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Gordon (Sponge)

Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The little dryad shook her head slowly, her green hair with leaves interwoven amongst them swayed from side to side around her pair of horns. "I don't think whatever it is is here yet, but it probably is coming this way. Hmmm... my instinct suggests that it may not be coming so much as gathering."

She reached out and touched him on the shoulder with her delicate hand. "If you're going to rest, then rest now. I can stay up a while longer, at least while you sleep. Deana made it clear to me how important you could be in all of this. It's best that we stay awake while you conserve your strength."

Gordon could sense sincerity in her tone.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

He nods, giving back a sympathetic smile. "Your right, I'll go do that." As he walks out the door, he glances back with a grin. "Hey, thanks for dealing with me so far." His laugh echoes the hallway as he enters his own room, snuggling up into the bed and pulling the covers over him. So much had happened, and this was the first real time he was able to sleep by himself for once. Though, his mind kept wandering back to Alicia. He would of preferred being all snuggled up and cozy with her, soft and warm figure pressed against him. His eyes slowly drooped, his thoughts fading as his mind grew darker and darker from exhaustion.....

Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The night chill was only marginally kept at bay by the blankets and the simple bed. Certainly Gordon was missing the modern trappings of indoor heating. Troubled sleep eventually took him.

(Game AutoSaving... AutoSave complete!)


He stirred slightly in his sleep.


His eyes blinked. How long had he slept?

"There you are!"

Gordon opened his eyes and found himself in unexpected environs. He was sleeping in an very large bed, with many heavy covers, finely made of satins, furs, and silks. The room around him was furnished with many large book shelves lined with leather bound tomes, and there was a large wooden writing desk with a cushioned chair next to it. His bed itself was four posted, with a canopy above it colored a rich burgandy. On the floor was a brown bear rug, and a small fireplace was lit with dying embers. Outside a frosted window, it was winter outside.

"Took an afternoon sleep did you, my love?" The familiar voice came from the doorway, and standing there, holding a tray with a steaming mug on it, was Alicia, her golden eyes staring adoringly at him.

"You've missed afternoon tea. We were concerned for you. Still, I've made you some spiced cider. Perfect for a winters' night like this, don't you think?"

Alicia brought the tray to the nightstand beside his bed and placed the steaming mug smelling delightedly of spiced apple before him. Alicia was dressed in a silken night shift the same color as her eyes, and the front was loose enough that he could see down her cleavage as she leaned over to set the mug down.

"You should drink up. You need your strength," she said, smiling down at him. Her hand came forward to brush the side of his cheek affectionately.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Opening his eyes, he shook his head lightly, putting a hand to his forehead. How long had he slept? And who was... Turning his head he saw Alicia, who appeared to be greeting him from awaking. Wait.. Wasn't I at... Deana's?

"Took an afternoon sleep did you, my love?" She asked.

Gordon just blushed deeply and reflected on those words. My love? What? I.. what's going on? The bed wasn't right, the room wasn't right, even outside wasn't right. Why would it be snowing? Where did the darkness and fog go? What the hell was going on?
She offered him a drink, in a tantalizing way that teased his groin. Not exactly the time but he guys usually did wake up with morning wood, so it couldn't really be his fault now could it? But all this bugged him. He was certain he had slept at the other house. Too many things didn't add up.

1. The obvious environment. This is nothing like the place I just took a rest.
2. Timeline. The only thing that was ever outside was fog and darkness. The only possible way for it to have been cleared is if somebody else fixed the problem on whatever evil had come over the town, and that contradicts the fact that I'm the only one that can do that. Winter shouldn't have arrived.
3. Alicia...
This one bugged him the most. She's calling me love, and she's not acting at all like she would around me before. Usually she's quiet and sweet, but very shy and self reserved. Now she's acting like we've known each other for a long time, even implying we are a couple from what she said. Or at least dating.

This was way too obvious, he could almost snicker at whatever evil force this was. Oh come on, surely you things can do better then this. This is all fake, already it's trying to enter my psyche and convince me that I'm in my ideal environment. Heh, I've played too many games seeing how I picked up on this so easy.
He looks at the cup she has given her, and begins to act like he's going to drink, before a sudden sneeze overcomes him before the liquid leaves his lips and he drops the cup to the floor, spilling it all over. "Oh! I'm sorry! It's just.. I just woke up and my nose itched real bad!" Course that was lie. He didn't quite want to call the dark force out on this one quiet yet. He wanted to see what it assumed he wanted, or desired.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Alicia smiled down at him as he took the cup, but her eyes turned wide with shock as he 'sneezed' and spilled the cup over the bed, the floor, and her nightshift.

"Oh! Silly... you should know you're going to sneeze," she chided him softly, quickly snatching the sodden covers away from him. "It was very hot, you could have scalded yourself."

Her eyes were serene and showed no real hint of annoyance that the cider had been spilled. She looked down and noticed that her nightgown was also dark with wet patches. Sighing she reached her hands across the sash that held it together and undid her garment, letting it fall to the ground, revealing that she was wearing only a petite pair of lacy pink panties beneath the robe. Her body seemed slightly more filled out than he remembered it, as if she had put on a bit of weight. Her belly was slightly bulged.

"Honestly, my foresight never hinted at how clumsy my husband would be... maybe if I'd known I would've hesitated a bit more on that first night." She shook her head sadly, but glanced at him with a cheeky smile as she stooped low to grab her dirty nightie and then crossed the room on the other side of the bed and opened an armoir, removing from it another robe, this one a cool baby blue in color.

"Don't worry, there's more cider in the kitchen. Can I trust you to pour it yourself?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Uh oh... should of thought ahead. There was one thing he forgot to do, was to avoid spilling it on her. He ended up doing just that, and almost instantly regretted it the moment she started to undo her clothes. Gordon's throat tightened as he gulped, watching her reveal her body and admiring her form. She was barely wearing a damn thing, his muscles already tensed and his body grew heated from just being in the same room with her now. But then, something grabbed his attention.

It wasn't fear, but it was... something. It couldn't be described, but his mind did a double take at what he had to process. Before he could hypothesize possibilities, she ended up confirming what was running through his head.
"Honestly, my foresight never hinted at how clumsy my husband would be... maybe if I'd known I would've hesitated a bit more on that first night."

The whole world froze for him, almost even seeming fuzzy as one of those flashback scenes in the movie. She was pregnant. And it was his...
No.. this... this isn't the present. This is something else... This is... the future?
But what kind? The future if he succeeded? Or was it all in his head? Was he really still asleep? What he was so certain about this being a trick before had just did a u turn and slapped him across the face harshly.

Time seemed to move again as his mind concluded this, and he ran options through his head. If this was the future, but still a dream, could it be possible he can find out what caused the victory? Or who the bad guy was?
"Um, sure hon. But... one question before I go to the kitchen. It's been a while, and I forgot. How did I beat the Darkness again? Somebody inside was betraying the village, right?"
And on top of that, where's Deana and Jasmine?
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Alicia casually looped her new night shift around her shoulders, not bothering to hide her body from him, nor really flaunting it either. Her manner suggested a level of familiarity between them that meant he had seen her thus so many times, it no longer made sense to act shy around him. When he posed his question, her hands that had been tying a knot to fasten her sash slowed their pace, and she looked at him quizzically.

"Are you sure you haven't come down with something, dearest?" she asked with genuine concern in her voice, and she came over to him with a hand outstretched, pressing it against his forehead. "You don't seem overly warm. You're asking how you defeated the Darkness? Don't you remember?"

She withdrew her hand and crossed her arms. "You didn't defeat it, you joined with it."

The statement impacted Gordon like a sledge to the stomach.

"You joined for me. We were wed by the dark bishop herself. You brought Deana and Jasamine here with us as our servants, you cast the spell that bound their minds to us..."

She pointed then out the bedroom window and through it Gordon saw a massive castle with a great tower looming above the keep. "See there? That is where the Darkness resides, it is our benevolent master, and we live a life of fulfillment in its service. It was for us, and for our future children together, that you chose this path. Please, you know how I spilled tears for the village, but what was done was done with love for them. Because you joined, their lives were spared and at least now they reside with their menfolk again."

Her face seems saddened, tears building up. "You told me we wouldn't speak of the past again when we married. That we would only look forward with love for each other. Is that too much to ask?"

She looked to him with askance in her eyes. Her hands resting upon her belly protectively.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

(I WOULD SO REP YOU FOR THIS TWIST! But the damn popups saying I need to wait longer before giving it to you again. )

It had been a dream. He would of enjoyed such a future, Alicia being a sweet girl would make a great mother. Everything seemed clean and the feeling of evil and despair was felt nowhere. But with only a few words uttered by his supposed wife.....

"You didn't defeat it, you joined with it."

It had become a nightmare.

Again, time stood still as those words echoed through his head. But he also could of sworn his brain just made the ripping sound of paper being torn in half, like reality itself was destroyed. The world turned grey and white in his vision, a feeling of his stomach dropping, heart stopping, and lungs struggled but couldn't seem to breath for the next 5 seconds. A cold sweat overcame him, and he faced her with fear and disbelief in his eyes. I... no I didn't do this. I just woke up! It can't.. I didn't do anything! I never made a choice! I never got to choose! What the hell happened?! Even if this is a dream, is this how selfish I became?! No no no no no-"-No no no no no NO!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, grasping his head shaking it furiously to wake from this horrid vision.

"No! Your wrong! I'd never do that! I'd never enslave people! What the hell is going on here?! You can't be Alicia! This can't be happening! I just went to sleep and I just woke up! A whole year, month, whatever the hell long it's been can not of passed without me noticing!" His heart and mind steamed with anger, but not at her. With himself. How could he have done this? There would have to be a logical explanation for him doing such a thing. He knew people would get hurt but he swore to help!

"I swore to help the village! Not doom it to damnation! What's going on!?" Pausing for breath, he remembered something else she had said.

"You brought Deana and Jasamine here with us as our servants, you cast the spell that bound their minds to us..."

Glancing up at her with a mixture of fear and rage, he asked with a desperate tone. "Where are they!? What did I do to them?! Where?!"
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Re: Gordon (Sponge)

His loud and despairing reaction had not gone over with Alicia well either. Tears streamed down both her cheeks and she shook her head, then she came up to him.

"Please... please don't shout like this... please I can't take it. Just be calm, be calm and I'll explain everything if I have to but please... I need you, I've always needed you. Please..." she held up shaking arms to him, wanting to embrace him, and she did, even though he might have recoiled. She shuddered in his arms for a long moment, though he did not return the embrace, stunned and angered as he was.

Eventually she pulled away, "Okay... come with me then, I'll show you what you need to see... It's so bizarre, me explaining this to you... but something clearly has happened. You've lost your memory. Come, I'll show you Deana and Jasamine."

Holding his hand nervously, she pulled Gordon from the bed. He was wearing a pair of silk trousers, his upper half bare. Like in a dream, he followed her through the door of the bedroom out into a upstairs hallway, which on one side overlooked the downstairs foyer. A railing led to a grand staircase which descended both on the left and right in wide curves to meet up again at the base of either stairway. A grand chandalier hung from the tall ceiling which had many glass panes in it that doubtless would let sunlight down during the brighter months. Within the circle created by the staircase was a large tree, and dimly Gordon remembered it to be the same tree that Jasamine had lived in within the Dryad's Grove. Soil had been moved and it had been transplanted somehow into this grand mansion. It looked healthy, and the only thing out of place was a large iron band that wrapped around the base of its trunk. Sitting beside the tree, holding a wooden flute in her hands was Jasamine. She was dressed in a flowing robe of white and her horns had been adorned with tiny bells at the tips. Around her neck was an iron collar. When she saw Gordon and Alicia, she stood, causing the belled horns to jingle a bit.

"Good evening, master - my lady," Jasamine said her voice serene and tempered.

"I'm afraid Gordon is not quite himself this evening, Jasamine. He's lost his memory. He still thinks he is fighting against the Darkness."

Jasamine raised a hand to her mouth, "Oh my, that is terrible. I wish there was something I could do."

"There is," Alicia said, "We have to show him that his decision wasn't as bad as he currently thinks it was. Are you happy with your new life?"

"Oh, most certainly!" Jasamine bobbed her head, her bells jingling as if she were a reindeer in a christmas play.

"But what about when he first made his choice? Tell him what happened. Don't sugarcoat anything," Alicia said firmly.

The dryad seemed to shift uncomfortably, then said, "Oh, well, of course I wasn't happy at first. I was worried about what would happen to the forest, and to my sisters and the satyrs. I fought Master Gordon in the grove, along with Mercy and my other two sisters. Master Gordon had gained more power than we expected. He defeated myself and my two sisters. Mercy refused to be captured... and I was very sad about that. But our trees were uprooted and brought to this place, and Master Gordon is very strict about the terms of his service to the Darkness he serves. Everyone that HE captures is to live in an environment that meets with his own standards, so long as they endure a spell of obedience and wear the collar." Here Jasamine pointed to the iron band around her neck.

"Though we are separated, I still am taken to see my sisters now and again," Jasamine continued. "Their trees have been planted in the Dark Bishop's gardens. That's where the Satyrs were given grounds to frolic in as well. The Dark Bishop has enjoyed converting them to her brand of worship and they've taken well to it. They tell us they are enjoying themselves quite well."

Alicia's look hardened, "How did you feel about Gordon?"

Looking away, Jasamine sighed, "I don't blame him any more. Seeing what we were up against, at the sheer power of the Darkness, I can see now how wrong and absurd Lauralie's claims were. There would have been much more sorrow had he been stubborn and chosen to fight. There's no way any of us would have survived. At least this way I can still live and laugh and experience joy with you and master Gordon and Deana and soon I'll be looking after your baby and teaching it dryad magics... Oh, and Deana is able to see her brother all the time now as well... and the other village women are with their menfolk. So there is that as well."

Alicia turns to Gordon. "Shall I take you to Deana?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Being in a daze, all he could do was follow Alicia. Even her hugs and soft body rubbing against him didn't break him from the sorrows....

Approaching the tree, he already saw something he didn't like. There was a steel band of iron.. or something. The purpose of it unknown, and honestly seemed pointless to him. Putting a collar on a tree is like giving socks to horse.
But a bit of his heart and mind were put at ease, when he saw Jasmine. She's alive... she's ok. A relieved breath escaped from his lips. But concern grew again noticing that she too was wearing a collar.

"Good evening, master - my lady," Jasamine said her voice serene and tempered.

Even that bothered him. Where was the cheerful bubbly type? As Jasmine explained many things, he grew disheartened to discover that he must of fought, and possibly killed one of her sisters. Everything was going a turn for the worst. But when she mentioned Deana's brother, a bit of him did cheer up. If... If this is still a vision, then rescuing Deana's brother is still possible!? Ok ok... just cool it and calm yourself. Just gotta get through this for as long as it lasts.

He nodded to Alicia, hoping to get this nightmare through.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Alicia saw the way Gordon looked weirdly at the tree and the band of iron around it.

"It has to do with the nature of a Dryad's magic," she told him. "They're tied to their trees and can create magic through them. It's not enough to shackle the dryad - you have to shackle their tree too. The iron band prevents them from creating magic. Only you or the power you serve can undo the binding."

She took him then past a drawing room and into a narrow hallway, at the end of which was a small wooden door. Opening it, they passed into a less well kept part of the establishment. Here it seemed like it was an adjunct apartment latched onto the larger building. A separate kitchen and dining room were in front of them, and in that dining room, sitting in a rocking chair and of all things - knitting - was a very pregnant Deana. She too wore a collar.

She looked up and saw them coming in. "Oh, hello 'master' Gordon."

He could tell from her tone and the way she said the word that she did so only out of formality.

"You probably don't have to say that title right now, Deana - even if we were being watched, Gordon's lost his memory right now and has been railing against his fate."

"Hmph, I see." Deana said.

"Well, it's good you're here. I need you to convince him that what he did was a fair thing in the end. That it turned out for the best."

"For you it certainly did," Deana said, eying Alicia.

"He chose me because he truly loved me," Alicia said.

"Oh please... because you bedded him first. You knew it was the only way to make him fall for you over... over anyone else."

Alicia crossed her arms. "This isn't the time for this old argument. Isn't it enough that you live here in this place with him, with us? Your brother comes back to live here every night, and if that isn't enough, you're going to be bearing Gordon's eldest child!"

Here Deana smirked, and seeing the look of shock in Gordon's eyes, she broke out into a small laugh.

"Yeah, that's right Gordon. You couldn't bear the the thought of me going off to live in the main castle like the rest of the village girls that were captured by the Dark Bishop - so you claimed me as your own and had me live here. I became your mistress and will soon be mother to your child."

"Something that you're actually happy about, even though you're slow to admit it," Alicia said quietly.

Deana shot her a look, but soon softened her expression. "Yes, I am happy about that. Given all that has happened." She sighed, her shoulders slumped. "We really were up against a power we couldn't comprehend. We were just one village against a supernatural army. If we fought like I wanted to back then, we'd probably all be dead right now. At least this way... in some small way, I've got a part of you with me Gordon. I may not be your wife like Alicia, but..." she put a hand on her belly.

"I have this one, and I have my brother back. Daniel will be home soon from his daily labor at the castle. He makes weapons for the demon guards, and occasionally he's asked to give of himself to the Dark Bishop or some of her acolytes... but he's gotten used to it. And he says that coming here each night is at least half a life he could be happy with - better than none at all."

She let a sad smile cross her lips and then looked back at Gordon.

"It's not all bad, I suppose. Maybe if you had been more persuasive to us... maybe we all would have survived to come here and live with you like this. Even Lauralie..." she trailed off.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Master. Every time somebody used that word, it stung. Somehow he gained this position and he wasn't sure how. He hated it. It made him feel heartless, like he didn't care about the others....

Again, he was surprised to find Deana pregnant, with apparently his child yet again. She wore a collar also. Again anger grew inside him. If he could find this 'other' him, he'd kill him for doing such a thing to people. This wasn't right. Deana tries to assure him he had made the right decision, but again he doubts this. What bothered him most, was that Deana seemed to imply the outcome of this was because he chose Alicia in the end. But what were his other choices? What was the bargains? Who was the Dark Priest and what exactly did she threaten him with enable for him to make this type of decision? Was this the outcome of just his own selfish desires? Everybody says they are happy, but he can tell they obviously regret many things... mostly things that he probably did himself.

"Maybe we all would have survived to come here and live with you like this. Even Lauralie..."

More bad news, the purple haired woman was dead. But now all he could think of, was what caused this. He needed to stay calm. This couldn't be possible, as he certainly would of remembered the important choices, that apparently he didn't make. Could it be possible something took him over in his sleep, and he had been controlled? It didn't matter. Either way, he wasn't going to settle for this.

Approaching Deana, he grasped at the collar around her neck. "Take this stupid thing off, it makes you look like a dog. And don't call me master anymore. People aren't owned like objects."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The collar came off with a click and Deana rubbed her neck cautiously. "He really doesn't remember a thing, does he?"

She looked from him to Alicia. The pink-haired girl took a deep breath, idly brought a hand up to her own bare neck. "The Dark Bishop will sense that you did that. She'll send a messenger shortly."

Deana turned back to Gordon, peering at him closely. "You're right, of course. We should never have had to call you master. Even these days my will fights against the spell you worked over me. You've had to recast it several times to keep me docile. It only works at all because of the feelings I once bore for you - still bear for you."

Alicia moved to Deana's side. "You risk much by speaking so openly." Her voice was not so much a warning tone as a reminding one.

Deana nodded. "He's obviously broken off from whatever course he was meant to follow. An end is coming to this, one way or another - you've seen it in his eyes. They're his old color again."

To this Alicia nodded, though she cast her gaze to the floor. "Yes, I saw."

The huntress leaned back in her chair and spoke once more to Gordon. "There's still a choice before you," she said. "You had the power to change things with your will. You could have made this realm in your own image, given time. You could have done it with the Darkness or without it. You took this path, you told us, because this was the way that the most of us survived. There may have been a truth to that... but would all of us have preferred to live this way given death as an alternative?" She shrugged.

Moments later there was a loud tolling of a bell, and a crashing knock on the doorway at the foyer. A soft tinkling told Gordon that Jasamine was moving to get the door, and there was then a loud creak and the draft of winter's air rushed through the halls.

Footsteps, heavy booted, came towards them, and then the narrow hallway behind them was filled with a large cloaked figure, pale skin tinged with blue and gray, made up his face, and his eyes were a dull red, though otherwise he bore a human face. A burnished silver breastplate adorned his chest, with iron plated greaves covering his legs, and gauntleted hands rested on a sheathed sword and looped hammer in his belt.

The warrior bowed to Gordon curtly. An abrupt and measured indicator of respect. "Lord Gordon, Her Grace has sent me to bear her request for your presence at her hall. She has told me to relay the following message as well..."

Here the soldier cleared his throat, "She bids me tell you that, 'Your awakening is known to her, your future is in your present which here is past, you must speak with her, that you may listen to her proposal for an alternative.'"

Having said his message, the large soldier stood passively, awaiting a response.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The collar came off, he was relieved it didn't have some stupid shock spell or something. Alicia said that "the Priestess" would sense this, but that was the whole point to him. If this truly was the present, he wanted the bitch to know her spell on him had been broken. He opened a window, the blizzards of snow and ice filling the room as Gordon then chucked the collar out into the blizzard. It would be impossible to recover in such weather conditions as this.

Deana also spoke true. He knew some people would of rather died then become slaves. And he agreed. Sometimes sacrifice was necessary for the better future. If a whole lot of people died, but later in time resulted in a better future despite the loss of life, it was usually the better choice. You can't protect everyone. But you can try. And that's something he believed in. Even if he couldn't protect everybody, he would do it despite whatever came. He was furious at himself, he would of rather died then see what had currently become of this place.....

What seemed like Knight of some sorts approached him, and annoyingly he was addressed with the same respect he had not earned. Fake, this was all fake.

He spoke with authority though, since he had it, he wouldn't show weakness. "Take me too her. I want to hear this proposal of her's." Though he was sure that it would be either a traitors proposal or some sorts, but he could already tell he hated this woman by the stupid snooty riddle of a message the Knight had given on her behalf. People that didn't speak things clearly of what they meant, or what they intend, always hide the true meaning of their wicked ideas of what they wish for in the future. Manipulating words, instead of being honest what the end results were. Disgusting....
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The soldier nodded and led him away, back to the main foyer and then out into the blizzard.


Alicia hurried to his side, and threw a fur cloak about his otherwise bare chest to protect his body against the cold. She looked up at him with those sad golden eyes of hers, but he was too angry right now to let her visage distract him. She squeezed his hand once, then let it go.

"I'm sorry, but it's best she wait here," the soldier said, his tone flat and neutral.

Following the soldier through the bitter cold, Gordon followed a snowy, winding path up the edge of a treacherous rocky slope, leaving the mansion of his 'future' behind and walking in the direction of the spiraling tower which loomed above the fortress walls. As they drew closer, Gordon could make out a large attachment to one of the walls - something which resembled a large church. Its doors were carved of ebony, and its stained glass windows were an eerie green and black. Beside it was a large winter garden, where two large trees with iron bands around their bases dwelt at either end of the walled off space. It was through those ebony doors that the soldier took Gordon.

Inside the space was dauntingly large - the high ceiling several stories up. Their footsteps caused a loud echo to ricochet off the large obsidian columns. Ahead of them was an alter made of green marble, and at its center was a basin with a narrow slit at the lowest point, perhaps as some sort of drain. Gordon and his guide passed it by on the left as they headed for a small back door just to the left of a tall podium standing beside a throne.

Beyond this small door, they entered a much more confined space, with a table and several chairs around it. The guard turned to Gordon. "If you'll wait a moment, I'll let Her Grace know that you have arrived."

Turning from him, the soldier moved to another far door opposite to where they were now, and knocked twice, then given a moment, he opened the door and closed it behind him. Perhaps thirty seconds passed before the door opened again and the soldier came back out. Following him out was the large Satyr that Gordon recognized as the one who had been tending to Deana that one time in the Dryad's Grove. He was covered in a sheen of sweat and he smelled heavily of perfumes and incense as he passed Gordon by, an impish grin on his face.

"Her Grace wishes you to come in," the soldier said, indicating the door. "You are to be left alone with her, but I and other guards shall be waiting outside the door." His tone was again neutral, but Gordon wondered only a little at his meaning.

He passed the guard by and found him in a very small antechamber. Two globes of smoky incense burned here, filling the room with a warmth very different from the chill of the large cathedral hall and the winterscape that lay outside. Beyond a second door, he entered into a dark bedchamber. The air was heavily scented and perfumed, and he immediately sensed that there was something slightly mind-altering about the smell.

"Do not worry..." a voice called as though reading his mind, "You will be immune to my scents for the purpose of this visit. I doubt you are in the mood for that sort of thing anyway." The voice was a woman's, as he guessed, and he saw her then, a pale white figure in a snowy silken robe, lying upon a bed with black covers.

She was a fae like figure, her skin the color of cream with just a hint of blue. Her eyes, like the soldier's, were red, and her ears were pointed and elven. Her hair was likewise white and so long it scattered across the dark sheets and seemed as long as she was tall... and tall she indeed was, with a figure that some might attribute to a goddess. Whatever Gordon thought of her, he could not deny that she was beautiful, this dark bishop.

"Welcome to my parlor," she added as she lounged onto her side. "I know what you would say. A lot of indignant vitriol, lambasting me for all that I have done or would do, etcetera, etcetera... if it pleases you, you can say your piece, but know that I'm quite aware of what you think of me at this current point in time. After all, you lack certain information and... perspective. So. Gordon. Savior. Was there anything particular you wanted to say to me before we begin?"

She was lying quite exposed to him, as though she felt no threat to herself. Instinct suggested that a being like this must have some sort of failsafe should he become violent, but it was hard to believe how close she seemed willing to let him come to her.
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Those golden eyes... he had once seen them as beautiful shining globes. But now they only seemed like the color of rust to him, disgusting and dirty. Alicia had used him.

As Gordon proceeded outside, he barely noticed that Alicia had given a coat to wear, but it didn't matter. The snow blew through his clothes, burned his ears and froze his lungs, struggling to breath through the cold climate. Yet still, he didn't care. All he wanted, was to meet this woman.... and kill her if possible...

Burning thoughts of hatred and disgust kept him warm through the trip through the icy mountains, and as the castle came into view, he spat into the snow beside him.
As they walked by the church, he could only feel more disgust seeing those horrible bands wrapped around the trees. He had told Jasmine before that he only saw trees as wood, and he still did. But those collars only belonged on lowlife. It would make sense, seeing the Dark Bishop viewed them all as lowlifes most likely, but his eyes did not like the sight of such a thing.

As the Satyr walked on by with that ridiculous grin, he almost brought his hand up to smack the thing. Being happy while the rest out there were in trouble and needed help. But he returned his thoughts to the Priest. Obviously outright trying to attack this woman from the start would be stupid. Plus, he wanted answers first. Walking into the room, he could swear that his nose had gone on sensory overload. Something was in the air and it was attacking him, he could feel it.

He heard a voice inside his head. "Do not worry..."

The moment he heard it, his own thoughts could be heard loud and screaming in anger.
Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her.
As much as he wanted, too, he needed to remain calm and collected.
Finally, he saw her. She was beautiful. Of course she was, he expected it. He cared not. The woman proceeded to call him out on everything he most likely would of done, chewed her out, acted in fits of rage and anger. But he knew better this time. She asked him if he wanted to know anything... Oh he did. He had plenty to ask.

"If this is not a dream, how did you do this to me? One moment, I'm sleeping and ready to kick your minions asses, and the next I wake up to this crap. Everything around me is nothing like I would of done. I want people to survive, but I'd rather die then work for you, and I'm sure others would of as well. Whatever spell or witchcraft you used on me, if it was trying to pick things out the way I would want logically, I suppose it would be right. Sometimes logic is meant to be ignored though." Alicia...
"Was Alicia working with you all along? What happened to the other woman? Why the hell would I agree to enslave people? You were controlling me, I don't understand how, or when this occurred. But I'm not going to let this stand. And as much as I would love to kill you right here and now, I obviously am unable to considering that all the magics that I mastered would of been through the spell controlling me, rather then myself learning and becoming stronger. But I have one more question. Probably the most important. If you could of done all this, control so many things and make a village under your power any time you wanted, and the only thing standing in your way was me, why didn't you just kill me?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The Dark Bishop bore a smile that hinted at amusement, but was suggestive of something deeper. She wore it as he went through his litany of questions. At several points she nodded along, as if these inquiries had all been anticipated.

When he finished, she let her long delicate white fingers play with the dark sheets a few moments before answering.

"All reasonable reactions. You are confused, things aren't as you would like them to be, and you rail against your fate. I am to be the focus of your anger, which is also unfair, but you don't know that yet. Given your disposition, you may never understand that." she sighed sadly.

"As to how all this has occurred, it's a spell, obviously. A powerful incantation, if inaccurate in some respects. I'm forced to paint in broad strokes," she spread her hands in a helpless gesture.

"If you think I was trying to convince you to be complacent with all of this, you must think me quite a fool. There are better ways to convince you that you're in a utopia, starting with making it, in fact, a utopia rather than a dystopia would be a start. That fact should have been significant. It saddens me a bit that you didn't pick up on it. But I see that you're still not certain if all of this is real or not - let me grant you a boon that I was never, and shall never be given - this is not real, and in time you'll be returned, safe and snug in your bed. Hopefully a sadder and a wiser man will you rise the morrow morn."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

The way she was saying things only confused him even more. She said it wasn't real, which took a lot of burden off of him. But then what was the point of all this?

"So if this isn't real, what's the point? Shits n giggles? Are you trying to say this will be my future no matter what I do? Like your just giving me the sneak peek preview? Well if the only reason you did this was to scare the hell out of me, congrats. Mission accomplished." Gordon started to clap his hands, very slowly with a heavy sarcastic tone to it.
"So now what? Jokes over? I get to go home? I fail to see the point in this if this isn't real, and it's only your imagination of what you think will happen. Which it won't. You wanted to see how I would react to slavery? If all this was so obvious that I would be against all this, again, what's the point? This is a pretty damn vivid dream, and the spell must be powerful to make things seem so real. So there has to be more to it then that, right? So now the only question is, Why?"
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

Her eyes closed for a moment and a small giggle escaped her.

"It's nice to see you go down the expected path, it certainly makes things easier." She opened her eyes, looked at him. "You can lay off your sarcastic response though, it doesn't become someone who would act the role of a hero. Indeed, 'Why?' is the question isn't it? I've been asking myself that for a couple days now... ever since I had my own version of this awakening. Rejoice, savior, that for you this is only a dream-spell, for me, my awakening was my reality.

"You really want to know why I've done this? I did it because I needed to give you a basis with which to understand me. You think me evil - and on the one hand, I am - but no more so by my own choosing than you would be in this little pocket dimension I've created for you. In this pseudo-reality, you have awakened to discover a history mapped out for you, suggestive of evil deeds and amoral decisions that objectively are difficult to digest... What if I told you that I too have had this experience? Two days ago... probably - and here I make an educated guess - the exact moment you magically appeared in these woods."

She made a broad gesture, indicating the land at large. "I recall it vividly, for it has weighed on my mind every waking moment. I stood before the Darkness in the tower, amidst a ceremony most foul, blood on my knife and an innocent man dying on the alter before me. 'How came I to this place?' I thought in horror. And memories were etched within me, telling a tale of a woman who had done terrible things for power and desire, and that woman was me - only I did not feel that I had chosen any of it. Not truly. It was a nightmare I was waking into. Just as you have done here in my dream-spell, only mark me young man... mine is far, far worse. And there are powers... the Darkness itself, and an intelligence next to which my so-called master pales. They would snuff me out were I to deviate from the path set for me. I walk a tight rope in a nightmare reality not of my own making, and there is no net, nor guiding voice. I am alone. My personality is forged for me, and my rational side is locked away, only to speak in dream-states like this, where all may be discarded as a lie or contrivance..."

The Dark Bishop stood up from her bed then and crossed over until she stood in front of him. She was taller than him by about half a foot. Her long legs, perfectly shaped, shone out from the cleverly cut folds of her robes, displaying the supple milky flesh before him tantalizingly.

"I brought you here to show you that there is a side to all this that goes beyond mere good and evil. I brought you here not to ask you to join with me. In fact, I've brought you here to ask the opposite."

The Dark Bishop did a strange thing then. She knelt down before him and bowed her head in a submissive posture.

"I'm asking you to save me. Save me from my own nightmare."
Re: Gordon (Sponge)

It took him a couple seconds for that to sink in. She wants.... help!? It could be a trap. People are very persuasive and she could just be appealing to your personality to need to help everybody. Still...

He took a long pause, trying to make sense of this. "So... your saying that you were created by something? Given a personality, a form, and a past that you didn't choose. It was a terrible one, yet there was nothing you could do about it and you had to live through that hell. Similar is this situation, I woke up in an environment that tells me I did actions that I would never do on my own free will." So far, he thought he at least understood that.
"Furthermore, your a puppet and are unable to communicate or speak to me, which makes sense as you are probably located far away from here and out of physical reach. So the best and secretive way would to be doing it through a spell such as this. But you wanted me to know you wanted help, that way when I first encountered you, I wouldn't kill you on the spot without hesitation, like you accurately predicted I most likely would have, since giving the enemy a brief chance is stupid."

Alot of his temper had vanished, and now replaced with more confusion and bafflement. "So not only are you not the dark energies root, their is a much more powerful being controlling you. Wouldn't it be able to sense your doing this though? And how do you expect me to help you? I have no clue how the powers work, and if anything you understand magic much more then I do. And if you said you were created, wouldn't destroying the source of it kill you?"
He paused, coming to a grim conclusion. "Unless... that's exactly what you want me to do?"