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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen decided to use her clothing pack the game had provided her, creating a relatively simple yellow sundress and pulling it on. We were training in the arena, and we ended up getting something a little more involved than normal she replied, before hearing that dinner was ready. Alright. Kimberly? Can you take us to dinner before the library? she asked when the maid had returned.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The big sister take a sigh of relief and said Maybe i should train when i get fine, Suzanne come an hour ago and said me that she will not eat until more late, she will stay in the library with Gerald, he looks like a good young man, i hope that he dont try something bad to our little girl Celesta cover her smile, it was fun to heard her sister talk about love.

Kimberly get inside using the door as Teresa had said her to dont appear in the room like a ghost, then they appear close the dinner room, there were all except the young couple that was in the library, Jean had a book close her and was talking with her mother about the problem of Suzanne.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I don't think he will. And if he does I'll kick his ass. Evelen said with a smile, she sat down to dinner and began to eat, not quite sure what to talk about. Finally she said hello Jean, Mrs. Dragan. How have you been today?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

All these days had been filled whit joy, miss Evelen, your family really had give life to our home she said happily in a serious tone as she drink her wine. Then Jean giggled and said to Evelen Indeed, even giving marh classes to Suzanne is fun and amazing, she really learn fast and enjoy to do it, im reading advance books to dont loose to her in the future. Do you had went to our pool or our bathroom, it will nice take a bath togeter, right miss Celesta?

The plant girl nodded ashamed to remember the smell on all her body.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen frowned a little as she ate, lost in thought for a moment. She had forgotten all about the strange smell that had come from the slime, but that could wait until later. Are the people outside this mansion all so dreadful? she finally asked.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The elder of the house put the cup in the table and take a moment before said They are not bad, they just had loss the hope and try to survive, some instead of help each other to survive. just step over the people and use them to had a better live, we call said that they are evil but they are just people with fear. So, to answer your question, yes there are many people outsade that is not dreadful.

Then Jean said, A great porcentage of the persons with power are dangerous, miss Evelen, we know many good friends in the high ranks anyway.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm. Well, that never changes anywhere. The people who have power are always dangerous. She ate quietly, unsure if she could accept that explanation. Or, rather, if she cared. When she had finished eating she looked to Celesta and asked so what's next? Should we bathe, or go to the library for a bit?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I really will enjoy a warm and relaxing bath after that harsh training, but i want to saw how is Suzanne, i havent saw her for a while. We can the bath after read a little or we could fall sleep easily in the library

The dinner end and it was time to went to the next place. It was around the 9pm if this was the normal world and anyway that dont help to much inside a cave
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright. I figured I wouldn't disturb Suzanne though, she needs all the time she can get to study I think. Then we can get Kimberly to take us to the library, I have some reading I need to finish.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After say good bye to the Dragan, Evelen called the maid to take them to the library, Celesta get very surprised after look the big place and she was like a boy in a grocery store I had never saw something like this, i could take many years reading ancient books here. They walked until reach the monster hall, the vampire was enjoy the walk around her favorite place with her friends and they even saw Suzanne and Gerald reading some books far away very focused to saw them pass.

The plant girl look to the maid and ask Kimberly, do you know where can i find books about succubus and demon beings? The maid just signal some dusty dark old books, i think that there you will found all, maybe it will take you many days to read them all, i dunno i havent not read them. Then pointing where Evelen sit the last time she said Miss Evelen your books are there, not many persons come here and i let them there in case that you come alone, sorry for dont put them in their place, do you need something more?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I don't think I need anything else, no. Out of curiosity, is Emerald still around? I'd like to meet with her after I finish up this reading Evelen said, sitting down to read.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Dont worry miss Evelen she will go out until some weeks more, went you need it i will take you with her.

Then if she dont want more the maid will walk around the library to continue her usual work. Celesta sneeze a little when she opened the books, they were of different years and some were from a few decades ago. Looks like she really dont want to know how turn into a succubus, she really hate that part of herself.

Now Evelen can continue to read, if she want she could end the little book or read a part of other.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen decided to read until she finished the small book and then keep reading the other books she had with her until she started to get tired. Then she would call for Kimberly and meet with Emerald.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen read the book of the techniques against monsters and she found many interesting things, like where was the weak point of a slime, that the jellysquid was usually blind out the water and that some creatures were weak to some elements and other were immune to normal weapons, she really will need to write something in a notebook as the information was very useful.

Celesta was reading and when both ended she was like if she had not found much about half succubus, Sorry Evelen, i only read that the halfhuman succubus are like the people they can be evil or good all depend of her parents and her life and other things about demons, maybe in the next time i will find something better

(Evelen learn monster hunter skill she will earn a roll and if she win it, she will get a + 3 in her critical attempt, also she earned the possibility to get better information about the creature before fight it, but she must read illustration book to earn these skills or know the the monster before the fight.)

new skill 1/5 part

demonology 1/4 (celesta)
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I feel like I learned a lot of stuff today. Maybe Emerald will be able to help us on your end of things. Kimberly? Can you take us to Emerald now?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Then they heard something big falling close them and the voice of Kimberly asking for help. They then went to the place and saw a nearly empty bookcase close a big pile of books. Suzanne and Gerald were not anyway, maybe they were in another place of the house
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen raised an eyebrow and began to clean up the books, getting Kimberly out from under the huge pile.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

They help the poor girl get out the big pile,and she was blushed to had being trapped two times in the same week Thank you very much, sorry to be so silly miss Evelen.

They then ask her to send them where Emerald was and she nodded I went some time ago to say her that we could come around these hours. They then appear in the room of her childrens, they were sleeping except two who were playing to fight far away of their brothers. They walked around until found the dragoness sleeping in the other room
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It's okay Evelen replied, as she was transported to Emerald's room. But she's sleeping... Is it okay to wake her?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

its fine, she is not in her dragon form, but maybe we must avoid being close her when she wake up She then use her magic to create a little stone hand and levitate it until were Emerald was sleeping, she with caution and softly touch the skin of the dragoness as she cover herself behind a rock Emerald, wake up, hey hey Emerald wake up, its my Kimberly. WAKE UP EMERALD!! the dragoness take the stone hand and crush it, Dont shout me, i can hear you and i waited two hours in this place, why you take so long?

The vampire scared hide behind the stone sorry, i forget to said you that they will take a time to read, i was very busy reading a very interesting book that i forget to make my work...ah, no forget what i said please, i dont want to make the mistress sad, i will give you something later.

The dragoness sigh and get up just calm down or you will continue to make this very big, just dont let me waiting you without nothing fun to do at least