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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kratos is a complete and total asshole. Sure, in the first one there's a reason for it, and the second one still works, but the third one you're just like 'wtf, god-damned asshole'.
Doesn't mean he's not a total badass, but he IS an asshole. And if you say it to his face, he'll gut ya. Because he's an asshole.

thats par for the course with greek gods isn't it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@ lurker: yeah, I played it a couple weeks ago. I like what they've done with last stand, but you pretty much HAVE to use your main mech now, which means spending more money on repairs, which hurts me especially because I REFUSE to buy NC coins.
Basically, my problem is this: you can play that game for hours and hours, get to around level 30-40, and still get beaten in PvP by a level 1 just because he spent enough money to get that much better equipment than you can ever have. Hell, that's the reason I stick to Last Stand. Unfortunately, if you want ANY sort of money to buy weapons and parts that are worth a damn within your life time, you HAVE to PvP.
It's a nice game, yeah, but NCsoft is being fucking stupid about how to go about the donater thing. Sure, give them better stuff, but balance it by making weapons and parts level-restricted, which to my knowledge they have never done nor ever will do.

Dat's not the half of it. You pretty much need a loadout for old LS5 if ya even want to attempt LS2, and with the cheapest 'durable' mech now over 100k in credits, not to mention the price of repair points, A or S class gear, its practically like you need to make a new character just to get anywhere. Not that I'm not adapting, but it's still annoying. As you only get 1k each round....
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I want to talk about class changing.

You know, there's a very old game by our old friends at Squaresoft (you know, before they neutered themselves and took out the 'soft,' which apparently consisted of their best ideas and creativity) called Secret of Mana, for the Super Nintendo (SNES). A not-quite-as-well-known game came out after it, called Seiken Densetsu 3. I believe this was only released in Japan, hence the romanized name, but some bleeding heart was kind enough to service us with a fan translation. And one of my favorite parts of the game was the class change system.

In case you've never played this jewel of an RPG, let me first explain to you how the class system works. You start off as Joe Average Boring Fuck, with only a couple of spells and the basic melee weapon swing depending on what character you're playing as. After about a third of the way through the game, you get to class change, and you transform into Joe Badass MotherFucker. Your stats shoot through the roof. You get an epic new ability, be it Kevin's hundred-punch drop-slam or Duran's whirlwind sweep, capable of hitting all enemies on screen. Suddenly you're one-shotting enemies that were a pain in the ass. Then, towards the end of the game, you get to do it again. You get a level three tech, access to more spells, and basically turn into Joe I'll Roundhouse Kick Chuck Norris In The Face Because I'm So Awesome And SuperBadAss.

Am I the only one who thinks this is completely awesome, and adds spice and creativity (and decision-making, in the light/dark choices that make your characters more offensive or defensive) to a game that is more or less hack-n-slash? I mean, you're not just getting badass because of how many kills you have under your belt, you actually experience a transformation that lets you see, graphically and combatically, how badass you are.

And yet I've never seen any other game have any class change system like this, aside from the watered down final fantasy/secret of mana copout 'secret of gaiden.' And of course Fire Emblem, but I don't really count that because although your characters turn into just as much of a badass, there's no class trees like there were in SD3.

The fact that I love class changing so much is one of the reasons that it is one of the main mechanics of the game I'm developing right now, and the choices of class changing are why I'm making every character start off as Joe Noob and able to progress to four different trees, each of which have nine final classes and then take it a step further with newgame+ epic classes, for a total of 93 individual classes ranging from "Trainee Joe Jack-Off" to "Epic FuckYourMother Ether Dragon Spell Mage Gandalf Mephisto Norris BruceLee" with a little Sephiroth for you Final Fantasy whores.

My main questions are, am I the only one that has a happygasm every time I class change? And have there been any other games that use this mechanic, other than the aforementioned Mana and Fire Emblem series's's's?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Reminds me of my old Delta Force game. You're always inserted into the operation a fair distance from your objective and it feels like a fair distance, with similar patrol dodging. (Or elimination) You can also sit back a long distance with a sniper rifle and pick off enemy sentries and sure, they might know that someone is sniping them, but it'll be a long time before they pinpoint you.

It doesn't have that kind of breaking contact thing, but this game is moving on about 10 years old now, cut it some slack. I wish I still had it, loaned it to someone I never see anymore...

I never got to play many of those old Delta Force games, save the newest one (titled Black Hawk Down). My mother threw a shit fit when I played those games as a kid, so I rarely got to play good games like that way back when.

However, Dragon Rising is a sequel of sorts. There was a much earlier Operation Flashpoint game that I never got to play despite wanting to.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My main questions are, am I the only one that has a happygasm every time I class change? And have there been any other games that use this mechanic, other than the aforementioned Mana and Fire Emblem series's's's?

Oh, I find class changes/evolutions to be fun, especially in games where you have to discover what combinations unlock which classes (Kinda like in FFTactics, although that's not entirely what you're talking about.) I remember being outright giddy that you could change classes mid-game in Dragon Warrior 3 back in the day.

I never got to play many of those old Delta Force games, save the newest one (titled Black Hawk Down). My mother threw a shit fit when I played those games as a kid, so I rarely got to play good games like that way back when.

However, Dragon Rising is a sequel of sorts. There was a much earlier Operation Flashpoint game that I never got to play despite wanting to.

Ah, the beauty of being an adult is getting to buy the games you want to play. Although a good majority of them may be out of print and you have to find them second-hand, but you get to play what you want to play now.

My friend just linked me to this:
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

JOHN CARPENTER, DIRECTOR OF memoirs of an invisible man, vampires: los muertos, AND ghosts of mars CONFIRMED TO BE ON BOARD FOR F.E.A.R. 3.


Either way works
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My main questions are, am I the only one that has a happygasm every time I class change? And have there been any other games that use this mechanic, other than the aforementioned Mana and Fire Emblem series's's's?

No you are not, I fucking love class changing in video games. For games that deal with class changing there's Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP remake of FFT), Disgaea 1, 2, 3, Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom (though those games you need to transmigrate your character into a different class) and probably a load of others I'm forgetting at the moment.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gears 3 and FEAR 3. I'm happy.
Besides, I've always enjoyed John Carpenter, well for the most part anyway.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

'Escape from New York'? Is the city really that bad?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Apparently the LA one was a flop, but I liked it.
Same thing with Vampires with James Woods.

A lot of his "bad" movies I liked. But he's made some pretty bad "bad" movies too. And quite a few bad "good" movies
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh my lord, don't get me started on Vampire$ (because that, my friends, is the much, much better book that movie was LOOSELY based on.) Stan Bleakly. Might be Bleakley. Look for an edit in the possible future if I get off my arse and go check my book shelf.

I remember being excited about seeing the previews, looking over at my boyfriend and going "Jack Crow!" Then I saw the movie. Good lord. If ever a case of the book being better, this is one of them. I can't even begin to list the number of things that they changed, including, if I recall correctly, the entire freaking plot. I think, at the time, the only thing that was similar was Jack's name. I'm sure I could find more, but suffice to say, I remember leaving the theater being very disappointed. I did like the priest, though.

And then they made sequels. I think Jon Bon Jovi is cute and all, but...no. Just no.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

'Escape from New York'? Is the city really that bad?

In the movie it's just a giant prison. Still, I enjoyed it, and really enjoyed L.A.
Never mind, Halloween, Ghosts of Mars, They Live, Assault on Precint 13.

And his remake of The Thing. Love that movie so much.

Back to video games... Gears of War 3 was officially announced on the Jimmy Fallon show. The announcement trailer follows the tradition of the series of making some great damn trailers, and the music is great. The song is called 'Heron Blue' by 'Sun Kil Moon'. And Anya looks fucking badass!

Re: Games Discussion Thread

No you are not, I fucking love class changing in video games. For games that deal with class changing there's Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics: War of the Lions (PSP remake of FFT), Disgaea 1, 2, 3, Phantom Brave, Makai Kingdom (though those games you need to transmigrate your character into a different class) and probably a load of others I'm forgetting at the moment.

Glad to hear there's another class-changing lover like me, although it makes me huge sadface that you only mentioned games that I've either already played or can only be played on Sony systems. For the record, FFT was THE only final fantasy game that I've ever been able to complete, and I quite liked it, though the class change system didn't exactly turn me on like it did in SD3.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Just bought Castlevania: Symphony of the Night off of Xbox Arcade after having played the DS Castlevania titles.

SotN is so far putting them to shame, save for Order of Ecclesia.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

SotN is regarded as one of the finest Castlevania games in existence, if not one of the best games in general, at least for the PSone. I recall that there's a DS game that allows you to unlock SotN after you beat it. The reviewer's comment was "The only thing that makes this horrible game worth getting through is knowing you get to play Symphony when you're done."
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Symphony of the Night was actually used as a basis, I think, for Order of Ecclesia. The inventory system, the weapon system (well, she uses Glyphs that take mana whereas Alucard didn't have to do that, but I digress), and just overall gameplay.

Symphony of the Night is a really well-done and thought-out game, even by today's standards. I love the Familiars, and I love that my PSP version has the ones you weren't able to get on the American release of it. The only thing I'll really rag on it for is that up until the final boss, the bosses get easier and easier in my opinion. Hell, one of the later bosses you can equip an item to turn all his elemental damage into health, and the only way he won't do an elemental attack is if you get close to him! So make with the spells and stay at range, and you've pretty much got the boss beaten before you ever started the battle.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Glad to hear there's another class-changing lover like me, although it makes me huge sadface that you only mentioned games that I've either already played or can only be played on Sony systems. For the record, FFT was THE only final fantasy game that I've ever been able to complete, and I quite liked it, though the class change system didn't exactly turn me on like it did in SD3.

I've completed pretty much all of them (save for XI which doesn't count, 3 because it had a stupid-ass stat gain system and 4, but thats because I cant find a decent grinding spot where Rosa wont die). Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and FFTA2 are pretty good too, mostly because they have Red Mages in. If you do have a DS and haven't picked it up already, Disgaea 1 is out on it. I'd pick it up but I already have it for the PS2 and PSP. I've never played SD3 though, which console is it out for so I may emulate it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread
