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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yea, I have to keep away from spoilers as much as possible.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thank you rule, I was on the fence about spending 2 days DLing this (yay for live's slow ass dl speeds), but now I know it should be worth it.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So does it explain why everything happens after Shepard takes a Reaper blast to the face? Wasn't going to download the Extended Cut, but from what I've heard from quite a number of people it's done well at sorting out the ending.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thank you rule, I was on the fence about spending 2 days DLing this (yay for live's slow ass dl speeds), but now I know it should be worth it.

2 Days? I've seen Xbox Live download Dawnguard in like 5-10 minutes. Where are you that it'll take 2 days?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I cannot tell whether to be giddy or horrified.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've got frontier for an ISP and their notably horrid. They advertise a speed that's 10X what I'm getting, my max is 125kbp/s, but anything on live takes at least 2-3 times longer than it should for some reason.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I cannot tell whether to be giddy or horrified.

warfare mixed with psychotic child like joy, except done tastefully..... awesome :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Spec Ops: The Line

I just rented this title the other day and beat it in nearly one sitting. Granted that sitting was somewhere between 6-8 hours (Shamefully lengthy for a shooter, but I only rented it, so no biggy), but the single sitting was due to not the fact that I was running through another desert shooting more baddies with more typical weapons, but rather the story, writing, and presentation.

The game starts as the next generic shooter of the week, but within a few levels slips far away from that as it becomes what is essentially Apocalypse Now: The Game.

You play as Captain Walker, the next cliche cookie cutter American bad ass to grace the world of video games. As the game progresses though and Walker takes a physical beating (armour is torn and pocked with dents from bullets, clothing is torn and ripped and bloody, cuts, bruises etc.), his soul is ripped apart, trampled on, and pissed all over. This man witnesses some atrocious acts and even commits some in order to stay alive. The game however is relentless, and points its finger at you... "Do you feel like a hero yet?" "This is all your fault!" lines start replacing the typical loading screen tips as you trudge deeper into Dubai.

I can't really say much more about the story and where it goes without spoiling anything, but this is one of the few shooters around that masterfully wields its story. Indeed the story is much much better than the gameplay. While passable and fun, and firefights are indeed intense, there are some buggy moments that can cause a cheap death and your AI team mates have some problems with shooting walls (unless you use the command button to order them to kill someone, in which case that enemy's head will pop open soon enough).

I really recommend this game to anyone who enjoys shooters but thinks the genre is getting overly stale. Spec Ops: The Line really shows what a shooter can do with some good writers behind them. Hell, the story in this game, while not entirely original (pretty much the next adaptation of Heart of Darkness. The book was Congo, the movie Vietnam, the game Dubai), it is presented excellently.

Be aware some of the scenes are rather graphic. While combat gore is just some blood sprays and a head vanishing in a red cloud, the cut scenes and set pieces are... disturbing. I honestly almost felt like puking after the "gate scene"

PS. Having played the multiplayer at a friend's place, it's shit. Generic, slow paced, and small groups, and frankly just boring. Check this game out for the single player alone. Well worth at the very least a rental.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

For those of you who haven't gotten into the MWO beta, they recently released another video discussing one of the other fields, and the mechanics involved in it. Presenting,
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Two sources revealing that Guild Wars 2 will be coming out August 28th, 2012.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My cousin is giddy as shit. That's two days before her birthday.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone up for a multiplayer session on Assassin's Creed: Revelations sometime over the weekend? Wanted is so much fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Those of you who still has Killing Floor (or have been playing it) should be happy to note that the is back in action. Specimens have a different appearence, and another chance at getting all dem achievements, additionally a new map for the event and - as an added bonus - the IJC Weaponmod (aka the boys that brought ya the Fn Fal and M99 Sniper on all those modded servers) has been made freakin official. It's like Christmas in July :3
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hmm, may have to play it some more now. Haven't for awhile now...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ohey, another thing added to the KF update: Apparently the Patriach now has a counter for the old 'gangbang him with chainsaw altfire' trick with a full berserker team

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Question 'bout Borderlands.

Do Lilith's High Velocity and Enforcer skills increase a rocket's travel velocity? Found a Harpoon on my low-level Siren, can't tell if it's traveling fast just because it's a Harpoon, or if it's that coupled with my skills.

Yes, I know the skills say 'bullet velocity', but the wiki is saying the Siren can increase a rocket's velocity, which is bad for a few of the Legendary rockets.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Question 'bout Borderlands.

Do Lilith's High Velocity and Enforcer skills increase a rocket's travel velocity? Found a Harpoon on my low-level Siren, can't tell if it's traveling fast just because it's a Harpoon, or if it's that coupled with my skills.

Not that I ever noticed, then again I don't recall finding a Harpoon before, and I'm starting Secret Armory with that character o,o
Re: Games Discussion Thread

the solution to all your problem is the maliwan hellfire