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Re: Hate Thread

Everyone should be just glad they're not 60 and learning technology for the first time. I'm still trying to teach my grandma about I Phones. >.>
(Which she needs to know how to use cause of F***ing telemarketers)
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Re: Hate Thread

Everyone should be just glad they're not 60 and learning technology for the first time. I'm still trying to teach my grandma about I Phones. >.>
(Which she needs to know how to use cause of F***ing telemarketers)

My mom doesn't have a smart phone. She also mostly tells telemarketers to just fuck off. She swears like a sailor.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't either. It'd be a waste of money given the lack of cell coverage in my area. Want pokemon go so bad too :(
Re: Hate Thread

I don't either. It'd be a waste of money given the lack of cell coverage in my area. Want pokemon go so bad too :(

Heck I'll give you my phone, if it didn't had all my underground hip hop, j pop and Latino music. >.>

Slicer I think the Obama phones are smart phones now, if i'm correct.
Re: Hate Thread

Haha, a FREE cellphone would be a waste of money. I'd have to drive 20 min to get to a place where a cell would THINK about getting a signal.
Re: Hate Thread

What, No Generation X'rs hanging around!? Talk about making me feel older then I am. True Culture is Counter-Culture. As for old judgements and Football bein tha Devil! That shit's far older then this crap. You could probably find cavemen who thought the Wheel was the Devil.

Imagine those arguments.

No, Today? Today I have a seething hatred for Clouds. More specifically Taunting Clouds. Where you know that big puffy white motherfucker in the sky is FAT with rain.... It's black and hateful and ready to give you everything you need to feel alive. He's that One Night Stand you came out Specifically to find....

And that Cloud isn't putting out. Because of how Hot it is on the ground... For whatever reason, that miserable Fat, Heavy, Rain-Laden Bastard isn't dropping it's sweet, cool, delightful payload. It's just floating right on by as I type this and robbing me of my Sweet cool release! I'M BEING EDGED BY THE FUCKING WEATHER!!!

I sounds like I'm ten years younger than i am, lol
Re: Hate Thread

I used to hate my life, hate what the world is turning into in some ways, hate all the selfish individuals around me and dumb people. But now things are gradually going uphill for me, and the rest apathy has grown to cover it.

Except idiots. I still want to go Viking on their asses sometimes :D

And damn I sound old >>
Re: Hate Thread

People who blindly believe in the IAT method, and give it credit regardless of all the strong evidence presented backing it's detractors. I mean for fucks sakes, with the amount of research that went into the supposed consequences or motivation behind the results both psychologically and physiologically by the people who tote the test as a success, there's pretty much the same amount of evidence supporting the efficacy of the infrared iphone app.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when in hentai they have someone be able to speak easily when they have a gag in or a dick in their mouth.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when in hentai they have someone be able to speak easily when they have a gag in or a dick in their mouth.

To add to that glaring issue.
I hate all voices in hentai, In fact the sounds effects arent any better!

I more of less view all porn muted, lol.
Re: Hate Thread

Same. I was more talking about h-manga, since that is more my speed but yeah, porn has a lot of problems. They should go back to the previous days before you could add sound.
Re: Hate Thread

To add to that glaring issue.
I hate all voices in hentai, In fact the sounds effects arent any better!

I more of less view all porn muted, lol.

I can't deal with Japanese girl voices in hentai or live-action japanese porn. They all sound like little children, just fucking creepy, imho.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I'll jump on the asian sex squeeks are horrid bandwagon.

Though I do find the differences between the non word sounds people from different linguistic backgrounds make interesting.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I'll jump on the asian sex squeeks are horrid bandwagon.

Though I do find the differences between the non word sounds people from different linguistic backgrounds make interesting.

A bit of a tangent, but I've read that the pitch difference between male and female voices vary strongly between different cultures, with the biggest difference being in South Korea, I believe. Can't recall where the smallest pitch difference is (but I'm willing to bet Eastern Europe or something).

Anyway, it's based on cultural expectation of propriety and attractiveness.
Re: Hate Thread

The fact that the Super Mario Team puts on the nicest face in the world and have continually screwed their fans over time and time again.
Re: Hate Thread

That this is true:
Re: Hate Thread

That this is true:

Killing is ok , killing a child is ok ,murdering someone in the worst way that makes sadists like me happy is ok. Giant boobs and jiggly ass slapping is not ok? Lol video game logic. XD