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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I said I'd put out some more words on Splatterhouse when I beat it, which I did.

I'll start out with some good points:

The game has a theme and sticks to it's guns. Things that would make me shake me head and wonder why one would even bother with something like it actually fits really well in this game. Like I've said it's akin to playing a slasher flick, except you are the killer and you are killing monsters. The gratuitous nudity in the collectibles fits well and gives the player some eye candy, as most of the game is trying to be grotesque in everything from level design to the creature's looks. The humour even fits in with the theme, and I admit I laughed a few times at some of the jokes.

Gore is heavily prevalent, as per a game with the name Splatterhouse. You can crush creature's skulls, rip one min boss's intestines out of his asshole, rip their arms off and beat their friends with it, have you own arm cut off and beat your enemies to death with it... it's just absurd and wildly entertaining, at least to me.

The combat is pretty good, allowing you to upgrade your skills and unlock new moves via the currency of blood (which you earn by spilling as much of it as quickly as possible). It's nothing groundbreaking by far but it's fun and does it well, or so I find.

Now, the game is a straight up third person beat-em-up. If one doesn't like this style of game stay away. As I keep saying it revels in what it is, and uses gore and the occasional nipple as it's selling point over any fancy new gameplay.

The story was lacking, but better than I thought it would be. There were some twists and an attempt at a decent plot but you could always see it coming. The journal entries of the main antagonist Dr. West are interesting to listen to though, allowing one to follow his descent into madness easily, if you so desire.

The recycled enemies and mini-bosses were a little annoying except for the worm that pops out of the ground. It was the most boring enemy I've ever fought in any game. The only way to fight it... was to stand out of it's range and wait for it to flop to the ground so you could punch it. Seriously, stand there and do nothing. I went for a smoke and was perfectly fine. That was used about... 4-5 times throughout the game, and shouldn't have been in there to begin with. The final boss was also quite underwhelming especially considering it's size. Aside from that though the bosses were good.

I can't quite remember how long the game was to be honest. Took me a week with a few hours put in every few days. So about average I say 6-8 hours. Which today is pretty damn good... sad but true. (I'm still pissed at Medal of Honor for that).

In closing, the game brings nothing new to the table. It simply revels in being a form of entertainment. It's nothing great, more a guilty pleasure than anything, and I quite enjoyed it through to its ending.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I guess this may not be the typical click & point adventure crowd here. Still, these games certainly have their fan base.
I considering getting either "The Book of Unwritten Tales" or "The Whispered World" for my mother for Christmas. The Book of Unwritten Tales is reportedly more funny, but many gamer in-jokes would go right over her head. The Whispered World is supposed to be more serious, but some of the riddles are downright unfair.
Are there any other suggestions for good click & point adventures or, alternatively, for a good RPG with turn-based combat like older DnD titles? (She's, uh, not the quickest player anymore.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Without suggesting older D&D titles, I can't say, to be honest. Click and Point adventures being stuff like, say, Monkey Island? Not "find the hidden thing and solve the puzzle" type games but more moving the charrie around the screen and interacting with it via mouse? If that's the case, all I can really think of are a lot of old school stuff rather than anything new, but then again, I'm not much of a computer gamer, so I'm not up on latest releases for that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fallout 1 & 2.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

And I forgot! They updated the Monkey Island franchise with better graphics and the like, but ultimately the same type of gameplay, it might be good.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

WWI game where everyone controls a country, kinda like risk, alot like diplomacy, if you've ever played that, except about 25x more detailed. A few of us are gonna prepare a game, but we need to know how many want to. If popular, I'll make another thread.

Oh, word of warning, games are played IN REAL TIME. They can go on for a month or two as well.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

WWI game where everyone controls a country, kinda like risk, alot like diplomacy, if you've ever played that, except about 25x more detailed. A few of us are gonna prepare a game, but we need to know how many want to. If popular, I'll make another thread.

Oh, word of warning, games are played IN REAL TIME. They can go on for a month or two as well.

I'm interested, but only in a "local" game. Reading through the stuff, I don't like the inherent advantage a veteran of the site/someone who pays real money has over newbies.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I linked that in a chatroom earlier, it would be a fun little thing to play around with if we can get enough people and put down a bunch of rules on the pay-for-stuff thing it has(Like, don't use it, only use one thing, etc)

Having enough players would also be nice.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I figure any game played entirely by forum members would be safe from the paid crap. We're all fairly cheap, to my knowledge.

How many do we need?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

We have four folks at the moment. XSI, Inky, OAMP, and me... how many we need, I'm not sure.

What are the player caps again Amp?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Damnit. Well, that's me out.

I tried signing up to check the above, and it thrust me into a tutorial. My browser has issues with the engine, much like it does with pogo, and the game is basically unplayable for me as a result. My map shows up as a mess as various images overlay ontop of each other.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Wheee... I joined!

Now I just need to know where to find the rest of the ULMF'ers.

Is there a particular game we're playing in?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Damnit. Well, that's me out.

I tried signing up to check the above, and it thrust me into a tutorial. My browser has issues with the engine, much like it does with pogo, and the game is basically unplayable for me as a result. My map shows up as a mess as various images overlay ontop of each other.

It froze for EVERYONE. Just launch it a second time and it'll work. Maybe. But at this point it sounds like whatever you use is crap anyway. :p

Anywho, IIRC, I can set it anywhere from 2-15 players. (Actually, on the large map, up to 31, but like we'd get that many, heh)
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Launch the tutorial a second time how? Can't find the damn thing...

EDIT: Oh, I see. It's not a stand alone tutorial. They actually put you into a real game. Odd.

But yes, second attempt yielded the same results:


Oh, and feel free to bother that random aim address thing. I have no idea who they are, and they haven't responded to my "Who are you?"

And frankly, I'll stick to my firefox with security plugins, thank you.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

EDIT: Oh, I see. It's not a stand alone tutorial. They actually put you into a real game. Odd.
A better way of putting it is the tutorial overlays itself over your (first) game.

Is your Java up-to-date? 'Cuz my Firefox works fine with it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

A better way of putting it is the tutorial overlays itself over your (first) game.

Is your Java up-to-date? 'Cuz my Firefox works fine with it.

Yeah. I've had this problem in the past with some other sites, and have tried doing all sorts of things to my java to try and fix it. Thesedays I just toss the website aside, and go back to playing real games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My usual firefox bashing aside, most users of it don't have problems, x.x
Re: Games Discussion Thread

If you're using Noscript(For firefox), you need to allow googleapis for some reason.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Does anyone know of any websites where you can list what games you've played/have and rank them by completion? I remember there's at least one but the name escapes me at the moment.