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Fedora vs Trilby

Re: Fedora vs Trilby

statue of liberty, you could club a baby seal to death with that...

What CAN'T you club a baby seal with? (Fedoras don't count, I've succeeded in doing so.)
Re: Fedora vs Trilby

Reason number 628 why fedoras are better than trilbies. You can club baby seals with them.
Re: Fedora vs Trilby

I still don't see any epic dancing men with fedoras :p
Re: Fedora vs Trilby

I still don't see any epic dancing men with fedoras :p

Uh, that's Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson OWNS EVERYONE. He can wear whatever the fucking shit he wants.
Re: Fedora vs Trilby

I still don't see any epic dancing men with fedoras :p

Then you, my dear, have not lived!
