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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah...frequency for the cowgirl is much lower than the BJ. Pretty nice though. FF has always been my favorite.
Re: Fairy Fighting

This is relevant to my interests. Please explain, good sir. :3

Well, CE can be used in numerous situations. All it really does is adjust certain variables for some of the coding in games and whatnot, and it is EXTREMELY easy to use on any game that uses 2D Fighter Maker. After scanning for the bit of code that's active when enemies do moves that run on an internal "timer," you can just "freeze" the variables related to the move and it will go through an endless loop without proceeding any further. You can also adjust the variable and escape a lot quicker as well.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Well, CE can be used in numerous situations. All it really does is adjust certain variables for some of the coding in games and whatnot, and it is EXTREMELY easy to use on any game that uses 2D Fighter Maker. After scanning for the bit of code that's active when enemies do moves that run on an internal "timer," you can just "freeze" the variables related to the move and it will go through an endless loop without proceeding any further. You can also adjust the variable and escape a lot quicker as well.

Hmm, I see. I'll keep that in mind when I fiddle around with it later. Thanks~
Re: Fairy Fighting

You're welcome. Glad I could help.

Hrm... having trouble locating the values for Frozen Wolfs' finisher, for some reason. Managed to do the same for a few others just fine, but that one is eluding me. >>;

Any tips?
Re: Fairy Fighting

FF SOLO CARD GAME beta rules.
This is what I'm working on.
Due to my very poor knowledge of foreign languages, it's a pain to read.
Maybe I can do a full beta release in the week, however this give a glimpse on the system.

The goal of the game is to defeat Tiki by playing monsters on her.
Put the Tiki Card on the game surface.
You have a deck of 40 cards. Shuffle them, and put them face down on the surface.
The game begin. Draw 3 cards. They represent your starting hand.

Each game turn proceed as follow:
-Draw one card
-Burn Cards
-Play one card
-Check for victory

-Draw one card

-Burn Cards
You can choose to burn one card and draw another one. Put the discarded card in the BURN pile.
You can burn cards as much as you want before playing one of them, but you loose the game if there's 10 or more BURN points in the pile.

-Play one card
You are forced into play a card against Tiki.
When you play a card on Tiki the card is placed beside her, creating a row from first to last played.
Each card show a KIND.
You can then play a card of the same VALUE or the same COLOUR of the last one played.
E.g.: Now Tiki have FairyCrushers as last played card on her. FC have "3 red dots" as KIND. You can play a card with a value of 3 or red dots.
IF YOU CAN'T PLAY A CARD that meet this requirements, you play one of them BUT you discard all the previous cards on her.
E.g.: as above, if you don't have a red dot card or a "3" card, you can play any card but you discard all of the previous ones in the row.

The cards you discard this way are put in the Discard pile. Note that is a different pile from the Burned one. Burn value doesn't count for cards in the discard pile.

-Check for victory: each card show a STRENGHT VALUE. After playing a card, you have to check if you win.
SUM UP all the strenght value of the cards on Tiki. If the sum is 10 or above, you win!

0 VALUE CARDS: the VALUE of 0 represent all numbers, and become the previous value when played.
E.G: you can play a 0 Value card on a 3 red dot card. Now the 0 is a "3".
END OF THE DECK: if you don't have cards to draw, you loose.
SPECIAL EFFECTS FOR BURN: some card have a special effect when you burn the card. The effect is applied one time when you burn the card.
SPECIAL IN-GAME EFFECTS: some card have an effect UNTIL is played against Tiki AND is the last card on the row. The effect disappear if the card is discarded or another one is added to the row.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hrm... having trouble locating the values for Frozen Wolfs' finisher, for some reason. Managed to do the same for a few others just fine, but that one is eluding me. >>;

Any tips?

Let's see. Do a scan for byte. It will be a value that increases. Try pausing, then scan, then pause, then scan. See if that helps.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I must reflect the earlier sentiment: you already have infinite health, SP and health & SP.
Why do you need to go through the bother of looking for a value in cheat engine, and just play the game? Raper beast isn't hard to turtle up against. The nerf to back dodges is bit of an issue, but it was a good move because now it isn't a simple matter of dancing back and to and generally making all the fights trivial, Tiki isn't a Ryu (ninja gaiden Ryu) rule 64, forward dodges take timing but are still viable.

The actual fighting part of Raperbeast reminds me of the days when 3 fairy crushers was a clusterfuck, just use a similar strategy, and HEAVY KICK THE CRAP OUT OF HIM :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

Let's see. Do a scan for byte. It will be a value that increases. Try pausing, then scan, then pause, then scan. See if that helps.

Narrowed it down to about 36 possibilities, but can't seem to get it to go much lower. So either I've messed up somewhere along the way, or the FF engine is taunting me. ^^;
Re: Fairy Fighting

I must reflect the earlier sentiment: you already have infinite health, SP and health & SP.
Why do you need to go through the bother of looking for a value in cheat engine, and just play the game? Raper beast isn't hard to turtle up against. The nerf to back dodges is bit of an issue, but it was a good move because now it isn't a simple matter of dancing back and to and generally making all the fights trivial, Tiki isn't a Ryu (ninja gaiden Ryu) rule 64, forward dodges take timing but are still viable.

The actual fighting part of Raperbeast reminds me of the days when 3 fairy crushers was a clusterfuck, just use a similar strategy, and HEAVY KICK THE CRAP OUT OF HIM :D

I can fight him and beat him without CE, so that's not my reason for using it. I use it for other purposes. My main reason is to make a move last longer and my secondary reason is to insta-escape anything when my hands get tired. It's really useful when you want to see a certain part of a move last a while longer before you instantly get game over. If you also tweak the right values, you can also put the game over animations into an endless loop as well.

Narrowed it down to about 36 possibilities, but can't seem to get it to go much lower. So either I've messed up somewhere along the way, or the FF engine is taunting me. ^^;

I see. Since I am about to get ready for class, I can't do anything right now but give you another tip. When I come back home, however, I can attempt to find the values all over again. There are two addresses that you are looking for. One is for Tiki and the other is for the Frozen Wolf. They are both lower than 20, and they start at 0, I believe. When one rises, the other one usually rises as well even though it may be 1 point or so off. All of the addresses you want to look at it will be green, btw. Oh, and make sure you have Fast Scan off.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I see. Since I am about to get ready for class, I can't do anything right now but give you another tip. When I come back home, however, I can attempt to find the values all over again. There are two addresses that you are looking for. One is for Tiki and the other is for the Frozen Wolf. They are both lower than 20, and they start at 0, I believe. When one rises, the other one usually rises as well even though it may be 1 point or so off. All of the addresses you want to look at it will be green, btw. Oh, and make sure you have Fast Scan off.

*smacks self*

I knew I was forgetting something. *checks list again*

Yep, there it is, right in front of my face. I somehow managed to ignore the green variables in the list. XD

In any case, problem solved, and you've got more rep headed your way(once it lets me, anyway) for being so helpful. :3
Re: Fairy Fighting

I might be inadvertently be bringing it to Eluku's attention, but simply holding down the left & right keys does all the jiggling for you: perfect for one-handed escapes.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I might be inadvertently be bringing it to Eluku's attention, but simply holding down the left & right keys does all the jiggling for you: perfect for one-handed escapes.

It's only been that way for.....ever. Just FYI ;)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Yeah, I was referring to hands 'getting tired'. I really should of used the quote tool, but I'm tired from work and cooking a late tea (dinner) :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

*smacks self*

I knew I was forgetting something. *checks list again*

Yep, there it is, right in front of my face. I somehow managed to ignore the green variables in the list. XD

In any case, problem solved, and you've got more rep headed your way(once it lets me, anyway) for being so helpful. :3

Thanks. I'm glad I was able to help out.

I might be inadvertently be bringing it to Eluku's attention, but simply holding down the left & right keys does all the jiggling for you: perfect for one-handed escapes.

Well, that was rather enlightening. I wonder if it'll work with a controller.

It's only been that way for.....ever. Just FYI ;)

And now that I know this, I feel rather dumb.
Re: Fairy Fighting

hey I am new to this site and I signed up just for this thread, I have searched all over google and found a few dead ends that talked about a translator for Fairy Fighting, does such a thing exist? or is there a way to mod the game or patch it so I could understand it? :confused:
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's an ero fighting game, half the text is arrows and button commands and the names hardly mean anything. You don't really need a translator, but I'm sure someone here can find what you're looking for.
Re: Fairy Fighting

hey I am new to this site and I signed up just for this thread, I have searched all over google and found a few dead ends that talked about a translator for Fairy Fighting, does such a thing exist? or is there a way to mod the game or patch it so I could understand it? :confused:

There is no story. What's there to understand?
Re: Fairy Fighting

There is no story. What's there to understand?

Well.. theres no written story.. I believe the skippable cutscene before fighting Eggplant explains it all. You're a fairy named Tiki who, while being filled by Eggplant in all holes possible with green goo, manages to escape from her captor. Thus her adventure begins.

After that, there really is no story.. and I'd probably like if it was kept that way..
unless Eluku somehow makes FallenFairy an antagonist turned protagonist after Tiki got the parasite out of her.. but also making her cock intact