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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Played the Demo. Brought back loads of memories of playing it all the time at a friends. Right down to the combat sim menu music we spent so long listening to. I also remember how he found it strange that I occasionally still wanted to play a female character in multiplayer, as if there was something wrong with that.

Strongly considering getting it. I think they've upped the graphics just the right amount. And while I couldn't try everything in the demo version, I'm glad to see all the old features brought back perfectly. I was so disappointed when Perfect Dark:Zero was released and failed to live up the first game. There are things like the originals highly customisable multi player, which PD:Z just didn't begin to match, and it easily could have.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Only good thing to come out of the 360 in months.

And it still isn't enough for me to buy gold.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Only good thing to come out of the 360 in months.

And it still isn't enough for me to buy gold.

I dunno, I found a big ass spider crushed underneath my hard drive a month or so back. That was pretty awesome. Had probably been stuck there between the console and drive for quite a while. Was honestly pretty surprised to find it there.

(I am (fairly certain I'm) not to blame for the spiders demise. I've let other people swap the drive during visits and lan parties before, and frankly the spider shouldn't have been so reckless to keep sitting there as someone handled the console.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Only good thing to come out of the 360 in months.

And it still isn't enough for me to buy gold.


SPEAKING OF WITCH, I should really get my 360 fixed. The damn thing's been busted for 7 months now.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yeah, mine was busted from August till January. Red lights, but when I finally could bother myself to send it in, it was no biggie and i regretted not doing it before. you really should just do it and get over with it. I still don't have live though, I don't have internetz in my basement, or the money for it.

Argh i need to concentrate on my norwegian preliminaries. I am currently writing an essay about norwegian classes. so shut down the forum or something so I can concentrate.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

SPEAKING OF WITCH, I should really get my 360 fixed. The damn thing's been busted for 7 months now.


Zoto, I know how you feel. I'm supposed to hand over an homework essay about the OECD tomorrow, but I keep getting sidetracked.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In case your not getting on with your essay like you should be, how does one go about getting their 360 "sent in"? Is it just a case of finding the correct phone number and they come for it in a van? Or do you have to package and send it? And roughly how long did it take before you get it back? I have two friends right now who have dying consoles and don't know what to do with them.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You could google "how to send in an xbox" =p

Came up with this link, looks like it should be of some help.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

I sent mine back in January of this year after having it broken for about 4 months prior. You have to go to the Xbox website, click around for the repair option, and so long as you're logged in with your Gamertag (regardless if Silver or Gold) you can submit your 360 for repair, and the site will autocheck if your 360 is still under RRoD warranty (it expires 3 years after your initial 360 registration via logging it online.)

You'll be instructed to provide your own box, and you get an option to create your own printing label or have them mail it to you (this can take a week or two) if you don't have a printer. You then must drop it off at a UPS dropsite, and you can find a map of your nearest ones via the official UPS site. I suggest going to a place where they accept UPS packages rather than a dropbox, as your box may be too large to fit into the dropbox slot. They will ship it out at no cost to you (that's what the label is for) and will arrive at your place of residence/whatever you put down as your contact address on the Xbox website.

My repair time overall took about 3 weeks from date of dropping it off to it arriving back to me. The Xbox website will also send you a UPS tracking number for when your 360 is being shipped back to you. You also get a card for 1 month of Xbox live to compensate you if you for your time, regardless of if you had/have a Gold subscription or not.

Hope that helps, Squiddy. I was nervous when I sent mine off, so hopefully this will help you and your buddies and clears up any questions you have. ^_^
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I have googled about xbox repairs and sending them off before actually. Comes up with no end of mostly unhelpful nonsense. I've even seen that page before. It's just that it still doesn't actually tell you what is actually involved or what to expect. If it was my box I would have just clicked through it and found out eventually, but I couldn't exactly arrange a repair for someone else's console.

Though cheers Lucas. More detail than I expected. I'll pass that onto my lazy/paranoid buddies. That's the kind of stuff Microsoft should put in their FAQ sections.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I sent mine back in January of this year after having it broken for about 4 months prior. You have to go to the Xbox website, click around for the repair option, and so long as you're logged in with your Gamertag (regardless if Silver or Gold) you can submit your 360 for repair, and the site will autocheck if your 360 is still under RRoD warranty (it expires 3 years after your initial 360 registration via logging it online.)

Actually all you have to do is dial the costumer service thing and press the correct numbers so you get to talk with a guy or girl. Then say: "My Xbox 360 are having the three red ligths. No they are not flashing, I want to get a box so I can send it in." That is if you have the red ligths of course. When I wanted mine repaired I had to know what to ask for, because they really don't say anything about it on the website. It doesn't cost anything and even transport is prepaid by Microsoft if you have the red lights.


Does this make sense?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, reading Rule's story (and other fanfics) got me thinking. For the DA players out there...

What'd you name the dog? I've seen everything from just "Dog" in some fanfics to the Penny Arcade "Barkspawn". My first playthrough, he was Straun (name stuck from a webcomic I read.) Second time, it's Fang. (My dwarf is not creative.) Rohn's will be Kuwar and Alhan (m City elf) is going to be Sorani (named after his cousins, as a reminder of home. Might go with Soranis, since it sounds a little more male.)

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, reading Rule's story (and other fanfics) got me thinking. For the DA players out there...

What'd you name the dog? I've seen everything from just "Dog" in some fanfics to the Penny Arcade "Barkspawn". My first playthrough, he was Straun (name stuck from a webcomic I read.) Second time, it's Fang. (My dwarf is not creative.) Rohn's will be Kuwar and Alhan (m City elf) is going to be Sorani (named after his cousins, as a reminder of home. Might go with Soranis, since it sounds a little more male.)


Puck; in loving memory of a former ranger character's animal companion. I miss having the kittywolf.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hctibelttil, because it's an AWESOME name for a pet/summon.

Richard/LFG comes up with awesome stuff :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Besides Ichabold, which was a mispelling of Ichabod from Ichabod Crane, I remember naming him Maric at least once. Not to belittle the king, but to emphasize what a good dog it is.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Given the worth of Mabari in Ferelden, I doubt they'd consider it belittling the king. I might have other names written down for my canine companion, but they're downstairs and I'm lazy right now. Interesting take on names/reasons.

@Incubus - Kittywolf? Okay, gotta ask.

@Kus - FOR PONY!

And, side note, I just finished my playthrough of Awakening today. Had a save pre-summon the army, so I got about to the endboss and decided to go back and make an alternate timeline regarding the big endgame decision. May see how the minor choices play out on other playthroughs. It's a good thing I don't use my PS3 memory for much else but saves *laughs*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

@Incubus - Kittywolf? Okay, gotta ask.

It's just an OoC name I had for the animal companion, mainly because the relationship was that one might have with a cat. It'd come to the ranger for food, despite not only being capable of hunting itself, but doing so when it got the chance. It was affectionate, but only on its terms and was very possessive of the ranger.

But then some bad things happened, I stopped playing the ranger because the party turned on him for his actions while drugged up to the eyeballs to deal with a sudden trauma attack caused by his past; because the party psychologist's player decided that when my character had a breakdown, theirs should to so they could steal all the attention (the ranger was almost always ignored because he was so quiet and certain other players were so dominating of gametime). He, in is still not entirely sober state, decided that they were going to execute him for breaking a certain pact, so fled.

On the way home, dark voices attacked his mind. It's a shame the party never returned through a certain forest, because he would be waiting there; now a champion of an evil nature god who seeks to destroy order and civilisation in a weird psuedo-beastiality relationship with his animal companion, who was now sentient and what would be referred to as a wolfwere to his werewolf, sorta. But most importantly, he had a rather impressive favoured enemy human, and the party was almost entirely human, including the ones he wanted revenge against most. And he did obscene damage to his favoured enemies due to a few stackable things. :3

So yes.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ah, I see. And, short version response to that is, yes, it sucks when other players are demanding of gametime and other players, because they're not overly assertive (nor do they bitch to the DM about not getting playtime) hog the spotlight. I've been in games like that. Long version involves a lot of war stories and things that make my blood pressure go up.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I named my mabari Scarin. It was named after a wolf companion a character of mine had in a story. The other option was Fenris.