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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Closing her eyes to finish imprinting the images into her mind, Ava's response was slightly delayed, but only slightly. Reopening her eyes after the space of a few seconds, she turned to 366, expressionless.

"...Blueprints memorized, awaiting further orders...

As usual, a Unit was generally useless without orders, except for a few over broad guidelines "programmed" early on in their creation.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius stayed quiet until that point. Wasn't her place to lead and as long as they had a working plan.

The goo-girl headed over to 366, blinking confusedly as to what was needed. "I am an infiltration specialist, so I'd like to think stealth is part of that job. I don't know about defeating sensors... though I don't exactly know how sensors work on this," she said, refering to her slime body.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael had been standing near the door that Adria had forced shut earlier, lost in thought, as it were, but still taking time to go over the plan in his mind "It sounds like a good plan. I will stay here and guard Adria. No use flying a ship if we can't access the technology." he says, smiling and running his right hand through his hair "As long as the mission succeeds and we all survive, I don't care how you get it done. Survival and victory outweigh everything else."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Guess I'll stay here," Melissa says. "You'll need a believable amount of bait for this to work, and I'm not much on stealth." She looks around the room, taking in the layout.

The nice thing about warships is that important rooms, such as the bridge, are often built with defense in mind. As such, all of the various desks and control consoles were arranged perpendicular to the entrance, providing ample cover. There were even tall metal lockers against the walls that looked like they could be positioned between the various other cover points, which would force the Fallen to leave cover, even if only for a second, in order to advance. The fighting in here would be fierce, but if everything worked as planned, the Fallen would be caught in a pincer attack by the time they arrived. If only everything always worked as planned...

Melissa turns to Ava and asks, "Are there any other ways into this room? Maintenance tunnels or anything? How thick are the walls?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus buzzes up to a roof-mounted exaust vent,tosses the cover off, and slides in, begining her hunt...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"That answers one question," Melissa says with a sigh as the bug girl opens the vent. Speaking to the others that would be staying on the bridge, she says, "We'll have to watch these vents, make sure no one is positioned too close to them. Fallen are big, but I've seen them squeeze through cracks that humans would have trouble with."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Xerberus continued crawling through the vents, looking for trouble, her nearly-naked frame easily going through...

((Hey, Burrito? Can I request a BIG or NASTY infected encounter? I'm getting tired of the relatively clean gaming >:3))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Schematics show that there are three vents by which entry might be obtained to the bridge. The structure of the room however, has proved itself strong enough to a medium sized blast with minimal effort in a previous test. "

The "previous test" of course, was referring to when Ava shot a fully charged energy bolt at the hapless mob of Fallen hammering at the doors earlier. Seeing as the ship had been mostly undamaged except for a few scorch marks, it was safe to assume the aliens couldn't simply rip their way through the walls... at least not any ordinary alien.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366 spins around from the console as the vent clangs open, and starts towards it, hand outstretched.

"No! Don't you even think about..."

Too late. The bug girl vanished into the maze of vents. 366 turns around with a sigh.

"Moron. I have the schematics up right here - those vents are a complete maze. There's a choke point not far away, but she has no hope of finding it. That tunnel forks at least a dozen times."

A moment's cold rage, then she turns away.

"Forget her."

The Operative turns back to Lillius and Ava.

"Then, we three are it. Ava, blueprints."

With the map projected, the Operative taps several points, indicating them one at a time.

"This is us, right here. This large room towards the nose of the ship. Now, if we follow the corridor down a ways, it starts to get complicated. Pay attention. There are a trio of elevator shafts here, all connected via crawlspaces. With the power done, the Fallen should be restricted to the emergency ladders, but don't count on that. They could easily jury-rig something.

Now, just opposite the elevators, there's a stairway. This heads down to a security door - the power lockdown -will- disable this one, so that's not a problem. What we need to cover is the access hatch next to it. That leads down into a large maintenance area. Lots of corners, catwalks, lots of cover. It'll be dark down there, but we know they have flashlights.'

The final area we need to cover is relatively simple. Following this corridor on past the elevators, and past the stairwell, there are two more access points close together - the teleporter, which should be down, and an emergency elevator. This one will definitely be online - but because the power's out, those should be manageable by one person."

With that in mind, she looks up to Ava and Lillius.

"Three of us, three chokepoints. Our goal is not to prevent them coming through entirely - we just have to thin their numbers, distract them, then hit them hard as they come into the bridge. Remember to retreat as you fight - these bastards are smart. If you can get into the vent system, do it, but get out again as soon as you can. We don't know what's in there. Now, slime-girl. I don't know what your speciality is.. but I'd recommend you take the first three elevators. Ava, I want you on the maintenance level. I'll take the 'porter. Any questions?"

((Getting a -little- complex here. I'll try and take over most of the Fallen, and use different bolded titles for each area - Elevator Shafts, Bridge, Maintenance, and Emergency Elevator.))
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Sounds good. I'm Lillius by the way so... ya. I cover the elevators... not so hard." Lillius nodded sagely. She didn't even have to win, she just had to kill enough of them to make sure that the rest could be handled by the others.

"Also, didn't I just say I was an infiltration specialist?"

((Where are the emergency ladders? Especially in relation to what Lillius has to cover.)
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

((You've got three elevator shafts, linked by crawlspaces between them.. the ladders are on the sides of the shafts..))

"I'm 366. A pleasure, I'm sure. As for infiltration - you're not the only one, and trust me, there's nothing I'd like better than to hunt these bastards down. Call this operation "counter-infiltration". They're on the ship, they're evading our sensors, and we need to put an end to them."

366 glances around, impatiently.

"Adria! When everyone's ready here, I want you to cut the power to -all- sections but this one! I'm talking lights, life support, everything. We'll be fine!"

Turning back to her little group, 366 taps her ear.

"We'll use radio channel 125.2 to keep our traffic distinct. Ava, Lillius.. we ready to roll?"
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Understood, I shall eliminate all unauthorized personnel on the maintenance level."

Unstrapping the bow from her back, she put her hands to it's string, charging an energy bolt in preparation for the hunt ahead. Bow humming softly, Ava looked to 366 for the signal to begin, her extra "filters" already activated.

(Sleep time... so short post.)
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Machine. Get your ass up to the bridge ASAP. We have enemies on the way. I want you to ambush them from behind and take them out as quickly as possible." Michael says over the radio to Machine, a crooked smile on his face "If shit hits the fan, retreat to the nearest teleporter and transport somewhere else inside the ship."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Understood. They'll never know what hit them. Go ahead and cut the power in the engine area, Adria - my suit has air for a few minutes." Machine sighs and stomps out the half-smoked cigar before putting on the helmet again. With a snap he opens his grenade launcher and feeds the grenade into the barrel. Another snap, and Rob is ready to unleash havoc.

A short time later a group of Fallen are heading down a corridor leading towards the bridge. They are sweeping the rooms left and right of them. . . unfortunately not paying attention to what is behind them. As they gather to continue down a hollow-sounding shot can be heard. As one they turn, and as one they face the grenade launched at them at almost the speed of sound. Machine barely manages to duck into a door before the explosion sends razor-sharp shrapnel flying everywhere, along with globs of Fallen flesh. The large man spins back out, Gorgons ready. From the looks of it the grenade has hit one of them straight in the chest, completely eviscerating the alien. The others were a bit luckier. Shrapnel pierced their armor, no doubt causing heavy damage. But they were thrown down by the explosion, and that was their undoing. With a few quick shots Machine ends their lives.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa locates the other two vent shafts, thankfully closer to the entrance of the room than the one Xerberus had opened. Though she has to put all her weight into it and heave as hard as she could, she manages to push a large metal crate in front of each grate, since they were close to the floor. As she looks over the room one more time, she turns to Michael and says, "Sir, I think we're ready in here."

Walking over to the ambush group, Melissa says, "Come back safe, I hate having to patch people up." Though she spoke to all of them, she smiled at 366 before heading back over to a cover position near Michael and pulling out her shotgun.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"We're still in the atmosphere Machine, you won't need a breathing suit."

Nevertheless, Adria quickly cut power to everything but the bridge itself, leaving enough power though to maintain their flight and current position.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Yup, I'm ready," Lillius stated. Her body rippled as it began to solidify once again, forming denser muscle. She retrieved a single knife, as well as drawing from her weapon disc a laser pistol.

A few moments later, her body settled and she turned to leave.
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort


366 tosses a glinting blade into the air, and catches it in an easy motion. The steel is tucked away into some hidden sheath before it flashes again. The Operative paces into the middle of the bridge, and her voice cuts through the chatter.

"All right, people! All those staying on the bridge - I leave you with this. You must hold. For your own sakes, for the sake of this ship - for the sake of those of us going out -there-"

She gestures to the now-dark corridors.

"For -you-! Without you.. we have nowhere to retreat. Without you, we're as good as dead out there. So hold!"

One final, visored glance to Melissa.

"And you. I didn't save you for nothing, earlier. Don't die on me."

With that, 366 took off at an easy run, expecting her little squad to follow. Quickly, they vanish into the corridors of the night.

Main Elevators

366 comes to a smooth halt, and spins to face her squad.

"Lillius! This is your stop. Elevators shafts are here, you should be able to force the doors. Hold as long as you can, then fall back towards the Bridge. Don't wait for us!"

And with that, she took off again, expecting Ava to follow.

Ladder leading to Maintenance Area

366 skids to a halt, and indicates a ladder, nestled into the side of an access niche.

"This is your stop, Ava. Take the ladder down, and hold the area. Retreat as soon as further resistance becomes implausible. Do not sacrifice yourself. Do not wait for the order to retreat."

She waits, then, herself takes off for the last time. Her transmission echoes over the radio, first, to the Bridge.

"Bridge, this is 366. We're in position. Send out the distress call."

Then.. to her own squad.

"Lillius, Ava. Huddle up - they'll be coming."
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Understood. I will hold off the forces until plausible resistance becomes impossible..."

Rather than "descending down the ladder however", the specialized unit opted to bypass them altogether and simply leap down to maintenance deck in a single movement, resulting a metallic "clang" as she landed on the floor below.

The maintenance level, like most of the ship, was pitch black. Without the aid of nocturnal vision, it was impossible for one to see more than a few feet in front oneself, such was the extent of the darkness. That being said, there was ONE source of light still in the corridors... the light emitted from a full sized energy bolt. Ava would greet the first wave of Fallen with a bang...
Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Michael grins, then walks towards the door, his right arm outstretched as all eight tendrils slowly creep out of his coat sleeve "I shall crush them." he says, raising his right arm and then his left, sighing as the tendrils zip back into his sleeve, his entire coat seeming to come alive, while, in fact, all eight of his tendrils were organizing themselves into a shield of sorts on his chest, while the four from his back were slowly growing in length and covering every inch of his arms and legs from wrist to shoulder and ankle to hip. If one looked closely, they would see tendrils slowly moving around his neck, almost strangling him. "I am ready for whatever they throw at me."