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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

i think it makes no difference if you log on once a day.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

o hai. This is pretty much a reply to Copper.

Wow, you sure did burn through a lot more health potions than I did. Once I got Wynne, I basically stopped using them.

I'm wondering what you've done to make everything so hard on yourself, I didn't have all that much trouble with that boss fight. Had more trouble with the Broodmother until I learned to not go melee with it. Did make the same mistake as you the first time though and sided with Branka triyng to diffuse the situation as my bard did whenever he could.

Tanking with my rogue is something I did a lot late game; between my obscene dex score and the evasion talent, and some damn good leather armour, he actually was better at holding his own than Al, and I was using Leliana at range so it was just us two in close quarters. If you went archer rogue, I think I might know why you're struggling though.

My best suggestion is perhaps to revise Wynne's tactics, it sounds like she's running out of juice far too quickly. I rarely used both Vessel of the Spirit and the top Spirit Healer spells because they both ended up with her drained or otherwise in a bad way too quickly and stuck to just heal and regeneration. Haste is an awesome spell, but when your melee rogue gets momentum it becomes outdated as it actually slows your rogues attack rate; and I pretty much used my other party members for support anyways.

I could just be an unparrelleled god of making an optimal character, but I don't think you should be having so much difficulty as you seem to be.

And I'm replying to Incubus. Let's keep up the trend.

Well, I did tweak Wynne around. I also use her as back-up range, too, so that tends to drain her mana. I finally noticed (after the High dragon fight -_-) that I had her set to chug different lyrium potions than what I had in my inventory, so that, I'm hoping, will help. Surprisingly, I had an easier time with the Broodmother *and* the High dragon than I did with Branka. Of course, that could be because, yes, I shuffled my tactics around for the Branka fight. I dunno. Wynne does do a good job with healing but sometimes things happen (like a dragon chewing on you) and you just need that instant shot of healing to make sure the next swipe doesn't knock you out.

I dunno. Part of me is still ticked that it was a bitch of a fight, but at the same time, I also have a supreme sense of satisfaction from it. Hard fought battles are sometimes the best. Hopefully the next playthrough it won't be so bad.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think fable 2 always makes you OP because you can't die.....and theres no final boss......and you kill the main villian with a single shot.....................god that game was so damn anti climactic.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Back to Copper

See, another thing I did was not set up an auto-lyrium tactic until the very endgame, where I chewed through my stock of lesser lyrium potions. I've said a few times to some people about various games "Different place styles meet for different difficulties", I picked that one up in Jade Empire, I think, where I tended to have difficulty with singular enemies and bosses, but not with hordes, where a housemate of mine was the exact opposite, but in that it makes more sense with different styles and how they work.

I say this because I did have a fair bit of trouble with the High Dragon; may be because I did that second to last of the four quests, may be because I didn't have the game fully patched and shew as counting as highest level. Either way, I bascially killed her clinging to life with 3 of 4 characters down and Alistair barely making the final blow on about the 5th try or so. But that fight was pretty much the last one I had that challenged me; not long after that my rogue simply became too powerful. (The only fight after that I had trouble with is somewhere you're not up to yet, but involves a powerful boss and a room full of not insignifigant minions that he can sacrifice to restore his health.)

I dunno what to say really, I just didn't have trouble with that fight. Got to the end of it where I was mopping up one or two leftover enemies and was like "Oh hey, there's Lyrium Veins here, cool." And in the interests of secret discussions, "Hey baby, you're looking fine"
Re: Games Discussion Thread

To both of you:
Once I equipped everybody with ranged weapons the Broodmother is not much of a problem at all. I did her pretty late in the game this time around, and her tentacles dealt a lot of damage, true, but I only needed two tries for that.

Jarvia, though? The head of the Karta (or Carta)? That kinda made me headdesk in frustration. I find rogue bosses much harder to beat than warriors, and mages generally have very little health points. And to have a room full of assassins that can just poof away additionally to Jarvia, who just deals a metric fuckton of damage and can stun and cripple and whatnot, really posed a problem for me. In my first playthrough I actually had to move to an easier difficulty just to beat her.

My strategy on High Dragons is as follows: You need two warriors (or maybe a rogue in medium armor and a warrior) to keep her busy and prevent her using the distance flame breath thing on your mage and the archer that you need to provide backup damage. The dragon seems to dislike cold and can actually be frozen pretty easily.
You want to get in as much damage as you can before she knocks you away, so I went with the berserker ability together with momentum on my dual-wielding character. On Sten, I had Ysaris, which you get in the mage tower and deals +10 on dragons.
In the end it is a bit of a gamble though. Sometimes the High Dragon is just going to grab both of your warriors, one after the other, and chew them to pieces. I figure Wynne would be good for that, but I hate her lack of offensive ability, so I always go with Morrigan. And in this playthrough, Wynne actually never joined my party. . .

Generally, I'm surprised how powerful dual-wielding is in Dragon Age. I'm dealing more damage with my dual-wielding Elf than I did with my Noble and her two-handed sword. Not to mention the two-handed skill tree utterly lacks in fighting multiple enemies, having only one skill for very late in the game while dual-wielding starts you off with one and gives you a more powerful one later on. Momentum especially radically increases your damage output, and in combination with Dual Striking or Berserk it may gnaw on your stamina a lot, but for most normal enemies you won't need any of the skills anymore anyway. And once you can carry two main-hand weapons it's all over for the enemy.

In other Dragon Age news I've downloaded The Winter forge , which gives you the ability to build your own weapons, armors and whatnot. Many shopkeepers now have materials you can use and crystals you can add to imbue your weapons with special abilities. For example, I've given Sten a two-handed dragonbone sword, called The Bloodspiller, that looks like one of the Darkspawn's and gives him a +12 on attack. My own character carries a sword I've named Memories of Arlathan (formerly Pride of the City Elf) and deals bonus damage to darkspawn as well as aiding in stamina regeneration. If you're willing to invest some time and look for more customisation in terms of equipment you should definitely give it a chance.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For the high dragon, the thing that makes it almost laughably easy is to have a mage who specializes in entropy magic. There are two paralysis spells that manage to work half the time on the dragon which allows for a hefty spree of damage and healing on the dragon.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, that's what I did. Misdirection Hex is obscenely powerful, and works probably 80% of the time. The only issue with it is that it draws a TON of aggro, pretty much guaranteeing the target makes a beeline straight for the mage.

Which is why you have two mages trading off hexes. Presto, [insert enemy name here] can't hit you at all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also, the high dragon can't leave its landing areas, and if you position yourself just right, your mages will stand outside of it's attack range while hammering it with spells.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Also, the high dragon can't leave its landing areas, and if you position yourself just right, your mages will stand outside of it's attack range while hammering it with spells.

That's actually how I killed the damn thing. Morrigan poked it to death with her staff, with an occasional arcane blast just to speed things up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And once you can carry two main-hand weapons it's all over for the enemy.

This... well... for a rogue at least, its far more beneficial to stick with dual daggers, as they give you a much higher rate of attack. Combine that with getting half your dex to damage (your dex should be obscene), the cunning bonus to damage (likewise) and your other rogue squishy bit stabbing goodies, and you should easily be far outdamaging what you'd be doing wielding bigger weapons.

Of course, if you don't have stone prisoner and can't get some decent daggers with rune slots relativly early, this may change things considerably. The other great thing for an incredibly high rate of attack is paralysis runes. I had one on each weapon; they didn't kick in that often, but often enough to end fights when they did.

Including winning me a certain duel.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think it's interesting to see all the different tactics employed and how well they work or don't work in certain situations, heh. Guess it just all depends on your play style.

With regard to the high dragon, yeah. I had Alistair and Wynne left and I was just about to kick in another Revive when it kicked in to the deathblow cutscene. Probably would have been more impressive if the camera angle had been better, but I'll take it.

And I love my Sten. He is a Revenant and boss monster beat down machine *huggles the Qunari* Especially since I gave him points in Templar and he fucks mages up. Couple him with Alistair and that Gyrgoriax fight in Denerim was a lot easier the second time around.

I'm heading home now (ie, the Alienage) so I can't wait to see what's going on there and finish off all of my side quests. Then I'm starting my second playthrough. We'll see how this goes, especially as I'm going to be aiming for all of the...shall we say, not nice? achievements this time around...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm wondering if I could do another playthrough, because there is an option towards the end of the game that has intrigued my quite a bit.

Specifically, as a male, you can ask Anora if she may take YOU as her king. If this is at all possible I want to experience that, even though Alistair may or may not be pissed.

I'm kinda worried that this is going to turn into a pure DA:O discussion thread - but then again at the moment, it is the game that many players talk about right now - or at least regarding the RPGs.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just finished Bioshock 2, Call of Duty MW 2( note to self, get MW1), and inFamous. I just started [prototype], and in due course will be playing Dante's Inferno.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think, Rule,
it adheres to the same guidelines: Male noble, persuade likely either her or the Landsmeet that you'll make a good king. And anything where Alistair doesn't have to be king makes him happy, I think. Outside of execution and sparing Loghain.

Well, if it's what we're playing, it's what we're talking about, I suppose. We're not taking over the thread, we're just...more prevalient.

Newbie, a review of Dante's Inferno might be worth a read. So far, I've seen mixed feelings.

And ooooh, is it nearly March? 13 and Awakenings *glee*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently, is the type of game you give to a masochistic friend to play.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Dante's Inferno... it was okay. Nothing great. Fairly standard hack and slash, with good cut scenes. The completely raped and revamped story is actually fairly interesting, and I rather enjoyed it. But again, as for gameplay, pretty standard stuff, but it does it fairly well. You get light and heavy melee attacks with the scythe, and a ranged with the cross. The enemies have a decent variety with some cool, semi-interactive (In the form of quick time events) finishing moves. Some are regular fodder, and some give you somewhat of a challenge. Not so much as to be frustrating, but enough that you feel satisfied with the fight you just walked away from. Even if you completely kicked their ass. The bosses are interesting, and varied in how fun they are. Some are quick-time love fests, while others have you rely on your usual combat skills. They all act differently, as bosses should, and while some are rather difficult you get a good sense of satisfaction out of beating them.

The game also doesn't award you for beating it on any of the harder modes. It just goes and says you beat the game. While I never played on the hardest modes, I did play "normal" (Zealot) and "easy" (Classic). The difference between the two is absolutely ridiculous. I couldn't beat the final boss on normal, it was just too much a pain in the ass, so I put it down to easy and beat him in like 10 hits. Even the regular creatures and demons that generally put up a good fight are complete push-overs on easy. The game lets you switch difficulty on the fly.

They tried to implement a light (and I meant fucking light) RPG element to it, in that you can punish or absolve certain enemies, or any of these people called the Damned you find along the way (the Damned are folks from history that were sentenced to hell. You find them, they tell you the story of what they did to get to hell, and you can choose punish or absolve. Punishing has you just stab them and leave em, absolving brings up this mini-game where you have to collect their sins). Punishing gets you evil points and lets you unlock new scythe combos, gives your scythe attacks more damage, and lets you upgrade your more offensive spells. The Holy path gives your ranged cross attack more damage and new moves, while upgrading your more defensive spells. It's rather successful on giving you a little bit of a choice on how you want to kill legions of baddies.

Then there are the puzzles. Some are standard third person hack and slash fare, some are easy, some I just wanted to tear my hair out with how retarded they were. Especially the timing puzzles where you had to be spot on, sometimes to the fucking second. Really, the game could have done without a majority of the puzzles and stuck with its strong suite, which was the combat, and the environments.

The environments are actually quite good, and unlike some games out there, are really varied in their presentation, due to it being the 9 circles of hell. Everything from the phallus shaped tower of lust with its doors that looks like a vagina, to the gooey sticky mess inside of a stomach look of gluttony.

Of course, another inescapable aspect of hack and slash games is the platforming. Dante's Inferno does okay with it. It's streamlined, and there isn't anything complex, especially after playing through games like Prince of Persia or Mirror's Edge. Sometimes though the controls don't respond as they should and you plummet to your very frustrating death.

Exploration in the game is quite limited. It's a straight forward path to the next opening to send you to the next circle of hell. There are however a few semi-hidden paths to run off and find collectibles. There are relics to find that help boost your skills, there are 30 silver Judas coins for shits and giggles, and there are three gems called Beatrice stones which will allow you to Absolve the damned without the mini-game. Virgil also awaits you at certain points to give a little bit of detail about the particular circle of hell you are in. You can talk to him multiple times in one spot to get more info, and I think occasionally a new relic.

To save you have to find statues of your wife that are scattered about hell. They are easy to find as the game is linear, and they are usually posted before or after a big fight or journey to the next circle. In between them you have little checkpoints that the game will resurrect you at when you are killed.

All in all, a good game. Nothing excellent, and it has its share of flaws, but it does combat well, and has a fairly interesting story that was fun to follow. I'd give it about a 7/10.

Also, the end cut scene is amusing when you can't help but notice Lucifer's cock hanging between his legs. It hangs down to his fucking knees.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh god, I've been enjoying the fuck out of Prototype. Though I picked up Enchanted Arms yesterday so I'll be playing that soon.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Enchanted Arms was, interesting.

It took some getting used to having to move your chars and golems around like a Mini-Tactics game... But without the Tactics... Only thing I really disliked about it was you couldn't utilize the Opponents field in any way... alot of time I found they'd cower in a corner and shoot crap at me out of range of my beastly Asuma, ... Just keep a few Range attacks or Staggered Cell attacks handy for those cry-babies...

(Note to self: Borrow that one again.. Never finished it..)

Annyways... Seeing as how I'm having trouble getting in contact with people here, If people wish to talk with me Send me a Friend invite and a PM telling me which one is you over Xbox Live when I log on next time I'll add you...

My Gamertag is SanekSutol
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The one thing with Enchanted Arms is how much Asuma whines about Toya...

Oh, and the fact that the most scantily clad character is a child.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I'm thinking for my next Dragon Age file I'm going to be playing as a mage, with both Morrigan and whatserface old lady in the party. Three misdirection hexes, three sets of buffs/debuffs.... this would work out superbly well against bosses. The only problem I can see is facing multiple enemies, but then again, you'd have three aoe stuns, three sets of crowd control... hm. Not sure who I'd have as my fourth. I'm bored with Alistair, and I'd go for the knight-mage class so I can tank somewhat. Thinking of a rogue, either dual wielding or archer for even heavier dps. So Zevran or that archer chick. Should be either awesome or incredibly frustrating. Opinions?