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ACT Loli Shota [excessm] 夢から醒めた亡者 / The dead who woke up from a dream - (RJ264906 / ...)

Oh you counted! 31 foreplay to 14 sex is higher than I thought! I think Smashboy must've been less though.
These numbers are for the Yume game, I haven't counted Smashboy or the other games because I already know that the sex to foreplay ratio is very bad there, especially in Smashboy.

I think it has to do with the whole femdom fantasy, and sadomasochism themes, where the guy is not worth the sex so he gets whatever the fuck it is the female is willing to give him. Sex being the biggest and most unlikely prize.
Might work for people who are both masochistic and imagining themselves to be in that situation. I am neither so foreplay only or denying anything does much less for me than actual sex. I wanna see someone, male or female, having a seriously crappy day on the receiving side of a rough sex scene and the character who inflicts the sex having a blast because of it. Thats pretty much what I play these rape genre games for in between other games. Gameplay, story and an unique artstyle are of course nice additions as well, which was probably what saved the first Excessm games from turning me away from the developer completely because they surely did not have too much in terms of lewd content that I really enjoyed.

In any case I consider the increasing number of actual sex attacks/scenes in Yume to be a good thing, as it came together with an increase of total scenes to boot so there is still plenty of foreplay for the people who were only into that. The game even had game over scenes with dialogue for all the enemies, something I really missed in Smashboy too.
I wanna see someone, male or female, having a seriously crappy day on the receiving side of a rough sex scene and the character who inflicts the sex having a blast because of it. Thats pretty much what I play these rape genre games for in between other games. Gameplay, story and an unique artstyle are of course nice additions as well, which was probably what saved the first Excessm games from turning me away from the developer completely because they surely did not have too much in terms of lewd content that I really enjoyed.
I'm the same, except I really enjoy seeing girls have a blast during sex.
As a guy, I feel like... I'm giving them that pleasure and it's gratifying XD

Don't like the other way around though, so I'm more limited in the games I play.
I'm the same, except I really enjoy seeing girls have a blast during sex.
As a guy, I feel like... I'm giving them that pleasure and it's gratifying XD

Don't like the other way around though, so I'm more limited in the games I play.
I get it, I play vanilla stuff too and that works for me as well, sometimes its even mixed where the girl does feel a lot of pleasure but is still embarrassed or gets teased a lot, bit of both worlds and sometimes its even better than her not enjoying it. But, sometimes my sadistic side just wants to get satisfied though so if one character has a great time at another ones expense thats just perfect, as long as it does not go too deep into graphic violence, cause for some reason thats killing my excitement. Thankfully since I do not care too much about who gets the short end, my game choices are higher because of it with the number of reverse rape games steadily increasing since I was introduced to it years back, though I have noticed some differences between the things I enjoy more depending on who gets fucked. The only thing that I avoid is playing a female character that sexually attacks males, because to me that has none of the upsides but all of the downsides all the other choices have for me, so a game like that is a no buy for me, thankfully it seems to be the rarest.

Regarding the bunny game, enjoyed that one less than the Janken one because the reward feeling for winning or doing well was missing, also there were so many bunny butts in the picture that nothing else could be seen, which is weird when you are supposed to make decisions that rely on you seeing stuff. Not gonna lie, can't really imagine what the next big game is going to look like, but with that track record I am positive that it will be good despite using unity.
The only thing that I avoid is playing a female character that sexually attacks males, because to me that has none of the upsides but all of the downsides all the other choices have for me, so a game like that is a no buy for me, thankfully it seems to be the rarest.
Poring's Devil Legion is fantastic though...

despite using unity.
I don't understand. Why do you have low hopes for unity?
The reason he made the bunny girl game the way he did was just to test features in unity. Same with Yakyuuken actually.

You noticed that the girls always look different in the sex scenes right? Different faces, different hair... They're kinda procedurally generated from parts. This is due to Unity's skin animation system.
He's also testing character scaling in unity which is why the bunny girls appear on the screen then grow smaller.

I wrote all the crazy benefits that being able to render the animations in-engine provides earlier, so I don't want to do that again, but in short, the animations will have more frames going forward at less filesizes, with more costume variety.

These last two games are him just getting his feet wet in the programming environment.
Poring's Devil Legion is fantastic though...
Never played that, saw the weird chibi cover, read through the game concept and saw a lot of japanese items, skills and characters so I knew that playing it would be a bit of a drag in any case, that combined with the price made me nope out.

I don't understand. Why do you have low hopes for unity?
The reason he made the bunny girl game the way he did was just to test features in unity. Same with Yakyuuken actually.

You noticed that the girls always look different in the sex scenes right? Different faces, different hair... They're kinda procedurally generated from parts. This is due to Unity's skin animation system.
He's also testing character scaling in unity which is why the bunny girls appear on the screen then grow smaller.

I wrote all the crazy benefits that being able to render the animations in-engine provides earlier, so I don't want to do that again, but in short, the animations will have more frames going forward at less filesizes, with more costume variety.

These last two games are him just getting his feet wet in the programming environment.
Unity is an engine generally most associated with bad games, shitty asset flips or unoriginal concepts used with the engines basic features, and because they all use the free version the name unity is front and center whenever someone reviews these atrocious games, leading to a bit of an image problem due to thousands of bad steam games using this engine. I'd have more trust in people using rpgmaker to produce good games. I know that a good programmer can work some magic with this engine, hell maybe even one who is still testing the water if he is committed to it, but theres some dirt on that engine for me after all the atrocious games I have seen being made with it. As I said I have no doubt he can make it work, but I reduce my anticipation a bit just in case it ends up being something I don't like. Also there is still the slight chance of him going back to the Smashboy approach in terms of scenes ratio, and that would definitely spoil my fun with it.
Gameplay, story and an unique artstyle are of course nice additions as well, which was probably what saved the first Excessm games from turning me away from the developer completely because they surely did not have too much in terms of lewd content that I really enjoyed.

But I guess ExcessM's sexual tastes have always been different from mine.

Well if you forget everything I said then, since I am not inside the developer's mind, there is always the explanation of TheUnsaid, it is simply the developer's taste, many times do I find a H game where I find the art/gameplay amazing yet the kinks are not something I am really into. That is just life.
Never played that, saw the weird chibi cover, read through the game concept and saw a lot of japanese items, skills and characters so I knew that playing it would be a bit of a drag in any case, that combined with the price made me nope out.
Even though Poring's one of the few game devs that released the game fully in english in order to support the english market? Day 1 english releases should be supported imho.
It's got a unique premise and tons of sex scenes, and is just an overall good game.

Well if you forget everything I said then, since I am not inside the developer's mind, there is always the explanation of TheUnsaid, it is simply the developer's taste, many times do I find a H game where I find the art/gameplay amazing yet the kinks are not something I am really into. That is just life.
One of the reasons eroge have a hard time breaking into any mainstream appeal. Not only is it 18+ content, but different things appeal to different people sexually so you're inherently going to have a fractured market.
Even though Poring's one of the few game devs that released the game fully in english in order to support the english market? Day 1 english releases should be supported imho.
It's got a unique premise and tons of sex scenes, and is just an overall good game.

One of the reasons eroge have a hard time breaking into any mainstream appeal. Not only is it 18+ content, but different things appeal to different people sexually so you're inherently going to have a fractured market.
I must have missed that. I thought that supposed english release on Dlsite was like most others, aka either just the japanese release on the english Dlsite or at best a partial machine translation that usually makes about as much sense to me as japanese does since english is not my native language and I know many common japanese words by now. If this game is fully translated into semi decent english, maybe I reconsider.
Well eroge games can play it safe to have more mainstream appeal, or try to be jack of all trades to give most people something to enjoy, or maybe do a whole lot of fetishes and give people the option to deactivate what they don't like in the main menu. Of course they'd have a much harder time breaking into the mainstream with taboo content, or borderline weird stuff that has absolutely no relation to sex like vore, something that most people, me included, do not even remotely understand. The main reason eroge have a hard time is the arbitrary rules of platforms like steam that make it impossible for most of these games to appear to a wide audience, and of course the simple fact that few people would openly admit to playing these types of games, so they are something most people would hide, or be too ashamed to play in the first place.
try to be jack of all trades to give most people something to enjoy, or maybe do a whole lot of fetishes

That is the best recipe to get a mediocre product in any field. Unless you have a monstrous budget that can handle such an ambitious project (and a lot of coordination, AND good writers aka money money and more money etc etc), you want to specialize in something in a game.

Example let's say you want to make a RPG that is also a shooter, with puzzle elements, strategy battles both turn based and active time based sometimes, with a deep sci fi story in space that also has major part in the wild west targeted for all audiences of all ages. Can you try that? Yes. Will you catter to a lot of people? Yes. Will those people actually enjoy your product? Most likely not. Because you are shooting into so many directions with little resources, you will end up failing or making a mediocre product in every single category instead of really shining in a single one. Shit is more complicated than people think.
I must have missed that. I thought that supposed english release on Dlsite was like most others, aka either just the japanese release on the english Dlsite or at best a partial machine translation that usually makes about as much sense to me as japanese does since english is not my native language and I know many common japanese words by now. If this game is fully translated into semi decent english, maybe I reconsider.
Well eroge games can play it safe to have more mainstream appeal, or try to be jack of all trades to give most people something to enjoy, or maybe do a whole lot of fetishes and give people the option to deactivate what they don't like in the main menu. Of course they'd have a much harder time breaking into the mainstream with taboo content, or borderline weird stuff that has absolutely no relation to sex like vore, something that most people, me included, do not even remotely understand. The main reason eroge have a hard time is the arbitrary rules of platforms like steam that make it impossible for most of these games to appear to a wide audience, and of course the simple fact that few people would openly admit to playing these types of games, so they are something most people would hide, or be too ashamed to play in the first place.
Well in Japan tons of adult games have made it relatively mainstream.
Games like Shuffle, and Clannad are actually adult games at their base for instance.

They're not jack of all trades dude.... They're just vanilla.

Yeah, I don't get vore either. But I don't get straight people who enjoy homosexual content like pegging or futa either XD... All I know is that a lot of the content producers I like also like stuff I hate so people are all coming at this medium differently.

I think your mindset is a bit western centric when you say that eroge have a hard time because of arbitrary rules set by steam. They thrived in Japan's marketplace just fine because people were selling them to each other physically at comiket and whatnot. Digital sales for adult product limitations are set by banks, and all digital platforms that need money must follow banking regulations. The banks have a hard stance on adult content, because adult content is very likely to be asked to be "refunded" and has a high chance of having some kind of coercion going on (basically adult actors might be forced to perform those acts for various reasons.) It's basically the reason laws pertaining minors are enforced through the banks. If the guys kidnapping kids can't make money then well... you get the point... it's only recently though that banks have started differentiating 2D products from 3D as most of the things they're worried about are moot in a 2D product. You can't kidnap a drawing?

Example let's say you want to make a RPG that is also a shooter, with puzzle elements, strategy battles both turn based and active time based sometimes, with a deep sci fi story in space that also has major part in the wild west targeted for all audiences of all ages.
Oh god that sounds aweful.
i figured that you look down for passing through them, btw what is the customization they talked about? there isn't customization in this game
i figured that you look down for passing through them, btw what is the customization they talked about? there isn't customization in this game
Enemies are randomly generated from parts. Basically it means he's able to use the Skin system of whatever program he's using to animate.
So faces are randomly generated, maybe the glasses are added in or not and stuff like that.

All the girl's bodies are the same though from what I've seen. All the boob sizes seem to be the same to me.
All the girl's bodies are the same though from what I've seen. All the boob sizes seem to be the same to me.
As a lad who meticulously examines and is extremely picky about what he decides to be a sybarite for, I can confirm that the bodies do not change.
Skin tones, faces, hairs, glasses, and masks are all that change.
Despite this variety, all I find myself focusing on is how the BGM for the H-scenes is an unnecessarily sick beat.
I do like the variety the randomization introduces, but the erotic content didn't really hold the interest of either of my heads.
So he's already posting about his new game on Ci-en and hasn't mentioned anything about the translation for months at this point... very disappointing.
Looking back, it was pretty scummy to put a greyed out english option in the demo as that obviously creates the expectation for an english version to be released relatively close to the japanese version.
I certainly will not be buying his next game at release again.
So he's already posting about his new game on Ci-en and hasn't mentioned anything about the translation for months at this point... very disappointing.
Looking back, it was pretty scummy to put a greyed out english option in the demo as that obviously creates the expectation for an english version to be released relatively close to the japanese version.
I certainly will not be buying his next game at release again.
Yep. Translation is more work than people think.
His mentality's in the right place, but it seems he hasn't brought forth results.

Still it isn't really that out of the question to wait a couple of years to get a translation for eroge, so I do think it's unfair to expect him to sit on his butt and do nothing until his previous game gets translated.
Yep. Translation is more work than people think.
His mentality's in the right place, but it seems he hasn't brought forth results.

Still it isn't really that out of the question to wait a couple of years to get a translation for eroge, so I do think it's unfair to expect him to sit on his butt and do nothing until his previous game gets translated.
He knew that people would think an english version was about to come though. His last game released with an english translation pretty soon after the japanese one, then he puts out a demo with the english option already implemented from day 1 but greyed out, you can't tell me that he didn't know what message most people would see in this. I mean its not a vile move, but definitely a bit scummy to do that and go on somewhat of a radio silence on that topic afterwards. Well he made a clever move short term, avoiding to pay someone to translate it but still get increased sales numbers because some people, me included, bought it in good faith that an english version was about to come, but whether that was the right thing to do in the long run is questionable, because I sure as hell will not acquire the next game from Dlsite if it releases and there is still no english version from this game.
Just did a little digging on a discord for a translation group I'm a patron on Patreon for and I think I discovered part of why we have no translation yet, the dev is evidently is requiring that the translator know fluent japanese because he doesn't understand english. That might be making the process of translating this complicated.