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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anybody know about error "The ordinal 1 could not be located in the dynamic link library E:\Fairy Fighting\FairyFighting.exe", and how I can fix it?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anybody know about error "The ordinal 1 could not be located in the dynamic link library E:\Fairy Fighting\FairyFighting.exe", and how I can fix it?

More than likely, you're missing files. I think there was a bit where eluku just posted patches instead of the full game...you maybe just got a patch?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Wish he did more with the mist sisters, but I love this game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Does anyone have the version of Fairy Fighting where the Ana Moguri stage background is more.. Chocolatey? Around about where the arrow is pointing.

Plus there was a much dirtier version of this GO Animation

I feel that I myself am to blame somehow for this being changed and I want it back to how it was.

Also, if you level skipped to the final boss without the key, the stage will go black and you'll be defeated instantly. I miss that Game Over animation.

Perhaps if someone fluent in Japanese could ask Eluku to bring this sort of thing back, he would?
I tried a couple of times using Google Translator, but nothing came of it.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I think Eluku keeps the links on his blog. I have downloaded older things from him before, but it does require a bit of scrolling to find them.

On another note, that picture with Tiki and the wolf-thing kinda makes me feel bad for the girl. Then again, a lot of GO animations in this game make me feel that way.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I have downloaded older things from him before.

Could you find the things I mentioned in my previous post?
Would it be possible to change the Ana Moguri stage back to the old one
Same to the RaperBeast Game Over animation without messing up everything else in the game?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Eluku cut down on things that looked like scat a bit in later versions of Fairy Fighting. I wouldn't mind if he'd put it back. Not into scat, but for realism's sake, if the thing is sticking something into your ass, some chips will come out, and if something is suctioning your anus, it ain't water that's coming out.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Could you find the things I mentioned in my previous post?
Would it be possible to change the Ana Moguri stage back to the old one
Same to the RaperBeast Game Over animation without messing up everything else in the game?

I can check, but no guarantees.

To answer your other questions - yes on both accounts. It's just a matter of inserting both of the originals into the game and substituting them in for the newer ones.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Eluku cut down on things that looked like scat a bit in later versions of Fairy Fighting. I wouldn't mind if he'd put it back. Not into scat, but for realism's sake, if the thing is sticking something into your ass, some chips will come out, and if something is suctioning your anus, it ain't water that's coming out.

You're vouching for realism for a game where the main character can take dicks that are literally the size of her torso and still walk it off once she breaks a struggle meter?
Re: Fairy Fighting

You're vouching for realism for a game where the main character can take dicks that are literally the size of her torso and still walk it off once she breaks a struggle meter?

Yes. And?
Re: Fairy Fighting

I can check, but no guarantees.

To answer your other questions - yes on both accounts. It's just a matter of inserting both of the originals into the game and substituting them in for the newer ones.

Another thing, the Spider girl got an update around the same time Raper Beast was being worked on which caused her SP to fill automatically up to two bars as well as when dealing damage, causing her to spam her SPmax move, even when she's already laid eggs inside Tiki amongst other things. It makes getting certain game-overs really hard to get.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Another thing, the Spider girl got an update around the same time Raper Beast was being worked on which caused her SP to fill automatically up to two bars as well as when dealing damage, causing her to spam her SPmax move, even when she's already laid eggs inside Tiki amongst other things. It makes getting certain game-overs really hard to get.

THAT is an easy fix that I can do if you want it done. Do you have the most recent version of the game?

Oh, and I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to find the versions of the game that you're looking for. I have a general idea of a time frame, but there are still dozens of updates around that time that I would have to look through. I would literally have to fight those little green things in every version that I test. Not only that, but I would have to lose to the Raperbeast over and over again trying to find it.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

THAT is an easy fix that I can do if you want it done. Do you have the most recent version of the game?

Oh, and I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to find the versions of the game that you're looking for. I have a general idea of a time frame, but there are still dozens of updates around that time that I would have to look through. I would literally have to fight those little green things in every version that I test. Not only that, but I would have to lose to the Raperbeast over and over again trying to find it.

I do have the most recent version, yes.

Take as long as you like with finding the different versions, dont stress yourself too much.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Meaning you'll take it easy?
or just not do it at all?

Honestly, I'm not certain. Finding the game version that has that would take quite a while. I don't see myself sitting here for hours on end browsing Eluku's blog history for two particular versions of a game for one person. You are just as capable of looking through them as well, so why don't you attempt it?

Now with that being said, I am interested in both of those, so I think I will keep searching. If I can find these, I would like to test myself by adding them into the recent version of the game. Gonna give it a shot, so...hold your horses. I'll let you know if it's possible or not.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Could just contact Eluku and report the flaw in the design...I'd bet they'd give it a look.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I could, but there's no need. I found everything I was looking for by looking for by searching for complaints in this thread. Unfortunately, all download links have expired and I have no idea where to acquire them now. If you would like to check for yourself, I shall list the blog updates below.

The Ana Moguri stage update was 216. The game version at the time was 20120902. At least I think that one is it.

The RaperBeast update was 237. The game version at the time was 20130203. That's the very last one before the change and I believe it's the only one that has it. The blog update 236, which released version 20130127, may also be it, but I am fairly certain that update 237 is the one.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Check his blog the Japanese one. Google eluku you should find it.
(I didn't break the rules its a suggestion , so please don't punish me. TwT)