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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you want help in melee, Zevran is better. He's not a tank though, which could cause a problem for you when you're up against a lot of enemies.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

*shrug* the whole point of the group was to see if I could do it with no tank. Hence my statement about having trouble with multiple enemies, as with single enemies I can simply spam Misdirection Hex. Also, I am well aware that a character using two swords is probably going to be better in close combat than somebody using a bow. Thanks anyway though.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I finally beat the fucking bitch of an archdemon for the first time yesterday...after god knows how many tries. I'd either restart if I lost Wynne, lost all but one party member, or just get raped by the darkspawn hordes. Finally read a few tactics that helped out but took a damn long time to impliment, then I sat back and got to watch the endgame. Little disappointed in the lack of "where are they now" (although I did get one with Zev, because of our relationship.) and funny seeing how certain choices play out. Not discussing them here, due to spoilers.

My new playthrough, I'm doing the Dwarven Casteless and attempting to go the asshole route, though it's a bit difficult, as it's against my own nature. Still, at least the game tends to give me the "what's in it for me" option so as to not be a complete and utter bastard. In seeing the playthrough, I can see Rule's point on the notion of using that one as the "something from nothing" type of story, much like the city elf. Now I'm just in debate as to how I want to endgame this. I was going to opt for the "ditch Alistair, get the other character as my sacrifice" but I might sac Alistair this time around and go with the other one when I'm a dwarf noble. Guess I'll see.

Sin, too, thanksmuch for the Dante review. May or may not give it a shot. I like action platformers to an extent. Maybe if I feel the need to tear shit up that DW/SW/WO can't provide *chuckles* And please tell me you can hit the devil in his schlong. If it's there...it's a target.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. Been rocking out on Devil May Cry 4. So far, it is one of the most fun hack & slash game I've ever played. Well, next to Brutal Legend. The character development is average, although the story seems a bit rushed.

The combat is amazing. Between racking up combos and unleashing demonic powers to slay your foes, I can't find any flaws, aside from the fact that Automatic mode tends to completely screw over your controls.

And the replay value is amazing. You can't possibly get all your abilities in one playthrough, and yet, it isn't just that. Once I finished the story, I found myself thirsting for more.

All in all, I say it gets an 8/10.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Mmm. Dante and Nero. I'd play that for the eyecandy alone. Have you played the originals, Burrito? Friend has and laments constantly about the controls and the camera angles. At one point, I was watching a walkthrough video on youtube and telling here where she needed to find this door in one section because you couldn't freaking see it from the way the camera was. I'm hoping they've fixed that?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The camera is free in most areas. But it tends to stick when there's something very important. So yeah, the camera is fairly fixed, and the controls are a lot easier to master.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

i like the pizza eating scene.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The current Portal 2/HL2:E3 preview hunt is giving me a headache with its many theories. @_____@;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Conspiracy theory like, as they've done with things in the past or are they just...mind bogglingly "how the hell do you come up with that?"
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I finally beat the fucking bitch of an archdemon for the first time yesterday...after god knows how many tries. I'd either restart if I lost Wynne, lost all but one party member, or just get raped by the darkspawn hordes. Finally read a few tactics that helped out but took a damn long time to impliment, then I sat back and got to watch the endgame. Little disappointed in the lack of "where are they now" (although I did get one with Zev, because of our relationship.) and funny seeing how certain choices play out. Not discussing them here, due to spoilers.

The sort of endgame you get differs based on a certain endgame choice you make. If you don't get a chance to talk to everyone in the throne room, you get a more "Where are they now" sort of epilogue; having done the endgame with two different choices of the three I've found that both are more or less needed to get the full picture, especially in Shale's case.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My new playthrough, I'm doing the Dwarven Casteless and attempting to go the asshole route, though it's a bit difficult, as it's against my own nature. Still, at least the game tends to give me the "what's in it for me" option so as to not be a complete and utter bastard.

I felt much the same when I tried to go for a jarred, numb, doesn't-give-a-shit-about-anything character. It's just against my nature, especially when a decision led to an entire village dying. I've discontinued playing him shortly after.

Damn shame as well, because he had an AWESOME mustache.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I think I'm going to use as a guide for my DA:O hairstyles for a bit :p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The sort of endgame you get differs based on a certain endgame choice you make. If you don't get a chance to talk to everyone in the throne room, you get a more "Where are they now" sort of epilogue; having done the endgame with two different choices of the three I've found that both are more or less needed to get the full picture, especially in Shale's case.

That's just it...I *did* talk to everyone in the throne room. Unless you're talking about the ending that you just get to watch, which would make sense.

I think I read somewhere that you get a bit more if you offer to go *with* them rather than just...part ways. I also have a save from before I started talking to folks, so maybe I'll play around with that some.

Rule...yeah. I'm finding I'm being less of an asshole and more...neutral. Like, I'm not outright insulting Alistair (for example) but I'm not...upbeat and "we're in this together!" either. I just did the Redcliff chantry today and instead of paying for the Green Blade (Lost Child quest/Kaitlyn), I got a kiss and the quest registered as complete. And OMG, I love Sten. Even if he hates everything I do, I f'ing love him and his rather straightforward solution to everything. I also found out that if you fail at stealing in Lothering you miss out on two of the quests because they won't talk to you. Alas, I had no spare save file to go back on, but I missed the one quest the first time around anyway and, well, it's Lothering...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

That's just it...I *did* talk to everyone in the throne room. Unless you're talking about the ending that you just get to watch, which would make sense

That's the one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And OMG, I love Sten...

Hah, you just reminded me...

You've gotta love Sten. For everyone in my flat he has become legendary because of his exploits (or single exploit) in my friends game. When this friend went through the game the first time, for whatever reason, totaly and uterly neglected Sten. They went to the limited effort of breaking him out and leting him join the party, but after that never assigned him to the active party, not once. Didn't even level him up or give him any equipment. Just largely forgotten altogether.

The game is coming to its final scene, where the party splits and one group is tasked with defending the lower region of the city, and each party member steps past to say their thing before you split. Sten comes by wearing the same rags he had in the cage, the player character thanks him for his help, to which he very accurately replies "I did nothing." and steps aside. Made us all laugh, and we started talking about how the poor guy has probably been doing no more than carrying the tents for the party all this time and wondering why he stayed.

But what made him a legend for us, was when my friend discovered that Sten would have to take part in the upcoming fight. He quickly enough allocated the huge stash of points from unspent levels, but then realised that he had just sold all his spare weaponry and armour previously, and had only a tiny dagger and some sub par armour to give to Sten. Instead of that, he decided that Sten might as well go in unarmed and see how things went. The scene was awesome, as an unarmed Sten fells scores of rushing dark spawn with nothing but his fists, seemingly with ease. Finaly charging fearlessly at the alpha ogre that arrives at the end, taking it down in solo combat, and performing the finisher with out a weapon. Ended up looking like Sten just ripped the ogres heart out with his bare hands.

Went from level one baggage handler to mighty bare knuckle ogre slayer in the course of five minutes. A true hero.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hah. Sounds awesome. I may have to search youtube for something like that.

In other news, is indeed making a return as a party member. was announced as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Supreme Commander anyone? I ain't going to say im great, cause im shit...

But a shall accept any challenge, do mind I have not yet aqquired the expansion...
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh my fucking GOD I loved Sten. Easily the best character in the whole damn game. I hated that I had to bench him, since I already had Alistair and myself (a twohander dwarf berserker/champion), plus I was playing as a good guy and he generally didn't like that. I may have him in my healer-mage + morrigan + main character mage group, just because I like him so much, even though I'd prefer a rogue.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'd love to use Sten with my Assassin/Duelist I'm working on currently, but he doesn't like me too well because I'm a woman. Plus, the dog's doing better than him whenever I use him currently. Which is sad, because Sten pretty much made my mage run-through easy as hell, with him sitting on the front lines soaking up the damage and spitting just as much back out.