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The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the idea of 'gender' is being disassociated with 'sex'. Because the two have been used synonymously for so long they might as well mean the same thing.

Now there are women without vaginas !

Those that want to use a bathroom, changing room, or locker room because they 'identify' with the word printed on the door. Words that were misused because there was no difference between the terms 'gender' or 'sex' and a distinction that was meant to be made based upon sex, the organs you have, not whatever YOU decide you are.

Call yourself a dragon for all I care. But don't expect a warm welcome in the dragon's room if you don't have scales or fire-breath.

Conversation are weird as it is sometimes if you don't know how to address someone. Now people are going on with this weird fad of being called "they" or "ze". OK, you don't have a gender that's cool, but don't have a cow when someone you don't know or cares for you get's the pronoun wrong.

I don't care if your a biological guy and your prefer "she" as a pronoun that's OK and vise versa. This "ze" crap, no, just..... no, your not a robot, you are a meat person and all meat creatures have a gender.

From now on, if anyone tells me to use "ze" to refer to them, i'm going to say "it" or "the bitch" as your pronoun instead.

Sorry to everyone, I'm not trying to be rude, but I hate this crap and the fact
that everyone must conform to use these pronouns.


Demon Girl
Aug 24, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

I truly fucking hate with all my soul dubs...be it anime, games or movies, if it is dubed to me its shit...


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the idea of 'gender' is being disassociated with 'sex'. Because the two have been used synonymously for so long they might as well mean the same thing.
Actually, gender and sex ARE two completely different things. The fact that we've forgotten that is the core of the utterly ridiculous fights we're having about it now.

Gender is biological. Sex is an action.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO correlation between biological gender and sexual attraction/orientation, except what has been culturally enforced. From a scientific standpoint, studies of the animal kingdom as a whole indicate that the default setting for mammals is bisexuality.

Right now, we've got the issue that too many arrogant, self-absorbed ingrates looking to pick a fight are equating gender (of which there are two, with a tiny-percentage mutation of both) with sexual orientation (of which there are probably as many as there are individuals in the species).



Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

[Sc8]Hardware;931775 said:
Gender is biological. Sex is an action.
You're wrong.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

On the topic of mammals as well. Bisexuality is only present in a scant few species of mammals, however it *is* true interestingly enough that with a large amount of mammal species that there is a percentage of homosexual mammals in similar number to human rates.

Sex is actually the one that is described as biological in definition, in the ancient root words no longer in practice, they had a gender for neuters, so it's clear that they were more concerned with the hormonal state of the person in their classification, which is fine with me as it is logical. People who just claim they are some made up bullshit without having any biological differences or hormonal medication can fuck off.


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
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Re: Hate Thread

From now on, if anyone tells me to use "ze" to refer to them, i'm going to say "it" or "the bitch" as your pronoun instead.

Sorry to everyone, I'm not trying to be rude, but I hate this crap and the fact
that everyone must conform to use these pronouns.
If I remember well, there was a school/uni enforcing that, where people began to trolling the new rule by asking that we refer to them as "Shitlord", "Dark ruler of Darkness", etc :p
This underlines the utter nonsense of this newspeak.
Honestly I wouldn't care if it wasn't something enforced by an official rule, because people would just shrug it of and do something else.
You can ask people to refer as whatever you want, but they shouldn't be forced to comply, else it's just bullying.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

If I remember well, there was a school/uni enforcing that, where people began to trolling the new rule by asking that we refer to them as "Shitlord", "Dark ruler of Darkness", etc :p
This underlines the utter nonsense of this newspeak.
Honestly I wouldn't care if it wasn't something enforced by an official rule, because people would just shrug it of and do something else.
You can ask people to refer as whatever you want, but they shouldn't be forced to comply, else it's just bullying.
That is however the crux of the problem. If I decide you're female and refer to you as such I'm forcing my view reality (the correct one) onto you. If you decide you are female and I have to refer to you as such you're forcing your view of reality onto me.

Not that I actually believe in the new-age hugs and fun carebare bullshit of feelings being more important than facts, but that's the counter-argument we're going to get hit with.

Thus society must come to a consensus in lieu of individual prerogative. I vote for: You are referred to as the sex you were born as, until such time as techniques beyond the crude butchery that is sexual reassignment surgery or the laughably effective hormone therapy are developed. I.E. After undergoing the process you display all primary and secondary sexual characteristics as well as fully functioning reproductive organs (I know sounds a bit redundant, but still needs to be included). And no, transplants don't count, ya gotta grow your own.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

That is however the crux of the problem. If I decide you're female and refer to you as such I'm forcing my view reality (the correct one) onto you. If you decide you are female and I have to refer to you as such you're forcing your view of reality onto me.

Not that I actually believe in the new-age hugs and fun carebare bullshit of feelings being more important than facts, but that's the counter-argument we're going to get hit with.

Thus society must come to a consensus in lieu of individual prerogative. I vote for: You are referred to as the sex you were born as, until such time as techniques beyond the crude butchery that is sexual reassignment surgery or the laughably effective hormone therapy are developed. I.E. After undergoing the process you display all primary and secondary sexual characteristics as well as fully functioning reproductive organs (I know sounds a bit redundant, but still needs to be included). And no, transplants don't count, ya gotta grow your own.
I mean yeah there's some truth there, but look at it like this, If I put your brain in a real female body, will you refer yourself as a guy or girl?

I hate the feeling of fatigue.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I mean yeah there's some truth there, but look at it like this, If I put your brain in a real female body, will you refer yourself as a guy or girl?

I hate the feeling of fatigue.
Impossible, you'd have to grow the body out of DNA similar enough to mine that it wouldn't attack my brain. Thus you'd need my DNA, which you won't be able to acquire in any way, shape, or form. (Though that brings to mind an interesting question, could one use modified DNA of a person to create an opposite gender body that would be able to accept a transplanted brain? I mean wouldn't the nervous system end up being too different?)

Nor will you be abducting me against my will, I AM armed dangerous and will not be taken alive. Getting the jump on me is impossible because of the area in which I live. Seriously, no one comes here.

Now that we've established exactly how foolish your proposition is I'll answer your question. Neither, I'd kill myself (or at least the bodies, until it became such a financial burden you'd have to stop) at the earliest opportunity. I will not be a woman.


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Re: Hate Thread

Impossible, you'd have to grow the body out of DNA similar enough to mine that it wouldn't attack my brain. Thus you'd need my DNA, which you won't be able to acquire in any way, shape, or form. (Though that brings to mind an interesting question, could one use modified DNA of a person to create an opposite gender body that would be able to accept a transplanted brain? I mean wouldn't the nervous system end up being too different?)

Nor will you be abducting me against my will, I AM armed dangerous and will not be taken alive. Getting the jump on me is impossible because of the area in which I live. Seriously, no one comes here.

Now that we've established exactly how foolish your proposition is I'll answer your question. Neither, I'd kill myself (or at least the bodies, until it became such a financial burden you'd have to stop) at the earliest opportunity. I will not be a woman.

Oh dear. >.>

No for you.

I hate that cause trump is president, people think racism is ok. No I don't blame trump, I blame stupid people.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that cause trump is president, people think racism is ok.
People have been thinking it's okay ever since America started describing it as prejudice + power, as if that doesn't just mean *within close proximity and not crippled* or indeed just *with the power to affect somebody's life*. If somebody decides to alter your life for the worse over colour discrimination, and you're white, news flash, there's only one word for what that is, and it's the same word used when the victim is black. Or a rainbow


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

Well, when Obama was president, people (meaning stupid, vocal minorities) said that racism didn't exist because, hey, we elected a black man to the highest office in the nation.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Oh dear. >.>

No for you.

I hate that cause trump is president, people think racism is ok. No I don't blame trump, I blame stupid people.
Haha, nope. Makes me nervous about shadows...


Demon Girl Pro
Apr 27, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that we (the citizens of the US) are starting to condone political violence. Because that's not going to open a floodgate/start down a slippery slope.



Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that we (the citizens of the US) are starting to condone political violence. Because that's not going to open a floodgate/start down a slippery slope.

I hate that it's taken so long. Violence is the quickest route to the resolution of opposing views.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

It certainly may be the "loudest". But even if it is the "quickest", if it comes to the "quickest" and the "best", I'm going to go with the "best". The spread of information is often the "best".

If we apply this to wider scopes, wars aren't even the "quickest".


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Don't care, just want to kill the old rich fucks that run things. Then the useless middle-men.

Do note, that I actually don't support any of the currently active groups, they're useless scum.


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hate Thread

Your solution lacks... pretty much everything.

I hate the term NTRPG. Too many lately god dammit.