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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

ASDFG Halo 2 on PC sucks at crouching. I have to completely stop in order crouch. I don't mean I can't move while crouched, I just can't go into a crouch while I'm moving.
I also hate that I HAVE to drop any 'secondary' weapon I'm carrying in order to swap between 'primary' weapons. I don't remember having to do that when I played the console version at my friend's house. It simply dropped the 'secondary' weapon automatically.
And un-inverting the Dual-weapon firing scheme thing actually INVERTS the Dual-weapon firing scheme, because looking at the controls, they have it permanently set up so right mouse=left weapon and left mouse=right weapon normally. That's just con-fucking-fusing, or at least it is to me.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So... Its Default firing config is (if it was console)

L trigger = right weapon
R trigger = Left weapon


Wow Bungie really fucked that one up...

But about the dropping the secondary "Dual" weapon before switching, Its been a while but I remember allways having to doubletap the Y button on the controller... But that could also be force of habit... I hated the SMGs and wanted... Something else...

Overall The weapons went south on Halo 2

No Assault Rifle, SMG's that I[/] can spit and do more damage with...

They nerfed the pistol and called it a magnum... And if that wasn't enough Elites Shields got better YOUR SHIELDS got worse and brutes were just... Damage spongey...

IMO Halo 2 was the worst of the series... 1 was great 3 was too damn easy even with all Skulls on, on Legendary, ODST... Was... Entertaining for the whole four hours it lasted...

Though Firefight is a Wannabe "Gears of War" Hoarde mode flop.

I am going to participate in the weeklong Halo: Reach Beta to see just what the hell there changing...

The Loadout Feature is... Met with much Curiosity

Not as much as how there Active Roster is gonna work but still...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

With the firing controls, that's just Kusa ignoring common sense.

Frankly, the reason they have it set like this is because the default weapons settings are

Main gun: right button.
Secondary gun: left button.

Basically, no matter whether you have something in your left hand or not, the gun in your right hand is going to use the right mouse button.

Therefore, it would be insanely stupid to have picking up a gun randomly change which button does what.

If I am firing an smg in my right hand with nothing in my left hand, I don't want to suddenly be firing with my left hand instead of my right if I pick up a plasma pistol.

Edit: Also, I'm calling MBS's bluff on Halo 3 being too easy on legendary with all skulls. There is no way you can call the level on the flood infested high charity easy even without skulls.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Woooooooo! Finished Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth! Fun spin-off, and I think they did justice to the rest of the series with this.

It's essentially the same as the other Ace Attorney games, but the difference is now you're not in a court room and you do all your cross examinations through arguments and rebuttals. The graphics are what you'd expect as far as the close ups are concerned, but the sprites they used for the investigation period is kinda rough and they could've done a better job.

Speaking of which, the investigation part is basically like the regular investigations Wright did, but now you can walk around using a sprite instead of just clicking a name and going to it. I have to admit though, the characters in this game are pretty damn impressed by Edgeworth's . Yes, in some parts, it will literally pull something like that. I think it was something like, "The guy was found with blunt trauma at the back of his head and there's a statue on the floor. Therefore, that guy must have been hit by the statue in the back of his head."

Despite that, the cases do get pretty intense and sometimes it really does require a little more thinking power. BIG emphasis on little though. I'd say it makes you think a little more than the Phoenix Wright games, but not by a lot.

The characters are like the ones you find in the series. Some of them purposely make you hate them, some of them you'll either find annoying or cute, some you'll easily figure out to be the culprit, etc. I do like the idea of listening to the conversation between Edgeworth and Gumshoe though. It's fun listening to their banter while investigating. In fact, a lot of banter between Edgeworth and another character (Franciska, Kay, etc) are pretty fun to read.

The music was changed dramatically. None of the songs you remember from Phoenix Wright are there, so none of the original "Cornered" or "Objection!" songs are there. The names are there, but they're Edgeworth's versions of the songs. They have some kind of suave feeling to them and I consider them more easy listening kind of music than the ones that make you want to point out a murderer. It's stll pretty good, just not as memorable as Wright's music.

So in the end, the game is a great addition to the series, but it doesn't actually bring anything TRULY new to the table. You can play it a couple of times without getting bored because of the amount of content in each case, so replay value is surprisingly high for a game like this. I give it an 8.5/10.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I'm slightly put out by your statement of "I'd say it makes you think a little more than the Phoenix Wright games, but not by a lot."

Some of those cases actually have some very subtle things in them that can stump someone and find them desperately going through their collected evidence looking for something that will help them get past this piece of testimony. (Or looking up a walkthrough and ruining the game)

Yet you imply that they don't require much thinking. You make me a sad demon. Definately looking forwards to getting this new one asap however, as much as it is probably made in response to the lack of fan favourite Edgeworth in Apollo Justice.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

? I guess I just find the Ace Attorney series kind of easy. Don't be put off by me saying that. You WILL find yourself stumped by a couple of these, which surprised me because I can only recall once or twice being completely stumped by a game with Wright.

I guess I'm only making it sound easier than it is because I just finished the game and I'm feeling very superior now. For instance, the last set of testimonies in the game are... Well it goes against everything I just said now, but, extremely irritating to piece together. (That's a good thing)

If you're reading my review, just keep in mind that I'm pretty happy that I solved the final case, so I'm starting to think back and saying, "In retrospect, that WAS a pretty easy puzzle."
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Maybe you're just looking for a different word, not quite a synonym? Simple maybe? That it can be beaten does not make it easy, though it being beaten by you may- I have no idea how good you are at this sort of thing.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The second Ace Attorney was the hardest one as far as I'm concerned. The damn De Killer case was a pain. It wasn't because it was genuinely hard...it was just made artificially difficult by having the story being so out there.

tl;dr: The miracle never happen.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Actually Lucas, I believe that evidence does have some merit to it...

And no. I don't think it's simple either. I don't know how the describe it, but it's not easy and it's not difficult either. I guess it just makes sense. That's all. The games make sense.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Maybe you're just a very deductive type of person, Dark. Certain trains of thought make different games easier for different people. Growing up on Infocom games (Text adventures), I learned a bit of abstract thinking which has served me well in later situations.

Like when my uncle was playing "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy."

"Man, I keep dying! I can't get away from the collapsing house."
"Try lying down in front of the bulldozer."
"But the cop said not to do that."
"You keep dying anyway, don't you?"
"...Good point."
*bulldozer stops*
"Told you."
(Then he got up too soon and died again...)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So. Just picked up my copy of FFXIII. Probably the only one of my friends who has it, and so far, it's pretty fun. the active battle system has kept me on my toes, even though the story gets a 3/10. All in all, based on the 2 hours of play I've dumped into it, It gets a 4, maybe 5 out of ten. I'll let you know if the game gets better with time after I dump about 8 more hours into it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Picked my copy up today and I still haven't cracked it open yet *laughs* Partially because I had D&D tonight and partially because I'm waiting until I finish DA:O/A before I start another game to get involved in. (And it's not taking as long as one might think. Easy mode is easy...)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

(And it's not taking as long as one might think. Easy mode is easy...)

You disappoint me.

So I tried out the R.U.S.E. Beta today, seems pretty cool and more or less what they promised; an RTS that is more about strategic management and outhinking your opponent rather than mad micromanagement skills. I've only payed against the easy computer AI that they include in the beta, want to get used to the game a bit more before I go get my ass kicked online, but it's nice to see a different kind of RTS.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recently I've been playing Borderlands, and Battlefield Bad Company 2.
I can't believe I was so late into getting into Borderlands, I love it. The co-op mode is really well designed as well, and makes me wish many more games did something along these lines as me and a buddy had a great time playing this game.

Battlefield isn't too bad. The campaign is fairly straightforward for more Shooter games, but the multiplayer is great... when the servers are working. Tanks, helicopters, and infantry duking it out while buildings explode around them. Makes the urban maps more interesting when you can blow open walls guys are trying to hide behind. Fairly fast paced and enjoyable. Recommended for multiplayer, for single player might as well jump into Call of Duty or Halo, or the new AvP game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recently I've been playing Borderlands, and Battlefield Bad Company 2.
I can't believe I was so late into getting into Borderlands, I love it. The co-op mode is really well designed as well, and makes me wish many more games did something along these lines as me and a buddy had a great time playing this game.

Battlefield isn't too bad. The campaign is fairly straightforward for more Shooter games, but the multiplayer is great... when the servers are working. Tanks, helicopters, and infantry duking it out while buildings explode around them. Makes the urban maps more interesting when you can blow open walls guys are trying to hide behind. Fairly fast paced and enjoyable. Recommended for multiplayer, for single player might as well jump into Call of Duty or Halo, or the new AvP game.

I think BFBC2 simply threw on single-player towards the end as a way of getting people used to the game controls before getting online.

If you haven't had it spoiled for you already, you're going to love the end of Borderlands :D
My only issue is that the new DLC raised the cap to 65 apparently... still not enough to have every single skill at level 5, but you're able to raise all 3 branches of your skills up to their ultimates AND get the ultimates up to level 5 now. Before, you had to choose, and that made it a bit more interesting, IMO. What they SHOULD have done in the first place was make leveling up a bit harder, so you weren't 5 levels above most enemies throughout most of the later game. Just made it too easy. Hell, even on playthrough 3, where everything was level 50 was easy, because by then, you pretty much had any weapon you might need, and the only reason to drop it would be for a similar-but-slightly-better version you might find.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you haven't had it spoiled for you already, you're going to love the end of Borderlands :D

Re: Games Discussion Thread


So far, 13 is boring up until chapter 3, THEN it becomes a true FF. The battles become intense, and I find myself shifting up combat tactics every few seconds to deal with the new problems that arise. All in all, the battle system gets an 8/10, because, whilst the battlefield is open, you do not get the chance to move your characters freely.

The story, it's kinda meh, so it gets a 6, maybe 7/10. Though it is beautifully conveyed by some of the best cutscenes I've seen since DMC4.

All in all, it's worthy of being an FF, even if it only barely makes the cut.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

DMC4 had good cutscenes?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've actually never played a DMC game. I keep meaning to because I've heard of them which means they're probably decent enough to warrant a playthrough, but... meh. I'll get around to it tomorrow.