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Re: Hate Thread

How can their final grade not be an average of all the other grades? What kind of system IS that?
Re: Hate Thread

How can their final grade not be an average of all the other grades? What kind of system IS that?

It's the 'I get paid for page views, but I suck, so making people angry enough to share this around is all I can do' system.
Re: Hate Thread

This one goes to the urgency medical department of my area for being completely useless.

The crime rate has increased a butt-load lately, and I could experience it late last night when I saw this old lady being robbed in an alley by two 18 year olds. I checked to see if anyone was around but there were no cars, no people, no one; so I had to go there myself. The delinquents started screaming at me to back-off (when I simply told them to get out of there and leave the old lady alone), when suddenly one of them takes out a knife. Since I sorta have experience in this situations, I tried to negotiate first; but of course, they wouldn't listen; so I had to fight them. I was able to take out one of them when the other one caught me from behind and stabbed me twice in the arm. It hurt like a bitch, but I was still able to knock him out. Thankfully, the old lady was fine and went home, and afterwards I was able to call the police to pick up both delinquents (who were unconscious).

After the call I went to Urgencies, but they got me waiting for nearly two hours with my whole arm bleeding. Yep, that's how you know you live in an unfamous area.
Re: Hate Thread

This one goes to the urgency medical department of my area for being completely useless.

The crime rate has increased a butt-load lately, and I could experience it late last night when I saw this old lady being robbed in an alley by two 18 year olds. I checked to see if anyone was around but there were no cars, no people, no one; so I had to go there myself. The delinquents started screaming at me to back-off (when I simply told them to get out of there and leave the old lady alone), when suddenly one of them takes out a knife. Since I sorta have experience in this situations, I tried to negotiate first; but of course, they wouldn't listen; so I had to fight them. I was able to take out one of them when the other one caught me from behind and stabbed me twice in the arm. It hurt like a bitch, but I was still able to knock him out. Thankfully, the old lady was fine and went home, and afterwards I was able to call the police to pick up both delinquents (who were unconscious).

After the call I went to Urgencies, but they got me waiting for nearly two hours with my whole arm bleeding. Yep, that's how you know you live in an unfamous area.

Society needs a good cleansing, sadly people are too weak to do what needs to be done (industrial scale killings).:)
Re: Hate Thread

Society needs a good cleansing, sadly people are too weak to do what needs to be done (industrial scale killings).:)

when they start, they'll start with aspies like you
don't expect any large-grade killings to not be biased
Re: Hate Thread

Actually global economies are tied to having a certain amount of people, so culling the weak would really only disrupt that and probably make the world worse for everyone.

The parallel you would probably have to draw in favour of culling was the black death which killed off so much of Europe that the remaining resources allowed for what is essentially the meat heavy diet that we eat today. As a vast generalization we have enough resources to handle our population so another one of those wont really do anything.

Other concepts like eugenics are more or less inherently flawed in that their ultimate goal is vague and unreachable.

In short, your assertion is unfounded, without cause and ultimately counter to any possible desired result.
Re: Hate Thread

Actually global economies are tied to having a certain amount of people, so culling the weak would really only disrupt that and probably make the world worse for everyone.

The parallel you would probably have to draw in favour of culling was the black death which killed off so much of Europe that the remaining resources allowed for what is essentially the meat heavy diet that we eat today. As a vast generalization we have enough resources to handle our population so another one of those wont really do anything.

Other concepts like eugenics are more or less inherently flawed in that their ultimate goal is vague and unreachable.

In short, your assertion is unfounded, without cause and ultimately counter to any possible desired result.

Woah, i meant reforming the criminal justice system...

Everyone here took it as some sort of blanket statement?

Social engineering can be useful when done on the basis of individual actions in contrast to the collective approach of eugenics.
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Re: Hate Thread

The phrase industrial scale killings is fairly unambiguous.

Although the obvious rebuttal to this is the extension of death penalty to more crimes which similarly relies on having the correct criminal as well as targeting the actual perpetrators instead of the enablers (IE: Drug dealers instead of users). Still while this would arguably achieve something, it seems unnecessary.

Also there is decent evidence that the death penalty doesn't really work as a deterrent. At least within our current society.
Re: Hate Thread

I suppose i am at fault with the ambiguity, but it was in the context of fullmetal's story.

Why not target both? they aren't simply enablers, they are contributors to the climate that such criminal activities produce.

If you believe this is unnecessary then you have never lived in a bad neighborhood.

Whether or not it is a deterrent seems hardly relevant, one should think that the focus should be on justice for the victims rather than compassion for the criminals.
Re: Hate Thread

I suppose i am at fault with the ambiguity, but it was in the context of fullmetal's story.

Why not target both? they aren't simply enablers, they are contributors to the climate that such criminal activities produce.

If you believe this is unnecessary then you have never lived in a bad neighborhood.

Whether or not it is a deterrent seems hardly relevant, one should think that the focus should be on justice for the victims rather than compassion for the criminals.

"Bad neighborhoods" tend to exist as a result of social and economic factors, and not due to flaws on the part of the people living there. It's also been shown theoretically and practically that rehabilitation tends to be more effective than punishment or deterrent when dealing with issues of crime. I believe that it's Norway whose prison system is so effective that they're actually having to close jails due to a lack of lawbreakers.

Add to that that most legal systems have some metric by which guilt must be determined, and the idea of mass killings gets to be somewhere between impractical and unreasonable.
Re: Hate Thread

"Bad neighborhoods" tend to exist as a result of social and economic factors, and not due to flaws on the part of the people living there. It's also been shown theoretically and practically that rehabilitation tends to be more effective than punishment or deterrent when dealing with issues of crime. I believe that it's Norway whose prison system is so effective that they're actually having to close jails due to a lack of lawbreakers.

Add to that that most legal systems have some metric by which guilt must be determined, and the idea of mass killings gets to be somewhere between impractical and unreasonable.

You are dismissing the fundamental responsibility humans have over their actions, naturally socioeconomic factors take their toll but these do not predestine individuals to act in a certain way.

Who does rehabilitation help, victims or the criminal?
Re: Hate Thread

You are dismissing the fundamental responsibility humans have over their actions, naturally socioeconomic factors take their toll but these do not predestine individuals to act in a certain way.

Who does rehabilitation help, victims or the criminal?

And you seem to be overly dismissive of factors that affect people's decisions.

rehab helps society. The criminal becomes a contributing member, there will be less chance of future crime, and there is nothing to say that restitution cannot be made to the victim.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, whatever chemicals it is that get used to wax the floors at my workplace, I SERIOUSLY hate them.

Made me feel nauseous while I was there, burned my nose after a while. Got home, ended up crashing out for a couple of hours. Woke back up, and still feeling like I'm a little ill.
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, whatever chemicals it is that get used to wax the floors at my workplace, I SERIOUSLY hate them.

Made me feel nauseous while I was there, burned my nose after a while. Got home, ended up crashing out for a couple of hours. Woke back up, and still feeling like I'm a little ill.

Pfff, I know what you mean; could it be that you are allergic to that substance? You should have it checked out just in case. This reminds me to the story of the original Wizard of Oz in which the Tin Man nearly died because the make-up that was covering his whole body was toxic.
Re: Hate Thread

Possible that I'm allergic to the chemicals. Although, I wasn't the only one having issues. One of the other night crew left early looking rather ill, and at least one of the guys on the crew doing the floor work was saying that the chemicals were horrible, as well.
Re: Hate Thread

I saw a report awhile back that said the vast majority of janitorial work is actually done in a way that breaks chemical safety regulations, and it's probably the single biggest workplace safety violation that occurs.
Re: Hate Thread

Snow. It's not even the middle of October, and we have our first snow.
Re: Hate Thread

That's a good enough excuse for me to put on my hat.
I'll take your snow if you take my rain.
Re: Hate Thread

Ha!, it's 80 degrees here, best october ever.