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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic eased Suzy off the blonde. She was the unknown here, how far would she go with Rika. Right now neither Suzy nor Kita were seriously hurting the woman, however, so she wasn't one to object at this stage, though she did have something to say on other matters. "What if the others come back and we aren't here, guys." As she said this, Rika assumed the hostage position, hands on her head. She'd cooperate for now, in hopes of not getting hurt to badly later.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy shook as if frostbitten as the medic gently pulled her away, jaw chattering as she stared around. Quite obviously the girl was on the verge of some form of insanity, worked up into a frothing panic about her rape-spawn's locations, and safety. Even the ginger girl herself couldn't fathom why she was so upset, and mad, at the back of her mind a bit of common sense remained, telling her that she shouldn't care. That voice was also rather sadistic, and was whispering to her panicked fore-mind that she now had Rika here, hostage, vulnerable to be exposed to all the suffering that she'd put Suzy, Alexis, Sara and Abi through. The voice talked of all the horribly wonderful things she could do right now, if only she would snap to her senses and forget about the damned squid.

Instead, Suzy failed to heed the voice, and sat, shaking, before looking at the medic. "A-A-Alexis...? Sh-she... Yes, I... We should find her too! W-we should all go and look! Y-yes!" she stuttered madly, making to stand again, eyes swinging around, desperately searching for any sign of her lost offspring.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Right, the other gals are out there, we should keep an eye on them, now we're better armed," she replied. "So, shall we go that way? We can always lock this brat in the closet..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic sighed, then thought of a plan. "I can stay here or go inform the others what you're doing if you want to go find these "babies"." The medic looked at Rika. "If you're intent on keeping her, I suggest you keep her close to whoever winds up with the rifle." There was also something unspoken in her voice. She was upset with Rika too, but didn't want to be the one to harm the blonde.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's face lit up. "Yes! Yes! I'll go, you two, uh, you two can do other things, I need to find them! Yes, tell Alexis I went to look for them, I'll..." she said, rising to her feet, and starting to walk shakily down the corridor, vaguely remembering the directions back to the squid pit, but looking into every room she found on the way, checking for her children, or a weapon she could use. She was still sane enough to know she needed defending, if only just, and that grasp was tenuous at best.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita continued to look at Suzy with a mix of pity and confusion, though she couldn't leave the medic to any more torture for getting free. "It may be best that I stay here, I don't want you getting hurt. That and, well... I think Suzy needs some tending...."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic nodded before following Suzy towards the arena. "Might be best to get some place to hide, that room is pretty secure." The woman guestured to where they'd been recently bound together. She hurried to catch up the distraught redhead, placing a hand on her shoulder to let her know she wasn't alone. Kita was left alone with Rika still at gunpoint.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Kita grinned evily as she gestured Rika into the the room. "In ya get, I'm sure we'll have PLENTY to talk about in detail..." she said, it was hard to tell if Kita herself had snapped or if she was planning to be quite interesting with her interrogations.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

(Actually going to seperate the thread this time, as this might be a big one)
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy jumped as the medic caught up to her, and whipped around, eyes sparkling feverishly. "Wh-what? H-hi! Errr, what?" she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice, before turning away again, resuming her frantic room searching as she worked her way towards the arena. She didn't much care at the moment who was with her, being too preoccupied with the thoughts of the little squid rushing headlong through her head.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

As the two proceeded along, the medic tried her best to comfort the redhead while still keeping her distance. She didn't want to give Suzy unwanted attention. Though, with the wailing going on from outside and other parts of the building, a little close contact might be just what the doctor ordered.

Their trek ended at the bars to the arena floor. It was currently unoccupied, unguarded, and unlocked. The medic made sure to get ahead of Suzy, as to scout out the area before the girl could just rush in. However the area was indeed clear, and she stepped back to allow the solider to go ahead if she so desired.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Throughout the journey the ginger girl was mostly ignorant of the medic's attempts to comfort or calm her, and when they reached the arena gate, Suzy rushed past the other woman, eyes wide and smiling, convinced that she was about to find her quarry. As such, she sprinted past, giggling slightly, going full pelt across the obstacle course in her way, not much caring for the occasional slip in the puddles of cum lying everywhere.

When she reached the end, Suzy almost slammed into the metal bars blocking the area the adult squid resided in, and peered inside, panting slightly. Her face had retaken the mad look from earlier, but looked desperate as well. Her enlarged bust pressed against the bars, squishing part way inbetween a couple, but she didn't care. Nothing else mattered.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

It was dark in the squid cage. It took Suzy a moment to make out the forms within. There six adult squids were resting against a wall. She didn't spot the babies at first, but then she saw them. They were crawling around the large squids' tentacles, still in their seemingly good mood. They cooed a bit when they saw Suzy, but did not make any moves towards her, content to play around the legs of the others.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's eyes widened when she saw the babies, and her lower jaw began shaking. She simply couldn't believe it. She'd found them. However, they were behind bars, and in the clutches of their fathers. Tears sprung unbidden to the ginger girls eyes, and she began rattling the bars furiously, crying out unintelligible nothings loudly, trying to get past the last obstacle between herself and her children. The girl couldn't care less about the rapist monsters there, only about getting to her offspring and escaping.

Eventually, she started crying words, things like "Come on! L-let me in! I need them! Please!" rushing past her lips as she continued her fruitless endeavours to get inside.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Fortunately, the gate controls were up top, on the platform, or else Suzy would have had a real chance of endangering herself and the medic. As it was the other woman came up behind her to pull the redhead away from the gate. She was a bit confused as to how these things were Suzy's babies, but she knew the woman needed to get a grip, fast. "Look, I know you're upset, but we can't open this gate. It isn't safe. They... seem to be fine, you can relax."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy collapsed weakly into the medics arms, reaching out pathetically for the bars still. "B-b-but... I... I know! They're fine! But, I want them! They're mine... They can't take them away from me..." she cried out, moving to get up, but failing, instead sinking to her knees on the floor, shaking uncontrollably as she stared into the dark depths. They were there. They were safe. They were happy. But they weren't in her arms, and that was where she wanted them to be. She had come all this way, just to hold them close, and now the girl couldn't get to them, they were tantalisingly close, but just out of her reach.

"Come on... Come to mummy, come on! I'm here!" she pleaded to the little squid, reaching out for them once more, before sinking back into the medics arms again, trembling weakly. She stayed like this for a few more minutes, staring in shock and dismay, but not crying. Tears welled up in the corners of Suzy's eyes, but didn't burst free.

Eventually, she sat up again, and sighed, crawling forwards again to reach through the bars towards the beasts, hoping at least one of them would get the message and come over towards her. If she couldn't hold them, the least she could get was a bit of contact...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The baby squids honored the request, slowly crawling towards the outstreched arm. They kept up their stream of wierd baby noises as they moved. The adults did nothing to stop them as they slowly squirmed around Suzy's hand. They'd dodge out of the way if she tried to grab onto one, more out of playfullnes then actualy trying to stay out of her grip. They were slimey, but it felt nice on Suzy's hands for some reason.

After awhile, the babies once again retreated back to the others, seemingly bored for the moment, leaving the medic to hold onto Suzy.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's face broke into a smile as the squid came over to play with her hand, and tried fruitlessly to gather them up in her arms to hug them. The slimy tentacles felt... Right. They felt like they should be there, on or in her arms. When they bored of the poor girl and slithered away, she held her hand out for a few more seconds, then drooped, and withdrew.

The short woman held her slimed hand for a few seconds, then hugged it to her chest, glancing up once more at the babies, before sighing, and slowly rising to her feet. Suddenly, the girl felt incredibly tired, and sore, and miserable, and her wrists hurt... All the negative feelings that had been pushed away by her insane search for the squid came rushing back, and it was enough to make her blink, and sag a bit, stumbling to the side a couple of steps.

However, with those, her sanity returned. Most of it at least. She turned to look at the medic, her eyes no longer with their mad lustre, but normal. "I'm... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry, I... I just got so... I don't know. That's it, I d-don't know what's going on..." she stuttered, rather pathetically, and took a few steps forwards, before turning around to look at the darkened room once more, and sighing again.

"I'm Suzy... Corporal Suzanna Biggs... Yes..." she continued quietly, talking to herself as she pulled the dog tags from under her shirt to stare at them, quietly chattering to herself for a few more seconds, reminding herself over and over again of her identity, switching between her nickname and full rank and name frequently.

When she was finished, Suzy slid the dog tags back down her shirt, and inhaled deeply, staring at the ceiling. Then she sighed again, and looked back at the medic. "... I... I think we should go now... I... I want... I want to keep them, but I can't. Not while you're here and the big ones are squirming about... I..." she said slowly, before trailing off, and looking at the ground.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic came over close to Suzy, offering her support if she needed it. "Don't worry, how about we take you back to my station real fast and see if we have anything to make you feel better. We can also see if everyone else is back yet, and how the fighting is going. I don't think we're being attacked by humans, else the fight would be over by now." The woman waited for Suzy to get the strength to walk with her, then took her back out of the arena at a slow pace, headed for the stall with the first aid kit near where Kita had hidden with Rika.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy looked up at the medic, smiling weakly. "Yes... I would like that... What... What are you suggesting? And... Yes... But... Does that mean monsters are attacking? Oh no! Alexis! Sara and Abi! They can't go running about without anything to defend themselves! Gah... Please, umm... Let's go quickly, we... We should go find them, or... Or go back to where they told us to wait... Oh, I don't know any more..." she said, getting worked up again as she thought about Alexis' danger. Her heart was yearning for some tender love, and if she couldn't get it from her children, and couldn't get it from Alexis, at least until they were reunited.

As it was, she was fidgeting nervously as they reached the medics office, getting stressed again. She obviously still hadn't recovered properly...