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Re: Hate Thread

I hate earbuds.
I have the habit to pull them out of my ears whenever I need to rush off the laptop. Every fucking time, they land in whatever drink or something that's near me. I seriously have to get a new pair about every two months.
But at the same time, I hate headphones. They're big, impractical, and sometimes showy. Whoops I need to take these off because someone's talking. Earbuds, you can just pull out and there.

I hate authors that don't contribute books on the creatures and stuff in series that they wrote. Harry Potter has about a million of them, which I'm glad about. But the Pendragon series desperately needs one, and the only one it has covers only the first two or three books.

I hate when people wanting to make/making pornographic games quit before finishing. What really pisses me off is when they start on another project while one is still in development. EVEN WHEN THEY JUST OFFERED THE IDEA. They go off and work on the new one. I understand that sometimes they need to distract themselves with other things, but they shouldn't post it on a forum because they have people waiting on them for the first game. At the least, they should announce that they aren't going to finish a project.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how "<insert lurkfag here> posted in such and such Klub 17 thread" frequently appears in the shoutbox. It makes it increasingly hard to forget that game exists...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this cold I'm having. It seems like allllllll of the slime is lodged in my sinuses. All of it.

On a somewhat related note, FUCK this weather. It's +10 °C in fucking January. We had the warmest November and December ever since they started recording this shit. What the hell kind of winter is this?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when authors of instruction books droll on and on about how the book is going to help you to do whatever.

I hate when a drink that I like comes in a relatively small bottle that is quite expensive for the product. One example is Welch's Sparkling Red Grape Juice Cocktail. Like, five dollars so I could drink the entire thing in one night.

I hate when, in porn games, the character you're controlling goes slow as fuck. I'm trying to get to the content, and this bitch is taking her time to stroll around. It's especially irritating when the enemies are fast and there are few savepoints.

I hate blogs that post pictures of 'bad' cosplayers. I don't mean the ones that completely bullshitted their cosplays and actually deserve the disrespect. I mean the ones that, though it looks bad, they spent time on it and really wanted it to look good. It really makes me paranoid about everything when I'm cosplaying.
Re: Hate Thread

That's probably because unless you're Asian you're most likely going to look bad cosplaying as most things unless it's a Western character or something like a class from a TRPG.
Re: Hate Thread

That's probably because unless you're Asian you're most likely going to look bad cosplaying as most things unless it's a Western character or something like a class from a TRPG.

How true this has been...
is very, very unfortunate.
Re: Hate Thread

Meh. I could make an awesome looking Chouji or Kohta if I cared enough.

As it stands, though, I don't, so I don't enter competitions or what-not, and instead simply have fun going to cons as a ninja hobo.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how hard it is to find normal cream meant for cooking. There's a bunch of lite version, some of which are just milk with additives. There's UHT. There's vegetable oil versions. But actual cream? Nope.
Re: Hate Thread

Can't you just use single cream for cooking? Or even coconut milk.

And turns out what I assumed to be a cold that I've had since last week is actually a chest infection. Yay me.
Re: Hate Thread

Can't you just use single cream for cooking? Or even coconut milk.

And turns out what I assumed to be a cold that I've had since last week is actually a chest infection. Yay me.

By "cream" I mean what is apparently called single cream in UK. I didn't specify it because apparently it's called by different names. And I don't even know if they sell coconut milk in normal grocery stores.
Re: Hate Thread

You should be able to find both pretty easily in normal grocery stores, the cream should be with or near milk and the other dairy products and coconut milk should be around there as well or somewhere near the tinned section if it's tinned coconut milk.
Re: Hate Thread

You should be able to find both pretty easily in normal grocery stores, the cream should be with or near milk and the other dairy products and coconut milk should be around there as well or somewhere near the tinned section if it's tinned coconut milk.

If you recall, my specific complaint was that it's hard to find cooking cream(or, as it's apparently called in UK, single cream).
Re: Hate Thread

Sorry, I actually used a public restroom today and got pissed off. No pun intended.

I really really hate when people don't flush the lavatory after using it.
So many times while I was in school did I see that.
It's really fucking disgusting. Do the people that do that get off to the thought that someone's piss is sharing the same place as their's?
Is it just fun to clog the toilet with your shit stained tissue or something? I hope people that do this shit become a janitor for a mall or school or something.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people say no pun intended, and there is no pun. At all.

Though I'll agree with you on the public restrooms. I don't see how it's that hard to lift the toilet seat when you piss, use your shoe (That's what I do!), and jesus christ why even bother going to the restroom when you're just going to piss EVERYWHERE EXCEPT IN THE BOWL. If you're that fucking lazy, don't even bother to go there, just soil youself while walking around. That way I can know who you are AND SET YOU ON FIRE.
Re: Hate Thread

For some reason, whenever I get a good drunk on there's way better odds of me waking up at 7:30am, regardless of whatever time I needed to get up or when I went to sleep. It is annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

Is it really that damn hard to put in a fourth crosswalk? Good god, I just want to cross the street, but NO, I have to cross TWO streets, and one of them I have to cross TWICE. FUCK I hate that shit.

That way I can know who you are AND SET YOU ON FIRE.

But then they'll just piss on themselves and put it out.
Re: Hate Thread

That's the beauty of the plan! They won't die, they'll just be horribly maimed!
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck that goddamned ogre on the second map of Dungeon Defenders.
Re: Hate Thread

Whenever i wanna get mad, i play Super Meat Boy, never fails to make me rage.