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Happy New Year!

Re: Happy New Year!

Oh, trust me, I know the odds on winning the lotto, but one never knows. As I say "Lord, let me prove that winning the lotto will not change who I am, and in fact, it may make me an even more generous person."

Because trust me, if I won a sum of money that would enable me to not work and live comfortably, I'd be buying things for folks like you wouldn't believe. And if work thought I was snarky *now,* well, let's just say I likely wouldn't be *quitting* my job if I won.
Re: Happy New Year!

I'd burn my workplace down if I won the lotto. But then, there would be a great many other things I would do if I won as well.
Re: Happy New Year!

If I won, I would keep about half, give a quarter to my family, and the rest to various foundations like sick kids and such.
Re: Happy New Year!

I could never burn the store down, no matter how much I hate my job. I love the books too much *laughs* Except for 75% of the young adult novels. Those can go.

And yeah, it'd likely be divided up into "support myself," "spoil myself and friends," "donations to worthy causes." At least I don't have to worry about adding "Pay off the college loans" to that list anymore, weeeeooo!
Re: Happy New Year!

I'd burn my workplace down if I won the lotto. But then, there would be a great many other things I would do if I won as well.

Buy Valve and take over as CEO, then give the scout some good unlocks? That's what I'd do if I won the lottery.
Re: Happy New Year!

Lucas' New Years Eve consisted of staying in the computer room while his mother talked with the coworker/boss she invited from work talking in the other room.

Lucas' New Years Day consisted of walking in on them during afterglow. Lucas now wishes he was dead. Please kill him.
Re: Happy New Year!

You know, when you get down to the base maths and statistics, the lotto is no different to a common slot machine. A very high jackpot, low buy in, impossibly small win chance... slot machine.

If you drive more than a mile to buy lottery tickets you have better odds of getting in a car accident than winning. I walk to the supermarket though, so I'm okay.
Re: Happy New Year!

If I won the lottery I'd get myself a house and buy all the things I've wanted but not had the money to buy. Sure, I'd make sure not to touch about a quarter of it so I could live off the interest, but the rest of it would be spent all over the place.
Re: Happy New Year!

Is it ironic that I fell asleep at nine PM on New Years Eve, when I don't think I've gone to sleep before two AM in the last ten years.

Poor Lucas. *shoots in the head*

Unfortunately if I won the lottery, I think I would probably get hit by a semi truck three seconds later. Killing me instantly.
Re: Happy New Year!

If I won a lottery I'd move somewhere warmer(after finishing my degree, that is).
Re: Happy New Year!

If I won the lottery I'd get a small apartment, a PS3, all the games I wanted, a bloody good desktop, and the best broadband I could get my hands on. After that, the rest can just sit and gather interest for me.
Re: Happy New Year!

Lucas' New Years Eve consisted of staying in the computer room while his mother talked with the coworker/boss she invited from work talking in the other room.

Lucas' New Years Day consisted of walking in on them during afterglow. Lucas now wishes he was dead. Please kill him.


. . . Act traumatized! Milk it for all it's worth! XD
Re: Happy New Year!

Lucas' New Years Eve consisted of staying in the computer room while his mother talked with the coworker/boss she invited from work talking in the other room.

Lucas' New Years Day consisted of walking in on them during afterglow. Lucas now wishes he was dead. Please kill him.

That's just... wrong. Is your mom still married to your dad? *Loads shotgun.
Re: Happy New Year!

No, my parents have been divorced about 19 years. The whole thing doesn't bother me; it's the fact that I saw the guys hairy ass that is haunting me. T_______T
Re: Happy New Year!

Well, that sucks. Not what anyone ever wants to walk in to. Any last words? *Presses shotgun to Lucas head.
Re: Happy New Year!

Just make sure to yell "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" when you decapitate me.
Re: Happy New Year!

So be it! THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!! *Squeezes the trigger, and a little flag that says "bang" pops out of the shotgun.