_actors[$1.to_i].name : ""
    # 便宜上、"\\\\" を "\000" に変換
    text.gsub!(/\\\\/) { "\000" }
    # "\\C" を "\001" に、"\\G" を "\002" に変換
    text.gsub!(/\\[Cc]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\001[#{$1}]" }
    text.gsub!(/\\[Gg]/) { "\002" }
    # c に 1 文字を取得 (文字が取得できなくなるまでループ)
    while ((c = text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
      # \\ の場合
      if c == "\000"
        # 本来の文字に戻す
        c = "\\"
      # \C[n] の場合
      if c == "\001"
        # 文字色を変更
        text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "")
        color = $1.to_i
        if color >= 0 and color <= 7
          self.contents.font.color = text_color(color)
        # 次の文字へ
      if c == "\H"
        heart = RPG::Cache.picture("heart")
        self.contents.blt(x + 6 , 24 * y + 10, heart, Rect.new(0, 0, 16, 16))
        x += 16
        # 次の文字へ
      # ウェイト文字(長時間)の場合
      if c == "\w"
        # ウェイトを入れる
        case $game_system.ms_skip_mode
        when 3 #手動送りモード
          @wait_count = 1
        when 2 #デバッグモード
          @wait_count = 3
        when 1 #快速モード
          @wait_count = 4
          @wait_count = ($game_system.battle_speed_time(1) * 3)
        $game_temp.battle_log_wait_flag = true
        # 今の座標を維持して返す
        @keep_flag = true
        @last_x = x
        @last_y = y
      # ウェイト文字(短時間)の場合
      if c == "\m"
        # ウェイトを入れる
        case $game_system.ms_skip_mode
        when 3 #手動送りモード
          @wait_count = 1
        when 2 #デバッグモード
          @wait_count = 1
        when 1 #快速モード
          @wait_count = 2
          @wait_count = $game_system.battle_speed_time(1)
        $game_temp.battle_log_wait_flag = true
        # 今の座標を維持して返す
        @keep_flag = true
        @last_x = x
        @last_y = y
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Edit: Never mind. I was just trying to make a suggestion without fully knowing the situation...
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Edit: Never mind. I was just trying to make a suggestion without fully knowing the situation...

Well I'm pretty much a fresh noob to programming in general; any help is appreciated.

If you're still interested, take a look at the following scripts :
095 - Window_Message.rb
154 - Window_BattleLog.rb
155 - Window_BattleBackLog.rb
162 - メッセージ表示フルグレードアップX .rb

There are the ones I've got my eyes on, I just can't make much sense out of them because I'm still trying to learn how arrays work (that damn slicing stuff) but google just keeps cycling back the same vague guides (copy-pastes of each other) back in my face. @.@
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Edit: Never mind. I was just trying to make a suggestion without fully knowing the situation...
Too late :) I've read it and found it very useful, believe it or not. I've never actually tried to check "m" == "\m" in ruby strings... I'll definitely do so the next time I have some brain availability.

My big issue is with the (/./m)... I know /./ takes one character at a time, but I'll have to check seriously what the 'm' is doing here -_-

So... thanks! :D (and dw, most people here can recognize good will from asshattery... who cares about those who don't, anyway? :p)
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Aye. If it's at all possible to get more good people on board, the better.

The sooner this gets sorted, the sooner I can get back to translating. Would very much like to finish the combat texts and talk texts before the end of the week so I get a glorious fap off and return to my primary project.

If I fail to figure it out in the next 3 hours, I'll just push forward either with ugly double byte text (which even glitches out occasionally, ~2% of the time) and/or invasively replacing \q , \m, \w and \H with alternatives.

EDIT: went with the latter; boy am I pleased, despite the tedium it took. Luckily the System/Talk/*.rb files didn't have any instances of "\w", "\m", or "\q" as far as I've searched. They do however have a lot of "\H" (hearts) in them; same for various dialogue events in the .rxdata maps; so I think I'll just stick with double-byte H. Now to get to some fapulous testing.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

My big issue is with the (/./m)... I know /./ takes one character at a time, but I'll have to check seriously what the 'm' is doing here -_-

m is for the multiline mode. Basically, you get one character at a time but it will recognize newline like normal characters (it will not ignore them).

Found it here :

EDIT : because, in the case of :
while ((c = text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
if you had '/./' instead, my guess is that it would skip the newlines (and the script Window_BattleLog.rb process them in a if statement a bit later).
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

m is for the multiline mode. Basically, you get one character at a time but it will recognize newline like normal characters (it will not ignore them).

Found it here :

EDIT : because, in the case of :
while ((c = text.slice!(/./m)) != nil)
if you had '/./' instead, my guess is that it would skip the newlines (and the script Window_BattleLog.rb process them in a if statement a bit later).

I love you; I've bookmarked and saved that site. Why google failed to suggest such a marvelous site, I'd only guess either because ads or because I sucked with keyword choices and it was buried several pages back.

Also - for the record:

I had received a PM from an anon (who also CC'ed the same message to Strange) that clarified the \m issue:
- It's that "\m" and "m" are considered the same by Ruby by default; the same goes for any other combination if "\" and a letter, EXCEPT for "\n".
- "\n" is apparently a special case, because it's built into Ruby.

So it would seem that it's a coding problem from the deeper levels. He suggested replacing them, such as using "\\m". I guess it was something that had to be done one way of another. I had already done the replacing with \065, \066 and \067, so using "w", "m", and "q" is all good to go now, on the messages and dialogue side of things.

Now that that's out of the way, what's currently on the list to get done is:
- Armor and Item names: I think I'll leave this to Strange, since he's already got a great system going with his Translation Toolbox.
- Combat Messages and UI: I'll finish Skilltext and the Talk_Sys sections, touch up the skill descriptions, then start on System/Talk. I'm probably at around 20-30% overall progress with these.
- General UI: Personalities are still untranslated, because I don't understand how the script calls them yet. Everything else that's non-map specific should be mostly translated though, outside of a some error messages and yes/no choices.
- Story Dialogue: I'm leaving this for somebody else, or later if nobody gets on it by the time everything else is translated. Translating the event dialogues on each map (story dialogue) mean it's more files to keep track of each time the developer pumps out a new patch. This is on the backburner.
- Keeping translations up-to-date with the game patches: I'll handle these for now since I've got this week cleared up.

Since I'm guessing the github script batch I made is a bit too much to copy-paste, I'll upload a compiled batch of the scripts and translations for you guys to work on once I've updated to v1.10, probably some time this evening.

I want this done; my cock demands it. O.O
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Found it here :
Super useful! These guys rock! Fun read ahead >_>

I thought this might explain the "wtf is 'n' appearing" mystery (since \n is for newline in Ruby...) but no dice... I've been confirmed the /m == m thingy, so bleh.
I think I'll just sub the "\" in 'text' with some random character like आ or ₪... Then change c == "\m" to c== "आm", simple as that... Will do this w-e. I'm a RPGer, the UI is what I care most about...

- Armor and Item names: I think I'll leave this to Strange, since he's already got a great system going with his Translation Toolbox.
- Combat Messages and UI: I'll finish Skilltext and the Talk_Sys sections, touch up the skill descriptions, then start on System/Talk. I'm probably at around 20-30% overall progress with these.
- General UI: Personalities are still untranslated, because I don't understand how the script calls them yet. Everything else that's non-map specific should be mostly translated though, outside of a some error messages and yes/no choices.
- Story Dialogue: I'm leaving this for somebody else, or later if nobody gets on it by the time everything else is translated. Translating the event dialogues on each map (story dialogue) mean it's more files to keep track of each time the developer pumps out a new patch. This is on the backburner.
- Keeping translations up-to-date with the game patches: I'll handle these for now since I've got this week cleared up.

I've got enemies, skills, states and some more stuff covered. Only items & armors, and all the descriptions :( to go. I would love to be able to batch-replace '.name' by '.UK_name' everywhere without a second thought, but I'm definitely not there yet...

I'm also not too hot about my personalities translation:
"好色" -> "Lusty"
"上品" -> "Refined"
"高慢" -> "Proud"
"淡泊" -> "Frank"
"柔和" -> "Gentle"
"勝ち気" -> "Adamant"
"内気" -> "Shy"
"陽気" -> "Happy"
"意地悪" -> "Crafty"
"天然" -> "True"
"従順" -> "Obedient"
"虚勢" -> "Gutsy"
"倒錯" -> "Pervert"
"甘え性" -> "Addicted"
"不思議" -> "Strange"
"真面目" -> "Serious"
"腕白" -> "Naughty"
"冷静" -> "Composed"
"独善" -> "Conceited"
"気丈" -> "Headstrong"
"暢気" -> "Easygoing"
"陰気" -> "Depressed"
"尊大" -> "Haughty"
"高貴" -> "Noble"
"潔癖" -> "Subtle"
"露悪狂" -> "Crazy devil"
"未設定" -> "Undefined"
If we have a procifient Japanese speaker around, that would be nice of him to have a look...

The "_registration" classes like Succubus_registration build a database (personalities, abilities...), but I'm unsure it's worth the trouble editing that, rather than the output... Personalities in particular are pretty much used every-freaking-where, so we're much better off leaving these alone and focus on what's displayed. They work fine with the 'box' test I've done.

Anyway, I'll probably break down the scripts in multiple .txt documents, so implementing changes brought by newer patches is made easier (Github should do that better than notepad++, though...). I wouldn't want to have to redo everything every 2 days when a new patch comes out...

I'll also try and do a simple script to compile/recompile the 'talk' files contents, so helpers (neko, or imp-lovers :rolleyes:) can easily edit an clear English template in a simple .txt format, and we can grab back the content easily (CTRL-C, CTRL-V, run script, voilà!). I'm unsure how much of a priority this is, though.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

..."\m" and "m" are considered the same by Ruby by default;...

This is what I was trying to say might have been happening when I said to check if ("m" == "\m"). I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Anyway, I'll probably break down the scripts in multiple .txt documents, so implementing changes brought by newer patches is made easier (Github should do that better than notepad++, though...). I wouldn't want to have to redo everything every 2 days when a new patch comes out...

I've got the updates down. I've taken rough notes on each section of the scripts that've been changed for each version update. I've just finished making my translations v1.10 compatible, now just re-translating some skill descriptions.

So long as you use the , I don't think it'll be a problem. I can track your changes on older scripts and work them into the updated versions. :)

I'll also try and do a simple script to compile/recompile the 'talk' files contents, so helpers (neko, or imp-lovers :rolleyes:) can easily edit an clear English template in a simple .txt format, and we can grab back the content easily (CTRL-C, CTRL-V, run script, voilà!). I'm unsure how much of a priority this is, though.

Mimi made a pretty neat text extractor 1 page back.

This is what I was trying to say might have been happening when I said to check if ("m" == "\m"). I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.

Well, assuming that it's true that it's "hard-coded" into the ruby/engine, then you'd be suggesting we take apart the game engine... I'd very much like to know how. O.O
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

This is what I was trying to say might have been happening when I said to check if ("m" == "\m"). I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.
And knowing \n was native of RPGM's Ruby, I was completely oblivious of the obvious... Until some kind soul came by :)
, I don't think it'll be a problem. I can track your changes on older scripts and work them into the updated versions. :)
Cool! I'll have a look and dump you some files Sunday-ish.

Yup, thx, Mimi! I still haven't unzipped it yet, though :/

I was referring to having an 'english template' for each enemy, with no japanese nor (sexy or un-sexy) Ruby in it. Something easy to edit for anyone, and easy to grab back the lines from. Basically, just a .txt document like:
#She kisses a female
msg12 = "#actor kissed #target and she liked it"
#She chats with you
msg26 = "Yo, #hero, when do we eat?"
Well, assuming that it's true that it's "hard-coded" into the ruby/engine, then you'd be suggesting we take apart the game engine... I'd very much like to know how. O.O
No need to take the chainsaw out yet... Perhaps on Monday?
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I was referring to having an 'english template' for each enemy, with no japanese nor (sexy or un-sexy) Ruby in it. Something easy to edit for anyone, and easy to grab back the lines from. Basically, just a .txt document like:
#She kisses a female
msg12 = "#actor kissed #target and she liked it"
#She chats with you
msg26 = "Yo, #hero, when do we eat?"

Ahh... I can see how that'd be pretty nice - would make it easy for those people whom know Japanese but not so much on the coding side of things.

It sounds like a lot of work, but I'd be curious to see a tool made - would greatly help the community with getting more people into translating RPG Maker Games in general. :)

No need to take the chainsaw out yet... Perhaps on Monday?

I like to think that I'm good at identifying sarcasm and idioms, but I completely failed here... xD

But really - my curiosity is genuine. If there's a way to do away with the tedious editor, I'd wear a chastity belt for a month. I'm hoping to get some serious work done, and I believe communication's important. If you're detecting aggression, my apologies - that's me being anxiously impatient. :p

Anyways, I'll stop taking up threadspace; I made a topic in the translation subforums so we can talk about translations without drowning the main thread.

Also - I've uploaded the scripts.rxdata into the Data folder; don't need to bother with the loose .rb files anymore (unless you're without the editor). Cuts down on copy-pasting, I'd hope. :x
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Yup, thx, Mimi! I still haven't unzipped it yet, though :/

I was referring to having an 'english template' for each enemy, with no japanese nor (sexy or un-sexy) Ruby in it. Something easy to edit for anyone, and easy to grab back the lines from. Basically, just a .txt document like:
#She kisses a female
msg12 = "#actor kissed #target and she liked it"
#She chats with you
msg26 = "Yo, #hero, when do we eat?"

Well, I have an experimental version of my extractor which grab all lines containing japanese text instead of just the main strings.

I don't know if it could be used for that purpose.
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Are you supposed to always get a game over whenever the MC cums? His VP just goes from full to zero. Is that intentional? Or does it only happen in certain circumstances?

I know it happened once when I 'accepted' the enemies attacks over and over, but also once when not doing that...

Well, I don't like it. And I'm pretty sure that when I tried this game some weeks ago he just lost a large amount of VP after cumming. Not the entire bar.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Are you supposed to always get a game over whenever the MC cums? His VP just goes from full to zero. Is that intentional? Or does it only happen in certain circumstances?

I know it happened once when I 'accepted' the enemies attacks over and over, but also once when not doing that...

Well, I don't like it. And I'm pretty sure that when I tried this game some weeks ago he just lost a large amount of VP after cumming. Not the entire bar.

It depends on the succubi and such, I think. Some will take a lot more energy from an orgasm then others. And I'd think the type of attack matters too.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

It depends on the succubi and such, I think. Some will take a lot more energy from an orgasm then others. And I'd think the type of attack matters too.

Yea, you're right. I just went up to level 2 and fought the same Lesser Succubi again. Let her attack me normally over and over (penetration sex) until EP ran out. This time the VP went from 338 down to 6.

In other words, those others times were just literal one shots. I simply didn't have enough max VP/defense/whatever to survive.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Yea, you're right. I just went up to level 2 and fought the same Lesser Succubi again. Let her attack me normally over and over (penetration sex) until EP ran out. This time the VP went from 338 down to 6.

In other words, those others times were just literal one shots. I simply didn't have enough max VP/defense/whatever to survive.

Yeah early on, you'll basically only have oneshot in the tank. Same goes for the enemy though, as the succubi (especially bosses) can have enough VP to take an orgasm and keep going.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Yeah early on, you'll basically only have oneshot in the tank. Same goes for the enemy though, as the succubi (especially bosses) can have enough VP to take an orgasm and keep going.

If I'm not mistaken, the quantity of VP that you lose depends of :
  • The mood : higher = more VP
  • The enemy dexterity
  • The enemy strength if she is holding you
  • The talk progression (if you talked a lot, it will increase the loss)
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Sorry to be that guy but any1 have new version of this game?

I've seen some ppl having higher versions of this game, I'm currently playing on 1.05. Is there any way to update this or is there higher version floating around somewhere? I couldn't find any.

EDIT : NEVERMIND I shoulda read their announcement more carefully. They were kind enough to provide it.

love the game btw
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Having a hard time finding any comments in jp wiki of what it is so, let's try here.

What the heck does the final boss's 全ては現 move do?