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RPG NTR [毛ガニ研究室] Hな酒場へようこそ (RJ287865)

Tried using the damn reipatcher on the demo and it doesn't work on that for me either. Really have no clue what the hell is going on. Also realized that the game isn't freezing, it just doesn't load the actual buttons and/or text. The speech bubble on the main menu is still moving. Guess I'm just not meant to actually play this game. Tried it without the reipatcher and got stuck on the world map where I could click on a town to presumably buy shit, but was seemingly stuck there after that. I could buy shit and go back to the tavern screen, but the game never progressed. Dunno if I was supposed to buy something specific and not doing so broke the game, but meh.

what solve for me is change the directory to english so keep all the folder name in english did the trick for me
what solve for me is change the directory to english so keep all the folder name in english did the trick for me
Huh... you're right, that worked. What the fuck? I sort all of these games by circle as such: "English name (Japanese name)", meaning this game is in "Kegani Laboratory (毛ガニ研究室)\Welcome to the Sexy Bar!\", and just like you said it helped to remove the Japanese name. Nice to have a solution, but man I'm not super happy about having to remove that. I wonder why it works for other games then that still has their Japanese names in the path, such as Journey to the West.

Thanks for the help though. Perplexing, but at least it's solved. Appreciate it!
Huh... you're right, that worked. What the fuck? I sort all of these games by circle as such: "English name (Japanese name)", meaning this game is in "Kegani Laboratory (毛ガニ研究室)\Welcome to the Sexy Bar!\", and just like you said it helped to remove the Japanese name. Nice to have a solution, but man I'm not super happy about having to remove that. I wonder why it works for other games then that still has their Japanese names in the path, such as Journey to the West.

Thanks for the help though. Perplexing, but at least it's solved. Appreciate it!

Usually because non Japanese comptuer (ie not everything set to Japanese) got some trouble (sometime) dealing with Japanese. Might be the software, the AV runing in the background, something in the game coding... It mess thing up.

I just change unicode and I can play most VN for exemple - anim, waffle, liquid, lilith.... no problem for the save folder creation : it's pure original Japanese game, but Guilty's alsway end up in giberrish - I have to run the circle game using LE....
Technically, if you were to change the save files you would be able to reach the MC ending for both girls.

You have to edit the save files so that you are going out with both girls before their affection for Roy goes past around 450-ish. You also have to make both girls pregnant by editing you action points.
An important part of this route is that you cannot let the girls have sex with any other people other than you, cause if you do MC will end up using a condom and can't get the girls pregnant.
That's apparently also a bug, which is pretty much evident from how those routes were written. If google translate is correct, that bug will be fixed by the next update, as posted on the dev's Cien.
1 throw from from bepln zip plugins and core in your game folder where exe is
2 throw from reipacher zip SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe in game folder where exe is
3 run SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe
4 run TavernH (Patch and Run) shortuct


  • XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher-4.12.0.zip
    865.9 KB · Views: 221
  • XUnity.AutoTranslator-BepIn-5x-4.12.0.zip
    401 KB · Views: 197
So what do you guys feel about the game, other than the technical stuff?

I personally find it a bit lacking because I am too much in control. I'm the one that decides to tell her to whore herself. I'm the one that decides to "Cook". I'm the one that decides whether or not to pay the debt for that week. It's netorase, but again not really because I'm not in love with any of the other two. They don't feel agonizing doing it, since I'm just a friend who's trying to get into their pants right now and we're all trying to help the business.

And I believe after "confession", the girls can't be stolen anymore right? Isn't that kind defeat the point of NTR? Also can you really have NTR when the girls weren't with you at that point?
I don't feel the ntr, it's more like a I'm a pimp and whoring the waitress for the sake of the business.
wonderful game it's a 9,5/10 for me. a little disappointed for the endings... 3 different kind of gangbang events with every villain where my hope... and instead i've got the same cg with different clothes on, what a waste.. everything else instead is great imho.

I don't feel the ntr, it's more like a I'm a pimp and whoring the waitress for the sake of the business.
text really make difference in game like this. some dialogue truly help a lot to feel the ntr, like the bathroom or date events. playing the game with and without the texthooker make a huge difference for me.
I'll admit, NTR really isn't my cup of tea. But I have a bigger issue with that there really isn't all that many unique CGs. The nobles customer system also feels a bit tacked on and doesn't really seem to fit into the rest of the game. But yeah, game feels more like being a pimp than actually getting NTRed.
Technically, if you were to change the save files you would be able to reach the MC ending for both girls.

You have to edit the save files so that you are going out with both girls before their affection for Roy goes past around 450-ish. You also have to make both girls pregnant by editing you action points.
An important part of this route is that you cannot let the girls have sex with any other people other than you, cause if you do MC will end up using a condom and can't get the girls pregnant.

Do the girls stop going on dates with Roy once you confess to them before Roy's affection reaches 450?
Do the girls stop going on dates with Roy once you confess to them before Roy's affection reaches 450?
they'll still be unavailable a few times per week, but they won't get more affection and won't fuck him. Maybe they actually only do some cooking then, who knows
1 throw from from bepln zip plugins and core in your game folder where exe is
2 throw from reipacher zip SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe in game folder where exe is
3 run SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe
4 run TavernH (Patch and Run) shortuct
Any way to translate offline?
Who can play very difficult levels Can pass without being NTR. Tell me the way.
How to win this game? I mean how to impregnate the girl? I can have sex in non-impregnating mode only. Not sure how to win...
How to win this game? I mean how to impregnate the girl?

The girl can get pregnant from MC only she has never sex with others. If she has then the only way is to sex with others.
Does not check it, but if you already saw the bath scene with the naked girl then you are late to make her pregnant from MC.

I can have sex in non-impregnating mode only. Not sure how to win...

The second option at forest sex is available only if the girl pregnant not from MC.
If you let your girlfriend do it with another man, Tomii Will become someone to NTR your boyfriend immediately (notice from the encounter in the bathroom nude)