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Re: Hate Thread

I hate trips to the emergency room late at night.

I also hate Kidney stones. My poor best friend D:
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who like to brake and drive extremely slow waaaay before their turn off is even coming up. No, its not only old people at all, this is a very common thing that im noticing, and for each person who does it, i hope that they take the turn too fast and flip their cars. You STILL have a reasonable, VERY reasonable amount of driving space before you need to actually turn. Im not asking you to go way too fast just for me, im asking you to go the speed limit at least, not go 10 miles under it because after 3 minutes you want to turn. No, get off the road or Im Shoving you off and into a ditch, and if we both die, im going to drag your soul down to hell with me.
Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of driving: although this isn't dangerous, this new trend pisses me off to no end. There is a circle in my town. There's a few circles around me as a matter of fact. Circles usually have 4 ways into it, but sometimes have up to 6. Now there is only one way to go in a circle, you hit it from whatever road you came on and take a right. Everybody goes around said circle in a counterclockwise motion. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GO IN A CIRCLE, but people still blink into it. Now that doesn't bother me, people are sometimes over protective. And I can understand people who are lazy and generally don't blink at intersections, despite the fact that is dangerous, but it seems EVERY single asshole I'm behind blinks into a circle, and then doesn't blink out. So you're telling me, you had 1 way to go and decided to blink into it. Then you had up to 5 different ways to go and didn't? That isn't lazy, that is willfully retarded, and a giant hold up and danger trap to people who are trying to get into the circle, and the people behind you.
Re: Hate Thread

theoreticaly you blink to show that you are turning in that direction, this is relevent at a circle (we call them round abouts) because it shows your exit destination, in theory. reality is often far far stupider.

also i'd like to see you go into one by turning right down here you silly man.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I know, I forgot, toilets and roundabouts go the opposite way down under.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate idiots in the round-abouts who dart in in front of me.

However circling them a lot while drunk (and having your DD do hit thing and drive) is fun as hell.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate almost getting run over as I walk across a street to get to my car.

to clarify what I'm talking about, it's sort of a T intersection, with lights. When walk sign comes on, I walk. When light turns green, some blind idiots don't see me crossing, and starts turning at super high speeds only to break last second because I'm barely in the middle of the walkway.

I've had this happen like 3 times, and it's not like I walk slow, and I start walking as soon as the walk sign comes on. Some people are just ****s...
Re: Hate Thread

I never trust the walk sign above my own sight. Then again, I'm extremely paranoid and will walk to other corners, just to avoid crossing busy roads. Fuck jaywalking laws, I be wherever the fuck I want, son!
Re: Hate Thread

Their number is growing and I could puke just at their sight.

Bikers with safety vests...


I understand the Austrians have been crushed under the nanny-state "make it safe" bullshit and swallowed the entire bedpan filled to the brink. They are now forced to wear this if they want to enjoy their hobby.

I don't understand why austrian bikers don't chain the people responsible for creating this law to their bikes and drag em to their deaths, but I guess some people are just not meant to be humanitarians like me.

Now here's the kicker: The number of dumb fucks that wear them in my country, where this bullshit is not enforced YET, is increasing. I know they'll force this shit through if just enough pussified airheads obsessed with safety wear them.

The fact that you're riding a damn bike, a howlin motor with two wheels attached, together with working lights front and back, should make you FUCKING VISIBLE IN TRAFFIC.

If some airheaded fuckhead can't see nor hear a goddamn bike during the day or night, then that shitty little vest won't help you. The shitgargling cocksucker is going to kill you. He'll be your death and its not your fault, but you accepted this when you sat on your bike. You agreed to "I'll be first one to die if anyone, not just me, fucks up. But I take that chance because I want my fun". No excuses, no backpedaling, FUCK YOU!

This obsession with safety must stop, it's no longer sensible but bullfuck out of control. I'm just waiting for some yuppie cocksucker to call for padded sidewalks because the dumb shit fell off his bicycle. While wearing a 1000 Euro safety helmet, his ball-strangling racing clothing and several electrical appliances that measure his weak little heartrate and bloodpressure.


"If I mounted a machine-gun on my motorbike, I'd have to reload after every turn" were my fathers words several years back when he taught me how to ride motorbike. Now I know why he said them.
Re: Hate Thread

I understand the Austrians have been crushed under the nanny-state "make it safe" bullshit and swallowed the entire bedpan filled to the brink. They are now forced to wear this if they want to enjoy their hobby.

no we're not
Re: Hate Thread

I hate almost getting run over as I walk across a street to get to my car.

to clarify what I'm talking about, it's sort of a T intersection, with lights. When walk sign comes on, I walk. When light turns green, some blind idiots don't see me crossing, and starts turning at super high speeds only to break last second because I'm barely in the middle of the walkway.

I've had this happen like 3 times, and it's not like I walk slow, and I start walking as soon as the walk sign comes on. Some people are just ****s...

My fiance tells me that I have to wait until the Walking Man says go before I cross the street. If I don't wait for the Walking Man to say go, he'll come for me in the middle of the night and cut off my feet so I can't walk across the street before he says go. My memory goes a little fuzzy at this point but I also distinctly remember her mentioning that Walking Man killed God.

This is case in point for my reasoning to disobey Walking Man and crossing the street WHEN THERE ARE NO CARS COMING.
Re: Hate Thread

Saftey vests for Bikers? I'd be ok with that, considering its how some people get around all the time, it's not just a hobby.

On that note, I hate how some dumbfucks don't wear the proper equipment to ride. I'm looking at you people in shorts and T-shirts.

Oh and I hate how people on bicycles don't follow biking laws. You are on a vehicle and you must go with the flow of traffic, you must wear a helmet, you must have a LIGHT ON AT NIGHT. asdghjkl;
Re: Hate Thread

same thing.

wikipedia said:
Austrians (German: Österreicher) are a nation and ethnic group, consisting of the population of the Republic of Austria and its historical predecessor states who share a common Austrian culture and Austrian descent.

Re: Hate Thread

If people are wearing proper motorcycle riding gear, then yeah, the bright-ass vest shouldn't be needed.

However, if someone's going to be a dumbfuck and wear a cloth shirt and pants, shoes, and maybe a helmet, then yeah, they're going to wear that bright-ass vest and LIKE IT.

My dad use to teach a motorcycle course before he had to work as a mechanic full-time. Hell, he's thinking about teaching it again now that he's got more free time.
One of the things he stressed was wearing proper equipment. He himself never rides his bike without his leather riding jacket and pants, leather riding boots, and a motorcycle helmet. I don't remember if he always wears his leather riding gloves or not, but usually he does.
Because, yes, if you're riding on a motorcycle, you know you'll be the first to get hurt/die if there's a crash. That doesn't mean you have to sit there and just take it, though. There are ways to mitigate/prevent some damage.
Hell, my dad came out of a crash that would have broken most people's legs and head with just a sprained ankle because he was wearing the right gear.

Most people are just too stupid/lazy to gear up properly, though.

Hell, for fuck's sake, at least wear a good, thick jacket and jeans, boots, and a helmet.

Nonono, you misunderstand. Nunu meant as in their accent.
I mean, who the hell can understand Australians, let alone Austrians.

Re: Hate Thread

Most people are just too stupid/lazy to gear up properly, though.

Hell, for fuck's sake, at least wear a good, thick jacket and jeans, boots, and a helmet.

Most riders in Miami favor swim trunks, flip flops, and a wife beater. Usually still wear a helmet, though that's the law.
Re: Hate Thread

If people are wearing proper motorcycle riding gear, then yeah, the bright-ass vest shouldn't be needed.

However, if someone's going to be a dumbfuck and wear a cloth shirt and pants, shoes, and maybe a helmet, then yeah, they're going to wear that bright-ass vest and LIKE IT.

My dad use to teach a motorcycle course before he had to work as a mechanic full-time. Hell, he's thinking about teaching it again now that he's got more free time.
One of the things he stressed was wearing proper equipment. He himself never rides his bike without his leather riding jacket and pants, leather riding boots, and a motorcycle helmet. I don't remember if he always wears his leather riding gloves or not, but usually he does.
Because, yes, if you're riding on a motorcycle, you know you'll be the first to get hurt/die if there's a crash. That doesn't mean you have to sit there and just take it, though. There are ways to mitigate/prevent some damage.
Hell, my dad came out of a crash that would have broken most people's legs and head with just a sprained ankle because he was wearing the right gear.

Most people are just too stupid/lazy to gear up properly, though.

Hell, for fuck's sake, at least wear a good, thick jacket and jeans, boots, and a helmet.

Anyone riding without proper gear deserves his flesh ripped away by the concrete. Full blown idiots are everywhere, we all know that.

What pisses me of, is enforcing a law because of a bloody small minority that's just yelling "I'm too stupid to live, please direct me towards the next oncoming truck".

Sometimes we must let nature run its course. Natural selection must be allowed to work to a certain degree, even in our society. I'm getting tired of sacrificing things to save a handfull of idiots that didn't deserve any better.
Re: Hate Thread

What exactly are you sacrificing? How does this hinder your riding pleasure?
Re: Hate Thread

as far as nany state type laws go, this one is fairly minor. go complain about something more worth while, i'm sure you have plenty of choices.