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ADV Harenchi Detective Story


Grim Reaper
Aug 16, 2013
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Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Thanks for the upload. I'm always glad to see more To Love-Ru related stuff :)
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Not sure if its a false positive or a true one but someone else should scan it and verify it: LemoNovel.swf seems to contain the exploit EXP/CVE-2011-0611
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Not sure if its a false positive or a true one but someone else should scan it and verify it: LemoNovel.swf seems to contain the exploit EXP/CVE-2011-0611

Scanned with AVG and ESET, nothing found.

This seems to be a AVG game, although I wonder why Flash was used.

Basic plot, you're an unname student that apprantly is part of the same school enforcement team as Yui.

It's a mystery solving game, and through out, the princinpal will appear and ask the PC to do H-stuff, you can choose to ignore or do it, raising or failing affection.

1. First case, the Mystrious Phantom Thief that is also a murderer, The only clue is she wears black underwear, you and Yui go undercover to her next location, a party that the school is hosting for a necklace, YOu go in as a student photographer, and Yui as a bunny girl.

2. Rito, Lala and Golden Darkness are missing, are they related to the Phantom thief that can change her look to be that of anyone?

3. Saki Tenjouin, Why is she trying to sneak into the party too, what is her role in the story?

Currently reached Ch.3 so far.
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Is there any actual sex? Or its mostly ecchi and groping?
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

That guy in the suit looks like an odd cross between Robotonik and Hitler
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Don't care if the game is only ecchi & groping.
Seeing Kotegawa had own game makes me want to download it :p
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Well... I'm stuck in a permanent loop.

After something with a necklace, and explosions, and a phoenix, I keep looping back. ANyone knows what do I have to choose? I imagine the problem is on the "battle" (?) at the end of the sequence, with the colored 4 groups of 4 choices...?

Any help?

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Re: Harenchi Detective Story

nice game? my anti-virus say NG then deleted it
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Could some give a quick translation of choice or walkthrough
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

It looks like they remade their previous game from last year, and used To-Love-Ru characters instead of Harenchi Gakuen characters.

If you look at the previous game, the previews are almost exactly the same.
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Well... I'm stuck in a permanent loop.

After something with a necklace, and explosions, and a phoenix, I keep looping back. ANyone knows what do I have to choose? I imagine the problem is on the "battle" (?) at the end of the sequence, with the colored 4 groups of 4 choices...?

Any help?


Well, quoting myself is a bit weird, but i received this PM today, it might help other people also stuck in this part.

Elseria said:
Hi there!

I've been struggling with coming up with the solution for the multiple choice portion of Harenchi Detective Story, and I noticed that you also posted about being stuck on that part. After guessing for 2 hours, I decided that brute force just wasn't worth it and decided it would be faster to just try to open up the script directly and find the solution in there.

Well, that took a little bit longer than I expected, but on the bright side I did find the correct answers!
In that 4x4 section of the quiz, the solution is: 2, 3, 2, 3.

I don't have posting privileges for some reason or another, so if you don't mind, could you post this solution in that thread too? I'm sure there are at least a few other people struggling with it. Thanks!

Thanks to Elseria for this!

Re: Harenchi Detective Story

I'm stuck on the 6 pin password for the computer. Does anyone have this?
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

I'm stuck there as well and it's been just impossible to figure it out when the clues are all unintelligible to me.

I assume it has something to do with the demons in the picture frames, seeing as there are 6 of them. But... how do they fit in?

In order of appearance;

1 - Buer (10)
2 - Bael (1)
3 - HalPhas (38)
4 - Andras (63)
5 - Orobas (55)
6 - Decarbia (69)

But how do they work here?! I've tried the first and last number of each name. But then the book mentions 72 and so does the PC, does that mean something? Where does the 72 come from? Is it a demon that isn't shown? I'M GOING INSANE! - This game better have some kind of sexy pay off for this shit.
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

the note in the safe is also for the password
it says something like

If you forget the password, use this memo
enter the password in the following order"

then it's the red japanese characters. i cant get what those are saying
something like
pigeon, head, 55, book, foot, star
together it says something like "five hosiashi five-legged pigeon head"

(using google translate on phone)

Elseria said:
Hi there!

I also got stuck at the password problem, so once again I searched through the script for it.

Here's the solution: 381069. How does it make sense? I have no idea. On another note, that's the only annoying puzzle in that game left, so you shouldn't have to worry about anything else. Anyways, if you could edit your last post and put the solution in there, that'd be great! Thanks!

also, that's close to what I got. i just had it in the wrong order
So, what I did was match the demons with the book and then place it in order from right to left, then I tried it from left to right and then I got this PM. So, yeah.
what I got: 316980
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Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Game won't allow me to load >.>
Re: Harenchi Detective Story

Hi, does anyone know how to back at any time like the pictures? to avoid all over again each time between saves points for a wrong choice


or is that one can help me for the first choice of 4 with jewels? (I do not know how to grieve explain the stage: 第2章(2-3)終了) at the end I'm wrong and I find that they not answer.