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Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax) GMed by ranger

Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 38/52, Status = Fine Summon Demon
Sonja: HP = 76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Sonja attempts to grapple the hunter. 54 vs 35 success
Fiera uses summon demon
Hunter tries to free himself from Sonja 32 vs 49 fail

Rushing to Fiera's defense Sonja quickly wraps the hunter into a powerful embrace causing the gun to fall from his hands. "Damn it whore shes gonna kill us all let me go! The man was strong but Sonja was stronger and easily kept him from escaping her grasp. Meanwhile Fiera quickly channeled her magics and summoned up her lest favorite servant. As the blue skinned demon exited the summoning circle Fiera felt her skin shudder. Looking around and seeing the raging inferno the mage quickly surmised the situation. "Damn it Fiera! I suppose you want me to put this fire out as well." Wasting little time the mage began to cast his own spell to extinguish the blaze.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja was successful in her attempt to put the Hunter down. Keeping him there was another story, as Fiera would summon one of her "friends" who was a Sorcerer that had an obvious affinity for water based magic. Not really concerning herself with Fiera's shenanigans for the time being, Sonja was going to make sure the Hunter knew his place in the hierarchy.

"See, nothing is getting burned down. Fiera just gets a little excited and overdoes it from time to time. Now so long as you do not make the mistake of threatening her again, I will let you go. Turn your weapon on her a second time and nothing good will come of it."

Sonja had every intent of diffusing the situation with the Hunter and letting him up. However if he were to persist, then Sonja would treat him just like any other hostile target and put him down. It was truly up to the Hunter to decide what happened next. Sonja would not actively feel a need to restrain the Hunter further, but until he understood exactly how things worked with them he was going to stay on the ground.

Sonja had faith that Fiera had the situation well under control, though she was not so convinced that the Hunter was not going to just up and attempt to attack Fiera again.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"Hello Geryon. Yes please, I seem to have upset the locals. Ooo, but you get to kill wasps with me! Frooooom a bit over there. And watch me have a panic attack when I feed you, you sadist. Molesting a woman with your horrible blue phallus! Gaaaaah!," huffs Fiera, looking away and fuming.

She kept an eye on the cave instead in case anything came storming out to bother her. "Stupid flammable world... Ruining my victory lap... Instead of praising me for how awesome I am everyones all oooh you're burning down the green matches, ooo you made everyone explode into flames, ooo you gotta put it out. Hmph. Suppose I should learn ways to control the direction if everyones always going to be riding my damn ass over it..."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

The hunter's voice quivered. "You bitches are crazy let me outta here!" Letting him go the man took off leaving his weapon behind. Meanwhile a light rain had begun to fall quickly damping any cloths she was wearing.

With his spell cast Geryon turned to Fiera and pulled out his massive blue cock which was already erect and pulsing. "Damn woman summoning me duing my one night off. How else am I supposed to break my new apprentice slave! You know how hard it is to kidnap mages from the Academy!" He advanced on her slowly clearly upset. Of course in Fiera's mind it was like a giant blue monster had come to rape her.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja saw the almost majestic shifting of the skies overhead as Fiera summoned the wizard to put out the fires. As Sonja relaxed her grip over the hunter, he would mutter that Fiera was insane as he ran off in the direction of the town they had come from.

Seeing that the hunter left his gun on the ground, Sonja would start to see if anything was salvagable from the aftermath of Fiera's outburst. This would allow Fiera some alone time with rhe wizard she had summoned while Sonja scavenged what she could. Once the wizard was done, Fiera was going to need some therapy. Sonja knew that Fiera did not like vlue things, and she was going to be intimate with a blue thing in short order. Once they were both done, Sonja would see what Fiera would want to do next.

(See what is left for bandit heads to cash in with among other things)
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"See! I knew it! Always the same with you! Hmph!," growls Fiera, shutting her eyes tight and trembling a lot. Half her brain screamed panic and flee, but the rest knew she was bound by the contract. She could kill him to get out of it, but the reprisal would be massive, plus she'd have no answer next time she caused a fire that would get her into huge trouble.

"Well I could send you back quicker if we skipped the payment obviously. It only took you like 20 seconds to fix anyways!," says Fiera quickly, hoping faintly maybe his haste to get back would prevent her from having to deal with her nightmares revisiting her once more.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sadly for Sonja the fire had done a remarkable job of incinerating everything it had touched. Between what she though was human corpse she mustered two scalps out of 12ish bodies. Still while that was a loss searching the remains did reveal a hefty amount of coin though it was still rather hot to the touch.

Sonja finds 30 coins

Meanwhile Fiera was face to face with a blue skinned demon and his raging erection. "Oh no no I will have my due and maybe just maybe you will learn eventually to use your magic in a more restrained manner!" The demon mage stepped forward his heavy cock waving up and down almost saying high to Feira. "We are waiting dear." Geryon stroked his cock waiting for Fiera to full fill her end of the bargain.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja's amulet would start to give off a faint glow as she would look through the remains. Shecwas able to harvest two of the bandit's heads along with some gold. Turning back to Fiera to tell her what she found, Sonja would see Fiera looking on with sheer horror.

Not wanting to get herself involved, Sonja would wander off and try to make herself scarce for a short while as the two magicians sorted their issue out.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera whined as her hopes were dashed, her cursing and spluttering, "Well fire's supposed to rage free! How else am I supposed to wipe out an entire hive of monster bugs?! It was an accident, I didn't think the range was THAT big! Lucky Sonja didn't get hurt..."

She whimpers, hand over her eyes, growling before sighing in defeat. "Fine... FINE! But no babies and you're going to help me finish the job here! And I'm not looking at your stupid... Blue... Body!"

With that she leaned forwards, trembling, before bonking her hand on his cock, grunting, then repositioning to lick up his shaft reluctantly a few times, then taking it into her mouth. She was very tempted to bite, but as much as she hated him, she also needed him right now. So with that she began bobbing forwards, eager to get this over with quickly. The fact she might not have the energy to recast her fire spells after this factored pretty heavily in her decision to have him help her finish this job...
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Geryon grunted as Feira began her ministrations. "Always such a talented tongue." With her eyes closed Feira had no way of knowing that Geryon had begun to reach around until she felt his clawed hand on the back of her head suddenly force her deeper. Oddly enough she didn't feel Geryon pull on her energy reserves than again given that he was no lust demon Feira would win out in that exchange. Than again if he wasn't going to fill up maybe Feira should?

Meanwhile Sonja scouted around finding little untouched by the fire. Looking back to the clearing she could hear the grunts and moans echoing threw the trees. No doubt the two would finish soon but their noisy blowjob might draw some unwanted attention.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera grunted a bit as she was forced into deep throating him. Oh she very much felt like draining him, even without a gag reflex, her working him deep into her, trying to work this over quickly.

The problem with draining him, and she certainly would win, was simple. His hands were free to blow her head up if he wanted. Plus, if he was helping her deal with the wasps it was basically cutting off her nose to spite her face. She drains him, he casts no spells. He drains her, she casts no spells. She had enough foresight to get that one, after all she had been doing the lust demon thing a long time.

Ultimately this was a bit of a problem though, swatting his leg a bit as she tried to somehow glare through closed eyelids. He had to drain some of her energy, that was the darn deal. Didn't have to be a lot after all, otherwise they'd be here all day. And who knew how long it'd be til the wasps decided to come investigate the entrance of their nest. They had a queen to swat. Or conquer, she hadn't decided yet. Depended how smart she was she supposed.

Heh... quarter demon wasps...
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Sonja would reappear from her little expedition to see just what was not burned to oblivion by Fiera. It would seem that Fiera and her blue colored friend were at an impasse. These silly spellcasters and their need for energy would present itself a rather awkward position for the pair to be in. Knowing how stubborn Fiera could be at times as well, Sonja knew she had to step in otherwise the two of them could be going at this for a long time. A long time they could be spending accomplishing their objective.

"Just let him have you already.. Did you forget about me so soon?" Sonja's implication was pretty obvious. Fiera needed to allow her summoned friend to take her energy, but Fiera seemed to forget that Sonja had little need for her own spiritual energy and Fiera was as always more than welcome to drain whatever she needed from Sonja.

Hopefully with the rather obvious solution presented, Fiera would be able to move on and just do what needed to be done. Otherwise Sonja would have to fight off whatever the hell would wander their way alone while those mages try to figure out who drains who.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera is drained of 5ep

Fiera: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 33/52, Status = Fine

Sonja: HP = 76/76, PP = 56, EP = 34, Status = Fine

The demon mage grunted seemingly enjoying the teasing he was giving Fiera. Eventually however she felt his member swell before the vile demon pulled her head in deep locking her mouth over his cock as he emptied his blue demon balls down her throat and into her stomach. The tiniest bit of energy flowed from her as the mage took his climax worth of energy. Satisfied he pulled away from Feira his cock still spazaming his corrupt cum coating her face and chest with its ichor like fluid. "Now on to the now doubt pointless task you have summoned me for." Wrapping his robe around himself tighter the demon mage headed for the entrance leaving Fiera to clean up after herself. It seemed he didn't much care to address Sonja and the warrior was left to either follow the mage or tend to Fiera.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

"I'll decide what's pointless... yugh...," grimaces Fiera as she wiped her face off best she could. She moved forwards into the cave after the mage, humphing. Stupid monstrous smug blue man.

She'd have to see if this would be cause for alarm up at the mansion. It'd been a bit of a risk, showing just how powerful she was. But she wanted that lord nervous, he had clearly crossed her and she wanted him too scared to cross her again. Time would tell if it worked.

But for now the wasps were a danger more to the people than the guards themselves. She had quite the overhauls to handle.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Leaving Sonja behind for now to watch their back Feira and the her blue friend moved deeper into the cave for the most part it was dry and sandy on the occasional bit of shell to show signs of any inhabitants. It was also decidedly narrow. Thankfully the smug blue demon in front of her would make an excellent shield. As they progressed the sound of buzzing and moaning started to reach their ears. Still no bugs showed themselves and they faced a fork in the road. The left paths seemed silent and cold and the one to the right echoed with the moans of men and women.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera huffed a bit as she moved ahead, glaring daggers at the back of the blue mage, when she could stand to look at him at all. He was just so... Blue! Blue spoke of coldness, something she had no tolerance for... Plus there just was something about it that gave her the creeps. She recognized on some level it was irrational but she just couldn't help it!

Moving to a fork in the row, Fiera paused, listening. "Hm. Curious, wonder whats down there... Well, job before curiosity I guess. To the bee slaves! I'll... TRY to aim better this time I suppose, hmph. Not like they'll all be bandits anyhow..."
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Wasp 1 attacks Blue mage 35 vs 40 miss!
Wasp 2 attack Fiera 41 vs 41 hit 10 damage after armor
Ristance vs paralysis 37 vs 31 success!

Fiera: HP = 41/51, PP = 61, EP = 33/52, Status = Fine

Heading for the bee slaves the duo soon reached a room full of pregnant woman and some rather over stuffed men crying out as a very large wasp was in the middle of stuffing some poor woman full of eggs. Upon seeing them the wasp clattered and several more moved to intercept both the mages. Diving down the one that attacked the blue demon missed however the one that attacked Fiera found is mark stinging her. For a moment she felt her muscles seize up but fighting threw the effect Fiera resisted.
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Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera followed into the room, giggling a bit at seeing all the people stuffed full of kids. "Damn, almost jealous of the queen. Hehe, boy he looks full too. Very egalitarian wasps, everybody get's babies!"

Suddenly more wasps dive down, Fiera yelping as she's stung. "Ow! How dare you, you jerks?! Take this!"

Trying to actually aim not to hit the captives, she launched a Fireball into the air, trying to blow all the attackers sky high!

Fiera casts Fireball! Level 3 spell so dc 20, 48-8 means still an autopass on it for 3d6+3+12+15 in 15ft area
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Feira dose 40 damage in an aoe!
Wasp G1 dies
Wasp G2 dies
Queen wasp attempts to flee
Water demon uses animate water to bind the queen. 42 vs 27 success!

Extreamly upset Fiera lets loose with a spell that explodes around the upper chamber incinerating the wasps. As burning chunks of wasp flutter to the ground her summoned help quickly calls forth some watery chains to bind the wasp queen. "Humm yess... I have some experiments in mind for you." Turning to Fiera the blue skinned demon grins. "I believe thats the end of our deal My lady good bye!" With that the demon mage vanishes with his new pet leaving Fiera in a room with about 3 bandits and four woman packed full of wasp eggs.
Re: Fuel for the Flame (Zilrax and freeko) GMed by ranger

Fiera pouts a bit as her mage support ran off with the queen. Hmph. What a pain. she sighed and went amidst all the pregnant folks, poking them a bit. "Hmph. Now how the hell am I going to move all of you? Hurry up and lay your eggs so you can move, I need to go check on the other tunnel and stuff..."

She sighs and paces the room, exploring and looking for any lost equipment from prior victims and what not she could loot. Well, with no queen she couldn't have a wasp army of her very own it seemed. She supposed this nest was done, wasps or no. Still, now she did have a cave if everything went badly at the town. Or not. She'd have to see.