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For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"True... I imagine that was a little bit... Intimidating~" Chocolat replied teasingly as she switched her makeshift wooden weapon back and forth between her hands. The human knight's gesture caused the half-nymph to quirk an eyebrow, and she replied; "Oh, it was noticed... I do promise to be gentle on you~" The ensuing effort on Terra's part to draw the other knight's gaze to her chest was largely more confusing than anything else, but it was quickly revealed as an effort to distract her while the other woman moved into a position to attack.

Luckily, Terra had seemingly misread Chocolat's interest, as the armored su-ku-ta slide to the side in the same direction that the horizontal swing was coming from. The power and speed with which that simplistic strike was delivered required that she use some of her fancier moves, and even then Chocolat just barely ducked under Terra's strike when she suddenly reversed her movement, bending down practically in a limbo position beneath Terra's swing before straightening again and leaping towards the human with a swift jab. Terra's longer blade had allowed her time to react to Chocolat's swift movement, however, and a second swing forced her to retreat.

Gazing more warily upon the magically enhanced mage, Chocolat began to circle, her motions quick but graceful. She awaited her opponent's next attack now, her stance in constant motion but ready to spring in seemingly any direction save for the one from which she was moving in the quick circle that she danced just around the perimeter of Terra's reach.

I rolled to see who hit who because Spider presumably doesn't care, just for the lulz. Terra came up with a 77 after 20 points of defensive fighting since you didn't specify, as her buff increases Body by 14 and not 15 since it rounds down to the nearest even number. Chocolat's Dodge, after 20 defensive fighting and Duelist, is 82, so she just barely misses. Terra's Dodge is then a total of 70, and Chocolat's attack after Defensive Fighting is only a 57 even with the 19 that she rolled.

Am essentially using Skirmisher and Defensive Stance now, plus only 10 defensive fighting. Dodge should be 92, 48 + 10 (Duelist) + 10 (Skirmisher) + 10 (Defensive Stance) + 10 (Defensive Fighting) + 4 (Fencer) by my calculation, and attack should be +48. Whether or not this involves further rolls or is just fluff combat I leave up to thetwo.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat seemed content to continue circling, waiting to respond to Terra. "I've never quite seen the appeal of gentle, personally." They'd each seen how quick the other was in the first exchange. And Terra was aware that she wouldn't be able to consistently evade the smaller girl's counterattacks. So she wouldn't bother. "Hard and fast, that's they way to go!"

The knight pushed as quickly as she could into the other girl. She felt herself instinctively drawing energy to speed and steady her swing, and had to stop herself. The goal wasn't to beat the other woman into the ground, and while she was pretty confident that she could end this with one fast swing and a followup, that would be no more fun than circling each other forever. Especially since she didn't recall seeing Chocolat using a one-handed sword like that before.

Instead, she focused on a single blow targeted under Chocolat's arm, and gritted her teeth in anticipation of the response. The one-handed sword wouldn't be quite so heavy as her own, but without armor it would still hit pretty hard.

After our discussion, decided that using Spirited Attack wasn't in the spirit of sparring, so instead I'm just doing a single unmodified attack. I'm 50/50 on rolling things, and I probably screwed up half the modifiers and whatnot anyway, so I'm not posting results, just my understanding of the stats as they stand.

92 Dodge
48 Attack
8(natural)+13(worn) armor
2d6+52/2+2(duelist)+4(fencer)+2(knight) = 2d6+34

50 dodge
86 Attack (64(buffed body)+12(skilled)+6(focused)+2(grandmaster)+2(knight))
10(natural) armor
2d12+1+64/2+10(heavy)+4(specialized)+2(grandmaster)+2(knight) = 2d12+51 // ignores half of worn armor (grandmaster)

Terra gets one attack.
If Terra misses, Chocolat gets one attack.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra's attack came in too fast for Chocolat to avoid, and her smaller wooden blade clacked against it feebly, barely even slowing its advance. The su-ku-ta knight was thankful for the cushion of her armor and that they were only using wooden swords at that point, as she still felt the immense power behind the blow. It was still more than enough to sweep her off of her feet, but that feline warrior landed with fluid grace a few feet away and was back up in an instant, lunging at Terra with a trio of swings with their force greatly lessened. She didn't want to inflict injury on her sparring partner - even with her own now stinging ribs - after all.

Terra rolls a 19 for a total of 105, hitting Chocolate. Am not rolling damage for sparring because wooden swords wouldn't deal the same damage as a real one and they realistically wouldn't be swinging at full force anyway.

Next Chocolat will be using Lightning Strikes with no defensive fighting. Am feeling lazy right now but the majority of the math can be figured out with the below stuff or via the link to my sheet.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

"I'm Michael, the strong and silent one is Aslan," the soldier says with a wink as he and the others make room for Chocolat and Terra as the two begin sparring in earnest. The grizzled old veteran watches the pair approvingly, though whether the approval comes from their skills, looks or a combination of both is hard to tell.

The inn turns out to be a small place with flowerbeds in front of it, though no life is peeking out of the soil as of yet, no doubt due to the cold weather. The worn sign hanging above the door declares the name to be Selective Sustenance. Inside, the inn follows a fairly standard layout, with a number of tables - mostly empty - spread out across the room, a bar at the corner and a small stage, currently empty, near the fireplace.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra found herself grinning. She'd guessed right, and connected solidly enough that the su-ku-ta had been unable to respond. Unfortunately, it was unlikely Chocolat would make the same mistake twice in a row, and there was no way in hell the brown-haired knight was going to be able to dodge the lighter sword while still fighting back.

So she wouldn't even try. It was possible that if she pulled back and focused as hard as she could, that she would arrest her partner's swings. For a time. But she knew how that kind of duel went - she'd be pressed back until Chocolat found a hole in her defenses, then she'd be finished. Or, well, not finished, not with wooden practice blades. But sore as hell. And beaten.

Instead, she took advantage of her momentum, and kept moving forward after her hit. The cat-girl lunged at her, but Terra didn't even bother defending. A single hit wasn't going to put her out, but one more solid strike on Chocolat might force her to yield. Her smile faded into a look of concentration as both blades moved.

Chocolat's hit first, and with no armor on even the lighter blade stung like hell. The su-ku-ta's smaller frame hid a surprising amount of muscle. And that wouldn't be the end, the sword was moving for a second strike even as Terra struck home for the second time, another solid body blow.

With the strength she almost instinctively drew from the earth the human knight remained standing, and shook her head. She wasn't entirely certain if she'd been hit twice or three times, but one of them had knocked the air out of her lungs. Even with the smaller sword, another barrage like that would leave her on the floor. She brought her sword up into a guard position, trying to locate her opponent before that happened.

Rolled a 17 on attack, for a total of 103.

Just attacking again.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat's rush, though her blade broke through a defense that Terra didn't even put up with ease, would prove to have disastrous consequences. Her wooden weapon smacked roughly against the other woman's body once, twice, three times, but that didn't leave enough room for defense of her own, and when she stepped back into a defensive posture she moved right into the path of Terra's return swing. Her own weapon came up in a flat block, but with one arm and little momentum or leverage to work with it barely even slowed her opponent's swing down, and Chocolat let out a his of pain as the heavier wooden sword, the force of it enhanced by Terra's magics, slammed against her shoulder. Even though her armor cushioned the blow she could feel her own bones creaking in protest, and in order to couch some of the hit the su-ku-ta knight had to drop to a knee.

As such, when Terra straightened again and recovered from her swing, she would find her opponent on her knee, blade raised but unmoving, clearly beaten. A sour look briefly crossed Chocolat's features, but it was quickly replaced by a pained wince as she lowered her blade. The armor that had been hit was slightly numb, the unpleasant tingle painful in its own right, but as Chocolat slowly got up from her kneeling position a moment later she would force the pained look from her face, replacing it with a cocky grin. "Not bad! You still needed magic to beat me though, and when I was using a weapon I'm not used to too. Maybe next time you can bring your armor and we can have a fight that's a little more even, hrm?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Terra was still panting, but smiled back, letting her magic end. "Perhaps." Privately, she was fairly certain that without using any magic Chocolat would beat her into the ground. Her magic was as much a part of her training as her sword, and fighting without it would be like fighting with one hand tied behind her back. She could probably still beat most of the common soldiers, but her fellow knights were another matter.

She straightened up and winced, partly at her own bruises, and partly at the obvious pain the Su-Ku-Ta was in. "But not today, I think. I didn't break anything, did I?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

"No, not today," Chocolat replied evenly, "doesn't seem that way, but sometimes it's hard to tell in the armor, yah know? Nothing broken on you I don't think, at least with how much I held back, but we can go figure out where to get that checked out if you're concerned over it."
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Well, at least the place seemed fairly simple and respectable. Flowerbeds out front, and despite nothing growing at the moment, Alicia was sure they'd look decent enough once they came in. Damn weather wasn't helping much with that though. Wait...why was she so worried about this? She's no florist. She's a knight, damn it! Entering the tavern, she could see that it was fairly quiet and the layout fairly run of the mill. Well, at least she avoided the crowds of the day for now. Finding a comfortable table near the fireplace, Alicia would raise her hand and call out. "Oi, what's on the menu today?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

A Chocolat and Terra finish their private duel, the instructor takes a look at the sky and blows his whistle. "All right, 5 minute break everyone. And then I want to see something that'll convince me I won't be better off recruiting little girls to do your jobs." The other men who had been practicing lower their weapons and some of them start stretching or working tension off of their muscles.

The innkeeper waves at Alicia as she enters. "We've got roast pig and potatoes. You want ale with that or what?" After hearing the answer to his question, the innkeeper heads into the kitchen and brings a plate filled with roast pig in some sort of thick sauce and poor-kept potatoes along with whatever drink she ordered. Some of the regulars glance in Alicia's direction, but none of them sees fit to bother her.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah watched her fellow knights duel it out. Sadly her position on the rampart was hardly a good one to see the nuances of their styles. Still it proved entertaining. Seeing that the combat was over Ahdeah left the drafty rampart and headed to her room and then to the baths.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

With their private duel ended, Chocolate glanced around as the soldiers were given a break before turning back to Terra and saying; "Care to be off for lunch then?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Alicia nodded, a slight smile on her face as she heard the menu. Fairly simple, but still appetizing all the same. Given how often she traveled, fare like that was all too common and the quality varied all over the place. She learned one thing on the road: food was food and you can't afford to be picky. "Sounds good. If possible just give me a hard cider if you have it. I'm in the mood for something sweet tonight." She openly admitted, not afraid to admit she liked stuff like that. She did get a few looks from the regulars, but she wouldn't let it get to her. They'd warm up to her presence in time. Her food was quick to arrive along with her drink, finally happy to eat a meal without worrying about offending some noble or her new companions with her rather brusque behavior.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

It seemed that the soldiers would be back to work again soon, and it would probably be rude to continue disrupting that for fun, so Terra shrugged and agreed. "Sounds good to me."

Unless Chocolat had a better suggestion, she would lead the way to the region of the kitchens, stopping the first servant who looked like they might know what they were doing to ask where they could take lunch.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat: HP 62/62 PP 41/41 EP 41/41
Terra Watson HP 66/66 PP 52/52 EP 40/46
Alicia Alcott HP 60/60 PP 42/42 EP
Ahdeah Moonwolf HP 66/66 PP 51/51 EP 47/47

The dusk-elf passes a few servants on her way through to her quarters and then to the baths, but none of the disturb her on her way. The bathing area turns out to be a large pool split into two sides by a heavy, t-shaped curtain that offers some degree of gender segregation. There are several benches as well as hooks to hang clothes on and a large number of towels ready to be used, but there doesn't seem to be anyone else there at the moment.

Terra and Chocolat
Questioning a servant quickly leads the pair of warriors to the kitchens, located in the second floor near the back of the castle. The kitchens are already preparing for tomorrow's feast, but one of the assistant cooks helps the pair to some roasted chicken, boiled vegetables and fresh bread, all quite tasty. The dining hall seems half-empty, though there is a number of servants and soldiers also eating lunch.

While Alicia is eating, one of the men - a local drunk, by the looks of it - starts singing a rather lewd song before the inn's owner swiftly throws him out, apparently used to dealing with the man.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Ahdeah looked around at the bath curiously. Shrugging at the rather strange apperance she quickly undressed and grabbed a towel folding her cloths neatly on a bench. Wrapping her hair up in the towel she tested the waters with her foot to check the temputure before comming herself to the bath. If the water was warm she would quickly move into the water and find a place to relax a moment and enjoy the heat.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat didn't have a better suggestion, and so went with Terra to the kitchens still in her armor. She wasn't one to pass up on a meal, her time in Anudor after the fall of her people had certainly taught her that, and what the busy kitchen staff offered up was pretty good fare on its own anyway. The fresh food was certainly preferable to preserved rations, and unless Terra opted to converse with her further she would keep her courtly reserve and eat in silence while covertly watching the other people in the dining hall have their meals in an effort to pick up more about Badarian culture.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

The food was certainly a welcome change from campaign rations, and Terra found herself eating them quickly. She deliberately slowed down. There was no rush, no imminent battle. On the other hand, the behavior of the rest of the dining room didn't really interest her. She'd grown up in Badaria, after all, and while her childhood had been spent much further South, it was hardly new to her.

Instead, she turned her attention on her companion. "Where'd you learn to fight, anyway?"
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

During her rather pleasant meal, Alicia would be so rudely interrupted by the noisy singing of a local drunk. Man was hardly singing at this point and half his words were slurred or mispronounced. The inn keeper was quick to toss him out, restoring peace to the inn. Out of curiosity, Alicia would ask "Get guys like him often? Seems like every town I stop at has at least one like him." Regardless of what the inn keeper said, Alicia would finish her food and leave enough for the meal and a tip. She'd head back to the castle and head to wherever she was sleeping. She needed to relax a bit before deciding on what to do next.
Re: For honor and glory!(AustNailo, Tassadar, ranger, thetwo) GMed by Hentaispider

Chocolat froze for an instant as Terra spoke to her, surprised. It was generally thought of as improper for women to speak while eating back home, and she had clung to that practice even though she wasn't in Anudor anymore. Still, she had to try and fit in....

"My father, mostly. We were wealthy, and he was the one who handled my education. I was taught the art of combat, even though it is... Not really proper knowledge for a woman" she answered, and then added; "and what about you? Where did you learn to fight?"