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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Well, somehow human girls tame ferals, and they don't have penises. Well, this one girl does, but she's .
Hrm. Let me rephrase: what Lola has received (in the way of "taming", or to not use the euphemism, sex), is inadequate to the task of making her non-feral. Yes or no?
Smart tamers don't fuck their girls non-stop. They tame one or two every night, based on a schedule catering to every harem member's needs (and no PkG needs to be fucked non-stop, though some may need daily tamings). Classically, extra tamings are handed out as a reward for exceptional performance, while bad tamers will revoke a scheduled night of tamings as a form of punishment.

Basically, I'm demonstrating that giving in to the urge to stick a pole in every hole like a Roman Legionnaire is gonna sand Rocky's dick into a stumpy nub.

Yes it's tolerable, if barely, but if we follow up to tame another girl today, we're gonna have to see a NurseJoy about it. Sonia didn't make things easy...
Aaaaand... that's what I thought it was. Still, my vote stands as 6 - let's have a chat with the NurseJoy about good taming practices. Preferably whilst saving Rocky for his harem. If it turns out that Rocky can't reasonably do any more taming today, as I suspect, will storing Lola and Vinata in their pokéballs (until Rocky's ready for them) be a problem?

BTW, how much of a monetary debt are we (as Rocky) building up?
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Hrm. Let me rephrase: what Lola has received (in the way of "taming", or to not use the euphemism, sex), is inadequate to the task of making her non-feral. Yes or no?

Most definitely: Maybe...

Aaaaand... that's what I thought it was. Still, my vote stands as 6 - let's have a chat with the NurseJoy about good taming practices. Preferably whilst saving Rocky for his harem. If it turns out that Rocky can't reasonably do any more taming today, as I suspect, will storing Lola and Vinata in their pokéballs (until Rocky's ready for them) be a problem?

BTW, how much of a monetary debt are we (as Rocky) building up?

Incredibly, all uses of PokéCenter rooms and services are free of charge for Tamers. There is no salary, but the Leagues essential pay Tamers for their work by providing them with free lodging and advanced care for their girls. Tamer's also start off with a dex, a starter rated girl (ball included), and five complimentary Pokéballs. Tamers make money by catching ferals and selling them. Some ferals also have bounties because they are far more dangerous than useful if left unchecked, like AuPairSex, BladeBunnies and HentaiCutes.

So debt is currently nothing, but we are also completely broke. Also, this harem isn't particularly powerful, so if we are challenged by another tamer, we're likely to lose.

Very few centres also provide free food with their built in cafeteria. Cafeteria food is always worse than Pokéchow, though.


Need one more vote to either 6 or 7 to get me to write the next section.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Change my vote to 6 to proceed
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I put latex gloves on to type this.

Decisions Made: Seek medical treatment.

"Ow," I calmly say to Sunset, "That's not a good feeling. How many times in a day can a guy have sex?" Sunset hold up both her hands, alternating between spreading her fingers out and making fists. "Fifty. Sixty. Actually, I'm just going to ask one of the nurses about this. Let Lola here out of the restraints, please."

I quickly find my towel, and open the door to leave when I hear the second click from the restraints. I reach the counter, and again find the NurseJoy waiting there, blushing slightly and the top four buttons of her uniform undone.

"Hello, again. How may I help you?" she asks, leaning on the counter with her elbow, her chin in her palm.

"Well, it's a bit embarrassing," I lean forward and lower my voice, "My dick hurts a bit. Is this normal?"

She hums and bites her lips before answering, "Yes. You're not used to using it this much." She make a squeezing motion with her free hand. "There's muscles that control blood flow, and you're giving them a work out. Lactic acid is building up, and that's what's causing the burning sensation." I nod in understanding, though I was certain an erection came from a set of muscles relaxing. "I could use some healing magic on you, but that set back the 'training'..."

"Well that's informative, but it's not exactly helpful for right now. I still have two girls to tame, and I'm sure how much longer I'm gonna last."

She puts her fingers to her chin, as if deep in thought, the giggles. "Well, I do have something. It's a salve that will numb you nerves. You won't feel any pain, but you won't feel anything else either."

"No pleasure? Won't that mean I won't cum? Don't I need to do that to tame a Pokégirl?"

"Oh no, semen isn't necessary for taming. After all, human girls can tame. You just need to be in a sexy mood, have plenty of sweaty physical contact and bring the Pokégirl a nice orgasm."

Decision: A numbing salve... What do I say?
  1. "The salve sounds good. I'll take that." A tamer is little more than a living dildo, after all.
  2. "The salve sounds great. Could you apply to me?" *wink* "I wanna make sure it's done right." Option 7 is still open.
  3. "I kinda like having feeling down there. I'm gonna work through the pain." No salve. My girls will have my semen!
  4. "I'll take the healing magic. Training can wait 'till I have a functional harem."
  5. "Sounds like I need to take it easy. I think I'll take a nap to recuperate." Relax and recover.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Heh... an interesting item. But I'm gonna have to go with 5. And in future I'm gonna try to avoid voting for goinking anybody just because the option's there. Need to save Rocky for his harem, after all... and that harem can have up to six Pokégirls in it... :p
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Heh... an interesting item. But I'm gonna have to go with 5. And in future I'm gonna try to avoid voting for goinking anybody just because the option's there. Need to save Rocky for his harem, after all... and that harem can have up to six Pokégirls in it... :p

9 in some leagues, 6 combat + 3 non-combatants. There's also girls in storage. Then there's the Tradesman license, which is caped based on how much you can bullshit a league admin, and the Breeder's license, which gives you unlimited Pokégirl slots as long as you have everything you need to take care of them. Breeders own ranches...

Of course, there's always the option to break the law.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

5: R&R , hopefully this will help improve his stamina.

even so we better hope that he doesn't run into any hentaicutes or anything with a similar libido that wishes to be tamed.
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Acquire levels in Masochist.

Actually, no. 5 sounds good.

It could possibly be a good idea to ball Sunset, just in case she decides to take advantage of you while you're out or maybe molest the bunnygirl to the point she can't stand or whatever.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'll vote #5 for now - I mean, come on, where's the fun if you can't feel anything - but I still think the option to 'goink' Nurse Joy should come up again in the future. Hell, I think you should get the opportunity to nab Officer Jenny at some point as well :p


So, yeah... *ahem* choice #5 seems good for now... >.>
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'm not liking 5 just because Sunset has that weird look on her face. If Rocky takes a nap then she may take a nap as well, and then we'll have to wait a long ass time for her to wake back up. She may have already fallen asleep.

Then again snuggling up to a Bunnygirl could be a good thing, and if Sunset is out of it anyway then we won't be in any real rush to tame the Naga.

Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

5 but, before that try the option 2
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

As much as I hate jumping on the bandwagon, I'm going to have to go with 5. This is the fastest way to get to what I want to do - kicking another trainer's ass.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Decision Made: Rest and Recuperate.

I pause, "Sounds like I need to take it easy. I think I'll take a nap to recuperate." I decide. "What's your name?" I ask the Joy across from me.

"Macy," she replies, staring back at me.

"Thank you for your help. I'll see you later," I excuse myself, exchanging smiles with Macy, and giving her a wink before heading back to my room.

Back in the taming room, I find a humorous sight. Lola is happily hopping and spinning on the bed like a child with a sugar high, chanting "BunnyBunnyBunny," while Sunset has somehow gotten into the restraints, upside down. Her eyes are glowing, and so are the bands of metal around her wrists and ankles.

I lock the door behind me, and walk up to Sunset. "How did you get in there?" I ask her, smiling. She nods towards the happily bouncing Bunnygirl. "Looks like you can't teleport out of these. They've thought of everything." She nods in agreement. "I want to take a nap. You'll probably be asleep when I wake up, right?" Sunset nods again. I get down one my hands and knees, and kiss her. "Then I'm gonna put you into your ball, and see you tomorrow." She nods one more time. I find her ball on my discarded belt, and send the red beam to dematerialize her.

Then I step up onto the bed with the energetic Lola. Her eyes closed, she doesn't notice me even when I'm within arms reach. Quickly, I wrap my arms around her as she bounces up one more time, burying my face in between her fuzzy breasts. She squeals and tries to wiggle out of my hold, and I lose my balance, falling on the bed, and bringing her down on top of me. I keep a firm hold around her waist with one arm, and squeeze her supple furry ass with my free hand. That seams to calm her down a bit, as she stop trying to struggle and instead starts babbling into my hair.

I shift around the bed with her until I'm comfortably on my back, and she's at my side, an arm over my chest, looking up at me with a smile. "You're adorable," I smile back. My cheeks start to hurt again. She seams content just laying there cuddling with me, so I take the opportunity to look around for the light switch, Lola looking around excitedly with me. I don't see a switch on the wall, but find a button with a light-bulb printed on it conveniently placed on the end table next to the bed.

I press it, and the room goes dark. Lola starts whimpering, and tightens her hold on me. I whisper to her, and she seems to calm down. I close my eyes. I don't bother with the covers, since the room is warm enough, and the fury girl I'm cuddling with is warmer still. After a while of simply humming and rubbing my hand along Lola's side, I finally doze off.


My dreams aren't pleasant. They're filled with the sounds of someone yelling at me, calling me horrible things. Monster, Pervert, Murderer. They're filled with the sights of blood, sharp metal objects, leather and a mouth of razor sharp teeth. I can hear my-self screaming, then singing. I hear another voice join in, it's a pleasant song, but it is wrong in every way. More yelling. More singing. Then darkness consumes me.


I wake up an unknown amount of time later. I've only shifted slightly, and I can feel Lola sleeping calmly next to me. The room isn't pitch black, now that my eyes have adjusted. There's a very soft glow coming from the ceiling, warm lights bleeding in from the various doors, and a red blinking light coming from beyond the foot of the bed.

I untangle myself from Lola, and crawl off the bed to my pants, finding the Pokédex, the source of the red blinking light. I open it, brightening the screen, and find a little envelope icon is blinking. After fiddling with the buttons, I open the message.

The Blue League officially welcomes you, Rocky Bullwinkle, to the ranks of Paramilitary Tamers, with all of it's benefits and responsibilities, and awards you a complimentary Pokégirl rated for starter level, a government issued ModelNo: #pKdNcc344-302 Pokédex, five Jahana Corporation basic level Pokéballs, and a digital copy of Taming for Dummies.

Congratulations, and good hunting.

Mr. Micheal Anderson
Blue League Department of Tamer Administration, Division 2

I smile a bit. The people don't sound British. But it will make battling interesting, since there are few official rules on how a battle is run. Other leagues insist on 1 on 1 matches between girls. But in the Blue League, a tamer can send out his whole harem. It can get incredibly chaotic, but it also encourages realistic scenarios similar to what hunting ferals and fighting off criminals would be like. Blue League tamers have very well coordinated harems.

Score Card Update
BunnyGirl: Common: 10 points
Titacool: Common: 10 points
Naga: Uncommon: 8 points

Points Gained Yesterday: 28
Total Score: 28
You are 72 points away from graduating from Rookie Protection. Keep up the good work.
Rookie Protection will expire in 27 days regardless of how many points you have at that time.
You are 472 points away from advancing a rank. Keep up the good work.

You have no Badges.

The Blue League thanks you for reducing the feral population. Keep up the good work.

This is an automated message.
Blue League Department of Tamer Administration

I smirk a bit at the repeated "Keep up the good work." Tamers have a habit of only catching Pokégirls that catch their interest, then leaving an area. Hunters, a type of tradesman, walk into an area, and clear it of ferals. However, they often just kill the common types...

At least I know I won't be challenged by a poacher right out of the gate.

I check the watch. It's almost five PM. I'm certain Sunset is asleep, but it's still light out.

Decision: What to do now?
  1. Lola isn't feral, but she could still use a dicking. (1 5/6 plus follow up suggestion)
  2. I really should tame the Naga. (4 5/6)
  3. Let Sonia out and have some fun! (1/3 plus follow up suggestion)
  4. Sunset is probably sleeping, but she'll appreciate being tamed anyway.
  5. Sonia is good to go. Let's hunt some ferals.
    • Northern Forest
    • Eastern Forest
    • Southern Swamp (1 plus a follow up suggestion)
    • Western Forest
  6. I'm hungry. Let's go into town to try and score some free food. (1)
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You didn't get a chance to before, and 'taming' is a good way of being closer to your girls. Better relations = better coordination between Tamer and Pokegirl.
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

i prefer to do the 1 and the 2nd option at the same time, maybe in that way we have enough time to eat
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


Real creative on the choices for exploration by the way. =P