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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

To be honest I barely use winston, his berserk is not even that good, but as a tank he is very versatile. Zayra is over complicated for no reason. Tracer is a s.o.b in pvp if you don't kill her fast, she teleports, gets health and come back for round 2. D.va I love tanking with that bitch. Bastion is the most overused overpower on a.i mode. He turns to a mini gun and can self heal. :/
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To be honest I barely use winston, his berserk is not even that good, but as a tank he is very versatile. Zayra is over complicated for no reason. Tracer is a s.o.b in pvp if you don't kill her fast, she teleports, gets health and come back for round 2. D.va I love tanking with that bitch. Bastion is the most overused overpower on a.i mode. He turns to a mini gun and can self heal. :/

How do you keep from dying while on your way to a good turret spot? I constantly had trouble fending off the faster characters with his 20 round clip, by the time I'd reloaded a second time they'd have me dead. I could definitely see his turret form set up behind Reinhart's shield being a beast combo though!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

How do you keep from dying while on your way to a good turret spot? I constantly had trouble fending off the faster characters with his 20 round clip, by the time I'd reloaded a second time they'd have me dead. I could definitely see his turret form set up behind Reinhart's shield being a beast combo though!

Try not to aim for Genji's :x and well have a Reinhard defend yourself as well
I've seen cases like one or two bastion's and multiple Reinhard's around them ._.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Steam has a nice sale going on right now. In particular, Aquaria is just $2.49 and I would highly recommend it for fans of the Metroidvania genre.
The whole game is set underwater (well, closer to 95%) and both the audio and visuals are absolutely beautiful.

I got the game from a Humble Bundle a couple years ago and I enjoyed the game so much I made reskins for all of Naija's outfits/forms (with partial nudity).

The only thing I didn't like about the game is that a few of the end-game bosses don't match the visual style of the rest of the game (IMO).
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wish a company like HuniePot could get the rights to distribute Rumble Roses and DOA Xtreme in the US.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got another review

Evil Genius, good game, though I feel like I ballsed up the review this time

Oh well
Evil Genius is an excellent, if old game that is not without its flaws. Players are the Evil Genius, leader of the evil organisation that is planning world domination. The evil genius builds their evil lair, on their evil island. He brings in evil minions to do nefarious deeds and generally just manages the organisation's island lair. And he's evil.

You begin by building your base, designing corridors and rooms and placing the neccesary furniture in them. A place for work, a place to let minions relax and recover, a power plant. And then you gradually unlock more rooms and more items, expanding more and more until you've outgrown the small first island. But that will be a while.
During your growth, you're going to deal with agents of the forces of good, investigating your base for wrongdoing, and sabotaging, stealing, or outright assualting you. And for you to defeat them there are varying kinds of traps, misdirection, and just plainly having them taken care of by a minion with a gun(Or indeed, multiple minions)

The basic gameplay is solid, and while it has a few annoyances in the minion and agent AI, it is still very enjoyable. Base building tickles all the right spots for those who want to be creative, and managing your evil base is even immersive in some ways a

The graphics may be a little out of date, but they are still perfectly fine in most cases. It is true that characters viewed up close don't look as shiny as they may be able to with today's graphics, but when zoomed out and inspecting your lair you will not notice much of this, with an artstyle that matches the game's theme. It remains even today a nice sight to see the corridors and rooms with your minions walking around in them.

Sound design is well done, with the music being the best fit for the theme that I could imagine. All other sounds are very much what one expects of them, clean and clear so you can tell what's going on, and the only sound that becomes annoying is your blaring alarm. When you're dealing with a base under attack, you're going to want to keep the alarm on. But your ears will want it off after a while because it is loud and repetitive. More reason to finish off those intruders then!

The game happens to also be laden with humour, as after all, you are a cartoon style villain of sufficient evilness, I highly recommend taking a look at interogations and reading the fluff text of your nefarious deeds on the world screen, almost every part of the game fits seamlessly into the others, with a unified theme that never seems to fail or fall apart except for technical reasons.

But then, there are issues too. As there are always issues with games that will lessen your enjoyment. Luckily for Evil Genius, these issues are few. Specifically, they are twofold, though other flaws exist.
Super agents, and the AI.
The AI is the simplest to find, and simplest to complain about. It is incredibly simple, and even without resistance it will not go deep into your base, or pose a threat to your evil genius avatar. A little planning and you will always be safe, though you may lose all your minions as they too don't think about things. You will see a horde of minions happily run into an attacking army to repair the door that is being broken down, or to use a fire extinquisher on an item that is still being actively attacked.
The agent AI is not much better. For the 'forces of good' they are remarkably bloodthirsty, with some super agents and soldiers shooting everything that moves on sight. They will enter a hotel and shoot all the valets, bomb the tourists' bedrooms, and declare their mission a success. They will destroy a cardboard target and explode the pressure plate triggering it, then get injured by their own explosion and go on alert because they took damage. The AI is, sadly, incredibly simple and completely incapable of making sense or anything resembling planning.
That said, it is still functional, though the killing spree and indiscriminate destruction these agents cause will be most annoying as you can not tell a few highly trained minions to sit back, thus almost guarranteeing that you will be spending the next 30 minutes recovering from AI sillyness. And recovering is a slow thing, as everything is expensive, and income is low.

As for the super agents, I won't spoil them. But I will say the complete anticlimax that is the final super agent is a shame. Instead of an interesting ability like the other agents, the only thing this one has is boosted stats and an interface screw. The best way to deal with his ability is to pause the game and fix what he messed up, which can take a while with bigger bases, and manually set everything back to normal.

In the end, there is a lot I can say about Evil Genius, but even with its flaws it remains a very solid game capable of hours of enjoyment, unique and interesting with all the right things to make you feel like you are, indeed, the evil genius.
s you get to be the big boss cartoon villain for a change. It provides you with every tool you may need to feel like you're in charge, with systems that are neither too complex, nor too simple to enjoy.

No pictures this time, instead, here's a link to a few of the things
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Everyone who may be interested, a friend of mine is hosting a little game on sunday

A little game called Barotrauma

Underwater, co-op submarine adventures. possibly with a traitor

And some screenshots

Sunday, 6GMT

I already asked Smokefish and he hissed at me. So I take that as approval
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I already asked Smokefish and he hissed at me. So I take that as approval

PS: Don't let XSI drive. Ever.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Everyone who may be interested, a friend of mine is hosting a little game on sunday

A little game called Barotrauma

Underwater, co-op submarine adventures. possibly with a traitor

And some screenshots

While I kindly reject the invitation, I thank you for bringing this game up. I've played a bit of "Space Station 13", mainly on a constant RP server, and I really love this "all work together and do their job, or we're all gonna die" concept! Controls in SS13 were sluggish and not all too clear to me, and I only played simple roles (I was the best RP-janitor, at least!).
Maybe this one is a bit easier to grasp for me. Still, the promise of the game sounds great already, I'll keep an eye on this, thanks!

Also, I could swear that I bought a game on Steam after reading one of your reviews. The Ordos symbol, I definitely remember seeing that Ordos symbol as the user's avatar. It's a small world I guess. ^^
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Glad I could help!
I did have a few top reviews for some time

That said, I do plan on reviewing Barotrauma once it is released. In it's current state it's already worth playing, though the single player is still a bit too sparse to be really worth much investment of time

I will post about it occasionally, it is one of the few games I actively pay attention to
Re: Games Discussion Thread

New review

Of an early access title. Expensive for what it is, but solid gameplay that amused me for a good while

I don't usually review early access(2016-7-19), but for Bounty Train, I figured I may as well

Bounty Train is a game about running a train through the not-so-wild eastern coast of the USA right in during the civil war, trading in the cities and ferrying small amounts of passengers around. It has several ways to make money, and plenty more ways to lose it. But in the end every part of it works great on its own, but is still not really working together as a single whole game just yet.

You can trade, you can customise your train with carriages and historical locomotives, you can do combat when the bandits try to take your money, you can level up, and you can have a chase scene almost straight from a western. It is already entertaining and a pleasant experience, with the base gameplay being solid and simple enough to understand even for someone new to the game. At the same time it allows you enough control to remain interesting after you learn the basics.

The graphics and sound are pleasant, with the world map being a well made stylised view. That is where my first complaint lies. Specifically, with the transition between your train view to the world map. Every single time you do this you get a loading screen, which slows down the game by a lot as anyone who doesn't know US geography will need to go check the world map every time they see a place name to see where it is, and even those who do know will need to check it regularly to see if there is an indian camp or army position at the track they plan to take. This is quite harsh on the flow of the game, especially if you need to switch back and forth multiple time before actually moving your train.

Other negatives are balance issues. As it is early access, I'm not weighing them as much since they are mainly numbers that need tweaking, or things in need of more explaining. For example, the ability to escape from bandits is fun to have, with the chase being interesting and very good at engaging you as you have to control your train. But what it doesn't say is that you have only old trains, and you are not going to go fast enough to escape from anything at all unless you've left most of your wagons at the station. Any train that has enough cargo to make a profit is better off just stopping and shooting the bandits until they stop coming, simply because of the weight of your cargo slowing you down enough to make escape impossible.
At a similar note, often you do not get a chance to escape at all. When the army engages you(Which they will, both north and south will en up hating you for no particular reason other than you existing) you are only given the option to attack them, with no way to escape until time on their barricade runs out. The barricade they have lasts long enough for them to completely destroy your train before you can move on, which will feel like the game just said "Okay, you encounter this event. You lose", rather than it being your fault for your loss until the late game where you can defend against a small army group.

Another balance issue is the weaponry, some of them are just plain better than others, and when the bandits attacking you have these stronger guns and you don't, you do not have a good chance. What is worse is that you can not loot their weaponry; Loot is randomly generated after combat is already over.

While Bounty Train has a lot of potential, it is still unfinished as the Early Access tag says. Even then it is certainly worth keeping an eye on for when they tweak the gameplay and finish adding the rest of it. The price is a bit steep for what is in it at this point, but there is a promise for more, and if you are sceptical about that then there will be a sale for it at some point.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just played Koiken Otome and found it about as engaging as watching paint dry. I found I cared more about the plots of some of Lilith's games than I did about this one, even if the plots are maybe about five minutes long if you cut out the porn.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of plots you don't care about, I've been playing a fair bit of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen lately. The gameplay itself is pretty decent, with skills opening up various special attacks and allowing a bit of strategic play. The opening sequence is actually METAL AS FUCK as a dragon tears out your beating heart and devours it. But that's the high point of the story, devolving into a fairly standard RPG from then on. The game's signature mechanic of climbing onto large enemies is actually fairly thrilling the first time you do it, but DD has the bad habit of reusing those huge enemies far too often AND making them respawn regularly, so you quickly get bored of cyclopses and chimeras. Granted, I had an absolutely heart-pounding encounter with a dragon that lasted throughout an entire game-day - but again, it was a rare encounter. Less would be more in many respects when it comes to Dragon's Dogma. Less walking, for instance. You do get an infinite fast travel early in the game, but its fast-travel spots are ridiculously sparse.

Granted, I haven't finished the game yet nor touched the Dark Arisen part of it, so maybe it'll turn me around yet - but I think it's worth one playthrough at most.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Speaking of plots you don't care about, I've been playing a fair bit of Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen lately. The gameplay itself is pretty decent, with skills opening up various special attacks and allowing a bit of strategic play. The opening sequence is actually METAL AS FUCK as a dragon tears out your beating heart and devours it. But that's the high point of the story, devolving into a fairly standard RPG from then on. The game's signature mechanic of climbing onto large enemies is actually fairly thrilling the first time you do it, but DD has the bad habit of reusing those huge enemies far too often AND making them respawn regularly, so you quickly get bored of cyclopses and chimeras. Granted, I had an absolutely heart-pounding encounter with a dragon that lasted throughout an entire game-day - but again, it was a rare encounter. Less would be more in many respects when it comes to Dragon's Dogma. Less walking, for instance. You do get an infinite fast travel early in the game, but its fast-travel spots are ridiculously sparse.

Granted, I haven't finished the game yet nor touched the Dark Arisen part of it, so maybe it'll turn me around yet - but I think it's worth one playthrough at most.

I got "Dragon's Dogma" on Steam instantly, even without having played much of similiar games ("Dark Souls" series). I briefly played it, pretty much finished the intro and arrived at some big city. But back then, I was using mouse and keyboard to play, and it turned into a chore for me (even though mouse+keyboard for "Dragon's Dogma" is about 100 times more playable than "Dark Souls"). So shortly after defeating a chimera-kind of enemy, I dropped the game.

Now, I own a PC-XBOX-controller, as the amount of games I had to struggle with due to console development increased. Shortly before the Steam Summer Sale, the first two Dark Souls games were really cheap, and I bought them.
About two days ago, I started playing the first "Dark Souls" game and am enjoying it a lot. And while I still have DS2 waiting for me, I also keep "Dragon's Dogma" in mind. The short time I played it, it was great - especially the boss battles were intense and dynamic! BUT I wish they had added co-op gameplay! Especially with the boss battles, I just wish I could gather my friends or brothers to join and play alongside me! Seeing how the "Dark Souls" series are a bit querky with "summoning spirits" for co-op games, I hoped "Dragon's Dogma" might take the advantage and add not only co-op, but also lobby/"Steam direct join" options. And well...they didn't. I'm still stuck with some AI pawns, and that's why I'd rather try to finish the first "Dark Souls" game all by myself, rather than doing "Dragon's Dogma" in a group of friends.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

EDF: 4.1 is a fun port, but it has a few bugs in it.

Literally. Some videocards been having issues, multiplayer menu can sometimes have some annoying framerate drop (at least for me), and after extended playtime had to reset cus suddenly it doesn't want to connect to multiplay anymore, but hey, it's EDF. It's fun as fuck and you get to pilot giant robots to box Hectors across the map.

I'll probably do a more comprehensive reviewish thing later, but still enjoying early shenanigans in it '3'
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've heard of EDF but back then it looked kind of shitty. THIS THOUGH! This looks fuckin awesome, I want it bad now. Stupid denuvo. (slicer actually CANNOT download anything from steam [even updates to games like the second dawn of war, which auto-forces an update on you when you connect it to steam to register the physical copy to your account!], his internet connection and steam's protocols just won't allow it)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

"Starbound" has been fully released!

I supported this game before its initial "Early Access" launch, and bought it the moment their website allowed me to. A long time ago, when the first beta version hit Steam, I went nuts with a friend of mine, gathering resources, building our very own home and going through all the content there was.

Soon enough, the gameplay changed dramatically. In more than one way that had a lot of fans say "We didn't ask for that, this is bulls***!". But almost daily progress updates from the devs on their blog let us know what is still coming. And as development further progressed, there was a Steam-opted-in "nightly version" of the game which had all the new goodness, but high instability.
The modding community went nuts from the first time the playable Steam version went live. And there were lots of useful tools to receive - some of them were even implemented into the actual game!

Today, years after I first backed this game, it finally meets its official release. "Starbound" is a game that was worth playing even in its earliest stages, and now holds even more changes and adventures ready for anyone of us to explore!

EDIT: The game is awesome, especially with (a) friend(s). Go buy it!
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I wouldn't say the development was THAT rosy. They had at one point a massive area of inactivity on the blog and other sources prior to the introduction of the Nightly branch, and because they released it in Early Access out a while ago means they no doubt burned out a few people, which can always hurt longevity and early game reviews going off the old version.

With that said, I've been playing Nightly for a few weeks prior and more or less everything has had major improvements across the board as far as it's concerned. If you are looking for a true 'Terraria in Space' you won't find it here, as I find Starbound a little more slow, but the combat feels decent now, and there's enough other stuff alongside colonizing, farming, mining, and other such things, to allow yourself some crazy good times.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Is it just me, or does anyone else wish that the next final fantasy game will actually be the FINAL final fantasy game?