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Heart of Corruption - IC

40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
She grumbles slightly to herself thanks to stonebrain taking off without even making sure they had basic supplies. Apparently, only Sharon and her had the foresight to have rations, As usual for her traveling along the trail, she strays from the path slightly here and there, looking for anything edible as the group traveled and determined to make sure that they didn't perish from starvation before the corruption got to them. Unluckily for her, bonebrain easily managed to gather enough supplies for the whole group with some to spare while her searching only seemed to turn up barren bushes and trees (And a couple poisonous ones...) while stonebrain constantly yelled loudly enough to scare off any wild game. By the time they stopped to rest, she humbly accepted the fruits and other edibles that the other half-elf had found (Assuming that she's sharing.) and felt relief as the fatigue faded from her body thanks to her magic, but stares incredulously as she forms a breastplate over her bare skin with magically frozen water.

Kress occasionally sends lingering glances over at Sharon while they rest and she checks the sky for the time. "Should we start looking for a good place to camp, or keep going?" She asks the group.

[Survival 9, rolled a 2. Not her best moment.]
[Stealth 14, for lingering glances.]
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Disposition: Amused Tune:

Arva glanced over to the armored up elf. First the king, now here, what was it with these southerners wanting to sleep all the time? Was it just the elfs? She looked over to Jen.. No.. she seemed fine. And wasn't there something about elfes sleeping less anyway?

She nodded over to Jen. "Lemme have some of yer water kindly,.. aye, that'll do.
Spirit of Spirits, why drink water when you can drink mead, amirite?"
She noted, humming a soft tune above the water, before drinking it down as it changed color into a light golden hue.
"Haah.. that's the stuff..

Now, to answer your joke-question! HA HA HA.. good one.. resting without meeting a single enemy... I hope that was a joke, because I do not know a spell to turn water into milk for ye.
We can rest whence we are dead! But if you grow tired, let me show ye how we travel with a War-singer around."

"Great spirit, thunderbirds fly!
We are wild and free.
To fight and die, under the open skies..
Spirit horse, ride for me!"

The skald declared, clearing her throat and as she raised her voice, her allies felt invigorated, empowered, even. Whereas Ela's magic had removed fatigue, hers prevented any from settling in in the first place.
Of course to do this, Arva had to keep on performing, attracting whatever was curious and daring enough to her position.
This was an upside for her.

Song of Endurance.:
You all gain the benefits of the Endurance, Diehard and Fast Healer feats for an hour
Furthermore, you can move twice as fast for two hours now, without any negative reprecussions (or longer if I sacrifice more raging song-rounds)
Yes.. you can literally keep walking whilest you are dead with this stuff on. ^^
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Sharon was surprised that only her and Kress had packed any food, however, after seeing Jen do her strange magic, she was a little more at ease that her fellow members can take care of themselves, as unconventional as it may be. Admittedly, Jen's anti-fatigue magic is helpful, even though I don't understand a lick of magic, maybe this party won't be so bad after all... Her thought was quickly interrupted by Arva's boisterous yelling, as if it would attract any wildlife, she rolls her eyes and leaves her be. It's not her place to tell Arva how to hunt when she herself doesn't hunt. "I agree with Kress, we should set up camp for the night." She then catches Kress sneaking glances at her, "Hm? Is there something you need?" She addresses Kress confidently, slightly confused why there are so many glances in her direction, she didn't think that she was that distracting...was she?
[Perception to notice Kress' glances 17 + 9 = 26]
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress almost squeaks as the Aasimar addresses her directly. "Uhm... No! Not really..." She replies, blushing slightly before suddenly standing, her hands clenched and glaring daggers at the impertinent, foolhardy Norsewoman. "You may be fine with blundering around in the dark and making enough noise to alert everything within a ten mile radius that we're here and easy pickings for an ambush, but the rest of us want a chance to finish this unjust quest and get back with the ones we were torn from!" The half-elf snaps. "But fine, we still have some more time to travel before it gets too dark to see without torches so we can scout for a good camping spot along the way. And if you want to complain about not being tired, then why not have some sparring practice later if you're up for it?"

((Untrained Bluff @ Sharon: 17))
((Intimidate @ Arva: 23 Yup, I think it's starting.))

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
"Nice song Mistress! First time I hear it!" Jenlynn praised Arva

"Why is everyone against Mistress today? If you want to fight I can summon some spirits to play with you?" Jen suggested to Kress.

"Also, it should be easy to pick a resting spot...Chirp, go take a look around!" she called, sending the little bird on a mission.
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Enthusiastic. Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 56/56 Buffs: Song of Endurance Init: 18 Raging Song: 13/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 1

"Hooh?" She made, tilting her head at the challenge and beginning to smirk, almost seeming intimidated for a moment, before closing her yes and mumbling. "Only the Allfather guides my path..."

"Here's the thing.. if you want to look scary.. do it right."
She smirked, glancing down at the elf whilest drawing her blade. "But sure.. you're on.. Jen, go find a comfy place to rest whilest I have some fun." She licked her lips, seeming amused.. so the metal-can could fight?

"Very well then! Ready yourself! Let's have some fun!" She declared, smirking. lifting one hand in a come hither gesture.

(Intimidate: 24 - with a little timely inspiration!)
(Initiative: 18)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Shaken, 3rds (-2 Atk, STs, Skill/Ability Checks) Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress trembles a bit as she reaches for her sword and barely manages to draw it before the Norsewoman is on top of her, taken by surprise. Normally, most backed down when she spoke like that. Then again, she should've expected as much from stonebrain as that oversized sword bears down on her...

(Initiative: 2, -2 and Nat 1!)
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Enthusiastic. Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 61/61 Buffs: Raging song, Shaken 2 rounds Init: 18 Raging Song: 12/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 1

"Come on! When you face the fear of death laugh in its face! Ha ha har!" She declared, ending ther performance of her song of Endurance, instead enveloping herself into another primal battle-rage, raising her fist to the sky. (Ending song of endurance, starting an enhanced Raging song instead.)

"Bravery calls my name, in the sound of the wind in the night!
My sword will drink Blood! And I will fight! Yes I will fight!
Into the dawn of battle!"

She laughed with battle-lust, before raising her blade, before slamming her blade down upon.. Kress' armor. "Hmnn.. what will break first, my blade or your armor?" She pondered, briefly.

(miss the can.)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Shaken, 3rds (-2 Atk, STs, Skill/Ability Checks) Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress suddenly snaps to awareness as the sword comes down, slamming into her shield. Finally, she reacts, jabbing her sword towards the Norsewoman and scoring a bloody hit around her breastplate. "Who says I'm the one that's going to break?!" She snaps, getting her head into the fight as she starts moving, eyeing the Norsewoman and observing her movements. Yes, it would take a bit out of her with each shield hit, but when the sword came down at her was the best time to strike.

(Attack 14+10=24! Damage 7+8=15!)
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Enthusiastic. Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 52/61 Buffs: Raging song, Shaken 1 round Init: 18 Raging Song: 11/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 1

"Hoooh.. you need to relax more, have fun when you fight.. also.. not bad girl! I actually felt that.. nothing compared to the Jarl, but that just means I'll stay standing along long enough to properly enjoy this!"

(Arva takes 15 and heals 6 of those right back up.)

"Now.. lets see.. perhaps if I do this...?"
She mused, slamming her sword down again brutally, a bit faster this time.

(Hits an ac 21 this time around!)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Shaken, 2rds (-2 Atk, STs, Skill/Ability Checks) Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Kress actually smirks as the attack connects... With air. If she was still flat-footed, that would've connected, but the buxom blonde half-elf had her mind focused on the fight now. She then jabs out again with her sword and scores another hit but frowns as she realizes that the effectiveness of her strikes are somehow being reduced, possibly via magic or some other bullshit...

(Attack 16+10=26! Damage 5+8=13!)
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Enthusiastic. Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 45/61 Buffs: Raging song, Shaken 0 rounds Init: 18 Raging Song: 10/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 2

"Alrright alright, you can hit better than a little girl.. don't get why you're so timid then.. anyway.. I'll treat you like a fellow warrior then." She nodded, taking a small step back and inhaling heavily. "Hear my songs of war!"

"NOW FALL BEFORE ME YOU FILTHY COWARD! HOW DARE YOU STRIKE ONE OF ODEN'S CHOSEN! BURN IN YOUR OWN COWARDICE! HAHAHA!" Arva shouted at Kress, a feeling of smoldering flames biting at the elfs skin as her fear of the Skald was re-kindled... a little too literal for her taste maybe.

(Arva takes 7 damage effectively, takes a 5 ft step backwards, then casts Blistering Invective, 6 fire damage and demoralized aka shaken for an extra round (no save) and a reflex save DC 14 or catch on fire, meaning another reflex save each round or take 1d6 extra fire damage until you succeed a save or put the flames out.)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
35/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: Shaken, 2rds (-2 Atk, STs, Skill/Ability Checks) ON FIRE! 1d6 Fire Dmg vs Reflex 14
: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
The half-elf screams aloud as she suddenly finds herself alight. Gritting her teeth and glaring at the damn Norsewoman she steps up and swings with her longsword, scoring another hit but not nearly as bad as the previous two. "YOU CALL YOURSELF A WARRIOR?! QUIT HIDING BEHIND MAGIC LIKE THE BITCH YOU ARE AND FIGHT, DAMN IT!"

(Reflex: 8+4-2=6, did NOT make it, extra 6 damage for a total of 12.)
(Attack 14+10=24, Damage 1+8=9)
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Happy in combat Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 50/61 Buffs: Raging song, Path of Glory 5 rounds Init: 18 Raging Song: 9/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 3

Arva.. seemed nothing more than pleased with the elfs reaction, nodding with approval.. even whilest blade bit into her skin.

"Aaah... I seem to have ignited your spirit.. but be not mistaken.. this is not magic. These are the blessings of the ALLFATHER!" She declared, taking another step back and once more folding her hands, alighting with the same glow Kress had seen around her when she'd been defeated by the Jarl.. she could use that in battle too?

"Standing firm against all odds, guarding the most sacred home,
we protect the realms of gods, our destiny is carved in stone!"

No matter what, under the effects of this magic, it was almost as if she was healing faster than Kress could even hurt her, the damage of the strikes just.. fading away with her songs.

"Three evil giants, from the south are constantly on the attack
With lies and fire from their mouths..
But we always drive them back!"

She spat out with a voice resonating with primal rage and power.

(Kress deals 9 damage, Arva takes a 5 ft step, casts Path of Glory and now heals 14 - 5 from path of glory, 3 from raging song and 6 from Fast healer x2 with her cons mod.)
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
35/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: Shaken, 1rd (-2 Atk, STs, Skill/Ability Checks)
Kress pants, rather scorched from the flames as she manages to put them out thanks to her reflexes. "Call it wantever you want, you need HELP from something else to defeat one little half-elf instead of being able to stand on your own! You call yourself a Norsewoman?!" She snarls, swinging her sword again, but this time aiming for the legs with a trip attempt and knocking the woman prone by sweeping a leg out from under her. (This provokes an AoO, btw.)

(Reflex 14+2=16, fire's out!)
(Attack 10+10=20 Vs CMD)
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Angry. in combat Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 61/61 Buffs: Raging song, Path of Glory 4 rounds Init: 18 Raging Song: 8/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 3

Arva's eyes suddenly narrowed.. and the joy of battle seemed gone for her.
"Did you just question my honor?" She demanded to know, red began dripping down Kress' arm, cut deeply when she tried to fell the norse-woman, who now struggled to her feet... looking at her, she didn't seem injured anymore, like at all. Kress was not as lucky.
"I'll give you one chance to repent, FILTHY HEATHEN!" She declared, raising her blow.. somehow seeming a lot less fun and a LOT more intimidating, all of a sudden. She lifted her blade, batttering it against Kress shield.. again.. and again, seeming uncaring if her blows didn't connect.


(Think that's an aoo back, but she's fully healed up again now. Aoo hits, miss on her turn.)

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jen rushes back, as she keeps hearing the Mistress's cries, and she just can't bring herself to leave. Besides, Chirp was already looking for a resting place.

"Ah...Mistress show mercy to the filthy heathen! She just doesn't know better!" Jen tries to calm down her Mistress. She can see that the Mistress is enraged, probably by something the half-elf did, but still, she couldn't let her die before they even got to their mission!

"Please...stop fighting, everyone!" Jen wails dramatically!
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
20/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21, FCMD 18.
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: None
Kress hisses as the blade cuts deep into her arm, then swings at the Norsewoman as she stands up and for the first time, misses before that greatsword impacts her shield with impressive force. "Do you understand now? Do you know how and why I learned to fight? Instead of crap like honor or for fun, my shield and blade defended my family from bandits and raiders. People who would steal the trade goods we needed to survive and kill my mother and sisters Or worse, carry them off to be used as sex slaves. Combat isn't about glory or honor for me, it's about SURVIVAL, and while you can be happy-go-lucky with the blessings of your all-father or whatever and run head-first into trouble with the knowledge that SOMETHING is looking after you, some of us have had to live without divine intervention to kiss our wounds or boost our strength. So TAKE. THIS. FUCKING. QUEST. SERIOUSLY!" She rants, throwing her own blows at the damn skald, trying to bash some sense into her with the flat of her longsword and just barely managing to score a hit as she waits for the counter-attacking, panting heavily.

(AoO Atk: 4+10+4-2 Prone=16, Miss)
(Attack 5+12=17, Damage 7+8=15)
Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress, primarly Disposition: Angry Tune: Ac: 16 CMD: 18 Hp: 48/61 Buffs: Raging song, Path of Glory 3 rounds Init: 18 Raging Song: 7/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 3

The Skald glared at Kress in disgust at her tirade and counter-strikes, the cuts now healing almost as fast as Kress tried to inflict them. Whilest she heard Jen's words and hesitated breifly, Kress continued instigations drove back the determination into the Skald's eyes.
"You think you're the only one that fights for their survival? Naive. Worry not. You wont have to defend your family anymore. You wont have to fight or defend anyone anymore. Today is the day you die for disrespecting Odin and one of his warriors. Nifleheim waits for thee!" Arva declares, coldly, bashing her back with another blow that again failed to bite into flesh, drawing sparks out of armor. If she was exhausted by the fight, she did not show it, but her demeanour had changed.

"Little girls like you should know when they are beat by a true warrior.. yet you dare besmirch my honor and faith. I guess I'll just have to use something you cannot dodge." She determined.

(So, she is on 51, heals 6, you damage her for 16, she heals another 8, you damage her for 15, on her round she heals another 14, meaning you effectively deal 3 damage total.
16 to hit for her for another miss for now.)
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0
Sharon watches in horror as the fighting continued for what seemed like forever, and grew more vicious as time passed, Jen's wails jolted Sharon out of her paralyzed state, and she tries to desperately think of something that could break up the dueling ladies before she impulsively screams. "Jen is right, please stop fighting!!! We need to work as a team. We won't get anything done if you two KILL EACH OTHER!!!" She grows increasingly frustrated as it appears both Kress and Arva ignore her and Jen's cries. Come on, Sharon...think of something...ANYTHING to get them to stop fighting!!!