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Epic Quotes

Re: Epic Quotes

I don't think Sohmer would settle with the Presidency >.<

Something tells me he'd work towards 'Lord of All' or something, then demand cases of Red Bull to be sent to him hourly :p
Re: Epic Quotes

Sure it's all Braveheart footage, but its the words that I find epic. Heather Alexander's "March of the Cambreadth". I love this song so much.
Re: Epic Quotes

I know, Chib's. I read that *grumps* And Kusangi's probably right *laughs*


"Three yaks and a dog."
"Sap-sucker frog."
"Oh, now you're just doing it on purpose."
Re: Epic Quotes

"It's a good thing we saw you coming from up on.....(Leo smacks him in the back of the head) OW! I mean from across the.....(Raph smacks on the back of the head) OWWW!"

Mike, Leo and Donny scream
"Thanks, Raph! I may never have the hiccups again!"

As they're being lifted over the spikes
"Uh oh! I wonder what those are for?"
"Does the word turtle-kabob mean anything to you?"

"You take the ugly one!"
"No you take the ugly one!"
"I'll take the ugly one!"
"Which one's the ugly one?"

----Ninja Turtles 2 The Secret of the Ooze.
Re: Epic Quotes

"You know how hard it is to be a zombie? Try being a SOBER zombie." -OrangeSoda
Dwarf Fortress: Headshoots.
Re: Epic Quotes

“Have you ever gone out with a revolutionary?” she says. “Maybe you need to be overthrown.”

Lockpick Pornography, by Joey Comeau.
Re: Epic Quotes

"Wow. In the virtual world we've got the constant celebrity bombardment of Leno vs Conan. In the real world we've got the much more important crisis of the earthquake in Haiti. And here in our little corner of the Net, we have hopefully been able to provide you a few laughs to take the edge of of Life's heartaches for awhile.

Y'know there have been times in my career when I click on my television to see catastrophe and devastation and it's easy to despair. These things are so big they defy imagining and can cause us to turn in upon ourselves in feelings of depression and helplessness.

Don't. Don't do that. Don't forget you have value. If you can't trust yourself, then trust your friends and loved ones who hold you in value in their lives. Depression is a very selfish place where you dig yourself a hole and crawl in face first.


Even in the face of disasters like Haiti, differences can be made. We can't all donate money and we can't all be on the ground to help dig out survivors or distribute water and food, but we can lighten the loads of those around us. Just a little. And that's a worthwhile endeavour.

All I can do most days is draw funny pictures. I hope they'll make you smile for a bit. Tonight I'll be ustreaming as usual. Maybe I can make you smile a bit there too. In the meantime, go hug someone. You'll both feel better for it."

--Lar DeSouza's blog today
Re: Epic Quotes

"Once, there was this man. He was walking along the beach on a bright, sunny day thinking about how beutiful the weather was. Suddenly he beheld a tragedy. Thousands of starfish lay in the sand, far from the water, dyin in the sun. All the man could do was gape at this tragedy. He started to despair and looked further up the beach only to see a young boy. The boy was slowly advancing towards him, picking up living starfish where he could find them, and putting them back in the water.

"There's no point in trying, boy. You can't save them. You can't make a difference."

The boy paused to look at him, then resumed as he spoke;

"Maybe I can't save all of them. But I can save some. I can make a difference for this one." He said as he tossed a starfish into the water. "And this one, and this one, and this one. I might not make a big difference, but I can make a difference."

The man watched for a time, before helping himself."

-Ian, Shattered. (fiction novel, Ian is main character)
Re: Epic Quotes

I've heard that one as a parable many a time. Still a good thought.
Re: Epic Quotes

I love Lar's blog Copper. <3 you win kudos for that one.
Re: Epic Quotes

Sohmer for President. DeSouza, VP. If they weren't ineligible, I'd write 'em in.
Re: Epic Quotes

"Mine name is Glenn... Cyrus' hopes and dreams... and now the Masamune, forthwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor!" -- Frog

"The black wind howls again..." -- Magus

"Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life. No change rule." -- Ayla

"Machines aren't capable of evil. Humans make them that way." -- Lucca

"To bring back loved ones; that's what everyone wants. Crono must be proud to have friends like you." -- Gaspar

"Wait, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper calling your name." -- Magus

"Oz...Ozzie's in a pickle!" -- Ozzie

"All life begins and ends with Nu..thats what I will believe for now..." -- Belthasar

"The Blackwind blows... One of you will shortly perish." -- Janus

*wipes a way a tear* great game...
Re: Epic Quotes

"What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?"
-Garland Greene

"One girl, I drove through three states wearing her head as a hat."
-Garland Greene

A man of pure genius if I say so myself
Re: Epic Quotes

"Does the shooter feel lucky?"
"Yes...Yes he does."
Re: Epic Quotes

"Mine name is Glenn... Cyrus' hopes and dreams... and now the Masamune, forthwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor!" -- Frog

"The black wind howls again..." -- Magus

"Win and live. Lose and die. Rule of life. No change rule." -- Ayla

"Machines aren't capable of evil. Humans make them that way." -- Lucca

"To bring back loved ones; that's what everyone wants. Crono must be proud to have friends like you." -- Gaspar

"Wait, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper calling your name." -- Magus

"Oz...Ozzie's in a pickle!" -- Ozzie

"All life begins and ends with Nu..thats what I will believe for now..." -- Belthasar

"The Blackwind blows... One of you will shortly perish." -- Janus

*wipes a way a tear* great game...

Too bad the future refused to change. *HORRIBLE HELLISH SHRILL*