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Re: Hate Thread

Funnily enough, wrote a small paper on why I disagreed with doing homework in high school... which was read in front of the class... and the teachers lounge... It was actually well written, 10/10. They just read it out because of that, I hope.

But trust me, in uni you'll be thankful you've got that homework to help study, works wonders with all those projects and assignments...
Re: Hate Thread

Funnily enough, wrote a small paper on why I disagreed with doing homework in high school... which was read in front of the class... and the teachers lounge... It was actually well written, 10/10. They just read it out because of that, I hope.

But trust me, in uni you'll be thankful you've got that homework to help study, works wonders with all those projects and assignments...

Fundimentally homework is just a secondary step to help the memory of the days work set in, for me thats an issue as my memory is horrific. im the sort who forgets what they had for breakfast while drinking the orange juice after eating it.
With my memory being this bad i struggaled seriously with school.
I never remembered a class after attending it, not once can i look back and say "i learned that in school".
The classes i excelled in where classes that tought me ways to know things not just teaching me things. I excelled in IT, DT, PE, Math and Science. Its weird, i cant quite explain how i do learn but simply put i need to DO not just observe or read about it.

Basically homework just proved to me that school never worked for me.
Thats why i look down on homework as a waste of time, but thats just me.
Re: Hate Thread

Fundimentally homework is just a secondary step to help the memory of the days work set in, for me thats an issue as my memory is horrific. im the sort who forgets what they had for breakfast while drinking the orange juice after eating it.
With my memory being this bad i struggaled seriously with school.
I never remembered a class after attending it, not once can i look back and say "i learned that in school".
The classes i excelled in where classes that tought me ways to know things not just teaching me things. I excelled in IT, DT, PE, Math and Science. Its weird, i cant quite explain how i do learn but simply put i need to DO not just observe or read about it.

Basically homework just proved to me that school never worked for me.
Thats why i look down on homework as a waste of time, but thats just me.

Isn't the whole point of homework that you do things instead of just watching the teacher lecture or reading the book?
Re: Hate Thread

Isn't the whole point of homework that you do things instead of just watching the teacher lecture or reading the book?
As i said its a second step to reinforce what you learned in class.... this would require learning something in class...
Re: Hate Thread

(need to avoid washing hands as much as possible).

... I'm tempted to rant, but really, it's just not worth it. If you want infected wounds go ahead and avoid the minor discomfort washing them causes.

You know what I hate? The first day of college and the professor gives you homework. >.>

What's even better is the next day when they announce that they'll give the answers to any of the problems people had trouble with but you wont get credit for them. And proceed to waste the first half hour of class giving the answers to EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM you got right, while leaving those you didn't unanswered. Why even bother giving the homework, just have us work on it in class and give us the answers afterwards!

Dropped that class the very next day, only to find out that professor was the only one that taught that level of physics.

Fundimentally homework is just a secondary step to help the memory of the days work set in, for me thats an issue as my memory is horrific. im the sort who forgets what they had for breakfast while drinking the orange juice after eating it.
With my memory being this bad i struggaled seriously with school.
I never remembered a class after attending it, not once can i look back and say "i learned that in school".
The classes i excelled in where classes that tought me ways to know things not just teaching me things. I excelled in IT, DT, PE, Math and Science. Its weird, i cant quite explain how i do learn but simply put i need to DO not just observe or read about it.

Basically homework just proved to me that school never worked for me.
Thats why i look down on homework as a waste of time, but thats just me.

I have this problem too, there are several different styles of learning which all suit different people better or worse. Sitting in a classroom listening to someone prattle on about how to solve a problem or anecdotes about it does nothing for me, actually going through the solution step by step letting me do the work will do the trick though.
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Re: Hate Thread

... I'm tempted to rant, but really, it's just not worth it. If you want infected wounds go ahead and avoid the minor discomfort washing them causes.

I guess I said that wrong. I should have said I need to avoid getting my hands dirty as much as possible (which then leads to having to wash my hands). On average I probably wash my hands about 10 to 20 times a day. Cutting that down to half when I've got a bandaid on a bad cut is a good thing IMO. Regardless, I still went through 2 bandaids yesterday. Today I put some of that New Skin on it. Much more effective and don't have to worry so much about getting it wet.
Re: Hate Thread

Fundimentally homework is just a secondary step to help the memory of the days work set in, for me thats an issue as my memory is horrific. im the sort who forgets what they had for breakfast while drinking the orange juice after eating it.
With my memory being this bad i struggaled seriously with school.
I never remembered a class after attending it, not once can i look back and say "i learned that in school".
The classes i excelled in where classes that tought me ways to know things not just teaching me things. I excelled in IT, DT, PE, Math and Science. Its weird, i cant quite explain how i do learn but simply put i need to DO not just observe or read about it.

Basically homework just proved to me that school never worked for me.
Thats why i look down on homework as a waste of time, but thats just me.

There 3 types of learning visual, audio and kinesthetic (hands on). The problem with schools is they assume this linear way of teaching works on all students. That's why some students fall behind despite the fact they could be a genius. In my case I prefer to learn from youtube videos or reading it on the text book. If a teacher goes on and on about a problem, my brain just shut down and I just stare at the wall with
Re: Hate Thread

Steam tags and the idiots that make/approve them.

Nudity does not mean skimpy clothes.

Diablo style games may be action RPGs (and I'd even contest that) but they sure as hell aren't Hack'n'Slash!

You know, Diablo has been described as Hack'n'Slash since Diablo 1, so if it's incorrect, it's been incorrect for a very long time.
Re: Hate Thread

I'd say it's completely wrong. What does diablo have in common with titles like DMC, bayonetta, and godhand? These are games that ARE definitely hack'n'slash.
Re: Hate Thread

If memory serves the term "hack'n'slash" goes all the way back to the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop game. What does the term mean? Well it's for when there's a module, adventure, etc.. that focuses heavily on combat. So any game, really, where the primary focus of the game is on combat, can safely be considered hack'n'slash. Even one where you take turns rolling the dice.

If you really want to separate those titles from Diablo, then they are action games, while Diablo is an action RPG. Problem solved!
You're welcome. :)
Re: Hate Thread

lol kingdom hearts is basically hack and slash, but people love it.

I'm surprise nobody rant about those guys who pee/ or jerk off in the pubic shower. XD
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Re: Hate Thread

Most games are hack n slash these days then, too ambiguous

I'm surprise nobody rant about those guys who pee/ or jerk off in the pubic shower. XD

Heh, used to older... "gentlemen" peeing in public for some reason; saw a guy turn around on the sidewalk and piss into the bushes, when there were kids not that far away, and a few doing that on public school grounds too, geez

Not sure if a pubic shower sounds sexy or disgusting by the way...
Re: Hate Thread

Just making a post to kill time while a torrent downloads.

I hate time limits.. Deadlines.. Any kind of time-sensitive demand from a boss at work, a mission in a game, or even just a friend, I hate being put on a timer..

I understand some things have to be done fast, but putting an arbitrary
time limit on the task just makes it more stressful.

I'm not gonna work any faster knowing I only have 3 minutes to do something,
but I know I'm gonna feel thrice as bad if I don't make that time limit..

That's not incentive, that's demoralizing and unnecessarily pressuring someone
to get a task done.

The common statement/phrase rings true to this.. "Do you want it done fast, or do you want it done right?"

And yet, at the same time, you could pull the exact same tactic on someone,
but put a simple twist on it to make the given feeling the opposite of stressful.

Putting it in a way as to put a positive light on whatever happens "after" the task, if anything, saying something like "Hey, when you're done with this,
you can relax, so make it count!", or "Look, this is the toughest part, get through this, and the rest will be better."..

Or even if there's no way to make light of the tasks over the horizon, a simple
change in phrasing can mean the difference between putting someone down,
and giving a simple somewhat-encouraging command.

Obviously there's exceptions to this, for instance if the situation is life-threatening, but in such cases, the situation IS the incentive, a time
limit can and would be mandatory, depending on what's happening.

I guess what I mean to say is.. Keep an eye out for group morale..
You can't expect high-quality service from a team who's being treated
like peasants.. I mean.. Unless you're a slave-lord or something.. In which
case, making people do exactly what you want against their will is what you're
best at.. I'm side-tracking again- YOU GET MY POINT..
Re: Hate Thread

"Don't worry about that article we need to put in the next issue of our magazine. We can just leave that area blank. That goes for all of you! When nobody buys our blank magazine and I have to fire you all, it's OK because, you know, who needs deadlines anyway? Am I right or am I right? Okay everyone donuts and coffee are on me!" :)

If I were to hire someone and I need it done by X date, I'd definitely let them know. Not only that, I'd need to know they're actually getting something done (a progress report, which I would bug them about ever so often). If they're not doing anything then what am I paying them for?

I agree that employees shouldn't be treated like peasants, but if they're bums then they should be kicked to the curb.
Re: Hate Thread

"Don't worry about that article we need to put in the next issue of our magazine. We can just leave that area blank. That goes for all of you! When nobody buys our blank magazine and I have to fire you all, it's OK because, you know, who needs deadlines anyway? Am I right or am I right? Okay everyone donuts and coffee are on me!" :)
This is why most news, paper and magazine pannels are fake blown up bullshit :D
Gotta put SOMETHING there right? and that SOMETHING has gotta bring in the money fast.
Who needs ACTUAL news and fully developed literal informative pieces? those fucks just want your money and they want it NOW... You see the problem here right?
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Re: Hate Thread

This is why most news, paper and magazine pannels are fake blown up bullshit :D
Gotta put SOMETHING there right? and that SOMETHING has gotta bring in the money fast.
Who needs ACTUAL news and fully developed literal informative pieces? those fucks just want your money and they want it NOW... You see the problem here right?

They're mostly garbage anyway. I miss when they had comic books in places like Food Lion, Magic Mart, etc.. Whenever I notice the magazines at Wal-Mart it looks like half of them are about guns. No idea what's up with that.

I also miss gaming magazines with the demo discs. Nowadays they call it "early alpha" and you have to pay to play it. :p

It's been ages since I purchased any magazines. Well I did buy that AD&D module not long on eBay. From the 90's. Dear 90's, I miss you! These 2000's and 2010's totally have no style or personality to speak of.
I bet the 2020's will be even worse.
Re: Hate Thread

Not sure if hate, but kinda want to put this out somewhere.

>Overwatch, playing some of my girl Mercy as usual. Defense on Dorado.
>Getting knocked about a bit but the team is doing their best.
>Team Törbjörn sets up retarded turrets and gets killed repeatedly cos enemy actually knows what they are doing. Starts moaning at me to heal him all the fucking time so he can live a few seconds longer.
>Heal the actual priority targets in the team instead, hand him occasional heals.
>Goes to last point, Torb gives up like a bitch and starts afk-ing in the spawn with his group friend when the enemy starts closing in on the goal.
>Fuck that shit, get out there with the remaining three others and get the win without the useless turds.
>Dorf gets verbally destroyed in the chat afterwards for being afk, still thinks I was the bad player and tries to moan something about bad support. Probably wanted me to pocket him or some shit. Gets told off even more after trying to pull that shit out of his ass.

Thanks tankbros for pulling through with me. Also fuck dorfs.
Re: Hate Thread

If memory serves the term "hack'n'slash" goes all the way back to the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop game. What does the term mean? Well it's for when there's a module, adventure, etc.. that focuses heavily on combat. So any game, really, where the primary focus of the game is on combat, can safely be considered hack'n'slash. Even one where you take turns rolling the dice.

If you really want to separate those titles from Diablo, then they are action games, while Diablo is an action RPG. Problem solved!
You're welcome. :)

Not the same. We're speaking specifically about videogames and steamtags for a genre here, so bringing up tabletop stuff is irrelevant.

As for most games being real-time combat focused: Maybe something has hack'n'slash gameplay features, but that doesn't mean it's genre is hack'n'slash.
Re: Hate Thread

The tabletop origins is actually very relevant because many video game genres were derived from tabletop games.

I'd say it's completely wrong. What does diablo have in common with titles like DMC, bayonetta, and godhand?

I can tell what it doesn't have in common; it's considerably older than all of them.

These are games that ARE definitely hack'n'slash.

They're more properly Spectacle Fighters.

If you REALLY want an example of a pure hack'n'slash, I'd say something like Golden Axe is probably more accurate. In that respect, hack'n'slash is really just a more weaponized version of the beat'em'up genre. Mechanically very similar.