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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

What a dreadful place this is Evelen said, and her disinterest in engaging with people was validated in her mind as many halfheartedly tried to enslave them. They walked toward the capital until they got hungry, and Evelen looked into her packs to see if they had anything to eat.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

She get surprised to saw her bag with the 9 rations who she left time ago, Teresa had made them to resist days and even when they were cold they taste fine. they take three as they dont know when they will reach the city and then they get surrounded by three little humanoids boys with weapons and nearly naked "bring that food or we gonna beat all of you" said the leader an half dragon kid, the other two were hidden in the dark but Suzanne was looking at them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen eyed the kids warily. She held out one ration, willing to part with only that, since she wasn't sure how far the capital was. Look kid, I don't want to hurt you. I know you need to eat, but so do we. She considered giving them more, since really they could always breastfeed one another if worse came to worst, but for some reason the principle of the thing annoyed her. And really, if you had just asked for it without threatening me, I would have been much better inclined to give you some.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

a little girl from where Suzanne was looking talk ashamed "No, we thought that the food was stolen and than all of you were..." the kid dragon growl and said "Silence, they could be bad people disguised of that evil town who try to take us, we will take all that food and let them pass as always if they are travelers"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Huh? You think we're slavers? That's crazy. We haven't got any tools to do such a job. And why would a slaver go slaving with her daughter anyway? Evelen asked, putting a hand on Suzanne's shoulder. Now tell me what's going on.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"The people of there is crazy for money and will do anything even when they dont had tools, our kind is usually slaved by our strengh, im sure i can beat two or all of you alone" the young dragon said smiling and getting on guard.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kid, I have no need for money. I just want to find my older sister and go home. Now take this bit of food and get out of my way, there's no reason whatsoever for us to fight.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Please brother, take it. that creepy girl can see us, im scared". another girl voice appear from the site and then the boy nodded. "Fine", the boy get closed them without get his guard down he had a big rusty iron club in his right hand and when he get close the flame all could see her skin filled by scars, he lift the hand and take the food trying to go where her sisters were
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Alright kid, take care. Don't jump the wrong person and get yourself hurt Evelen said, going along the path to the capital, but making sure to stay on her guard; she didn't trust that kid.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The three girls go away and then Suzanne wave her hand and saidbye, bye. take care kid she giggled as she look the dark tunnel "oh shit is true run, ahhhh"

They reach the door after some hours more, looks like it was a safe place thanks to the army and then they spot a soldier he said whit a loud voice "who is there?, explain yourself why are you here.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

My name is Evelen, this is my daughter, Suzanne, and this is Celesta. Celesta's older sister was brought here for medical treatment, so we're here to pick her up she replied.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Two soldiers get closer then with their weapons ready just in case and one of them said "we dont have imformation about any girl named Teresa, do you had any paper or something to prove that the girl is here?[/] the man was very focused in his job and Evelen noted that they will need more than words
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

No I don't have a paper. She was sent here by a man named Gerald, supposedly, after notifying the army of a monster frog nest.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The soldiers looks each other and then one said " Everyone in these lands know his name and also that he put himself in charge to kill monster to free inocents from their nest if you...what is that necklance, girl come here" the man pointed Suzanne "how do you get that?" Suzanne went to them and said blushed Gerald give it to me when he rescue me with aunt Teresa, he give me also food and some clothes

thats is a lie, he will never give that necklance to any person, do you stole it right? explain yourself or you will go to prison! it was a really a bad situation and to get it worst the flood started to temble a little and noises come from the tunnel.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Look, I really am not sure what your problem is. My little girl is no thief, and even if she was, do you think she'd be so stupid as to steal from someone so well known, or so good as to be able to? Look, why is it even such an ordeal to get into the capital? What do you want from us?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

so, i must let open the door to anyone? dont you know this is the only save place thanks to dont let monsters get inside? look yoursef, you will let three suspicious females get inside the city without valid information or a order, the answer is no.

The noise get closer as if houndred of armor walk to them and then a voice of a young male said let them pass, they are saying the truth

The torches of the place show a imponent white armor with gold and silver parts weilding a dragonslayer sword in his back, behind him was other 10 fine warriors and they are follow it by more of 50 armored soldiers. Suzanne look at him and blushed as the guards get away after heard his words. The leader walk toward the three girls and put his hands over Suzanne is nice to see you safe again, little princess. Please follow me, we will go to my house to see how is your friend.
Unfortunately he had a helmet and Evelen had to wait a little more to meet him
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At least there are some reasonable men amongst the army Evelen muttered under her breath, following the man where he led them. She would wait to introduce herself until they got there, and perhaps she could see him better.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Gerald guide them around the city that was filled by lights of shining stones and was like if an army of dwarfs had worked for hundread of years to make it, the childrens play in the streets and was not any problem except the two naked girls walking behind the hero of the city and cute girl. As they get deeper more big are the buildings and after a long time they reach a huge house than was more like a city inside the capital, it was filled with warriors training in the garden females and males training like equals all bow as the hero pass and returned all the salutes, like if they were just brothers of arms.

this is my and your home, if you need something i will try to do it they get inside of the house and was filled with servants and all look very happy to saw him returning to home he then ask about Teresa to a maid and she said that the girl tried to get up but still was very weak to get out the bed. He then let them go to saw her and said than he will wait for them in the dinnig room.

Teresa was traying to get up again as three girls tried to stop her without sucess.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thank you Evelen said, and walked into the room he pointed out with Teresa. When she tried to get up Evelen ran to hug her, and hopefully press her down on the bed again. Tears of joy began to flow as she whispered into the girl's ear I was so worried... I didn't know if you were okay... I thought that I was going to get turned into a frog and lose all of you forever...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Teresa stop to try to get up as she saw her family again and cry of Happiness when Celesta also go to huge her too [color="orange" i pray every day to see both of you again, i, im so hapy, its nearly as a dream and even if it was it dont matter. You did a great job Suzanne, im so proud of you. What happened with the girl named Kristy is she also fine?[/color] Suzanne try to find her.