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Heart of Corruption - IC

Arva Yornheim Tag: Jen, primarly Mood: Punchy

"I don't want to punch her for her, I want to punch her for me."
She insisted, before shrugging.
"But hey, you lead the way, if you think you can find a way to the action faster.. I don't care. Nature- pretentious gal, ruins, we gotta find something or another sooner or later anyway." She concluded.

She didn't really get why everyone was moving so silently. That way they'd attract less things to fight, after all.
After Jen had headed ahead setting the course and Kress had side-tracked, most likely to fool around with her wolf-friend briefly, Arva fell into a comfortable pace whilest humming loudly.

"Hmnn hooh .. yeah.. Strike while the iron is hot.. steel is strongest, so say we all.." She hummed on.. "They tried to test our spirit.. so they tasted steel, before we were done.. grinding their bones into the dust of the past..."

Arva does a song of Endurance.. the others are free to stealth ahead of her. That said, Movement rules for DMs below
(Arva is humming a song of Endurance, meaning we can walk at twice the speed for an extra hour if we feel like it, also, Sharon and Jen get the benefits of the Endurance, Diehard and Fast Healer feats. Yay!)
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As the party left, the Dryad cheerfully hopped off her rock, giving a wink and wave to Jen before attending to her pets. She was out of sight soon enough. Was it possible that this goddess was the source of the corruption? It was most likely that she was but one oddity of the jungle of Morrigan, one the party would have to keep in mined as they dealt with the many hazards.

The party marched onward. Trying to keep themselves somewhat hidden from any prying eyes. Most of the party found themselves able to keep up a brisk pace thanks to Arva's encouragements. Kress however was finding it a bit harder to keep up. Thankfully they managed to arrive at the ruins before to long.

The ruin was an aboveground structure made of unmortered stone. Surpisingly it had mostly held up. [Roll perception to find out more!]

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Jenlynn waited for the others to cathc up to her.

"Those should be the ruins. Chirp, go take a look first!"

the little bird called, before flying over the ruins to check for visible threats.

"I think I should ask the trees around here about the ruins..." Jen mused

"but first..." she called, casting the spell that gave her the frozen breastplate.

"Here...spirit of the forest, speak with me!" she chanted, looking for an especially old tree.

"Greetings, elder...I humbly ask your assistance!"

Please, tell me, what is the nature of this ruin?

"Who lived here, and how they perished?

"Who has visited since then?"

"Who is this goddess of the forest?"

[Jen casts Ice Armor, and Speak with Plants. Chirp: Perception 19, Stealth 37 (he also has low-light vision)]
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: M: 0, P: 1 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: None
Kress squints as she scans the area and the old structure that had apparently mostly held up over time, looking for anything unusual or signs of recent activity from their vantage point as well as mundane info like how big the structure was. To be honest, she was mostly just keeping an eye on Jen as she scouted ahead. "Did anybody else bring torches? It's going to be dark in there and I only have ten with me. Arva... Obviously you and Jen can handle yourselves, and I know you don't like me. I'm sorry that I insulted your honor and your Allfather. However, we still need to pull together as a team and I just want to prove that I can handle myself too and even contribute. It's going to be dangerous in here and we're probably going to need all the help we can get. Sharon, stick close to me if you can, okay?" She sighs, wondering how full of beasts this place was.

(Perception: 9+9=18, Kress also has Low-Light vision, that'll be important later.)
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Kress primarly Mood: Pondery

Arva watched the bird-scouting, happy to wait for it to respond, before raising a brow as Kress approached her.
"... right. I don't get the problem if we get all the enemies out, we can fight them all at once, wrap things up. Doing it one by one takes way longer." She nodded, flexing her arm. "Plus, it's more glorious that way!

Anyway, I'm sure theres some useful light-magic worst case."
She nodded. "You know you could ask Odin for fogriveness if you wanted some blessings. You'd propably have to prove yourself wrestling a wild animal into submission.. that's how my clan does it anyway. Perhaps you could ask Jarl Gianttamer, they might let you get off easy with some wildernis survival, no clothes, one night in the snow with a bone-knife, that kinda thing." She mused, her voice having a tint of nostalgia...
As you approach and ask your questions to the oldest looking tree around, a rumbling ancient almost wooden voice fills your head. It speaks slowly, taking small pauses every few words.
"I don't know... When I was... growing there were... horrible fumes... left around this structure of stone..."

"They were... long gone... before I sprouted..."

"People like...you, but out... of sorts... smelling strongly of the jungle..."

With your final question, the ancient tree's voice suddenly gains energy and speaks without the pauses.
"The goddess is living embodiment of nature! She guides and protects all plant life. You should join her! See for yourself, the plants will guide the way..."

A warmth fills you, and you feel the urge to visit this goddess. What kind of futa could be considered a goddess of the jungle? The thought enters your mind but you are able to shake off the urge and strange thoughts.
Perception check
Its old.
You can see some faint tracks leading in and out of the ruins. They seem like they might be from humans or something similar.
You can make out what seems to be about 5 different set of tracks.
You spot the faintest of language runes atop the entrance of the ruins. They seem scratched out and only half readable.
"Nā Pāʻo... Pāʻ...anaʻ..ā"

The Entrance to the ruins is like black maw, swallowing all light. Most of you can only really make out that the entrance seems to be just a long hallway. Its too dark to see anything else without moving inwards, as the jungle canopy filters out a good amount of light. Although Sharon can see perfectly inside while standing in the entrance. The main hall seems to be choked full of rubble, and there is a hole in the wall towards the end of the hallway, before the rubble. You would need to move inside to see inside the hole...
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HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Uh....it looks like even the trees have been brainwashed. And it even tried to influence my mind...whoever this goddess is, she is strong." Jen mused.

"Spirit of light, take a rest in her weapon." Jen called, touching Kress's blade, making it shine light.


"Lets go inside..there are no other buildings around, or at least something Chirp saw."

"Tracks...around six different sets of them. Don't step on those, we could follow them later."

"Ancient runes...hmm....they *could* be magic."
she pondered

"Spirits of magic reveal yourselfs...."

[Perception: 35, Jen casts light, and detect magic and keeps it open checking for magic around while we explore. First checking the runes.]
Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

Sharon looks at her fellow compatriots with confusion glinting in her eyes. as she looks over to Kress, suddenly blinded! she covers eyes to allow them to recover a moment, she then sees that Kress's sword was glowing with a bright light! I guess that answers my question then... She mused. They must not be able to see in the dark as I can...I'll has to remember that. She places a soft hand on Kress's shoulder and smiles. "It's sweet that you're worried about me, Kress." She can't help but chuckle a little. She found it quite adorable that Kress was worried about her. Sharon ensures her steps are precise as she tiptoes around the tracks that Jen had pointed out.
[Perception: 9+9 = 18]
[Sharon has darkvision up to 60ft as an aasimar]
40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: OoC (+3) AoO: 4
Corruption: M: 0, P: 1 Vulnerabilities: 0
Active Effects: None
Kress asks that Jen put the spell of light on her shield instead of her sword as she readies it, bracing herself for combat. She peers into the dark void, holding her shield in front of her. "I've came close that that already, Arva. One time one of the wagon's wheels broke and mom sent me back to town to get a replacement. I got lost, but managed to find my way. It's part of why mom insisted that all of us knew some wilderness survival techniques."
The half elf waits for Arva to decide a marching order before entering, careful to avoid the footprints on the floor as she looks over them. "Uhm, can anybody find traps? We don't know what surprises are in store within these ruins."

(Kress's shield shines like a torch, providing a 20ft Radius of Normal light and increasing the light level by one step another 20ft beyond that. IE Dark to Dim. and Dim to Normal. Those with Low-Light treat dim light as normal light.)
(Survival to track: 7+7=14)
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Arva Yornheim Tag: DM, all primarly Mood: Punchy, again

"I'll go first. I can find traps." She nodded, confidently, taking the lead whilest heading Jen's advice. She also drew her sword.. and began singing again

(Song of endurance for everyone!)
As you travel into the darkness that was being driven away by Kress's light shield, you approach the end of the hall way, when there is the sound of something snapping. Foomp! A dart comes flying out of the wall towards Arva! In the split second that she has to react, it feels like she isn't going to move out of the way fast enough yet she somehow still makes it, and the dart flies past, bouncing off the other side the hallway! If any of you stop to inspect the dart, it looks like a syringe, filled with some sweet smelling, dark pink liquid.

You reach the end of the hallway where the rubble blocks your path and the hole in the wall opens up. Inside it looks like it was a natural cave that opened up during the past centuries, and was further widened by unnatural means. Looking into it, it looks like it winds slightly downwards and to the left, enough that you can not see the end because of the bend.

[Arva reflex save = success]

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Hmm...we should pick this vial, and bring it back." Jen noted, picking up the dart and storing it away, if no one disagreed.

"Careful, Mistress...it seems to be some kind of poison..." she warned Arva.

"The tracks lead towards the cave..."
Arva Yornheim Tag: DM, all primarly Mood: Punchy, again

"Hoh.. found one of the traps already." She chuckled, her singing slowing down before coming to a sudden finale as the arrow breezed past her.. it wasn't just somehow or some luck.. although it might seem that way to the uninitiated.

"Let see what else I can find." She enthused, continuing on, and restarting her song (3 rounds total used now!)
Deciding to continue down the hole in the wall, instead of clearing the rubble, with the help of Kress's light you see that the footprints starts anew in the dirty ground of the cave, which only goes on for a short while. You soon see a room up ahead, lit with a torch! The second Arva takes a step into the room, she feels a light resistance for a second, before another snapping sound echoes out followed by another Foomp! This time the Skald doesn't manage escape the wrath of the dart, instead it sticks itself into her, with some of it's contents flowing into her!

She starts to feel hot and uncomfortable, needy even, as the quick acting aphrodisiacs took effect. At the same time, she felt something slightly off entering in with the aphrodisiac, yet it doesn't hurt her or feel bad. Instead the the uncomfortable feeling starts to turn to pleasure as her pussy started to drool a little, her head feeling a little foggy.

[Arva takes 6 lewd dmg, and gains corruption! DM's will keep track of how much corruption you gain for now on. It is a hidden stat now :p You can roughly gauge how much corruption you gain by the off feeling you receive.]

The room you entered has smashed barrels and chests scattered around. It looks like it might have served as some supply room in ancient times. Its in a rough pentagon shape, with a short stair case leasing upwards to your right as you exit the cave. With Arva's singing still echoing off the walls of the ruin, it sounds like something is coming from the direction of the stairs!

Roll perception to see if you notice it before it reaches you, and initiative!
Arva Yornheim Tag: Combat Mood: Fighty Tune: Ac: 17 CMD: 18 Hp: 51/51 Buffs: Song of Endurance (1 hour) Init: 17 Raging Song: 15/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 1

".. found another trap.. woah.." Arva declared, before shaking her head slightly.. she felt awfully woozy for a moment.. and more than a little horny... which just ment she had her blade out quicker, twirling it and ready for the fighting, chuckling ever so slightly.

HP: 42/42 Armor Class: 12 (18 with breastplate) Initiative Bonus: +2 CMD: BAB: +3
Active Effects: None Corruption: 0 Vulnerabilities: 0

"Oh..Mist...something is coming from there!" Jen cried in surprise.

"Spirits of the wood, make her skin stronk as barkskin!" she prayed, moving backwards to allow space for the others to pass.

[Perception: 27
Initiative: 19

Surprise round: Casts Barkskin on Arva, 5ft step back/to the side or wherever is needed to make space. If I can't touch Arva I will sent Chirp to deliver it]
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40c78604fef06adfb668affdb2fa46d8.jpg Kress Prihoka
47/47 Armor Class: 24 (Touch: 14, FF: 21, -2 vs Improvised Weapons.)
CMD: 23 (FCMD: 20) Dirty Trick CMD: 21 (FCMD 18)
Fort: 6 Ref: 4 Will: 0 (2 vs Enchantment)
Initative: 11 (8+3) AoO: 4
Active Effects: None

Kress watches Arva Dodge the first dart as they move through the dark ruins, but fail to avoid the second as it injects its contents into the Norsewoman. She braces herself as Jen calls out, then moves up beside Arva if there's room and draws her sword, peering into the dark.
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~
The half-elf braces herself as the ferals rush towards them. Judging from the appearance, it seems that these were once humanoid from the lack of animal traits on them. "Are we spilling blood or holding back?" She asks, swinging her blade at the first one to approach her. "They look like former humanoids, not like those wolves." She states with an educated guess.

(initiative: 8+3=11)
(Perception: 2+9=11)
(Perception 2: 8+9=17)
(Attack: 14+12=24, -4=20 if using Nonlethal. Damage: 4+8=12)
(Remember that Kress can Aid Another as an AoO with an Attack roll vs AC 10 ((Which she can't fail at.)) to give an adj. ally +3 AC. If that isn't enough, she'll take the damage and effects instead for Sharon and Jen.)
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Surprise Round! Only Ferals and who ever gets a perception of 14 and higher can take action!
Sharon -> Feral 5 -> Jen -> Arva -> Feral 1 -> Feral 2-> Kress ->Feral 3 -> Feral 4.
Four heavily corrupted individuals come running down the stairs, each of them with their own corruptions, from one of them having small tentacles coming from their back, to another starting to grow wolf ears, their corruption vary but are all visible to you. Just as visible was the crazed lust in their eyes! They are all carrying what look like crud clubs and cut up leather armor. They charge into the room from the stairs, only making it half way into the room before you all could react!
As soon as they enter the room, Sharon throws a dagger at the very first one to enter the room, and it sinks into its corrupted flesh, eliciting a screech of pain!
Meanwhile, Jen is able to cast per spells on Arva with the help of Chirp.
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Name: Sharon
HP: 34/34 Armor Class: 14 (18 with mithril shirt) Initiative Bonus: +6 CMD: 17
Active Effects: None Vulnerabilities: 0
~~~~ Surprise Acton~~~~~
Sharon sees the first dart fly past Arva as she avoids it. "Oh, that can't be good." She comments as she looks back at Arva to see the second dart hit her and the effects take place. "That's even less good..." She says deflatedly. Before she can get lost in her thoughts she sees the four corrupted creatures head straight for her party! She hears Kress call out as she throws a dagger at the closest humanoid to the party. "I don't know nor do I care right now!" She cries out as she pulls out her shortsword.
[Perception: 8+9=17]
[Initiative: 19+6=25]
[Dagger Attack: 6+7=13]
[Damage: (d4) 2]
~~~~~~ Round 1 Action!~~~~~~~~
She charges into the room and swings her sword at the first corrupted being she sees.
[Attack: 4+8=12]
[Damage: (d6) 3]
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Arva Yornheim Tag: Combat Mood: Fighty Tune: Ac: 19 CMD: 18 Hp: 51/51 Buffs: Barkskin, Song of Endurance (1 hour) Init: 17 Raging Song: 15/19 Spells used: Grade 1: 2 Grade 2: 1

Arva tilted her head at Kress' Suggestion, whilest looking down her arms, flexing the wooden coating upon them ever so slightly. "Kress is right. There is no reason to create a bloodbath here..

There is also no reason NOT to have a bloodbath, though, is there?... ONLY IN WAR ARE WE TRULY FAITHFUL!"
She declared, readying her blade. "Break them if they dare challenge us!" She laughed, taunting the first of the feral women that came close enough.
"Come and strike me, feeble thing!"

(Suprise round perception fail, so acting when I'm allowed to act, with an attack on whoever attacked Arva/is closest.

Attack for 25, 17 damage total.)