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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Meh, don't be so hard on yourself, you've already made one friend here." Linda states like it's obvious, rounding the corner to find one of the messes of Fallen corpses left in the hallway. "Wow, what do you think, Ava or 366?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She blinks in surprise at the corpse. "Almost looks like something I did at the lab..." she mused. Streatching, she looks over at the sniper. "So, we seem to be safe at the moment at least..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"So it would seem. Well, that doesn't change the fact that I'm still hungry. Where is that kitchen?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*walking along the corridors she took the transport tube to make her way to the bridge her weapons put away now that everything seemed to be okay and done with*
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Don't ask me, I don't even know what a kitchen is," she pointed out.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 shakes her head, internal doubts running through her mind. After a moment's delay, she voiced them. It was always eerie, though, hearing a voice emanate from that faceless helmet.

"It has been easy because something is wrong. We have with us the best of the best. What we have encountered so far, an ordinary platoon could have dealt with."

366 unconsciously flicks a blade into her hand, spinning it through her fingers in what has become a sure-fire display of uneasiness.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda starts to reply with a sarcastic remark, but stops herself before she says anything. "Rhetorical question, didn't need an answer. Don't worry about it."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius waved to the people that joined Adria and her on the bridge.

"Perhaps we caught them, I think they say, with their pants down? I wouldn't expect them to be so lightly armed if they were being vigilant. Also, if they couldn't have gotten the ship running, then, for them, there wouldn't have been much reason to defend this ship anyway. I doubt they believed we could've somehow gotten it running. And we wouldn't have if it weren't for Adria."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria thought for a moment before replying. "366 is right though. For a place that was supposed to be over run with those things we've encountered a small number based off what we thought would be here. Now either the intel was incorrect about their numbers, or something has drawn the vast majority away. Though now another thought is something you just brought up Lillius. Is it possible these things KNEW someone who could activate this ship was coming and wanted that to happen? We may need to perform a manual sweep of the ship just to be sure we are in fact alone."

At the likely questioning look she would get she added, "I am reminded of an incident a few years back from a mission a friend of mine was on. They were to board what was thought to be a derelict old space craft, one that had minimal power and no life signs. Twenty minutes after they boarded they discovered there were about a hundred... I'll call them pirates for lack of a better word, on board with them who weren't registering on life sign sweeps or any sensor grid. It later came to be found that they were using some kind of isotope that could effectively knock out sensor readings against them for several hours at a time. It's possible we may have something similar here, though I pray not. A ship this large.... plenty of hiding and ambush spots to be used either way."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

The buggirl shrugged. "Sorry if I'm pissing you off, I know I must be annoying..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"It's not that, its just harder to make conversation when half the words I want to use hold no meaning for you. We'll work on that." Linda says casually, going around another corner. "Here we go, the mess hall." She says, looking around at the massive room full of chairs and tables, finally spotting the kitchens on the other side and walking through the rows to get to them.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"You're right about one thing, it seems messy," she quips, looking over the half-eaten meals of the Fallen that now layed at various stages of injury.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Quite." Linda says, doing a quick count of the used tables and half-eaten plates. "How many did Aria say were on this ship? I count food for at least forty or fifty on the tables, so either they don't clean up, or I think we have a problem..." She says before contacting Michael over the radio.

Michael? This is Linda. Me and... The bug girl are in the mess hall. There must be food for forty or fifty scattered on the tables here, we may have a problem here. Either that, or they just never clean up after each other.

She ends the communication, then looks back over to the insectoid. "Right, well, that brings to mind another problem, we haven't been formally introduced. I'm Linda." She says, extending her suited hand forward.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"It's Xerberus," she points out, taking her claws into the human's hands
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Nice to meetcha." Linda says with a smile, giving the claw a firm shake before letting go. She then makes her way into the kitchen and starts checking for supplies and foodstuffs. "So, what do you eat for a living? Meat, veggies, or whatever?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"To tell the truth, all I've had was bionutrients fed by IV... I was just released today..." she said a bit softly.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((Think the radios reach everyone, Burrito correct me later if I am wrong.))

Adria's voice cut over the radio a few moments after Linda's communication. "Linda, this is Adria. Did you just say you found enough plates for forty or fifty Fallen? Be advised, the internal sensors are NOT picking anything other than ourselves up, but if anyone remembers the Hikoma ship incident, then you know there is still a chance there are some hiding. How recent does the food appear to be?"

((She's referencing the ship with the isotope from my previous post, I figure the knowledge of what happened on that one is probably common knowledge amongst a group of this level of skill.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael sighs and begins walking back to a teleporter, hearing Ava speak "You're staying on the bridge until you've healed, I can't risk you getting hurt." he says, yanking Keylo into the teleporter and pressing a section, transporting them to the teleporter on the bridge "Adria. Status report. I heard over the radio that some of them are in hiding. Is this true?" he asks, his arms crossed as he looks around and notices the bodies, thinking nothing of it "If they are indeed hiding here. I want those bastards wiped off this ship."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda opens her mouth to answer Xerberous, only to be cut off by the radio.

Copy that, food looks fresh, nothing more than a day old at the very most. We'll keep an eye out.

She turns back to Xerberous and continues the conversation. "Just today? Well, I'll make a little of everything and we'll find out what you like, sound like a plan?" She asks, before starting up the kitchen and getting several small meals started, everything from steamed vegetables right up to marinated steak, the smells mixing and wafting across the mess hall.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She sniffed at the interesting smells. "Wow... all these smells actually make my sences feel alive..." she said, looking a little light-headed at the new experience.