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Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Akah grunts at Mina's promise, and responds, "I'll hold you to that," before bowing his head slightly and joining Jerr at the destroyed wall. The younger gruff had been sneaking peeks back at Cherry and, Mina suspects, herself as well.

"Great! Great!" Cherry yells, bouncing on her heels as she grips Mina's hand. Without warning, she runs for the street, with Mina in tow. The gruffs stand aside, eyes wide in surprise as the naked woman and her new friend come bounding past, but quickly fall in pace behind. Cherry continues running down the street, past a few buildings, then points to an alleyway leading south, releasing Mina's hand. "Mistress is this way!" she yells before taking off running again, down the alleyway, surprisingly fast.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"WAH!" Mina cried out as she was yanked out to the street and down it. "You know shouldn't we be a bit more discreet?" She ran barely keeping up with the girl dragging her along and catching her breath just a second before she started to run down the alley. "For a demoness' plaything she has formidable speed." Mina made sure her two companions were keeping up before hurrying down the alley after Cherry, "How far away is she Cherry? We don't have a lot of time."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Despite the mutated woman's initial burst of speed, Cherry soon slows down enough that Mina and the gruffs have no trouble keeping pace with her. "Not far! Be there soon!" Cherry calls excitedly as she rushes through the alleyways, turning left and right down the twisting passageways seemingly at random. Though it is difficult to keep track of the exact route, Mina can tell they are heading south, and as they continue through the area, she notices that the quality of the buildings around her increases at each road they cross. Soon they are passing what look like large homes or small mansions, rather than apartment complexes.

Having kept a rather brisk pace throughout their journey, Mina is surprised to see Cherry suddenly slow down, the mutated woman breathing heavily a little, but continuing to walk. As she walks, Cherry says softly, "I think someone's here. Friends or meanies, can't tell!" Without warning, a trio of stalkers appear in front of the group, growling softly. Jerr and Akah immediately draw their weapons, but wait next to Mina. "Wait, wait!" Cherry says as the weapons come into view, "I think they're friends! They probably just want to play!"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"If they're with you please tell them that we're here to help you then...." Mina looks back to the gruffs. "She has a point, if they were hostile to cherry they would have not revealed themselves....especially in front of us. I've run into a few stalkers already and they've always attacked before turning visible. Keep your guard up though...." Mina slowly stand straight and lowers her swords. "We're here to speak to Mistellah, Cherry has asked for our help. If you want to get out of this city in one piece we're your best shot at it. Unless you want to go ask the demon lords politely to let you go."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

The stalkers continue their growling, not making any discernible noises that Mina can identify as a language, but Cherry stares at them for a few seconds silently before turning back to the group. "They don't like your friends," she says to Mina, looking a bit worried. "They might let you see Mistress, but not your friends."

Akah bares his teeth and issues his own growl at the stalkers before speaking to Mina. "They can't trust us?" he laughs sharply, then continues, "We have no need to bow before these scum. Let us destroy them as you destroyed the knight, and find this succubus on our own terms." Jerr doesn't take his eyes off the stalkers, or his hand off his weapon, but nods his agreement. "These demons are just trying to trick us."

Hearing the gruffs concerns, Cherry turns back to Mina and waves her hands insistently. "No, no, no trick!" She says excitedly. "Goatmen are meanies, but girls like you play with us! They will be nice to you! They can wait here while we see Mistress!" Wringing her hands worriedly, the corrupted woman looks back and forth between Mina and the stalkers. "M-maybe if you and I play with them, they will let your friends see Mistress too."
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina makes a quick hissing noise to get everyone's attention. "Listen to you all, we all share the same enemy. And here you are bickering like humans!" She looks to the gruffs, "I know that the fey have fought demons for ages but things change, to ignore the ebb and flow of time is to be dashed upon the jagged rocks and left behind. This shows whoever or whatever rules the demons is losing their grasp on power. At the very least you can gather new allies, at best this could be a crack in the dam, something that could throw the demonic heiarchy into chaos and make them too weak to be a threat to this world for a long time."

She looks over at the demons, "I understand your reluctance to let the fey through to the woman you're trying to protect but if we meant her harm we'd try to force our way through and I certainly wouldn't have put my weapons away. If we cannot come to terms with your mistress we will leave, peacefully, and wish you the best on your attempts to escape from your former masters. There are a few sayings we humans have that I think fit perfectly here....."The enemy of my enemy is my friend." and "United we stand divided we fall." Mina extends a hand to the stalkers and one to the gruffs. "And these days I think all of us need as many allies as we can get."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Even as the words leave her mouth, Mina can tell they are falling on deaf ears. The demons seem to not understand her appeal at all, and the stalker she reaches her hand towards pulls away from her with a hiss. Likewise, the fey seem unimpressed, though their sense of duty stems their desire to argue. "We are sworn to assist you in your endeavor," Akah states, "If you wish to seek out this succubus to question her, we will help, but an alliance between fey and demon-kind is folly. Their corruption will destroy this land, no matter who they serve." Jerr nods, but says nothing, continuing to eye the stalkers warily.

Cherry continues to wring her hands at the tense encounter, though Mina notices the corrupted woman is slowly inching towards the stalkers, obviously feeling more comfortable with them than the fey. The stalkers, in turn, seem to be moving to open a gap between them for Cherry to pass through. "Goatmen meanies are too scary, friends don't like them," she says, not quite retreating through the gap, but clearly ready to run should a fight break out. "Maybe other friends by other door let goatmen pass," Cherry offers, "But other friends scary sometimes."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

((Haha perfect subversion to solving everything with an epic speech))

Mina rubs her nose, "Okay, I suppose there's no way around it, remain here you two, don't start anything and if any other demons attack them help them defend their position if anything attacks. Akah please make sure Jerr doesn't wander off following a girl with a nice ass. I'll see about letting you both in after I meet with her. I just couldn't crush Jerr's dream of meeting a succubus." Mina gives a small smirk before turning to Cherry. "Well, lead the way to your mistress dear. I think we've delayed enough."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Though he obviously is displeased, Akah relents to Mina's wishes. "Very well," the gruff says backing away from the stalkers and lowering his weapon, "But I suggest you keep your eyes open. Don't let your guard down." After a moment, Jerr follows suit, but seems more upbeat about the situation. "Right now, I'm more worried about the two nice asses I can't follow," the younger gruff says with a wink.

Once Mina decides to follow Cherry, the corrupted woman's expression changes from worry to joy. "Great! Great!" she cheers, one hand once again clamping around Mina's as she gives the woman a tug. As the two pass the trio of stalkers, Cherry puts a hand on one's shoulder and leans up to plant a small kiss on his cheek. The stalker makes a soft grunting sound as the woman passes then reaches a hand down to stroke her tail, eliciting a girlish giggle from the woman. As they pass, Mina feels a soft brush against her back as one of the stalkers reaches out to her as well, but looking back all three of the demons are busy staring down her rapidly receding companions.

"We'll wait here for you!" Jerr's voice calls out as Mina loses sight of the the fey around a corner. Unlike the group's previous confusing passage through the streets, Mina is surprised to find that this alley doesn't seem to intersect any streets as it continues along between the buildings. Soon after turning another corner, Mina notices a single heavy wooden door on the left hand wall. Cherry immediately runs to the door and grabs a large brass ring fixed to the front. She lifts the ring and raps it against the wooden door several times. After a few moments, a small slider in the door opens and a pair of yellow eyes stares out. The eyes of another demon. Cherry smiles brightly up at the eyes, which look over her for a second before turning to stare at Mina.

"Cherry bring friends for Mistress!" the woman says happily. The eyes look back at her for a second, the disappear just before the slider closes. The heavy door swings open slowly, revealing a tall, very dark skinned demon, wielding a long sword and staring at Mina aggressively. The demon points to Mina's scimitars, obviously wanting her to remove them from her belt.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina begrudingly undid her belt and handed it to Cherry. She had used up a bit of spiritual power in that earlier fight but she should have enough for a diversion if things went badly. "Mind if she holds them for me? Sentimental value, I'd hate to lose them." She crossed her arms under her chest, without her weapons on she looked like an average dancer you'd see in any wealthy home back in her homeland. "I should have gotten better clothes before I left camp...." Mina rubbed her face grumbling now in nothing but loose almost transparent silk pants and a top that simply wrapped over her shoulders to keep her chest secure. "I certainly hope we can come to an accord after all this trouble."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina's Status: HP = 35/47, P = 40, EP = 48/51
(Been meaning to update your health/energy but have been forgetting, sorry.)

The demon sneers as Mina removes her belt, eying her body up approvingly, but does not stop her from handing her weapons off to her companion. Cherry gladly takes the weapon, holding them horizontally in both hands before giggling and running off down the hall past the demon. As she runs, the woman yells out, "Mistress! Mistress! I brought you a friend!" The demon lets Mina pass as she follows the corrupted woman, then slams the door shut and bolts it, staying at the entrance as a guard would.

As Mina follows Cherry through the house, she is now able to get a good look at the building they had entered. The walls are fine paneled wood, and the floors are plushly carpeted. Soft candle light keeps the house lit well enough to see, but dark enough permit shadowy corners. When the mercenary rounds the door Cherry had entered, she finds herself in a similarly well furnished room. This one sports several comfortable looking high-backed chairs as well as a sofa, arranged around a low wooden table. The walls are lined with bookshelves which seem full of leather-bound tomes, and a large, but unlit, fireplace is built into the rear of the room. This is apparently the reading room of a rather well off citizen of the city. Or at least it was before the city was invaded.

"Mistress! Cherry's friend used these to save Cherry from meanies!" the corrupted woman yells, bouncing up and down excitedly before one of the chairs. Cherry bends over and hands the weapons to the figure in the chair before bouncing backward on her heals and giggling. As the woman steps back, Mina can finally get a look at the chairs occupant. An strangely alluring, nearly naked woman sits in the chair, calmly admiring the weapons that had just been given to her. She doesn't sit long, however, and as she stands, she looks at Mina, while showing off every aspect of her incredible figure: her long dark hair, perfectly smooth and unblemished skin, large shapely breasts and hips, long legs, and a stunningly beautiful face. Even though Mina's eyes are drawn past the fine lingerie to her human features, it is the obviously demonic ones, the glowing red eyes, sharpened finger nails, small protruding bat-like wings, and long barbed tail, that signal to the mercenary that she has found the succubus she was searching for.

"Excellent work, Cherry," the demoness says in sultry voice, while handing the weapons back to the corrupted woman. "Welcome to my lair," she says, calmly taking her seat once again, while motioning Mina to take her pick of the many places available in the room, "My name is Mistellah, and I am so very pleased to make your acquaintance."
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Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina gives a small bow and takes a seat on a couch nearby. "It's good to meet you Mistellah. If I may before we begin I have two gruff companions near one of your guard posts with some stalkers. Might they join us? We're here on peaceful business and I'd like to avoid any chance of a misunderstanding out there." Mina rolled her eyes, "One will certainly be too busy oogling you to pose any kind of threat. We all share a common enemy that I think all three sides would be glad to see......taken care of." Mina's eyes appraised Mistellah briefly but she kept her mind focused on the task she was here to attempt for now." Mina glanced to Cherry, "I might add that your.....companion, seems very energetic for one so corrupted."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

As she comes around the couch from behind the couch, Mina notices that laying on it is a very large dog. No, not a dog, but a monster with the shape of the dog. Smoldering red eyes stare up at the mercenary, as it's thick tail raises from the cushioned seat. It is far too large and vicious looking to be anything less than a demon. Still, even as ferocious as it seems while resting, a snap of Mistellah's fingers is all the creature needs to motivate it to leave the sofa and sit by the side of it's Mistress' chair. Cherry smiles and bends over, patting the demonic hound on the snout, which causes it to shake it's head in annoyance while it stares at Mina.

"Gruffs, you say?" Mistellah asks, sounding completely unsurprised. "Yes, my warriors would stop threats such as those, wouldn't they?" The succubus sighs and leans back in the chair. She crosses her arms, appearing to be in thought as she glances over at Mina's weapons, before turning back to the mercenary. "Personally I prefer to conduct my business in more... intimate circumstances." she says with a grin. "One on one, if possible. Though I suppose in times like this, I can't be too picky."

After a brief pause, Mistellah turns to Cherry and calls the woman's name, causing her to jump and smile excitedly. "Cherry, would you be a dear and fetch our guest's companions? And leave those pretty things here." The corrupted woman bounces on her heels, obviously very happy to do her Mistress' bidding, before leaning Mina's scimitars against Mistellah's chair and running out room. As the sound of the door they had first come through closing recedes, Mistellah smiles at Mina again. "Rather cute, isn't she? I found her in this very house. Apparently her father managed to procure some kind of protection for her just before the hordes came through this area, though she can't explain what it was. She's spent a long time 'playing' with others of my kind, but her spirit seems able to resist the effects. At least so far."

The succubus leans forward and stares hard at Mina, before saying, "I never thought that an uncorrupted woman and a pair of fey would come offering their assistance. Why exactly are you here?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina caught herself smiling as the bubbly girl ran off, "I'm...not as uncorrupted as you think." She trails off a bit before clearing her throat. "I'm here because I see the signs, the fey have fought the demons from the portal to a standstill but the portal allows for quick and powerful reinforcements. The fey can't bring in help as quickly as far as I know.....and no other race is going to bother to assist it seems. If you were to ally yourself with the fey you might be able to give them information that could turn the tide. I know it's a longshot to ask you and the fey to trust each other but it's less risky than trying to fight a two front battle with this small group." Mina crossed her legs and leaned back, "The fey already know you're here, they assume you're with the demons from the portal. It was fortunate that I rescued Cherry otherwise I'd have thought the same. I'm sure that if you're trying to escape to live a quieter life and don't want to rule the world we can all come to an agreement."

Mina pauses a moment and looks to the wall, "I know that demonic connections don't automatically make one a bloodthirsty monster."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"Hmm," the succubus muses at Mina's sheepish confession, her grin deepening as she leans back. The demoness cocks her head while Mina continues however, and waits for the mercenary to finish before she speaks. "Bloodthirsty? No. And ruling the world is something for the more ambitious and less realistic demons to ponder" she says, "But I have no desire to see the fey destroy my kind, either. I only wish to escape this doomed city." A flash in her eyes and the loss of her wicked smile tells Mina that the demoness is deadly serious now. "And this city is doomed, believe me. I may not be immortal, but I have learned what has happened each time my kind has traveled to this world before, and that it is bound to happen again."

Mistellah reaches one hand down to calmly pat the head of the demonic dog sitting by the side of her chair. "I don't think your allies have much interest in our help, if we even had anything to offer them. They are more powerful than you think." The succubus pauses for a moment, then adds, "I can smell a familiar scent on you. Perhaps you belong more with us than the fey?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I always wondered why no city the gate opened in existed anymore....that's troubling..." Mina rubs her nose, "And I have already agreed to help the fey, it would be bad for my name to go back on a contract without a very good reason." She gave a small sigh, "That smell is a poison my fiance used to make his wives servile, it's main ingredient was the blood of succubi. It made any who drank it fertile, aroused and completely under his control. Only the first two stuck on me for some reason, when he told me thinking I'd soon go under I.....voiced my opinion....harshly." Mina smirks slightly at the memory.
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah smiles as Mina ponders the disappearance of the previous towns that had been invaded. She stares at the woman, hoping she would continue to question her fey masters, but the mercenary's devotion to her duty, changes Mistellah's expression from anticipation to melancholy. "Yes, reputation is important, I suppose," she says, chagrined, and not sounding as if she actually agrees with the statement.

At the mercenary's admission of her own connection to succubi, Mistellah once again regains her pleasant and calm demeanor. "Succubus blood, of course," she says plainly, "No wonder I feel like I can trust you." She regards Mina in a way that seems at once both friendly at sinister. "You're practically family."

Suddenly, a knock at the door followed by muffled shouts signals the arrival of Mina's companions. The demonic guard can be heard loudly yelling harsh commands, though Mina can't quite make the words out. The demonic dog next to Mistellah begins to utter a deep a threatening growl in the direction of the door, but a soft shush and a pat on the head is all that is needed to quiet the creature. The demoness suddenly leans forward and stares directly into Mina's eyes. "I don't know what you promised the fey, but I can tell you their masters do not share your sense of duty," she says with conviction, "They are using you and will throw you away without a second thought when your usefulness ends." The demoness glances towards the hallway Mina had entered from, then turns back to the woman. "My companions and I are leaving this place, as soon as we have what we need, and you are welcome to join us if you wish. Your friends may assist us now, but the fey will never allow us to escape peacefully. Please don't tell your friends of this plan if you truly wish to help us."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mina placed her face in her hands with a sigh, "I'm here to help what people are left here, I can't do it alone so I'm helping the fey, they're the only beings actually trying to stop this. My race won't lift a finger even for their own...." Mina slumped forward a bit shaking her head. "The fey don't seem as you describe them though, I met one more than willing to fight with me until the end and they healed me. Though their opinion of humans are low I can't say I blame them. Seeing all this without a single sign that any other human land cares that the demon realm is trying to push through has certainly dampened what little faith I had for our race....The damn Su Ka Ta and even good aligned succubi are more acive fighting back the darkness here than humans are." Mina rubs her face then looks over to Mistellah, "By any chance do you know how close this massive disaster is, is there any time left before the city is reduced to rubble?"
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

Mistellah leans back into her chair again, seeming obviously disappointed in Mina's reactions. "The ones you fight alongside may seem good, but their Masters are just as ruthless as any demon." She falls silent, until Mina asks about the disaster. "I cannot say when it will happen, only that it will. Which is why we must leave as soon as possible."

As the noises at the door continue and even grow louder, Mistelah eventually sighs loudly and puts a hand to her forehead. "Karv," she yells, authoritatively, "Just let them in! Let them keep their weapons if they want!" The noises at the door quiet down, but Mina can hear the two gruffs angrily speaking to the demon at the door. Cherry runs back into the room quickly, looking a little frightened, but brightening up a bit as she drops to her knees at Mistellah's feet. The succubus brings a hand down to pat the woman on the head and whispers, "Good girl," before looking up at the two gruffs entering, the tall armed demonic guard following behind them.

Both of the fey enter the room quickly, looking around and seeming relieved upon seeing Mina alive and unharmed. Jerr smiles and puts his weapon away, nodding at her before looking over at Mistellah, his eyes widening slightly. He looks over the succubus, then calmly walks further into the room, a sheepish grin on his face as he stands next to the sofa Mina is in. "Hello there," he says, trying to be charming. Akah on the other hand, grunts, looking over his shoulder at their demonic escort, and again when he sees Mina's blades by Mistellah's chair. His weapon remains out as he moves to his side, sliding up against the bookshelves along the wall as he tries to keep all of the room's inhabitants in front of him. "Mina, has she done anything to you?"

Mistellah grins at Jerr's greeting and returns one of her own. "Hello to you," she says with a seductive smile, her worried and frustrated looks gone as her new guests stand before her. She sits back, showing off her body as much as she can in the position. "I am Mistellah, your host," she continues, "As you can see, your friend is quite well." The last is said to Akah. She gestures to the various chairs around the room and says, "Take a seat. Please." Jerr quickly sits down in high back chaired next to Mistellah, his eyes never leaving her. Akah, on the other hand, grimaces, but stays standing.

"Mina and I were just discussing why I had little Cherry looking for kind souls such as yourselves for assistance," she says, looking at Mina. "There is an item that I would greatly appreciate your help in retrieving."
Re: Gold and Blood (Archer) (GM = xivvix)

"I'm prefectly fine Akah, thank you for asking. We have much more pressing issues right now though. Every time the demons try to pass through into our realm something horrible destroys the area. We'll help Mistellah as fast as we can and then we have to get back to the fey camp and warn them. We might be short on time and need to get as many people out of the area as fast as possible, instead of combat we should start focusing on evacuating any surviving townspeople before the disaster...." Mina rubs her chin, "I don't understand though, what or who would be doing it? The demons wouldn't self defeat themselves like that."

Mina looks over to Mistellah, "Thank you for your offer though, I'm not sure I'd fit in with you even with your blood within me. I've lived alone a long time.....What is this item you need retrieving?"