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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Having a hard time finding any comments in jp wiki of what it is so, let's try here.

What the heck does the final boss's 全ては現 move do?

I haven't done any testing on it so I'm personally lacking context, but according to the skills list, I believe it targets the user's enemies - debuffing them so that they suffer higher chances of receiving Sensual Strokes (critical hits) for 5 turns.

Taken from skills.rxdata, skill #622:
[魔法 場:敵] 5ターンの間、敵全員の被SS率が上がる。

Taken from Game_Battler 4:
          # インセンス「全ては現」(+30%)
          plus_critical += 30 if $incense.exist?("全ては現",self)
- which I interpreted as something along the lines of ~"if self (the receiver of the effect) is is affected by the "全ては現" effect, then the currently incoming damage has +30% chance of being a critical hit (sensual stroke)."
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

at last i made it to end... But couple questions :)

How you can beat that lower floor last boss? I beat those witch and flower girl..

and is there any more evovle lvl above succubus lord?

And I have to thank you for translating!!:D its so much better when you can understand something :) are you gonna make more translating or do i start game all over again right away? :)
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

How you can beat that lower floor last boss? I beat those witch and flower girl..

I persnoally can't answer this (I still haven't finished the game xD; currently at Yuganaught/Hell).

and is there any more evovle lvl above succubus lord?

For now, no - Succubus Lord is the final evolution of the Succubus family at of v1.12.

And I have to thank you for translating!!:D its so much better when you can understand something :) are you gonna make more translating or do i start game all over again right away? :)

We're still translating the game; I personally aim to eventually have the entire game in English. I'm prioritizing first on UI and combat text, then story dialogue. The game itself is still unfinished, as the developer is still adding new dialogue every couple patches, so don't expect a complete 100% translation any time soon ;).

So for now, do whatever you like - I don't think the translations will have any impact on starting a new game.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

at last i made it to end... But couple questions :)

How you can beat that lower floor last boss? I beat those witch and flower girl..

and is there any more evovle lvl above succubus lord?

And I have to thank you for translating!!:D its so much better when you can understand something :) are you gonna make more translating or do i start game all over again right away? :)

I'm assuming you mean Gilgoon, the tsun-tsun lori hiding behind a shield. She's not the final boss, but you're getting close. You'll need a runes which teach 'shining force', if I remember well. You can find it somewhere (don't remember where), or buy it in the rune shop at the very end of the Monastery (bottommost teleporter).

I'm delaying SFrame as of late, RL caught up with me to bite me where it hurts; I'll try and finalize a decent GUI patch in a week's time, with as much of SFrame translation I can manage to implement properly. We'll need proper feedback/bugreport then & there, so thanks in advance! :)
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

I'm assuming you mean Gilgoon, the tsun-tsun lori hiding behind a shield. She's not the final boss, but you're getting close. You'll need a runes which teach 'shining force', if I remember well. You can find it somewhere (don't remember where), or buy it in the rune shop at the very end of the Monastery (bottommost teleporter).

I'm delaying SFrame as of late, RL caught up with me to bite me where it hurts; I'll try and finalize a decent GUI patch in a week's time, with as much of SFrame translation I can manage to implement properly. We'll need proper feedback/bugreport then & there, so thanks in advance! :)

More enemies :eek::D:rolleyes: where i can found them? i beat Gilgoon
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

The wiki shows that some mods exist. I google translated it and it isn't really understandable for me atleast. Most of these add dialogues am I right? Are there any mods out there which add Sprites or even change something?
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

The art style looks great in this game.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

question what's new in versions 1.13 and 1.14?
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

question what's new in versions 1.13 and 1.14?

From what i can understand using atlus, seems like bug fixes and proofreading

This is the patch notes: dreamania.blog.jp/%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E7%AE%87%E6%89%80%EF%BC%88%E8%A3%BD%E5%93%81%E7%89%88%EF%BC%89.txt

As for new content, this mod "平原と丘と檻MOD_1030_修正†" has the most new stuff found here: scrp.cswiki.jp/index.php?MOD%E7%B4%B9%E4%BB%8B
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

From what i can understand using atlus, seems like bug fixes and proofreading

This is the patch notes: dreamania.blog.jp/%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E7%AE%87%E6%89%80%EF%BC%88%E8%A3%BD%E5%93%81%E7%89%88%EF%BC%89.txt

As for new content, this mod "平原と丘と檻MOD_1030_修正†" has the most new stuff found here: scrp.cswiki.jp/index.php?MOD%E7%B4%B9%E4%BB%8B

please explain what to do with that .atc folder, dude
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

where is the decrypted folder when you dragged the icon image into your decrypter? Please be more detailed on what to do
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

first open the .atc file using attache case (or just double click the file) then a password dialog will appear, just drop the icon.ico into the password field and that should work.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

doesn't work. Keep getting a fully japanese error text when I drop the image.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Hey, so I've been playing through this game and limping my way through using google translate and the wiki, so I just have two questions to ask.

Firstly, what do all the status effects do? I've been going through this whole thing without really knowing what any of them do, which is kind of useful for some of the later bosses.

Secondly, how do you get married? I want to do it with my beloved succuboo (I'm so clever at names, I know) but I honestly can't make heads or tails of the instructions. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I'm just dumb and found out about status effects on the wiki. If anyone is curious, it's under combat. Go me!
EDIT 2: Yeah, I'm apparently somehow unable to do like anything relating to the story now. I'm not even apparently capable of getting anything relating to the good end now, either. I'm worried I somehow softlocked, and I would really prefer not to redo everything. Any help?
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Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Hi, I just saw the game is 50% off so I was wondering if someone could tell me how the H works in this game. The only thing I could see in the video and pictures were nude versions of the battlers graphics. Is there more? In battle or out of it? The game has great art style, seems really popular and probably it has great mechanics and/or writing but that's pretty much wasted on me because I can't read japanese, so if it's just that on the ero side I'll just give it a pass.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Hi, I just saw the game is 50% off so I was wondering if someone could tell me how the H works in this game. The only thing I could see in the video and pictures were nude versions of the battlers graphics. Is there more? In battle or out of it? The game has great art style, seems really popular and probably it has great mechanics and/or writing but that's pretty much wasted on me because I can't read japanese, so if it's just that on the ero side I'll just give it a pass.

There's at least one scene of some sprite sex for a "cutscene", but much of the actual ero content is from the text of what is going on in the scene.

Boss battles tend to have a few more variations on artwork, including some of if they insert the protagonist, or use some other attacks sometimes.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Hi, I just saw the game is 50% off so I was wondering if someone could tell me how the H works in this game. The only thing I could see in the video and pictures were nude versions of the battlers graphics. Is there more? In battle or out of it? The game has great art style, seems really popular and probably it has great mechanics and/or writing but that's pretty much wasted on me because I can't read japanese, so if it's just that on the ero side I'll just give it a pass.

I can talk about the BF.

Basically every enemy in the game is a succubus and all of them will try to take your clothes off and stick it into one of their orifices, the succubi seem to be more interested in doing this to you the higher their lust rating is, thing is, as in most BF games, she is vulnerable in this state as well and that is how you will do the most damage to them. It's been a while since i've played but i believe whoever initiates it has the upper hand.

Your companions (if you choose to use them) are succubi who choose to join you but can only be controlled if you continually feed them semen, be it yours other other sources within the game, you can only do this so long before you become too weak and shortly as that happens you won't be able to satisfy them anymore and they will lose control of their lust and decide to attack you, you will have to fight against with with your entire group, if the entire group is low, they might decide to join in as well and you'll be basically doomed since you'll have 3 superpowered cum-hungry demons all trying to drain you of ever drop.

Depending on how big your party is and how cum-hungry the individual members of the group are, you might not be able to wander around for too long without coming back to town and recharging them there.

the game is great, especially if you like reserve rape, it would be nice if there were more pictures to depict what was actually going on in the battles, but the game is great at creating an atmosphere.
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Well, it does sound amazing, really love the concept. But again, without much visual aid it's pretty lost on me. Based on what you told me I will think about it a bit more. Sprite sex is one of my main interests but sadly there's no example of it in the video and the game's pretty expensive compared to the average game (really, the only reason I'm considering it is because the 50% sale).
Guess I'll try the demo, maybe there is some sprite sex scene there.

Thanks :D
Re: Succubus Rhapsodia

Well, it does sound amazing, really love the concept. But again, without much visual aid it's pretty lost on me. Based on what you told me I will think about it a bit more. Sprite sex is one of my main interests but sadly there's no example of it in the video and the game's pretty expensive compared to the average game (really, the only reason I'm considering it is because the 50% sale).
Guess I'll try the demo, maybe there is some sprite sex scene there.

Thanks :D

Nah the sprite sex scene isn't in the demo I think.
If it helps interest you any, there is a partial translation patch available and the developer has mentioned someone on the staff is working on an official one. Haven't heard much about that in a while though.