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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis was busy looking around, before finding a beat up burlap sack, then ripped a piece off. "Ugh, we'll need a gag... She took her hand off the woman's mouth just long enough to shove it in and tie some around the back of her head, before grabbing both arms. She led as they double timed it back to the store room, the guards too busy looking outside to notice.

Back in the saftey, or near saftey of the room, Alexis finally responded to Suzy's earlier statements. "The fact that it took someone this long to go look for Rika makes me think we have time on our side. I wouldn't worry just yet."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Back in the store, Suzy let the sister to the ground, blushing still. She sat back, and made her pistol safe again, picking up her rifle instead. Sighing, she started talking again. "I guess... I hope you're right, Alexis... If... If something happened to you lot, it would be all my fault..." she murmured, before falling silent again, and staring at the helpless sister. She didn't like the thoughts of how bad this could go, but tried to ignore it for now, and said to Alexis "I'm just going to fetch her rifle, it lying around won't be a good thing. Give me a sec.".

Then, she set her own rifle aside once more, and dashed across the room again, picking up the woman's rifle, and dashing back. She had been sprinting, and so when she got back, her face was flushed a little more, her breathing oh so slightly heavier, though she quickly regained control, and sat back down.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

There was another round of firing out the windows as Suzy ran, adding to the tenseness of the situation, but the redhead managed. When she got back Alexis had the woman's hand and feet tied as she was proped up against a wall. Alexis was looking at her, sort of, more like through her. Probably contemplating if any of them should give the girl a few good hits.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy joined Alexis in staring at the woman helpless before them, debating with herself whether to start on her like she wanted to do so much to Rika. But then she mentally slapped herself, grimacing. She was thinking like as bad a monster as Rika was, but the urge was rather strong. Her most effective counter, however, was the fact that her nether regions were still quite damp, and she still hadn't figured out why, though hell if she was going to ask anyone else if they knew. She was feeling awkward enough around them already because of how rash she'd been and insecurity about her changed body, the ginger girl was not going to add another thing to her list of those to feel bad about. Instead, she voiced a thought. "So... What... What are we going to do with her? I... She's Rika's sister. I think. And I don't know what's happening with her, but I can guess she's looking for the bitch..." she said out loud, even though mostly musing to herself.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I'm almost tempted to remove the gag and ask her what we should with her, ya know." Alexis walked up and stared right into the woman's eyes. "Come over here and help me, and be ready incase she decides to scream." Alexis pulled out the knife and left it for Suzy to pick up.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's eyes lit up in shock. She hadn't expected Alexis to be like this. She eagerly stepped up and picked up the discarded knife, twirling it around her fingers before stopping it in a backhand grip, crouching down next to the sister, not holding the blade in a threatening fashion, but a sadistic grin plastered across her pale features to let the other woman's imagination keep her quiet. "Well, depends which way you want me to stop her from screaming, Alexis." she bubbled happily, finally getting a trace of confidence back.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"I'll leave that up to you." Alexis turned her attention back to their hostage. Threats could be more powerful then actions, most of the time. With the gag removed, the woman kept eyeing the two redheads, but didn't scream. Alexis rested a hand on her shoulder as she began asking questions. "So, where were you going in such a hurry, Miss....?" "It's Tara, and yes, we need Rika to tell us how to get rid of these damned zombies. You better let me go or..." Alexis interupted with a slap. "How long till you go missing?" Tara looked angry, and refused to answer, but did not call for help, yet.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's eyes widened when Alexis slapped Tara, and her grin broadened. She hadn't expected for Alexis to be so willing to interrogate her. She looked up at Alexis, and said "Alexis... If you want, you can just ask the questions. I'll do the rest..."

As she spoke, the ginger girl's eyes sparkled maliciously, her grin baring her teeth as she turned once more to look at Tara, twirling the knife into a forehand grip and lowering it a little closer to their captive to indicate what 'the rest' might be...
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis held out a hand to stop Suzy. "Now now, she's being mostly cooperative." She then turned back to Tara. "I'm sure you understand we just want to be safe here. We won't hurt you as long as you tell us what you want to know..." Tara seemed to think about the words for a second. "They're busy, they won't send someone looking for awhile. I just want to make sure Rika is okay. We already lost Sabrina..." The blonde was doing a good job of playing the roll of the victim, and Alexis was content with that answer, letting the issue drop. "Okay Suzy, it looks like we won't need the knife, we'll keep our guest comfortable, for now..."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's grin faded a little, and she sat back, twisting the knife around to lay it on her lap. This had been too easy, but she was still uncomfortable with what could go wrong here. Worry was building up in her for if Tara was incorrect, even if it was by accident. Two people going missing one after another would arouse suspicion, and a search party may be sent out a little earlier than expected. She had been hoping to distract herself from this with Tara, but now Alexis didn't want her to, and Suzy was not going to do anything unless the redhead asked her. She pushed back against the wall, concern and misery beginning to appear on her features once more as she watched whatever Alexis would do to Tara.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Despite the slight sarcasm, Alexis did not harm Tara further, or even gag her again. For her part, Tara didn't scream, though she did seem understandably a bit anxious. "Suzy, you up to guarding her? I'll be right out here in the hall, watching the warehouse and the two at the door." They were kinda stretched to cover everything they needed to, Alexis slid out the door and out of sight, shutting the door behind her.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy nodded at Alexis' request, and watched the redhead go, helplessly staring at her ass, still slightly horny. However, when the door closed, she blinked a few times, and stared back at Tara. "Well now, sorry for tackling you and all that, but... You know, you people do horrible things. Horrible, horrible things. And Rika... Seems just a bit too into it. You know, since we're here, I'd wonder if you'd like to see just how I intend to repay your sister for all the misery she's put us, innocent people through. But no..." Suzy sighed, and shook her head, before continuing. "As far as I know, you're just a minion in this place, I, very fortunately for you, can't justify showing you what I mean, so..." she trailed off again, content to let her weapons lay still, rifle behind her back, pistol in her largest pocket, and knife resting on her lap, waiting for Tara's reply.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Tara squirmed nerviously against the wall. "We're just doing what needs to be done. It isn't our fault you're in the way." She had a bit of fire in her, just like Rika, but the restraints reminded her that she couldn't do anything right now, and she slumped a bit more against the wall, defeated.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy grimaced, and made to stand up, picking up her knife again. "Oh, shut the fuck up. What you do is in absolutely no way fucking necessary. You torture and rape innocents in return for some other bastard's idiocy? Give me a fucking break. We came in here to trade, and now look what's going on, bitch. Rika's being held elsewhere, I don't know what's happening to her, but tough shit. Give me some justification for what you do, before I rip your fucking throat out." she snarled, cheeks flushing with sudden anger. She had a 'punishment' in mind, that would benefit her as well. True, it was simply taking a leaf out of Abi's book, but Suzy felt it would work well. Then, she realised what she was thinking, and scrunched her eyes shut for a moment. She was being such a hypocrite to think like that!
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Tara made as if to get up when she heard Rika's name, then settled down again when Suzy came closer. "You want a justification. Survival, plain and simple!" It was clear the girl was trying to be tough, but not doing all that good a job, her voice wavered a bit as she spoke.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"You could survive plenty well enough without the shit you do! At the very fucking least, you could try asking some questions before tossing people in with your pet squids!" Suzy hissed, getting closer and closer, until she knelt down next to Tara, the tip of the blade almost poking her chest. The ginger girl knew full well that she wouldn't be torturing Tara, but the blonde didn't. Suzy believed she was scaring the captive, and to try and reinforce that, brought her malicious grin back up to her face as she lightly prodded Tara with the knife, not hard enough to even do any damage to her clothes, just to reinforce that it was still there, and to give the impression Suzy was willing to use it.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Tara stared wide eyed at Suzy for a long time, but eventually she grew acustomed to the knife poking her. "Talking... isn't going to get us anywere... I don't think." The girl was scared, but she was also brave. She didn't seem to freeze as much as Rika either.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy's smile only broadened, and she sat back. "Perhaps you're right, perhaps talking won't get us anywhere. But if that's the case, then what are we going to do, huh? I'm stuck here, you're stuck here, and sitting still will be boring, hmm?" she said, smiling slyly at Tara. She didn't actually have anything in mind, she wasn't going to do anything particularly unpleasant to the blonde unless she gave better reasons to do so, so now she just waited to see if Tara could supply a better past time for her, or failing that, simply waiting for Alexis.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Tara slightly slinked away from Suzy, as much as she could with both her hands and feet bound. She was shivering, as if cold. "I know you have total power right now. I'm sure there are many ways you can think of to humiliate me. Just don't physically hurt me and I won't scream."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy giggled harshly, spinning the knife around in her hand absent mindedly. "I'm sure I can, but I don't really want to. At the moment. I do in fact have ideas, but you don't want them, I'm sure, and I'd be a hypocrite to try and force them on you." she said slowly, and Tara might've noticed that one of Suzy's hands was inbetween her bent legs. She was still struggling with her unwanted high libido, and was getting wet again at the thought of what she could do to the blonde. Several things held her back though. It would be as humiliating for her as it would for Tara, she'd be being unfaithful to Alexis, and she'd be being a massive hypocrite having just bitched about what these people did. To Tara though, Suzy just looked down for a moment, face turning bright red as her hand remained hidden between her now crossed legs. If she really tried, the blonde captive might have been able to smell Suzy's unbidden excitement.