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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Stay... right there. I have a plan."

Striding across the room to the control consoles, 366 stabs a broadcast button. A moment later, her voice echoes out across the ship, rather than through their personal radios..

"This is 366. All members of Reaper's squad, return to the bridge at once. I repeat, return to the bridge at once, this is an emergency.."

A moment later, she transmits via the radio, confident that her message will have been heard by the enemy onboard.

"366 here, all units report to the bridge. I have a plan for eliminating our stowaways."

Finally, she turns back to the bridge.

"Now.. we get everyone here, then convince our enemy we are vulnerable. Then the fun begins."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda looks up at the roof when the message goes out over the ship's intercom, then back down when it is broadcast again over the personal radios.

Copy that, on our way.

"Hope they have something good up their sleeves, I don't know where this gets us." She says to Xerberous and Adria, before shrugging and leading the way back to the teleporter room.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus shrugs again. "Okiday, works for me!" Revealing her lazer again, she flies behind the sniper.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had opened her mouth to reply to the question when 366's broadcast came over. She smiled some at this, leave it up to the operative to have something up her sleeve. This could turn out to be fun.

As they walked Adria finally did answer the question. "Not entirely sure how many more could be left. This ship as you saw is quite large, and there are plenty of rooms to hide in. As it stands I'd guess a group of our size probably at the most right now could have secured maybe fifteen percent of the ship by now. Likely less than that since we're all moving for the bridge. The Fallen might not be far behind us though, so let us get moving."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 is leaning against the control console, thinking, as the first three arrive. She hopes, though, that more than three of the initial squad remain. To lose so many against such weak opponents would not bode well for their mission. Struck by a sudden thought, she paces over to Ava.

"Query: If I send you a data file, can you project it, as you did with that contract?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

(Short post once again, but note Ava =/= android . She can project things from memory, but she can't process binary code...)

"I am trained to photographically memorize anything required of me. The form you saw was a projection created from an object I was required to memorize in the past, and has now be altered to match. Should I be allowed to view the requested data files by one means or the other, I will be able to project it in at a maximum distance of five feet..."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 appraises the Unit for a moment, then nods.

"That will be satisfactory. Follow me."

She pads over to the command console, and taps a few keys, bringing up the overall schematics for the ship. 366 steps back from the screen.

"Memorise this, for me. I'll use it in our briefing momentarily."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda leads the small group to the teleporter room, waiting until herself, Adria, and Xerberous were in before pushing the button. When the door opens once again, she walks through and down the short hall to the bridge at a slower pace, now that they were in somewhat safer territory.

"Alright, what's the plan?" She asks once they arrive.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Leaving Ava to work on the blueprints, 366 turns around to the newest arrivals.

"We have an unknown number on board. To flush them out, we intend to concentrate everyone into this room, then shutdown power to all other sections. At the same time, we'll send out an uncoded transmission, likely using the ship's internal P.A system, to let them know we're concentrated and defenceless. Then, we send out those who won't register on life-sign scans to harass them on their way here, and effectively.."

The Operative turns to indicate the main doors to the bridge, a little the worse for wear since Adria forced them shut..

"Gun them down as they come through those doors.."

There is a pause.

"You may wish to leave the doors open, thus exposing the longer corridor behind them for a greater kill-zone. Also, I'd advise setting up some cover, whatever you can find."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"I'll gladly assist with taking them down on the way. They won't expect the angles I've been trained to come from, not to mention they don't expect, well... this," she muttered, indicating her form. "Plus I can stand some major punishment."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria nodded, clearly liking the idea so far. "And in the unlikely event any of them make it past you, they won't last very long in here between everyone's fire power and hitting an invisible wall."

The last part regarding the wall is said with a bit of a half smirk, as if she also had a plan just in case they needed it.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 shakes her head, perhaps a little ruefully.

"If I believed their numbers were so low as for the search-and-destroy group to take them out, I wouldn't bother with these preparations. No, Fallen often operate in groups of 11 sevens. How many did you kill in the mess hall?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda nods. "Seems simple enough, though would they really fall for something as simple as you on the ship comms going 'come and get us, we're helpless'?" She asks, then takes a look down the corridor they arrived and spoke again. "I'd much prefer to leave the doors open, myself. As for cover, I have no idea, doesn't seem to be much her in terms of that. Also, we killed 6 in the mess hall, though it was really all her." She says, gesturing to Adria.
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


Concentrating on the blueprints, the girl began making multiple "mental" snapshots of the ship's schematics, of every statistic and measurement required for her to create an accurate projection of the ship. Although a combat "unit" like her weren't normally designed to be skilled at tasks such as memorization and reconnaissance, the people who had been responsible for modifying her had seen to it she was more "valuable" than other units. In fact, they had done such a fine job that she still had vivid memories of the scientists who had told her she was to be "reconstructed" into "an essential tool" for "humanity's survival", and that she had threatened to skin them alive one day for what they had done to her before drifting into unconsciousness. Fortunately for those men, the "conditioning" had eliminated any visible traces of her original personality, therefore ensuring that they would be safe from any retribution. However...if by any chance the original persona began to stir once more, it was certain that there would be a bloodbath like none ever seen before...

(Setting the grounds for future drama/angst/Ava RAGE MODE in a truly desperate situation.)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria frowned now, something not right. "Killed six in the mess hall, so that means one was missing from that group, or there aren't enough for six in one group. They were definitely heavier armed than the peons we encountered earlier, and they clearly seemed to be waiting for us to activate this ship. My guess is they may have one of their own somewhere nearby, possibly in orbit."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

As ever, the Y-shaped visor that represents 366 is cold, and emotionless - but behind it, the woman is grinning. Perhaps a little of that comes through in her voice.

"6? I see. Well, the message across the comms.. if you can think of a better way of drawing them in, feel free to say so. I suspect we may have somewhere between sixty and seventy to contend with. Leaving them to roam around the ship is not an option."

A moment of thought.

"I had intended to tell them we had multiple wounded - make the comm call a request for any reinforcements left onboard - Commander Reaper, for example. It should give the impression that the forces here are leaderless, with wounded, and low on ammunition. I had hoped that would be bait enough... Adria, when the search-and-destroy group leaves.. can I trust you in command here?"

The implication was, that she couldn't trust Reaper.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

If Adria picked up on that implication then she didn't show it. "Of course. I for one am looking forward to having this ship cleared finally and ending this nuisance once and for all. Also, I'll have the sensors sweep to see if they pick up any other vessels in the immediate area on a constant basis, and if they DO have a ship around, we'll find it before it gets close enough to fire on us."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda caught the implication fully, but didn't say anything about it. She had her own thoughts on their fearless war hero of a commander, and wasn't entirely sure what she felt about the entire situation. Instead, she simply got to work rebuilding her rifle for the current situation, giving it smaller rounds and a shorter barrell to reduce the amount of penetration it would have on the bulkhead down the corridor. Not knowing what was on the other side, she was somewhat reluctant to start putting holes in it.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 nods, decisively.

"Once I'm gone, all decisions will be in your hands. I'm not your commanding officer, though - if something I decided doesn't seem like the best course of action, abandon it. If the plan isn't working, change it. My priority is victory, not victory through my plan."

With a final glance, the Operative turns away from Adria, to address all present.

"Anyone here capable of defeating sensors, and using stealth to strike by surprise, report to me over by the command console."

She paces over to said console, where Ava is memorising the blueprints.

"Status query: Have you loaded the prints into memory?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda considered going over there, but decided against it. She had a nice little shooting gallery set up just fine where she was, and frankly was too lazy to set up her rifle for another area.