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ACT [GRIMHELM] Alien Quest: Eve (RJ311440)

I thought he leaves the Grimhelm community or still or secret too. I opinion he is Christian very serious and faith in God. He didn't want to bad encourage of sex effects desire i think so

Mate, if he is super christian then he wouldn't have made this game in the first place.
I still dunno how he even got to that conclusion, that wouldn't even exist in my mind lol.
If god didn't approve of hentai games, then he would not have created me.
let's not talk about religion since...
well this is hentai forum dammit! If I want to go full-on religion I'll go to the church, not hentai forum...

btw no update huh...
our Church of Oppai will seize this Holy Forum from the Heretical Pettan Worshipper
PECTUS VULT! (dammit Google Translate thought I am talking about books instead of boobs...)

btw there's still no update huh... sorry to necro but seriously he needs to at least update his progress once a month...

because sometimes some people will think that this game is dead in development if there's no new news for a minimal one month in their development blogs (it's not just for the game update or something, I think it is okay to just update the blog and say 'hey I'm still working on this game' rather than dead silence)
"Some people" need to develop a bit of patience.

While that is true, not every case is similar, when an author is working using Patreon or whatever, some kind of progress report is not a bad thing to do, since you have people supporting monetarily your work.
That being said, I'm no patron but looking at his blog it seems that his last post was just 1 month ago, so it's not like there's a "dead" silence.
At the end of the day, all we can do is wait patiently.
"Some people" need to develop a bit of patience.
There's patience and there's "Developer vanished off the face of the earth for almost a year with no word or updates, patreon closed, and other signs he might be permanently out of commission", and then we got 0.13 out of the blue

I'm not demanding anything but goddamn, just say something once in a while. Thankfully we're still getting small snippets.
Yes, this is a regular thing he does. He did it during the making of Maid and Dungeon and now here. I say take as much time as much time as he needs. Dudes stuff is quality.