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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Indeed plenty of equipment lay scattered about most of it broken but with enough skill and time workable sets of armor could be put together. Not to mention the bandit seemed to have plenty of gold on their person. Looking over her haul and determining that these poor souls would not be going anywhere fast she could probably explore the other tunnel if she wanted.

Gain 64 denari and two mismatched leather armors
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera gathered up the loot contentedly, then observed them. Boy they were round.

"Well, you guys aren't moving much til you give birth. So I;m gonna go make sure the cave is secure then come on back! You guys will be safe here for a little bit, right? Great! See you soon!," says Fiera cheerfully, before heading down the other tunnel, skipping as she went.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

OOC: My apologies to Zilrax for the long delay. I should have known better.

Fiera kicked back on her silken sheeted bed and sighed. Much to her surprise the bed itself remained unburned. It seemed that who ever had owned this bed before had been quite prepared for such things. Of course being the leader of a fire cult or some such maybe it made sense. Still she had much to do and plenty of other things to worry about. It would take time to read threw the book but she had already made some progress. Of course there was only so much she could do on her own. Above her hidden base was the wasp nest full of egg bearing people. Some of them could be corralled to her use. Not to mention the Lord of the small town nearby that kicked off this journey owed her the freedom of her cook! Her mind wandered briefly to the big breasted thief causing her to drool slightly before snapping back. There was of course the rest of this complex to explore. Who knew what else she might find. Turning to her other servant she found her missing having gone off on her own once again. So unreliable.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera giggled excitedly as she snuggled into her bed as she flipped through a few pages before grumbling. So much to do. Her new home needed proper scouting, filling with life and gathering of riches. There was tons of prospects here! And she had things to get back from the lord of course. And possibly raise herself some wasps. Fire wasps? And their bearers. Maybe she should have a few kids herself while she was at it too...

She shivered pleasedly at the idea of her cook carrying a half demon or two as well before she snapped to reality. She should ask... Where'd she go?

"Damnit Sonja, every time! Better have left my fancy new clothes!," growls Fiera, checking to make sure her new dress was still there, and if it was, deciding to get changed into them to try them on before looking about for her servant. Maybe she should grab her cook before exploring further afterwards. After all, she seemed good at seeing traps.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Indeed the fire demoness fancy robes were still present and fit her well enough, though it seemed the previous owner was bit more endowed than she. As for Sonja the only hint of her was small glowing rune on the floor. Looking at it closely revealed it to be some sort of teleportation rune. It seemed this place was even more trapped than she thought. It looked like for the moment she would have to carry on for herself. Getting Amber back would let her explore more safely for sure but who knew what the lord was planning on doing.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera pouts a bit at the clothes being a little floppy in the chest area. Hmph. Just because she didn't have air bags going everywhere... Well. Not much point in fixing it right now. She didn't have a partner to feed on at the moment so she had to be a lot more stingy with her magic.

For now, she decided to poke over to her hive-house. May as well get her burdened house staff somewhere secure before they starved. Least there'd be plenty of honey! Did they make honey? She should check. After that she needed to acquire her thief to help her properly explore this area. Time WAS of the essence after all. If Sonja ended up in some jail cell she might starve too. Not the proper fate of one of her servants!

So Fiera walked out to the previous wasp held chamber to check on those there.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Heading back to the hive area she found her burdened future staff still groaning with their burdens. The bandits would prove troublesome almost immediately while the woman.. well at the moment they seemed lost to what ever the wasps had done to them. She would have to decide what to do with each. She could probably turn in the bandits for some reward and keep the woman for herself but that would take work all by herself and while she was doing that no telling if they would simply just leave, and then there was the eggs... once they hatched the wasps could be trouble some.

3 bandits
4 woman
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera humphed as she looked them over. Talk about in no shape to help. No telling when they would lay their eggs, and then the wasps, she wasn't sure how she could control them. And then there was making sure her new finds didn't just run off. Nope, she needed some loyal muscle to keep them in line. She needed Sonja. Or... New Sonja. Plus she couldn't carry any of these people anywhere, even if it was beneath her glory.

For now though she looked around for something she could feed these seven. Wouldn't do for them to starve while she was away. She'd had to head back to town and hunt for help. Guess she was on her own for this bit. She had a helper to recover. And a lord to give a piece of her mind if he had her slaves virginity taken. He probably knew her power now, but... She'd see if he really knew just how deadly she was if he crossed her.

So once that was handled, she made her way towards town.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Thankfully it seemed the captives wouldn't starve for the time being. Heading out of the caves she got to see her handiwork after the fact as the large section of forest was charred and still smoking. But all in all she had little trouble reaching the town though with out an expert guide it took a bit longer on the return trip. Thankfully she could just follow the smell of smoke if she needed to get back. As she reached the small gate the guards eyed her clearly unnerved at her presence. The two of them seemed to shake a bit as she drew closer.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera skipped her way home, moving to town! Seeing the guards nerves, she waved friendly-like. "Hi guys! What? What is there something on my face? Oh is it the new clothes? It's the new clothes. Yeah I wish they fit a bit better, seems kinda silly. Who the hell has breasts this big? Least they're the right height. Anyways I need to go talk to your lord. I know the way, don't worry!"

She winked, before pausing. "Oh and don't worry. Barring any rather stupid fights started on me, I've no intention of starting any fires. The smoke back there was an accident. Don't worry, I put it out!"

She then hummed and walked her way for the manor. She did stay somewhat alert however, as alert as she could at least.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The guards didn't stop her but the tension in the air was clear. In fact it seemed the streets where even clear. Clearly the Lord was expecting some sort of trouble. Baring any distractions she found her way to the gates of the Lords manor. Outside she found the large brute of a man standing watch clearly not amused and singed. "Where is your lacky demon?" His tone was not as respectful as it should be. Then again he was flanked on either side by two guards.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera pranced over to the man, waving with a smile.

"Noooo, no no. It's Lady Fiera, not "demon." She's around. Anyways, your wasp problem is solved. And you only got a little singed, it's not that bad. Anyways I'm here for my reward as was promised. And a few words with his lordship over the details of the matter.," says Fiera cheerfully, waving a hand a bit.

She smiled happily. "I also put the fire out, so it's not a big deal, not like you guys were using that small patch for anything, and the smoke will keep any more big bugs from coming over there cus they'll fall asleep. So! Shall we get to it then? I'm feeling a bit impatient."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The man grunted and stepped aside to reveal Amber. She looked bruised an exhausted. "As agreed she is intact her virginity is whole. A shame really wouldn't have minded seeing those tits of her bounce. The man smiled a foul smile and pushed the clearly beaten woman forward. Fiera could see the numerous lash marks already welting up from her torn cloths. "As for the Lord he is not seeing anyone at this time."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera glares at seeing her property so hurt, before looking at the man coldly, her smile gone.

"I suggest you stop smiling. What you saw in the forest was an accident. You've yet to see what happens when I am actually angry. And you are perilously close to making me lose my cool. I specifically said not to traumatize or ruin her. I clearly was not clear on the subject that it wasn't just her virginity I was concerned about. I was going to let it slide that you were clearly allowed to violate her in some manner since I did accidentally burn you a little. But this? I'll be taking her. But if this is the level of courtesy and the worth of words given I'll be receiving, well... Courtesy received will be courtesy given in the future then."

She huffs and takes Amber's hand, before turning. "Come on. Clearly I need to get you fixed up, clothed and bathed. And most likely fed."

She headed for that inn she went too last time. They were sympathetic, she imagined they'd help her get Amber cleaned up for a fair fee. Once they were away from the guards, Fiera channeled her nurturing warmth to heal the wounds the woman had taken, hugging her close.

Fiera casts Heat, spending 2 ep to heal 4d6+16 to Amber (Not sure if Focus in Fire and Specialised mage's bonuses apply to healing or just damage)

"Hey, don't worry, I'm not gonna whip you alright? I'm not that kind of girl or noble. I mean unless you try to stab me or something, but I think that's pretty fair."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Amber jumped at Fiera's touch but most likely due to how sore she was. The guard with back up seemed to just ignore Fiera his ego boosted by close allies. However Fiera noted his allies didn't disregard her. While remaining professional they eyed her with concern lacking the impudence of their superior. It was troubling and a clear indicator that the Lord of this place did have well trained soldiers that he kept for himself.

As they cleared the guards she channeled her healing magic into Amber causing the girl to gasp as wounds sealed and pain eased. Her magic couldn't fix the mental trauma but she seemed a resistant girl. Reaching the Inn the kind old couple didn't say a word and simple opened up a room for them.

With a chance to rest the girl didn't hesitate and quickly fell into a deep sleep. So sound and deep was the sleep that Fiera could inspect Amber fully and most likely not stir her from the rest. If she did she would find older nearly faded lash marks hinting that the girl had been treated as such before and survived. She would not break easily at least under torture. Other than the faded scares her body was well shaped. Her body had desirable curves in the right places. Fiera's inspection would lead the eventually to the girls large breasts which seemed amazingly enough to be entirely natural as she could detect only the barest hint of taint in the girls body.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera frowned, getting her servant up where she could rest, and inspecting the womans body. Gorgeous, barely tainted. That she had any bespoke of some past encounter with something. Part of her wanted to check that virginity for herself but... The girl had endured enough. She had to be better for her.

For now Fiera was about as patient as she could be, which was she finished her inspection, waited five minutes then went downstairs. Ugh, humans and their need for long sleep times. How did they manage to achieve anything spending most the time unconscious? Well, she should make sure there was food ready for when she woke up.

Fiera headed downstairs and nodded to the two with a sigh. "Well, less bandits and wasps now, but what was done to her... I don't get it. We had servants and slaves on my estate too but we never treated them like that. And I'm not a bit human. So whats his excuse...?" she mutters to herself.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The older woman looked at Feira still wary of the demoness but moved to sit next to her drawn by the apparent distress. "All people are different some are benevolent and others wicked. I guess that could be said of demons as well. To be fair the Lord used to be a kind man before his wife left him for his brother and his son died during the war." Patting Fiera's hand the woman got up and tended to the meal she was cooking while the older man left with his coat to purchase some more supplies for the inn. This left Fiera alone with the older woman and their daughter who still stole a few peeks at her from her room on the ground floor.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera nodded, sighing a bit. "Yeah, I guess. Well, he might have been, but he's not now. Hope nothing happens to make me like that.," she grumbles a little.

With everyone distracted, Fiera looks over to the girl spying on her. "Hey. Don't have to just stare at me, we can talk y'know. I don't bite. Here, see?" She reached up and doused out her hair, letting the long red locks flop over her face as they smolder. "It'll reignite in a minute. Just don't touch my rose, it's super hot. But yeah, I'm just another person. Don't need to stare at me from afar heh."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

This brought the young woman out. As before Fiera could tell she was just old enough to draw all the wrong attention. Thankfully it seemed she heeded her parents advice. Slowly and hesitantly she came out and sat next to her taking in the exotic look. Reaching up she touched the smolding red locks. "Does it hurt?... Dose it smell bad when it burns?"
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera smiles and keeps an eye on the girl so she didn't get hurt. "Nah, it's part of me. I'm naturally resistant to flame. And nope, it makes fire, it doesn't actually burn itself. So no bad smell. Us demon's have more magic in our bodies, so it manifests in strange ways. I'm red and have fire hair. There's lot's of other possible ways it can look though."

She stretched a bit, watching around a bit. Felt weird not to have her hair on fire. "But I've always been good at fire. I got a little in trouble earlier today for lighting a few trees on fire by accident. I put them out though. Needed some help to do it. But less giant bugs to bother people now."