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Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

If the pair ate the seeds that the Alraune gave them, they'd find their heads cleared quickly and the soreness they had from the fight along with the exhaustion bleeding away. Quite the pick me up indeed and it would put them in good shape for whatever was next. Isabelle was the sane one of the pair right now and wisely steered Penny away from a random path so she could pick for them and hope to get them moving in the right direction.

From the north east, which was to their left and forward, any of those 3 paths, they could hear laughing and music, likely Mistress Cerin's gathering somewhere along that way. To their right, it was completely silent, and behind them and to the left was the only other path that had some kind of clue, and it was the sound of chimes clinking gently in the wind.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

After Isabelle steered her away from the random path she was about to choose, Penny managed to regain her head about her just long enough to take the packet the alraune had given her, where she ate the contents. With her head clearing up quickly, Penny felt body also losing all soreness brought on by both the alraune's ministrations, as well as the lingering ache from the bed. Squirming around thanks to the vine harness she was wearing underneath her clothes, Penny tried to keep moving as her head soon cleared up the rest of the way.

"Well, an alraune was our first foe. What else could lady Cerin possibly have in here?" Penny said, scratching her head a little as her ears perked back up some and her puffy tail wriggled. "And which path here? I'll leave this decision to you this time Isabelle," Penny then asked her companion, wary of leading the way after running into the alraune.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Considering her state, gobbling up a seed was the best action Isabelle could choose. And as it made her all ready and chipper again, she knew that it had been the the best option before they moved on, which they did after Penny had solved her issues with the alraune.

Considering their options for the path, Isabelle made the quick decision to head to the lone silent path. "Let's go there, I'm not entirely sure how the mistress is feeling today. Getting to an encounter with her and who knows how many visitors might not be the best thing for us right now." she explained her choice briefly before taking said path. While she had no qualms about the Mistress, the maid was not all that willing to share herself for who knew how many strangers.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As the two took the silent path, both girls found that the noise of the gathering seemed to get closer, and the farther away as they made their way along a twisting serpentine path that had to have been sandwiched between several others, the hedge maze proving that it was indeed a maze.

Their harnesses didn't give them too much trouble, but were just enough to keep them a little more aroused then usual, which was fair considering they were alive, but they didn't hinder them. It probably got to Isabelle a little more then Penny, that being her favored flavour of fun, but it was nearly 15 minutes before they reached another fork, and this one...

This one had ALL the fairies.


All of them.

It was like stepping into a fey clearing, the number of the little humanoids thick, heavy, and cheerful, and they did absolutely nothing overt to either girl, instead seeming to be tending something growing out of the center of the fork. Looking at it, it seemed to be an empty suit of thick wooden armor, lacquered and glossy, with some very... Interesting, inner pieces. Notably mobile ones placed at key points within.

The armor would be thick, very protective, that was certain, but it would also certainly be taking a toll on the wearer and lords only knew if it had a thinking mind, because if it did well... It'd certainly be interesting.

There was another one nearby laid out, but seemed to have a more canine shape, certainly wasn't suited for combat, and more likely as a full body living restraint.

Thankfully for both girls, they didn't move, and the only interaction they had was with a sylph, a large winged blue and white fairy who flitted in front of them and waved cheerfully.

She looked at the pair, deciding immediately that Isabelle wouldn't be able to understand a thing she said, and turned to Penny. Look! Wanna try em? We want to but we're too small. she said, pouting.

It was likely that if they said no, they'd be allowed to move on completely unmolested. The fairies were neither evil nor particularly troublesome. Now if this had been a swarm of pixies.... well. That would have been another problem entirely, but their were none currently present, and again three choices to pick from. Left, Right, and Center.

Or Isabelle could start swatting fairies.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny felt her harness being a bit of a bother, keeping her sexually charged for the next thing that wanted to ravage her like the alraune did. As they walked, Penny could only assume that she and Isabelle weren't meant to actually win this trial, and that it was meant more for Spencer's and Cerin's amusement. When the two finally came to another fork in the path, Penny saw the fairies all clustered about and instantly shuddered a bit.

"Oh goodness, let's tread carefully," Penny warned Isabelle in a whisper.

"Um... what do they do exactly? I can't possibly get inside either of them without knowing that first at least," Penny told the larger sylph when she asked if they wanted to try the suits, translating to Isabelle what was said. "I they'll help me out, then I wouldn't mind trying one, but I dunno. If the risk outweighs the reward then I can't risk them," she added softly.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

What risk. There's no risk, you're a goofy bunny. Paranoid Rabbit. They wont hurt you, why would they hurt you. the fairy said, flailing her little arms and looking slightly offended and mortified that the bunny would think Anything she made would hurt her. She was a sylph though... They could get pretty high strung just in general.

The big one is armor silly, it protects you from other things, and the little one is a combat suit. it looks like a wolf because wolves are scary rawr. I like the wolf one, it makes you move like a wolf and gives you big pointy teeth like one and makes you realllly fast. The big one is about smashing all the things. It's really thick too, but it's not heavy, it helps you move it around. You'd be like, a bunny ent. I suppose if they did anything to You it's that they're still plants silly. They need to be fed and watered and they can't move by themselves really except on the inside. They stop poisons umm, they heal wounds really fast. The one in the back made all out of leaves makes you like a chameleon. It even shushes you if it makes you moan too loud. she said, tapping her head with her little fist and seeming to be thinking hard enough to blow a blood vessel. Fairies, Magically inclined and powerful? Yes. All that clever? Not often. They were more akin to tiny flying bimbos, a bit air-headed and with tiny attention spans. But they bred like rabbits so they had that going for them at least. No one could ever say a fairies life wasn't fun.

I suppose if there was a downside it's that you can't cum when you're fighting. Like, at all. Even if they tease you. No orgasms for you. Just more fighting. she said, seeming to find what would qualify as a downside to her.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"I meant risk as in they may make me lose my next fight if they... you know, do things to me," Penny said to the fairy that spoke to her. "But if they do that, then... maybe I'll take the stealthy one in back. Since it would keep me from moaning too loud, or at least keep anything from hearing me... u-unless I want it to I suppose," Penny went on to say, blushing like mad.

Once everything was decided on, Penny tentatively moved to the stealthy armor and put it on. "I do hope that I can take this off whenever I want," Penny commented as she put the armor on. "Hey Isabelle, you should try on the wolf one. You'd look cute in it," Penny added to her companion, gesturing at the wolf armor.
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Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Having expected the other path to be the better option, Isabelle was fairly disappointed when the selection resulted in a cloud of fairies being there to greet them, along with some bizarre gear just sitting there in the open. She was not liking the look of those things, and according to what Penny had to say about them via translation, the maid was not wanting to go near them. It appeared that the bunny was going to play nice with the fairies, but Isabelle would have none of that. And she did not particularly like fairies.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

The sylph squead happily, flitting around before zipping off to the armor in the back that Neither girl had seen, for obvious reason once they finally had their eyes drawn to it. The leaves shimmered slightly and changed colors based on what it was in front of. Right now the leaves that made up the body were the exact same hue and shade as the wall and were perfectly still.

The fairies helped Penny out of her bunnysuit and a little green fairy waggled her fingers at Penny's harness, the vines letting her go and slithering off into the wall, the flower buds sad and unbloomed. Once she was naked the armor opened, revealing a soft and warm interior that reached for Penny as she stepped into it. This ones not ALLL plant cos it has to think a bit by itself to make the colors change. So it's a little pinker on the inside. the sylph explained as the silken soft and slick interior of the armor pulled itself over Penny's body, soon leaving the Viera concealed in a complete body covering of wide skin tight leaves, including a wide hood that shadowed her face and hid her ears. It did as she had been promised, hiding her well, and the interior, while a little wriggly, and judging from the tendrils that she felt shifting slightly quite capable of pleasuring her, it didn't. What it did do that forced a gasp from the Viera was tightly lasso her clit, before the leaves shuddered and then went still. She could move freely but if the Sylph was to be believed, she couldn't cum. Or rather, the suit wouldn't Let her.

From head to toe she was covered in the dark green wrapping that was tight if only to reduce it's profile as much as possible, and while it wouldn't provide a lot of actual protection, it would make hiding much easier. It didn't molest her, and it didn't try and fuck her. Though from the feeling within, it might later.

For now she just had a warm slick living armor hugging her tightly and the teasing of that feeling wasn't really any worse then the harness had been.

Isabelle opted to stay in her maid outfit and her harness. And the fairies didn't hold them any further if Isabelle's mind couldn't be changed. They were free to move on. Again, sound was their best clue. They'd circled around the party, they could hear it to their right. Left and Forward were completely quiet.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As she was getting the armor on, Penny thought to herself that at least it would cover her pussy now at least. So that was something, though she knew that there was definitely going to be some consequences to wearing this thing. As the little pods that the alraune had left her with sadly squirmed down her legs, Penny reached down and caught them. "Where are you little ones going, hmm? I never said I was abandoning you. You can come with and you can feed a little more later," Penny told the flower buds gently, putting them down in between her breasts for safe keeping unless she couldn't, in which case she would let them wrap themselves around her in any way they saw fit to stay with her.

When she felt the interior of her new armor lasso a little tendril around her clit, Penny gasped softly and shuddered a bit in her armor. Once she was dressed and had a feel for the armor, Penny nodded to Isabelle and moved onward, searching high and low for their objective.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

While Penny tried to have a word with Isabelle about the armor suits, she was not having any of it as these things did no raise any trust in her towards them being dependable or harmless, not to mention that they were being offered by fairies. No, there would be no armoring up for the maid, not without physically forcing her anyway. The fairies did not appear to be willing to try as they went on their way, which Isabelle could certainly respect as a course of action. The bunny did not appear to have those issues, which was completely her own choice to make as the maid did not assume she was any sort of commander for her partner.

With their ways open, Isabelle thought about a path, picking forwards with a simple random choice.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

The little flower blossoms wriggled happily between her breasts, all 6 of them soft and actually pretty sweet. She was already being teased a little by her new armor, and the buds opted for now to simply hide there, wrapping thin little creepers around her chest, giving her breasts a light harness to keep them in place and safe.

Choosing by random chance led them to the right, and down towards the gathering where Penny would go unnoticed and both ladies would be unmolested save for the slight warmth caused by their harness and armor respectively.

They did indeed empty out into the gathering, which seemed to be at the moment at least, to be a high class garden party of sorts. Cerin immediately singled out Isabelle and rushed over to her. You made it here! Wonderful Isabelle. Dear, would you mind just, really quickly, refilling everyones drinks, just one round, I don't want to interrupt your tour just yet. Your collar will let you know when I do. When it does, please hurry to my side. And the fountain around... Penelope? is that you in there? Ahh! The armor! You put one on! Wonderful! Is it comfortable? she asked genuinely, smiling, before a very familiar pair of eyes slid up next to Cerin, for both women.

Isabelle would know her as Lady Batest, but Penny would know those amber eyes from a much more recent encounter and her body would warm considerably remembering... However Lady Batest wouldn't recognize her with her face covered, if it really had been her last night. But she breathed in deeply suddenly, and grinned, showing a pair of sharp needle like fangs.

Isabelle. Always a Pleasure. she'd say smoothly, smiling, before turning to Penny and breathing in again. Cerin please, introductions. she'd say after a moment, Cerin turning to do just that with a full explanation. But Penny would notice that the vampiress never looked anyware else but Squarely at Her.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As they walked onward again, Penny found that despite the teasing it was giving her, she rather liked her new armor quite a bit. She wiggled her butt around a little bit, her puffy little tail twitching happily as she walked. Before she knew it, Penny saw that they were at the gathering of Cerin's in the midst of the maze.

"Um... y-yeah it's me. It's pretty cool, though I gotta admit I could do without the constant teasing," Penny said with a blush, letting the hood fall back to reveal her face to Cerin's guests, her bunny ears springing up as soon as they were able to.

When lady Batest as she was called, looked over Cerin's shoulder at her, Penny visibly and audibly gulped. She remembered her from the bed's nightmare last night. Penny wriggled at the mere sight of lady Batest, her body remembering how much it had given in to the vampiric woman the previous night. When the vampire woman breathed in, Penny gulped again and could almost feel that Batest recognized her too.

When Batest asked for an introduction, Penny stepped forward and bowed deeply to Batest before Cerin even asked her to step forward. "I... I'm Penelope Rose, but you may call me Penny," Penny told Batest timidly, her body shivering almost in anticipation of being scooped up and carried off by lady Batest.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Going the way she had chosen to did not actually end where Isabelle wanted to as the pair were soon met with the entire group of party people, which was not what she had planned at all. But it turned out to be a little less hazardous as she had envisioned, since all that happened was that Cerin rushed in to speak with the two, or Isabelle at first since it took her a little bit to realize Penny being in there with the armor on. As she was given an order, the maid was soon doing her regular job in the middle of the maze tour, but she did greet Lady Batest before she exited the conversation to look for the bottles that she could use to serve the drinks. Assuming she did find them, she would run the circle of visitors to offer drinks before returning to the ongoing conversation between the three ladies she had just left.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Isabelle found the order easy to carryout, everyone there greeting her pleasantly but not inappropriately as she found the wine that was making it's rounds, and started to refill the glasses. Cerin had abandoned Penelope to Batest it seemed, and approached her to get her alone. Are you having fun? she asked her, wondering if shepherding penny around the Maze was at the least, an enjoyable task. You needn't worry about... My playfulness, until dusk. But after the sun starts to sink, well Kitten, the gloves are off. she said, seeming back to her old self, the melancholy from the night before gone and her lady in higher spirits. It was rare for Cerin to give her fair warning like this, but it also meant that whatever fun Lady Cerin had in mind for her? Would be far more intensive then some simple pet play.

Penny meanwhile had her own problems as she was left to Batest. The vampiress moved forward smoothly, without making a sound as she saw Penny's face and practically purred with delight. So it is you. Tell me little rabbit... What you told me you were last night... she whispered, leaning in close, letting Penny smell her, remember her nightmare.

She let the thought sink in, before pulling back and smiling at her, reaching back into a small bag on her belt, likely a bag of holding as she came out with a heavy steel and leather collar. it was not extravagance such as Isabelle wore out of love and respect, but a mark of servitude blatantly told. Decide Now if those words... were True. she commanded, handing Penny the collar.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

"S-So that w-was real then?" Penny asked with another little gulp, her body almost trembling with delight at that thought that the nightmare had been real. "W-We're a free people l-lady Batest, w-we don't like being... forced to d-do things that we don't like. A-And I... I'm on a job right now too," Penny went on to say timidly, though her hand was already reaching out for the collar to at least give it a look.

"It... it's so heavy, and l-looks more like you... w-want me to be your... s-slave. I d-don't mind serving, b-but I don't want to b-be a slave. I know of s-some of my people that are slaves elsewhere, a-and they're mistreated horribly," Penny said softly back to lady Batest, still trembling a bit as she spoke as she glanced over at Isabelle and her beautiful collar. "W-Why must it be this heavy steel collar?" she then asked even more quietly.

If pressured even a tiny bit more, Penny shuddered again and looked directly back into lady Batest's eyes, her lips trembling slightly. "I called you my mistress, and m-me your p-pet bunny," Penny would finally whine softly, taking the collar and putting it on, with a few tears shimmering in her eyes that she couldn't resist enjoying this, the memories of the night before all rushing back to her as she leaned against lady Batest and looked up at her, her tail in full view of lady Batest and twitching cutely while her ears did as well.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Batest would not respond to Penny's musings, letting her think it out, admit it to herself, and decide, and when she did, sliding the collar on, Batest pulled her forward and kissed her, moaning softly. The kiss started out as demanding, controlling, her tongue dominated by the vampire, who eventually steered Penny's tongue into one of her fangs while her hands slid around her and held her close.

Batest suckled on her slightly bleeding tongue very gently, just to warm Penny up, before breaking the kiss and hugging Penny warmly and whispering into her ear. I'd never mistreat you sweet thing. For now? You can call me Mistress, and you never need to worry about me hurting you. So put that fear away Pet, and know that you're mine now. She whispered, for only Penny to hear, even as Penny heard the snap of a padlock threaded through the collar. Be brave and there's nothing but pleasure for you. I promise. she finished, Pulling back and releasing Penny, showing her the key before she put it away. The top shaped like a little heart.

Isabelle returned from her slight chore at the moment, to see Penny now collared like she was, though the styling was different, and while Isabelle's collar held a bell on the front, and Cerin's name on the back, Penny's had only a single small tag dangling from the front, not with a name, but a crimson crest, a golden chalice inside a crescent moon.

It really does suit you Pet. And no one will bother you when they see that crest. My Crest. I'm sure you'll find out some fun new things about your collar once you're done in the maze. Cerin is a bit of a gossip, we all knew you two would be running about within moments. Some of us disuaded from playing, others.. Encouraged. So please, do have fun. It's just a tour after all. she said, winking, and turning to leave the pair in peace, Penny free now to consider her new station in life that would certainly involve the vampiress, and Isabelle free to try and figure out exactly HOW the infamous Vampire Witch of the Empire's Spy network had roped Penny into servitude.

If they decided to move on however, the world would be a little nice to them. As this was the central point of the gathering, though not the maze, each path had been clearly marked with a stone on the ground and a picture engraved there. One held a large blooming Lily, another held a pack of wolves. two held water, though one was a creek, and the other a large ornate fountain, and the last available from this point in the maze depicted A woman leaning out from within a tree.
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Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

As the lock snapped shut around her collar, Penny trembled again, their kiss having sapped the strength from her legs as she fell against lady Batest... no... her new mistress. Penny clung to her mistress, her legs trembling from the overpowering kiss she'd been given. Looking up with dewy eyes, Penny panted softly and glanced around as Batest finished speaking about the maze.

"B-But I thought that we were d-done with the maze already? And, d-do I have to always do everything you say, w-when you say it? Do I have... a-any freedom anymore?" Penny asked tentatively, her right hand brushing across her collar as she stared back into Batest's deep eyes. Batest could easily see that Penny was scared, and that she was worried about the decision she'd just made.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Batest giggled slightly at the question, as if it really was a question. This isn't the Center, not by a mile. And well, like I said, Be Brave. I know you can, I can taste it. was all the answer Penny got. It seemed Batest enjoyed toying with her, but if what she had whispered was true, and she had no reason to believe it wasn't, then what did she have to worry about?

Did she even want freedom from Batest? Could she imagine a command being given from this woman that she would refuse? They barely knew eachother, she knew it would take time. One step at a time. Admitting she wanted Batest as her Mistress was step one. She was sure they'd get plenty of chances to get to know eachother.
Re: Flailing Helps! Really! (Flayer and Guan)

Penny continued to cling to Batest until Isabelle was ready to head on out, looking up at her. "I... I mean, do I have the freedom to r-refuse an order if I feel it's something horrible or evil? And, c-can I still go home to see my family a-and stuff?" Penny asked softly, nuzzling her cheek against lady Batest's chest, or cheek if she could reach it with her own.