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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Awesome, works fine now :D

And WOOT, the evolutions I checked out are still there :p
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I Suggest we go for a cabbit or a gunbunny for her next evolution.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Of course we're gonna fuck the blazes out of everything we catch. Otherwise its no fun =P. Also, where are the trainer battles? That's how I get money in pokemans... Also, do we have a PC in this?

For votes, I vote the same as everyone else did, though you said you're already writing so...
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Of course we're gonna fuck the blazes out of everything we catch. Otherwise its no fun =P. Also, where are the trainer battles? That's how I get money in pokemans... Also, do we have a PC in this?

For votes, I vote the same as everyone else did, though you said you're already writing so...

As a consolation prize, you get to pick whether the Bunnygirl or the Titacool get tamed first. You have 1 hour.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Even if it is common, I hope you catch another couple of Bunnygirls. With 14 evolutions and some of those evolutions being able to evolve further, I think trying to fully evolve 3-4 of them isn't so unreasonable :p

Besides, gotta catch 'em all, right? Eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'm probably jumping the gun here, but I say we aim for turning our Naga into a Garter. They sound awesome.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

windows decided it just absolutely had to update and reset my computer while I was in the washroom. somehow the backup feature of my word predecessor didn't save anything. I was so angry I went to sleep.

I'm rewriting everything now.

Has anyone considered what to name the ferals? I suck with naming chracters, with but a few exceptions.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

fluffy, Tabatha...bunnygirl
Karen, Serena, Mist ... titacool
Leira (Lyra), (any Egypt name) ... Lemia

Nop, im even worse naming chracters.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I think I levelled up the last time I wrote this part. It's much better than before, though I typed up more the first time... All this sex on screen makes me feel like a porn star. An aunt did say I should audition...

Decisions Made: Have a chat with Sunset, fuck her, then fuck the girls she helped me catch. Fuck!

After making my decision, I walk back up to the counter just in time to see the Joy remove four expanded Pokéballs on tray from a machine that looks suspiciously like a photocopier. "Excuse me. If it's not too late, I'd like to have the Naga put through Level 4 Conditioning Cycle instead."

"The healing cycle has just ended," she responds, a passive look on her face, "I haven't started any conditioning cycles. Are you sure you want that?" she asks, holding the tray against her voluptuous hip with on hand.

"I've decided I want her in my harem. But if she's lesbian, she isn't going to like it when I try to tame her. I don't want to take any chances."

"She must be a real looker," the Joy responds, bitting her lip to pause. "I understand, sir. I'll have her conditioned after the other two. It's will take longer than the others, though. Would you like your A-bra now, or would you like her put through a cleaning cycle?"

"I'd like her returned to me, please." I answer.

I'm about to release Sunset from her ball before a though occurs to me. My shoes were caked in mud after I got out of the Naga's lair. I've since walked most of it off, but it goes to reason that Sunset's feet are covered in mud as well. I gonna give her a 'cleaning cycle' myself.

A minute later, I'm standing naked in the bathroom of adjoined to my taming room. The whole room is tiled an off white on the walls and floor, and dips down a step from the door, and big enough to hold a bed. There's three shower heads, but only one faucet nob. On the left wall is a set of adjustable metal restraints, gleaming as if freshly polished, while on the right wall are a recess holding a bar of soap and a clear dispenser almost filled with a white gooey cream I assume is shampoo. It's the coolest bathroom I've ever been in.

In a red flash, Sunset is released, legs caked in more mud than I remembered. "How's it going, Sunset?" I ask her, "Injuries are all healed up?" She nods, then looks at the faucet with her glowing eyes. It squeaks and the shower heads begin to spray warm water into the room. I was about to speak again when she teleports right to me, locking our lips. As much I enjoyed the sensation, I push her away. "I just want to talk for a while," I tell her blank expression. Her hands have moved down to grip my quickly hardening member, but I catch both her dainty wrists in one hand. "Cease and desist!" I command, pinning her to the floor. Her hair quickly soaks up the water flowing across the floor.

"You did very good earlier, catching those ferals. You followed the plan I gave you, but also improvised and used your own judgment." Sunset nods, then warps her legs around my waist, grinding her wet slit against my furious erection. I use my other hand to push her back down, sternly looking into her eyes. "Having a couple of good fights isn't going to earn you extra tamings from me, you little slut. In fact, no amount of excellent combat prowess is going to earn you bonus fuckings." I lean down and deepen my voice, "But I won't punish you for a having a streak of losses, either. As long as I'm your tamer I will tame you as much as you need it." I lick her lips to tease her, and pull away just as she sends her tongue out.

"I haven't figured out a system for handing out extra tamings, yet, but I can tell you right now it won't be as easy as your hoping," I grin as she says some gibberish. I try to figure out what she was trying to say, but instead I end up shrugging. "Now, I've decided to keep all three ferals we caught earlier. So I'm going to wash you, then you're going to help me tame them."

I let her go and sit back under on of the shower drops, my legs in a triangle. "Bring me that bar of soap, and sit facing away from me," I order, pointing between my legs. Her eyes glow as the soap wobbly floats to her hand, as she moves to sit in my lap. She pauses to try and line herself up with my cock, but I grab her waist and bring her down to sit in front of it. "Bath first," I whisper into her ear, taking the bar of soap from her hand. "Don't move unless I move you," I whisper into her ear.

I begin rubbing the bar of soap around her back, trying to cover as much of her as possible with suds, the running water making it difficult. Convinced that I've cleaned her back, I let the water rinse her off then pull her up against my self. I can feel her breathing has depended. I begin to rub the bar of soap along chest and arms, paying particular attention to her small perky breasts, making her gasp with every slow, teasing rub. The water doesn't flow as readily down her front, so as I send the bar down to rub her belly and crotch, I have my other hand continue to rub suds about her cute little tits.

After I'm certain she's saturated in suds, I suddenly shove the significantly shrunken bar of soap into her, making her suddenly squeal. Very pleased with that exclamation, I let the bar slide out of her a bit before pushing it back in, again and again, groping her breast with my other hand. Her cute gasps turn into cute moans as I work her, then gasps again when I pinch a nipple. She begins to bob and thrust her hips, but I stop massaging her chest to press her back down. "I told you not to move," I growl into her ear. She obeys, and I reward her by returning my hand to her breasts, and speed up my soap fucking with the other. It isn't long before her cute gasps and moans give way to a deep breath and a long moan accompanied by tensing up and shivering.

"All clean," I declare, retrieving the nearly depleted soap bar from inside her. I lean back, pulling her with me to completely expose her to the falling water. I reach down to my dick and slip it into her soapy hole, then grab her hips and force her to slowly gyrate.

I spend several minutes inside her, forcing her to stimulate me and causing her to moan and pant out her breed name, then switch to making her bounce up and down franticly, occasionally slipping out of her and stopping to reposting and continue. I feel the burning pleasure within me suddenly burst, and I press her down onto me, shoving my cock as far in as I can, filling her cleaned out hole with my dirty cum. She screams out as I come out of my blissful moment, and I can feel her cunt contract around me.

She collapses on top of me, panting heavily, and I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her cheek. I wait for her breathing to return to normal, before complimenting her, "That was great."

  1. Decision: Time to tame the ferals!
    • Send Sunset to get them. Why should I get dressed if I'm just gonna be naked in a minute?
    • Get dressed and go them myself. I'm not lazy.
    • There's got be a towel or something around here somewhere. Use that to cover myself and get the ferals myself.
    • Go get them myself. Naked. The staff will appreciate the show.
  2. Decision: In what order should I tame the ferals?
    • Bunnygirl
    • Titacool
    • Naga
  3. Decision: My new harem girls all need names. What to call them?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1C - lazy but not immodestly so. Even in a world like this I'm sure there are public indecency laws.

2 - don't really care, but Bunny should probably go last; hopefully we can use some tentacles on her.

3 - I'm even worse at naming.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1. B or C
2. C, A, B. or B,C,A. Either tackle the hardest and longest one to tame first, then Tame the Bunnygirl to help us train either the Titacool or so both can help tame the Naga; or Tame the Titacool to help tame the Naga with Les sex, then tame Bunnygirl.
3. Not very good at names. DX
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Naga - Padmavati, Vinata, or Manasa.

Titacool - no fucking clue =.=

Bunny Girl - Lola.

And now on to the other questions.

#1: C.

#2: A. - B. - C.
Tame the Bunny Girl first. Then you can use her and Sunset to help you with the Titacool. Last comes the Naga (pun... maybe not intended :p), so you can all tackle her together... well, that's the hope, anyways.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


2 A B C I prefer to have another pokegirl ready, just in case

3 ...
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1B, 2B-A-C
C- Bah, names, I never bothered nicknaming anything when I played pokemon, and neither should you. If they really need names,
Bunny Girl - Lola works for me.
Titacool - Idk........ Squidly?
Naga - Vinata.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 - C I'm betting the NurseJoys and any other Pokegirls working there would like a bit of a show, but we've got a pretty full schedule right now as it is. We don't need any of them asking for a Taming as well. Doesn't mean we can't tease them, though. ;)

2 - B/A/C Considering the state of all the girls I'd like to take a look at the Titacool first to see how she's doing. The Bunnygirl should be simple enough to Tame on our own and maybe give Sunset a breather if she looks like she needs it. As for the Naga I'm debating whether or not to get the entire harem involved. She'd probably like that considering her previous lesbian tendencies, but I'm not sure how total the conditioning would be this close to its completion. Don't want to send her back to being lesbian. Then again we probably could get away with having her more attracted to another girl. Less strain on our stamina.

Naga - Cecilia, Secily, Sylvia, Samantha, you can see where I'm going with this.

Bunnygirl - Lola...I'm not quite sure what to suggest past this. Something that sounds bouncy and fun.

Titacool - I thought maybe something related to "Mar" since it's the root for water, like Maria, Mariposa, Margarite, etc. If you can think of any other roots and names flowing off of that then be my guest.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

@Termite: How about Mara, Mars or like you said Maria :p
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


1 - C: Grab a towel - it's a good compromise between modesty and efficiency.
2 - A, B, C: Unless you want to twiddle your thumbs while the taming cycle completes, Naga's gonna be last anyways. I'd prefer to start easy and work my way up, so Bunnygirl first and Titacool second.
3: Hrmph. Names should be a reflection of personality - and we haven't seen any of their personalities yet. If you want to come up with personalities based on the names we give... well:
- Bunnygirl: Lola works. Hearkens back to the song.
- Titacool: Hm. How's Melusine sound? You can shorten it to Mel easily. Alternatively, a "T"-name for her tentacles... um, Tatiana? Tena? Tenesha?
- Naga: Probably an aggressive name... Cassy? Cassidy? Cecily?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I don't know if it's the same with a vag, but soap in any of my orifices never ends well.

I was gonna say 1C, but fuck it, 1D. Strut like a motherfucker. Don't forget to tell Nurse Joy "smell ya later", too.

Naga, then Tita, then Bunny. Naga first, because fuck yeah snake girl. Tita next, because she'll probably require a little effort... also we've got an angle we might be able to play off of and make a better impression, what with saving her life and all that crap.

Bunnygirls are pretty chill, right? If we're found lacking, it'll probably be best to be found lacking with the chill one instead of the usually-a-lesbian ones. Definitely try to get Sunset's help, though.

Regarding names, it's only right we call one of them Natasha. I choose the Naga for that name.

Likewise, we should call the Titacool Boris. Or like, I dunno... does anyone remember the girl's name from Shokushu Shoujo? If not, let's call her Shokushu I guess.

Bunnygirl should be named Caerbannog. Care for short? Lola's good too.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1C seems like the best compromise between efficiency and decency in this situation.

2 Tita first then the bunny then the naga, would be better to do the naga first, but she's being lvl4d sooooo

3. The Titacool should be named Sonia after HP Lovecraft's wife (tentacle monster deserves a Lovecraft reference), the Naga should be named Ophidia, from the greek word for snake, and I have no idea what to name the bunnygirl.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I don't know if it's the same with a vag, but soap in any of my orifices never ends well.

This is magical porn! Pokégirls have many enhancements that prevent many of the problems human women have, including the ability the wear any normal shoe wear without adverse conditions, never needing glasses (though some wear them for the fashion statement), and I'm sure soap proof vagoo is one of them.

Vote count:

  1. Decision: Time to tame the ferals!
    • Send Sunset
    • Get dressed (1 1/2)
    • Classic towel skirt (5 1/2)
    • Strut like a motherfucker (1) fuckin' rebel, mang!
  2. Decision: Taming Order?
    • Bunnygirl
    • Titacool
    • Naga
    • A, B, C (2)
    • A, C, B (1)
    • B, A, C (3) Titacool -> Bunnygirl -> Naga
    • B, C, A (1)
    • C, A, B (1/2)
    • C, B, A (1 1/2)
  3. Decision: My new harem girls all need names. What to call them?
    • Bunnygirl
      • Fluffy (1/2)
      • Tabatha (1/2)
      • Lola (4 1/2)
      • Caerbanog (1/2)
    • Titacool
      • Karen
      • Serena
      • Mist
      • Squidly
      • 'Mar' ...
      • Melusine
      • Something with a 'T'...
      • Boris
      • Sonia <- I like this one.
    • Naga
      • Leira/Lyra
      • Padamavati
      • Vinata (2)
      • Manasa
      • Cecily/Secily
      • Natasha

Naming thhe Titacool has been assaulted by choice saturation. Achievement Unlocked: Option Paralysis!
Edit-> I chose Sonia. Homage to Lovecraft for the win.

Anyway, I may not update today, and if I do, it will be very late/extremely early tomorrow. Last night was my little sister's prom, and we hosted the after party. I have a hang over, and I didn't sleep in my bed, as there were already three people in it when I got there.

Good news is, I've switched from MS Word to OpenOffice. Better auto-save feature.

Jeez, four lemons in a row. If this is a constant trend, I think I'll need to buy the Kama Sumatra to keep things interesting.
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