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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

You could always go for the obvious.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone for a Mass Effect joke?

"A dead Quarian, sir. Suffered a suit breach after being telekinetically thrown against the wall, and died of infection."

"It looks like she should have taken..."

*puts on sunglasses*

"...more anti-biotics."

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Are you Sirius? (old joke is also lame)

So, the internets say that Dragon Age 2 is already in the making. Is it too early to post a wish list? Certainly not.

New Classes. First, I'd like to have another melee class. The rogue is nice and all, put he's not really a melee expert per se. Maybe a monk? This would open up an unarmed skill tree for shattering elbows, knees and spines in many hilarious fashions. Second, now that Awakening has officially introduced dwarven explosives, I'd like something like an Engineer class that would wield primitive projectile weapons and explosives. Maybe a small cannon on a shoulder strap? Grenades? Explosives would be an alternative way of opening up locked doors as well. As dwarves can't be mages, I'd make the Engineer an exclusive dwarven class.

New weapon skills. One of the few things that annoy me about Dragon Age is that all rogues have to dual wield when they go into melee. Why not add a one-handed weapon skill tree, "fencing" if you will? Maybe introduce a lasting ability that drastically increases defense, allowing you to parry more attacks. Furthermore, lances, spears and halberds should be added and get a polearm skill tree.

Add the Qunari as a playable race. This should be obvious. I kind of understand that they didn't do it in this game because of Sten and that nobody is supposed to know anything about their culture, but for the next game I definitely want them in. If you want to think big, you may even include The Disciples as a playable race, though that would really complicate things.

That's all I can think of right now. Any other suggestions?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Are you Sirius? (old joke is also lame)

So, the internets say that Dragon Age 2 is already in the making. Is it too early to post a wish list? Certainly not.

New Classes. First, I'd like to have another melee class. The rogue is nice and all, put he's not really a melee expert per se. Maybe a monk? This would open up an unarmed skill tree for shattering elbows, knees and spines in many hilarious fashions. Second, now that Awakening has officially introduced dwarven explosives, I'd like something like an Engineer class that would wield primitive projectile weapons and explosives. Maybe a small cannon on a shoulder strap? Grenades? Explosives would be an alternative way of opening up locked doors as well. As dwarves can't be mages, I'd make the Engineer an exclusive dwarven class.

New weapon skills. One of the few things that annoy me about Dragon Age is that all rogues have to dual wield when they go into melee. Why not add a one-handed weapon skill tree, "fencing" if you will? Maybe introduce a lasting ability that drastically increases defense, allowing you to parry more attacks. Furthermore, lances, spears and halberds should be added and get a polearm skill tree.

Add the Qunari as a playable race. This should be obvious. I kind of understand that they didn't do it in this game because of Sten and that nobody is supposed to know anything about their culture, but for the next game I definitely want them in. If you want to think big, you may even include The Disciples as a playable race, though that would really complicate things.

That's all I can think of right now. Any other suggestions?

Turn it into WoW.

Not really, but seriously. I prefer it with only the current options, as much as people bitching about wanting more will inevitable cause it to end up getting more classes and races.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If all you want is more classes/races/skills then you're in luck - the easiest way to market a sequel is to make the same game again with a little more of everything. After all, that's what the vast majority of people want from a sequel - more of the same deliciousness that they already love, with even more seasonings and options and improvements. I can almost guarantee that DA2 will have everything you would ever want. Can't promise the Qunari as a playable race although I agree that would be bitchin.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Turn it into WoW.

Not really, but seriously. I prefer it with only the current options, as much as people bitching about wanting more will inevitable cause it to end up getting more classes and races.

See, here's the issue with that: How is that worthy of a sequel, rather than just an expansion pack, if all they're doing is using the same engine and such to tell a (slightly) different story? Granted, DA2 is probably going to do just that anyway, thanks to the EA management team forcing their studios to churn out games AFAP, but, would you really pay $60 for something that adds little to nothing to the original? I sure as hell wouldn't, not even for a game I loved.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Tie up loose ends. The godkingchild being the biggest one. See if anything comes from letting a certain NPC live at the end of Awakening. Part of me wants to see the return of the old crew (because I love them. Yes, even the moldy dwarf is growing on me) and another part of me wants to see a new batch of NPCs. Kind of like what they did with Baldur's Gate. They kept a few around but for the most part, new party.

I can see an engineer having some sort of merit as a playable cast (especially with the mention of clues left behind). Maybe expand on duelist (with regard to the fencer remark) or possibly the other "specializations" rather than having them be simply 4 tier of skills. Not sure I want to see a qunari PC but it might be interesting.

Would like to see them open up the world a bit more. Antiva. Orlais. Both of them are rife with intrigue. Given what's happened in both games, I'd rather not see "Oh look, another Blight!" though I'm not entirely certain where they'd go with it. Guess I'll just have to keep myself busy until February.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't think it'll another blight. I'm not even sure if you're going to play as a Grey Warden this time - maybe a war is breaking out. Orlais or Tevinter could be possible enemies, or maybe even the Qunari. I think I remember Sten hinting at something like that. Or maybe the Godkingchild is the main opponent, though that'd screw people over that didn't choose that.

We just don't know enough yet. Maybe the next Dragon Age won't even play in the Dragon Age anymore and decides to take it one or two ages forward.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played the Demo. Brought back loads of memories of playing it all the time at a friends. Right down to the combat sim menu music we spent so long listening to. I also remember how he found it strange that I occasionally still wanted to play a female character in multiplayer, as if there was something wrong with that.

Strongly considering getting it. I think they've upped the graphics just the right amount. And while I couldn't try everything in the demo version, I'm glad to see all the old features brought back perfectly. I was so disappointed when Perfect Dark:Zero was released and failed to live up the first game. There are things like the originals highly customisable multi player, which PD:Z just didn't begin to match, and it easily could have.

other than updated graphics, it supports a 8 player online mode, goldeneye guns for multiplayer, and a good sense of nostalgia. still the game isn't the same without a half broken 64 controller handicapping you, but its still good.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I don't think it'll another blight. I'm not even sure if you're going to play as a Grey Warden this time - maybe a war is breaking out. Orlais or Tevinter could be possible enemies, or maybe even the Qunari. I think I remember Sten hinting at something like that. Or maybe the Godkingchild is the main opponent, though that'd screw people over that didn't choose that.

We just don't know enough yet. Maybe the next Dragon Age won't even play in the Dragon Age anymore and decides to take it one or two ages forward.

Very true. I guess we'll see what happens when it happens. And yeah, Sten did hint a bit at a war and as for the "screwing people over that didn't take that," well, if you can use a dead Warden in Awakenings...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aren't we heading into spoiler territory by now?

With Sharyn (female human noble), I let Loghain do the deed. Not my fault that Alistair has to react like a whiny little girl even though he said he'd follow my command. At least I let him leave and didn't demand his head. I don't regret it either, because I actually liked Loghain during the time he was in my party.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Eh, sorta. But if it makes you feel better

Yeah, Loghain was interesting to have in the party, at the very least. I still lean toward liking Alistair better, as I am a hopeless romantic and love snarky, goofy guys (another bonus to keeping him around, too, as my friend pointed out, is that could Anora's pre-battle speech have even worse voice acting? Gods in heaven...) but I won't deny that Loghain is an interesting character overall, especially as an adversary. I also like how he avoids actually answering you on the "would you really kill Anora" question.

I think, maybe, if anything, they might take things further with the Architect, actually. Yes, he has good intentions, but is it worth it? What are the risks? What's going to happen if you have intelligent darkspawn running around?

Also, in talking with the Architect, he's all "I figured there might be misunderstandings, sending the Withered" Yeah, then I watched the opening again and, yeah, okay, I can see the darkspawn *defending* themselves but it didn't sound like the lispy bastard was trying to parlay with Vanal (sp). He wouldn't have pushed an unarmed and obviously fleeing soldier off a parapet, either. Maybe he was acting on his own but I don't think he was as benign as the Architect thinks he was.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I was thinking... if the God of War games series would be set in the Dragon Age universe, how many games would it take for Kratos to curb stomp the Maker?

My bet is 2. One for him to be (or feel) betrayed, the other to take his vengeance.

(Incidentally, I finished God of War 2 today.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Put Kratos in just about any fictional universe and I'm sure he'd be able to curb stomp whatever god or goddess ruled over it. I haven't played Dragon age yet so I can't say. Though I'd like to see him thrown in Hyrule. I'd bet he'd be able to permanently murder Ganon and then three goddesses in one game if he wanted.

While we are on the subject of Kratos,

Nathan Drake gets locked into a big empty room with Kratos. How long before he gets totally mutilated?

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Recognized those yellow stick figures right away. I really need to watch more of those.

To hypothesize (sp?) on Rule's question...Eh, I'd give it one, really, but your route if they want to make a serial.

And while we're talking sticking Kratos in various universes...

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Put Kratos in just about any fictional universe and I'm sure he'd be able to curb stomp whatever god or goddess ruled over it. I haven't played Dragon age yet so I can't say. Though I'd like to see him thrown in Hyrule. I'd bet he'd be able to permanently murder Ganon and then three goddesses in one game if he wanted.

Gotta say I'm sceptical of that. Not even played God of War before, but I know fictional universes can get pretty crazy. I'm sure there are plenty of non god characters out there that would put him to shame.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gotta say I'm sceptical of that. Not even played God of War before, but I know fictional universes can get pretty crazy. I'm sure there are plenty of non god characters out there that would put him to shame.

Step 1: Shut your whore mouth
Step 2: Play God of War
Step 3: Understand step 1
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Kratos is basically the GAR'est character in video games. If you've ever read berserk, he's basically Guts, but in VG form.