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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

One thing that was only tangently mentioned re: underwater city. I believe that the statistic is that 33 feet of water is equal to 1 atmosphere of pressure. Assuming that the maximum depth of the US Atlantic continental shelf is 200 meters, and that the city is anchored at 150 meters, the city would experience approx. 15 atmospheres of pressures. This is not an insurmountable problem, but it is something to consider.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The best thing in the game, though, is the small note you find in the dwarf fort in the underground (I forget the name, but the one that used to be owned by the legion of the dead) which talks about a dwarf named shepard dying in an elevator.

Speaking of the Legion of the Dead, the newest Awakenings character profile trailer thing is up!

Re: Games Discussion Thread


Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well finally got Aliens vs. Predator.

All three campaigns are pretty good and fairly well put together, though the game is quite short. Still, the difference between all three species made it fun to play through the full game. Even the atmosphere seems different between the Marine, Alien and Predator. For the Marine is fairly creepy, while Predator flits back and forth between stalking marines, and all out fights against the aliens. The alien was pretty much entirely just stalking enemies, then getting real close and brutally killing them.

Fun game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, haven't been able to play that myself yet, but I couldn't help but watch a little of it when my flat mate came back with the game. It was interesting for me seeing two different people playing the marine campaign and how they took it. One being a fps pro, and the other only getting the game because it's an Aliens game.

The first casually strolls around sniping scuttling aliens off the ceiling with ease, using the pistol as a fun handicap, and generally regarding the enemies with the same attitude as a hunter killing for sport.

The second makes the "rookie marine" seem like someone genuinely new on the field and facing a fearsome inhuman foe. Repeatedly getting surprised by ambushes when they fail to track even the aliens that cross right through their sights, spraying unnecessary amounts of ammo into walls and ceilings, and frequently only escaping death by inches.

Both seemed to enjoy it, but it was almost like two different games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread



Best news I've had all day...

*gets doewn on knees and prays to Allah, Bhudda, Zeus and who ever pays attention that its not just a rumor...*

Acording to the "Illusive Man"

The events in ME1 were all part of Cerberus' Military branch were Lazarus Project was RnD

Thats what "I" got out out my interrogations and codex entries...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm pretty sure that at some point , somewhere, it's mentioned that there was a change in power around two years ago, or at least they changed over to stockpiling massive amounts of stuff instead of experimenting on people.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, haven't been able to play that myself yet, but I couldn't help but watch a little of it when my flat mate came back with the game. It was interesting for me seeing two different people playing the marine campaign and how they took it. One being a fps pro, and the other only getting the game because it's an Aliens game.

The first casually strolls around sniping scuttling aliens off the ceiling with ease, using the pistol as a fun handicap, and generally regarding the enemies with the same attitude as a hunter killing for sport.

The second makes the "rookie marine" seem like someone genuinely new on the field and facing a fearsome inhuman foe. Repeatedly getting surprised by ambushes when they fail to track even the aliens that cross right through their sights, spraying unnecessary amounts of ammo into walls and ceilings, and frequently only escaping death by inches.

Both seemed to enjoy it, but it was almost like two different games.

That would really be quite interesting to see. Even myself playing through the marine campaign, it starts kinda creepy, lots of moody lighting, crappy pistol only, sneaking enemies etc. Then you get to the first big fight in the club. The power gets rerouted and the music starts thumping. I was having a blast, no more fear just awesome Alien blasting action.

It is interesting how they did that. Reminds me in a way of F.E.A.R. how adrenaline and combat suddenly shifts to horror and back. I found it makes the creepy aspects of the game creepier when your not shoved face first into it the whole trek through.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I still remember in middle school we secretly turned the computer design lab into a big LAN for AvP2, we got caught.....and didn't get in trouble as long as our work was done, ahhhh I miss that minigun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah... they didn't bring it back... but the Predator wrist blades actually kick fucking ass this time around.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Pah that makes me sad, I invented the Heavy before team fortress. I drove everyone else nuts since they couldn't get close enough to eat my face.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The alien's wall climbing is also advanced by the ability to jump from wall to wall and keep moving. Not to mention that the alien's and predator's sprint is fucking ridiculous.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Guess I'll have to go alien, I always did like dropping from ceilings and seeing my classmates jump nearby even if they killed me, points are not the goal of playing an alien, making at least one of your opponents wet themselves is.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The stealth kills may help with that. An alien can drop down behind a marine and grab him from behind and impale him through the chest cavity with its tail... the marine of course gets to look down and see a spike protruding from his chest. Quite cool.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I must agree with Sin. The avp game is quite something to enjoy your sadistic side on. (Still trying to figure out the one alien stealth kill that the tail comes out the mouth. is it going through the back or though the chest, at first i thought between the legs.) Tho i am currently addicted to Oblivion and Killing Floor.

Oh and TO HELL WITH COD MW2 the god dam amount of hackers and the bullshit server setups have driven me off the last step! the special ops game are still fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i wish australia had bandwidth...

i don't get to play avp or mass effect of bioshock for a few weeks yet.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh and TO HELL WITH COD MW2 the god dam amount of hackers and the bullshit server setups have driven me off the last step! the special ops game are still fun.

That's what happens when you don't have dedicated servers. Sucks ass, I know.
You on Console or PC version? I can play SPEC OPS with you sometime if you have the PC version.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I must agree with Sin. The avp game is quite something to enjoy your sadistic side on. (Still trying to figure out the one alien stealth kill that the tail comes out the mouth. is it going through the back or though the chest, at first i thought between the legs.)

Actually, I think it is between the legs.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i wish australia had bandwidth...

i don't get to play avp or mass effect of bioshock for a few weeks yet.

That is absolutely terrible
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kusanagi i have ALOT of pc games ill send you my steam accont in that case. Look forward to spec oping with ya.

Yea sin i thought so. *shudders* i feel bad for whoever gets that. thats like an extreme shotgun enima.

And shitty nunu. I have a couple firends in australia so i understand your pain. great gamers. but can rarely get a game going with them.